Sunday, March 21, 2010

3 Secret Tricks For Boxing Fitness And A Special Bonus Posted By : Rahim Jiwani

MMA workouts and a boxing fitness workout will tone your entire-body fast. Mixed martial arts and boxing are widely becoming known as the top way to total health, fitness and strength.

Boxers and martial artists are among the strongest and most conditioned athletes in the world. Boxing fitness routines and boxing exercise allows you to gain strength, tone your muscles, blowtorch body fat and build endurance. And... you learn a new skill in the process!

But boxing fitness and MMA for fitness aren't just about heavy bag routines...This is what most people think. In fact, many fitness boxing gyms don't use heavy bags for their aerobic workouts. A heavy bag workout is just the beginning...

Many men and women today are using boxing fitness & boxing exercise to develop the physique they have always envisioned...Why? Because boxing fitness gets guaranteed results.

Start making some serious progress toward your fitness goals starting today...

I'm going to give you a boxing fitness workout composed of 3 boxing exercise secrets and a special bonus. You can to do these boxing fitness drills anywhere.

Boxing Fitness Exercise Secret 1: Start with a warm up. Warm ups are underrated and often overlooked - yet they're important. Take a jump rope and skip for 5 minutes. Use the balls of your feet to jump (this will workout your calves), rotate the rope with your wrists and go hard. Once you master the jump rope, skip by shifting from one foot to another. The warm up will set you up to get super ripped and maximize the boxing fitness routines.

Boxing Fitness Exercise Secret 2: Jumping jacks, squats and boxer stretches. Do 25 jumping jacks and 25 squats (no weight). Make sure it's quick and intense. Then stretch your legs, triceps and shoulders for 1 minute. For your triceps, put your hand over shoulder and push elbow down with opposite hand. To stretch the hamstring, bend at waist and touch your feet with hands. For shoulders and lats, put your arm across your chest and push down and pull forward at elbow with opposite hand. Do this total sequence 3 times.

Boxing Fitness Exercise Secret 3: Bend your knees slightly with feet shoulder width apart. Step forward with your right foot and bring it back. Then step forward with your left foot and bring it back. When you step forward with your right (left) foot, throw your left (right) hand forward. Practice this until you've got the rhythm for high intensity. Do three sets that are three minutes each.

As a special free bonus...Once you've got this sequence mastered, start throwing lots of jabs when you take that step forward with the Secret #3 exercise. Left, right, left, right. Switch your punches up and work on the lead hook. Make sure you're twisting your upper body here.

Now throw uppercuts when you step forward. The uppercut workout is one of the best for boxing fitness strength training. This boxing exercise involves your entire upper body. As you step forward (and you knees are bent) bring in your elbow (of punching arm) into your hip. Lunge your hips and push your punch upward. Be sure to keep your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle or greater.

Boxing exercise in intervals and with high intensity is the key to lightening fast results...

Be sure that whenever you are doing intense reps, take a 1 minute break between your sets.

Make sure during rest times you actually take a full rest. Sit down, hydrate, relax. Just like a boxer would in his corner. You want to be 100% in your fitness boxing routines while doing these boxing exercises.

If you follow my 3 boxing exercise secrets you'll notice strength, toning and fitness gains within 7 days. The biggest benefit of boxing exercise for most people is that you'll reach your fitness goals, learn a new skill and gain a lot of confidence.

There are many strategies for developing the physique you have always envisioned. But nothing else makes sense once you learn about MMA & boxing fitness. Discover real 'secrets' of the top MMA & boxing pro athlete trainers for lightening fast strength and conditioning results. Sign up right now for the FREE "Unparalleled Fitness" newsletter. To find out exactly how to do that go here:

Risk Factors and Causes of Snoring and Sleep Apnea Posted By : Michael G Thompson

For the majority of people, the most peaceful and restorative time of the day is supposedly when we sleep. Unfortunately this is not true for those that suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. Their apneic events, which occur when there are breath pauses, can wake them up hundreds of time a night, disrupting what should be a continuous night's sleep. Not all people are aware of the reasons why this disorder occurs, and there are several reasons for it, which makes it all the harder for sufferers to get the correct medical attention to treat the problem. Treatment is very necessary, but it starts with understanding the risk factors and causes of obstructive sleep apnea.


- Problems in the airway. Obstructive sleep apnea results from an obstruction in the airways which is caused by certain problems related to the airway. These can include the upper and lower jaws, tonsils, soft palate, tongue, and throat muscles.

Over-relaxed throat muscles and tongue in some cases can cause the problem. This because when a person normally sleeps their muscles will relax, but if suffering from the condition the throat muscles and tongue relax more than normal, resulting in a narrowing of the airway, which causes apneic events.

Enlarged or collapsed palate and tonsils can also cause the problem.

- Structural abnormalities. If a person suffers from anatomical abnormalities there is a greater possibility that they will experience obstructive sleep apnea. For example, the size of the airway may be affected by the shape of the head and neck. A thicker neck may signify a narrower airway and a large tongue and enlarged tonsils may also have a detrimental effect on the passage of air. There are also structural abnormalities in the jaw, nose, and mouth that appear in people with craniofacial syndromes, which makes them more likely to suffer from the disorder. Roughly 50% of those with Down Syndrome, for example, experience obstructive sleep apnea largely due to decreased muscle tone, a comparatively large tongue, and narrower nasopharynx.

- Obesity. It has been shown in studies that obesity plays an important part in the development of obstructive sleep apnea because fatty cells have a tendency to gather together and clog the tissues of the throat, and by so doing cause the airway to narrow. It has been proven that obese people suffering with sleep apnea, tend to have more pressure on their airway which results in yet more obstruction.

Risk Factors

- Being Male. Unfortunately for the male population, the disorder is more likely to occur amongst men although women can be predisposed after menopause. Statistically it has been shown that one out of fifty middle-aged women, compared to one out of 25 middle-aged men suffer from the problem.

- Old age. Although children and adolescents may have the disorder, those over the age of 65 are between two or three time more likely to develop it.

- Use of alcohol, sedatives, and cigarettes. Alcohol and sedatives relax the muscles and by so doing narrow the airway. As smoking tends to cause inflammation in the upper airways and again narrows the airways, smokers are three time more likely to suffer from the disorder.

- Family history. Sleep apnea tends to run in the family. Therefore those with family members suffering from the condition should be more careful to avoid the risks.

- Snoring. Although snoring can indicate the existence of obstructive sleep apnea, chronic snoring in some cases is said to cause apneic events. The frequent vibration caused by snoring can cause the soft palate to stretch which in turn can lead to an increased possibility of it collapsing. A person that snores however should not be automatically considered as a candidate for the disorder, as snoring should not be regarded as a sole factor, although it should be considered alongside other risk factors.

Everyone needs a good night's sleep to enable us to carry on the following day. If you think you may be suffering from Sleep Apnea you owe it to yourself and those around you to look into ways of dealing with the condition. I would advise you to checkout the information. You have nothing to lose except another sleepless night, so check it out.

Best Scar Removal Overview Posted By : Dan Van


Scars are often crucial key signal every time a wound or laceration has relieved so are highly curable with the appropriate information. Scars form during the skin's process of recovery whenever multiple layers of the skin happen to be damaged. It do not manifest as often in more radiant people for the reason that skin cells divide faster to fill out the wound area. Scars on most places in the body are usually treated with lasers, can feel bothersome, but what's promising is that they are probably not there forever. Scars can lead to ways. It spoil your overall appearance and must be treated with caution and care. Scars are marks along the body that happen to be there as a consequence of of skin damage or stretching of your skin does appear from skin damage particularly acne, surgery, or operations. Acne scars are usually essentially the most detrimental and cannot be removed or cured completely, but you'll find various ways to reduce the size and improve the texture.


Quite possibly the most common care is chemical peels, vascular anti aging laser treatment, filler injections, subscision and dermabrasion. So far as a scar treatment cream goes, I should say you can find many products along the lines of honey, cucumber, aloe vera and lemon juice that could trigger impressive results. Laser treatments is usually expensive; choosing a doctor for one's procedure really should not be taken lightly or based solely about the price. Be careful of any practitioner who seems eager to sign you up without explaining the process and its risks, but some doctors are only out for your money. Choose an experienced clinic and then ask about payment plan options, or discounts available for purchasing multiple treatments. Selecting a clinic for your treatment really should be taken as seriously just as if you were picking a surgeon to get a more serious procedure. Lots of individuals run across sensation of laser facial treatment to be much like a rubber band snapping against the skin. Also, you may need more treatments to get rid of a substantial scar than the usual smaller one.

Natural treatments

An example of the best scar removal is natural treatments this really is an effective to start the recovery process of a scar. One of many best scar removal is Vitamin e antioxidant This is one of the highest recommended scar treatments that can be done at home. Fresh lemon juice for scars this natural home cure works especially well for dark scars since fresh lemon juice gives natural bleaching agent. Also Natural aloe-vera is most effective used as a preventative agent and not just solely a scar removal agent. The Shea butter this would leave your skin feeling really soft and smooth, and you can leave it on after application. Another good example of natural home remedy is the Cocoa butter this is a pale-yellow vegetable fat extracted from the cacao bean. Natural scar home remedies will give you results, but, you will need to use a large amount of effective ingredients as possible.

Consider your options to find out the best scar removal option for your particular budget and situation. While the best scar removal remedy will depend on variables including your precise kind of scar, there are many universal guidelines that might help you find the best scar cure.

The best way to determine the best scar removal products to promptly eliminate a lot of skin damage visit us at

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bottle Water Cooler Helping People Stay Healthier By Drinking More Water Posted By : sunbeamirc

If you are considering adding a bottled water dispenser to a home or office, there are a few features that you should consider before you make your decision. You may be familiar with the plastic dispenser with colored knobs to dispense water. These dispensers have a five gallon jug turned upside down on top of them to provide the filtered water that has been delivered by truck.

In shopping for water dispensers today, you will find dispensers that will hide the bottle or water as well as those which do not require a water bottle. The dispensers without a bottle are actually a self contained water filtration device. Ether type of dispenser may offer features such as hot or cold water on tap at all times.

If you choose a dispenser with cold water, you may find that the feature is very useful. Cups or water bottles can be filled and do not need ice. Near boiling water works great for instant soup, hot tea or cocoa. It keeps users from having to heat water for these choices.

As said earlier, bottleless water dispensers are onsite water filtration systems. With bottled water, the water is filtered at a processing plant and kept in the bottles until you use it. Either process works well to remove the contaminates from your water and give you better tasting water.

In the office, many employees appreciate the effort to help them get enough water to drink that does not have a chlorine taste. Workers that have enough to drink are more productive than those who do not drink enough water during the day. By providing a dispenser, the employees do not have to bring their own bottled water to work. Addition of hot or cold water makes the dispenser even more useful to the employees.

In your home you may choose a dispenser made of stainless steel, wood, pottery or even custom made to fit perfectly with your decor. You will find dispensers that are available for rent from water delivery services. Units may be purchased at many warehouse member stores or online.

There are several things to consider as you choose between the bottle or bottleless dispenser.

To prevent running out of water you must purchase the correct amount of water each week. Since deliveries only come about once per week, if you do not order enough water, you can run out before the week is up. If you order too much water, storage can be a problem, as you must store both empty and full bottles of water. The only required maintenance is to clean the dispenser on occasion.

The dispensers without bottles do not require the storage area. They are connected to your homes plumbing and filter tap water to give it a great taste. Installation may require that you have the assistance of a plumber. You will be required to change filters on occasion and must clean the reservoir regularly. However, as long as you keep the filter changed, you will always have all the water that you need for your home.

Looking for a refreshing way to quench your thirst? A bottled water dispenser will save you money while giving your family or office fresh, clean water. A bottle water cooler will give you fresh water whenever you need it!

Feed the machine- Your body needs calories to survive Posted By : Jason Yun

If one of your goals for 2010 is to lose some weight, you're not alone. Thousands of people just like you are about to jump on the health and fitness bandwagon.

If there's one thing most people don't understand about weight loss, it's hunger. Failing to understand your own hunger can doom you to fail at your weight-loss efforts as well.

Let's explore the topic of hunger. Many diet books and "experts" recommend eating several small meals throughout the day to control your hunger and your portion sizes. But does it really work? It does if you make sure you're eating enough! Some people start on a weight-loss or fat-loss plan and still feel hungry even though they are eating five or more times a day. Why does this happen? It happens because portion sizes are way too small! Each of your small meals should control your hunger for the next 2-4 hours.

It's very important to know how many calories you're consuming per day, per meal, per snack. Calories are energy! Calories are very important. If you have ever fasted for a day you know what it feels like. Without enough of them, your energy slowly fades away.

Calories fuel your body's important functions. Whether or not you realize it, your body is constantly at work, allowing you to walk, to talk, to move, to work out at boot camp, and even to rest and repair yourself.

Without enough calories (energy), your body won't function as smoothly. Your metabolism will slow down and your immune system will weaken. You will start to feel like crap and get very tired, and possibly sick.

Cutting calories will make you lose weight?but your body pays too great a price. You lose water and muscle, and you don't burn fat throughout the day. You will actually be more likely to hold on to fat and try and produce more to help your body survive.

You don't want to make your body pay this price! Instead, you want to be a fat-burning machine. You want to feel good, to be strong, to remain vibrant and healthy, and to have a positive air about you.

You won't get this by eating small portions and being hungry during the day. When you feel hungry, it's because your body is telling you it needs more energy! When you "diet," you force yourself to ignore this signal. However, you will only feel worse if you do.

Treat your body right. Listen to it, control your hunger, and give yourself the energy you need to be healthy.

Here's a list of four important Do's when it comes to hunger and portion control: when you feel hungry. Eat protein and fiber-rich foods to fill up faster and stay full longer.

DO...remember that 1,200 calories or fewer do not provide enough energy for any normal-sized adult.

DO...satisfy your hunger. Don't overeat and don't undereat. On a scale of 1 to 10, keep your hunger at a 5. This means you are able to function and have energy to give. A ten means you are stuffed and uncomfortable and don't want to move. A one means you are painfully hungry with headaches, nausea, or dizziness. breakfast like a king. Unless you are working out first thing in the morning, a small breakfast won't provide you with enough energy, especially after a long fasting (sleeping) period. Treat your body with respect, and your body will respect you back. Give it the energy it deserves!

Yun Fitness Bootcamps is the premier bootcamp in Columbus, OH. To register for your 2-week try out go to . To book him to speak at your local Columbus organization please contact him by email at or by phone at 614-432-9703. He is always looking for teams and organizations looking for help with fundraising.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Three Good Reasons to Consider the Beachbody Fitness Programs Posted By : Brian Murray

Are you concerned about your physical fitness levels or weight? If so, you're not alone! And if you are thinking about getting back into shape or taking your workout routine to the next challenging level, there are many reasons why you should consider the Beachbody fitness programs and supplements. Before you turn away assuming that this is just like any other fitness program and that supplements aren't for you, why not consider three good reasons to think about the Beachbody fitness programs.

One reason is the range of programs and supplements they have. If you're looking to lose weight fast, Beachbody offers a Slim in 6 program that is specifically designed to jumpstart your workout program for maximum results in minimum time, without sacrificing your safety in the process! As a matter of fact, all Beachbody programs are designed by personal trainers that are very skilled and who know how to get results without putting your safety in jeopardy, unlike some programs that recommend fasting or extreme workouts that cause you to lose water weight or muscle mass. Their Turbo Jam program is also designed for the best results in minimum time, with a combination of kickboxing, body sculpting, and dance moves. This combination also means it's fun to keep up with it, another advantage of the Beachbody programs! You're not likely to get bored when you follow the Turbo Jam or the Slim in 6 program.

Another reason to consider the Beachbody programs is that you can find specific programs you're looking for, whether it's targeting your abs or burning fat or building muscle - and all are challenging programs but easy to follow as well. Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer, a favorite of Beachbody enthusiasts, is designed to maximize your fat burning experience in just those few minutes. And his P90X will help you to get the muscle tone you're looking for in just 90 days, guaranteed! So if it's your abs or just all over fat burning, you're going to find something for you with the Beachbody programs.

And the last reason to consider the Beachbody programs and supplements is that while they're designed to help you lose weight and build muscle, they're also designed to keep you healthy overall. Their supplements are specifically designed to work in harmony with their routines and programs so that you preserve muscle while losing fat. The Beachbody supplements can be used as a meal replacement but many are also designed to speed up your metabolism and support your exercise programs. This means your weight loss and fitness goals will be reached without sacrificing health or safety. All of the Beachbody programs have been proven to be successful and all have been designed by fitness experts, unlike other programs that are produced by celebrities with no real training in the fields of fitness and health. With these programs, you're guaranteed to lose weight and to keep it off without sacrificing your overall health and safety as well!

You should not be embarrassed about wanting to get into better shape. You can shed those pounds with proven workouts like P90X and Turbo Jam!

Quick Tips to Maximize Your Cardio Workout Posted By : Brian Murray

Who doesn't want the maximum benefits possible from a cardio workout? The time you spend at the gym or on your home treadmill is precious; it's time you take away from friends and family and more enjoyable hobbies. Which means of course you want to get the most out of it! What's the point of following through with a cardio workout at all if you don't get any benefits from that workout or aren't getting the maximum benefits you can? Unfortunately some do seem to go through routine after routine and yet still see no weight loss or notice they're still gaining weight. So how can you maximize your cardio workout so that you burn the most calories and lose the most weight, or maintain the weight you have now? Here are some simple tips to remember.

First, remember that if you do the same cardio workout over and over again you may be training the same muscles, so they become toned and therefore don't work as hard each time. This means the same cardio workout will burn fewer and fewer calories over time. A good way around this is to mix up your routine with different equipment and with weight training as well. Add in a Pilates routine or try an elliptical trainer if you always just use a treadmill. Dust off your bicycle and go for a long ride rather than walking all the time. If you do walk, increase the pace so you're really pushing yourself. These things will make your cardio workout more challenging overall and therefore you'll lose more weight as well. Your body will burn more calories each time and your metabolism will increase.

Also, it's good to do what you can to help out your cardio workout. Do you lift weights or try any resistance training? If not, it's time to try it as building muscle will increase your metabolism as well. The body works harder to support muscles than it does fat, constantly feeding and nourishing them. That means you burn more calories even when at rest when you have more muscle mass or tone, so add in resistance training to your cardio workout. There's no need to think you should look like a bodybuilder or go overboard in this direction, but just fifteen to twenty minutes of resistance training a few times per week can really help to maximize your routine.

Supplements can also help your cardio workout. Green tea has been shown to increase your metabolism, as does chromium. These can help you to get the maximum benefits from any cardio workout routine. You can also try protein supplements since they will help to build muscle which in turn can rev up your metabolism. There are many ways you can maximize your cardio workout routine if you take care to do just that. So don't give up even if you're not getting the most benefit quite yet; just do what you can to improve and you're sure to have success!

You should not be embarrassed about wanting to get into better shape. You can shed those pounds with proven workouts like P90X and Insanity!