Sunday, March 14, 2010

Forget About Angular Cheilitis With This Simple Treatments Posted By : Dennis Allegro

There are so many reasons that can be listed, on why anyone with Angular Cheilitis would want to have it healed as soon as possible. It is not because the disease is deadly. Being contagious also, is not a factor. Most of all, it causes too much pain even with little movements. Also, the person who has Angular Cheilitis not only suffers physically, but also with social life. But don't worry because there are cures for this disease.

First of all, chapped lips considered to be the visible symptom of Angular Cheilitis, should be taken care of. Applying a paraffin-based lotion or cream in the affected area helps.

Next thing to do is, meeting up with a doctor who will be able to prescribe medicines or suggest treatment methods that can bring your mouth back to it's original shape and contour. The drugs that are prescribed usually are:

1. Ketoconazole - This drug is anti-fungal and are available at pharmacy outlets with names as Nizoral, Mycelex, and Monista. This drug alters the cell wall of the fungi, which causes damage to the affected person. This eventually leads to the damage and then destruction of the fungi.

2. Nystatin - The names commonly used to refer it is Mycolog, Mycostatin, and Nilstat. An anti-biotic, it works to fight the infections caused by the fungi or it's sub-classes. Typical prescription would allow the patient to take this orally three to five times daily. It's OK to use the drug several times a day, as the drug is not harmful and does not contain side-effects. Based on your preference, you can get it as liquid/tablet.

3. Triazole - This can be bought as Fluconazole and Itraconazole at commercial outlets. Itraconazole should be taken for a long period of time at a regular pace, even for as long as three months, until the laboratory results would show a negative on the fungus. Fluconazole can be in tablet or liquid form and should be taken once a day for several weeks.

angular cheilitis

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