Thursday, January 28, 2010

Rhytidectomy Reality: Who is a Candidate for the Facelift Procedure? Posted By : Daniel Beasley

The facelift procedure is designed to counteract the effects of gravity, sun damage, genetics, and other factors that contribute to visible aging in the face. As part of the natural aging process, the skin in the face and neck relaxes, losing its elasticity, and wrinkling. You may notice crow's feet at the corners of the eyes, deep lines in the forehead, or drooping cheeks or jowls. A facelift can set the clock back, making you look refreshed, rejuvenated, and more youthful.

Ideal candidates for the facelift procedure are women or men who have noticed signs of aging in their face. These signs may include a range of features, such as deep lines from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth (nasolabial folds), a less defined jawline, sagging of the cheeks, deep wrinkles, and other visible effects of aging.

Besides the appearance of the face, there are additional factors to consider when making the decision to undergo a facelift. The outcome depends on the degree of sun-related damage and whether you are a smoker; both can result in less impressive results than might be possible with other candidates. Ideal patients for a facelift are in good overall health and at a healthy weight, with a minimum of fatty deposits in the face and neck area. It is also recommended that candidates for a facelift be in an appropriate mental and psychological state; facelift is considered a fairly major surgery, and should not be performed on anyone who is in a fragile mental or medical state.

Skin type and skin elasticity also play a role, as those with more elastic skin will find that it responds better to the changes created during a facelift. Because the skin loses elasticity as we age, ideal candidates are usually in their forties and fifties, although this procedure can also be performed on older patients. Patients with very thick or very thin skin may be poor candidates for a facelift. The underlying bone structure also affects the possible outcome; a weak underlying bone structure may not provide the support necessary for more drastic results. Before choosing to undergo this procedure, you should have a realistic idea of the type of results you can expect.

Considering plastic surgery? Cosmetic procedures such as facelift, breast augmentation, and liposuction can improve your self-confidence and enhance your everyday life. Talk to a plastic surgeon to find out which surgical procedures or non-invasive treatments are right for you.

Facelift Questions: Find Answers to Common Facial Plastic Surgery Concerns Posted By : Daniel Beasley

When you start to age, the skin around your face and neck can become saggy. In fact, saggy skin is one of the primary reasons that you appear to age as you do. Many people turn to a form of cosmetic surgery known as a facelift to help alleviate lines and wrinkles on their face and give themselves a look that resembles their youth. If you have considered getting a facelift, here are answers to several frequently asked questions about the facelift procedure.

Q: What is a facelift for?

A: Facelift surgery is designed to tighten your skin, which starts to sag as you age due to degeneration of cells and proteins.

Q: How does a facelift work?

A: A surgeon will make an incision near your temples and behind your ears. They will then remove some of the excess fat, move tissues, tighten muscles, and then pull the skin back, resulting in smoother skin and a younger appearance.

Q: How effective is a facelift?

A: Facelifts are very effective. They tighten the skin for a long period of time and, while they have risks, they are one of the safest and more successful cosmetic surgery procedures.

Q: How long does a facelift last?

A: The duration of a facelift’s effects varies depending on lifestyle. Generally healthy people will find that their facelifts last an average of about 10 years. Smokers and those with skin that has been damaged by the elements will have the effects of their facelift wear away after approximately 4 to 6 years, depending on the degree of damage.

Q: How safe is a facelift?

A: All surgeries have risks, and the same holds true for facelift safety. Scarring, infection and tissue or nerve damage is always a risk, though it will be minimized with proper care. In rare instances, tissue death, hematoma, and hair loss can occur. Also, all surgeries run the risk of allergies to both anesthesia and pain medication.

Q: What do you need to know before getting a facelift?

A: It is important that you understand all of the risks associated with surgery, and have discussed them with your doctor. You also should not smoke a week before or three weeks after the surgery due to risks with clotting, infection, and the healing process.

Q: How much does a facelift cost?

A: Facelift prices vary depending on the type of procedure. Minor procedures are around $3,000 to $5,000, while full facelifts are roughly $8,000, but can be as high as $15,000 or more.

Depending on your goals, plastic surgery can produce subtle results or completely transform your appearance. If you are considering facelift, tummy tuck, or breast implants, speak with a plastic surgeon to find out what to expect before, during, and after your procedure.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Discover Why You Need to Cure Your Intestinal Yeast Infection As Soon As Possible Posted By : Jacob Sikais

There is a little amount of yeast in each of our bodies. Occurring in small populations, they are usually harmless to the body. However, they may affect bodily functions if the body cannot control their population and they increase in numbers. They are present in the different parts of the body, especially in moist and humid cavities like the mouth, the esophagus, the intestinal tract, the bladder and the pubic region. The yeast and the fungus may even cause more severe infections if not treated. Yeast infection, a fungal infection, is called candidiasis.

If normal and healthy, people will not develop candidiasis such as intestinal yeast infection. Yeast is prevented from growing by the body's immune system and microorganism like natural bacteria in the body. If your body and immune system weakens, you may develop yeast infections. This is why people with diabetes have a higher chance of getting yeast infection.

Fungi of the Candida species frequent the oral and intestinal cavities. This is why once a person develops systemic yeast infection, the intestine becomes an affected area. Once a person develops intestinal yeast infection, it may cause several effects. First of all, the yeast and fungi would most likely wrap themselves all across the intestinal walls. They thrive by eating off the walls of the digestive tract. Their increased presence will definitely leave you feeling tired and without energy. Since they feed off the walls, you don't get enough nutrition from the food you eat. They also block off your digestive walls from taking in the nutrition besides competing with your body. Besides impairing your digestion, it may spread to other parts of your body.

Why and how does this happen? One reason for yeast and fungal growth is the use of antibiotics. Using antibiotics kills bacteria. And it does not only kill the targeted culprit but also the other friendly bacteria in the intestines. Once these other bacteria are lost, the intestines become more prone of yeast and fungal growth.

If this persists and the fungi and the yeast are not eradicated, it can result in severe cases. Luckily, there are natural treatments that may be done to kill the fungi and the yeast and to regain the balance. You may try taking some anti-fungal pills though often it does not completely remedy the problem. Eating yoghurt and other drinks with bacteria such as lactobacilli would help regain the balance of good bacteria and to counter intestinal yeast infection. You should also stay away from sugar or sweet stuff and red meat since they create an intestinal environment that yeast like.

As a daily regimen you can create an tonic drink made from a mix of honey and apple cider vinegar. There are numerous herbs that may be powdered or drank as tea that would help cure you of your yeast infection. Cranberry juice and sauce is also great for combating candidiasis. Herbs such as sage, goldenseal root and raspberry leaf may be made into an anti-yeast tea.

For a limited time you may download a FREE report on yeast infection remedies, before the price is raised back up to the original asking price of $39.95 USD... cure intestinal yeast infection today!

The Impact of Heat on Sleep Posted By : Marc Richardson

If you aren't sleeping well, then you may want to think about the temperature inside of your bedroom. Ideally, a bedroom should be cool at all times. While many people often crank up the heat inside of a bedroom area, too much heat can actually lead to a night filled with restless sleep.

A decrease in body temperature automatically leads to drowsiness. Therefore, any room filled with a massive amount of heat will not help you sleep. Interestingly, various studies have shown that insomniacs tend to have a higher core temperature before (and during) a sleep cycle.

When the temperature inside of your bedroom is too high, your body will constantly struggle to bring down your internal temperature. As a result, any possibility of restful sleep instantly turns into a night filled with nightmares, and constant tossing.

You can attempt to reduce the temperature inside of you room by adjusting your thermostat. In addition, open your bedroom window in order to allow fresh air to seep into your room. If you live in a cold climate, opening your window a crack will do the trick.

Also, never underestimate the power of top-quality bed sheets. Bed sheets that do not breathe (polyester, satin, sateen) will suffocate your body - just think of these sheets like shrink-wrap for your skin. Contrastingly, sheets that are made from natural fibers will help to regulate your body temperature all night long.

There are many different natural materials to choose from, but only one material will actually help to cool your body down. Bamboo bed sheets are relatively new to the market, but these sheets are quickly gaining in popularity.

Bamboo bed sheets actually adjust to your body's temperature. When this occurs, more air is allowed to pass between the sheets and your body. When you couple the advantages of bamboo bed sheets with the right room temperature, the result is a cool combination.

Even though bamboo sheets are a new invention, they prove to be a promising new breakthrough within the world of sleep. If you are amongst the millions of people that wake up each morning feeling groggy and tired, then you may want to think about making some of the changes mentioned above.

Sleep is an essential part of life. Unfortunately, most people never bother to understand the science behind sleep. Before you go to sleep tonight, open your window, lower the temperature inside of your room, and look into cooling bamboo bed sheets. When you follow these simple steps, your mornings will take on a whole new (wide-awake) look.

Sleep Bamboo produces luxurious eco-friendly, hypoallergenic bed sheets made from 100% bamboo fibres. For more information about the environmental and health benefits of bamboo, please visit our Bamboo Bed Sheets website.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Natural Skincare Product Market Future Posted By : Moms Skincare

Natural skin care offers a bright future for those who embrace it, although there are many analyst who believe the road ahead may be unknown. The large growth of natural skin care products in the beauty product market primarily stems from consumers want a safer alternative to many synthetic based skin care products. Several cosmetic chemists have spoken out that even though some of these synthetic skin care ingredients are altered they still are derived from a natural source. However the majority of synthetics undergo chemical processing which will alter the natural skin care ingredient beyond the point of return to its natural state. As processing continues to progress perhaps there will be advancements in the altercation process.

Another large road block in the natural skincare product market is the lack of natural ingredients. Because these natural skin care ingredients are grown it suggests that if the demand continues to grow the potential supply of natural skin care ingredients could become limited. This is especially the case in organic skin care ingredients which make up a portion of the overall natural skin care product market. The good news with many of these organic skincare ingredients is they are grown relatively easily and are abundant. However there are some ingredients like organic rose oil which will becomes a prime commodity and highly sought after because of their uniqueness, limited availability globally, and challenges in cultivation.

The final major factor in the natural skin care product market is preservation. Although several companies suggest they are 100% natural, many use a small portion of naturally altered ingredients to allow for longer shelf life. Basic organic chemistry will answer a simple question of how long shelf life can be expected with a water based product. Most will claim you are limited to 6 months with a water based natural skin care product that uses natural skin care preservative systems like grapefruit seed extract. The other option is to use a gel based natural skin care product. The gel does limit your exposure to bacterial, fungi and other spoiling agents found in all water. However gel based natural skin care production can get costly and greatly affect the consistency of the final natural skin care product.

Time will tell what the natural skin care product market will be. If large beauty product companies continue to develop natural skin care products the outlook is very promising. Consumers will be offered new natural skin care products with the latest production techniques and the most advanced research behind their development. Today, the natural skin care product market is consistently introducing new products like organic sunscreen, herbal anti aging products, natural body lotion, and natural baby skin care products.

Contact Moms Skincare For Natural Skincare Products

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Natural Skincare Benefit Posted By : Moms Skincare

There are toxins all around us in the world today. People are becoming more and more conscious of where they go, what they eat, and the things they are exposed to. The rage over organic and natural skincare products like natural body lotion, herbal anti aging facial masks, natural body wash, and organic baby lotion isn’t really a rage at all. People are simply learning that using synthetic lotion chemicals will probably result in our bodies absorbing elements we weren’t supposed to absorb. Learning how our bodies work and why we should avoid certain synthetic ingredients will help promote overall well-being and a more healthy society.

Skin is our first barrier of defense from the outside world not to mention the largest organ of our body. It is made up of several layers (dermis, epidermis, and subcutaneous tissue). These layers work together by utilizing different types of cells, which create a semi-waterproof layer of tissues highly concentrated with blood vessels. This simple factor allows us to release and absorb substances to regulate our bodies based on the environment we are exposed to.

This is the key to understanding why using an organic and natural skincare product is so significant. The types of ingredients skin care products are made up of will dictate what becomes absorbed quickly, what won’t be absorbed and what may clog the absorption process. Most essential oils have a relatively small molecular mass so they are absorbed quickly. However many synthetic ingredients also have a small molecular mass meaning they will be absorbed into the skin and blood stream right away also. As for some of the heavier oils like almond, olive, and coconut oil which make up the majority of crèmes and natural lotions, they are higher in molecular mass resulting in a slower absorption rate which it ultimately leaves your skin feeling soft and lubricated several hours after the application. Some ingredients like Zinc are not absorbed at all and will sit on top of the skin and act as a physical barrier.

It is important to understand how our skin works and why using natural skincare products will help us in the long run. The more natural and organic a lotion or crème is the more our bodies will be able to absorb and break down the ingredients for overall use in a natural way. Ultimately, preventing synthetic substances from entering our blood stream will help to prevent unwanted chemical reactions commonly associated with toxins. Remember using natural skincare products like natural body lotion, herbal anti aging facial masks, natural body wash, and organic baby lotion is always helpful.

Contact Moms Skincare For Natural Skincare Products

Mental Health and Psychology Posted By : David McEvoy

No one knows exactly what causes depression as there isn't a single identifiable cause. What is known is that genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors can all play a role in triggering a mental health problem in some individuals.

Certainly there are some groups of people who appear to be more at risk than others and this includes the long term sick and disabled, the elderly, the homeless, people in lower socio-economic groups or who live in poor housing, those who are dependent on drugs and alcohol, and those who are in prison.

The thing is, just because you fit into one of these groups doesn't mean you are likely to develop a mental health problem any more than it means that those who don't won't. Depression and other problems affecting mental health don't discriminate against anyone.

This of course means we cannot predict in advance with any certainty who will or who won't develop a mental health problem in the future.

How is depression treated?

The most common way of treating depression is by administering anti-depressant medication or referral for some form of psychotherapy or even a combination of both. Given the fact that anti-depressant medication often carries unpleasant side effects, many people would prefer a non-drug approach to their treatment if it's at all possible and in many cases it is. Indeed, psychotherapy is rapidly gaining recognition as a highly effective treatment for depression.

What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy covers a whole range of psychological techniques used to treat depression and other mental health problems. For any form of psychotherapy to be effective, it is vital that the environment is conducive to open discussion and that there is a sense of trust between the therapist and the individual

What happens during a psychotherapy session is that a trained therapist works with the individual, or sometimes a group, to try and understand what the underlying issues are that may be contributing to their mental health problems.

There are also many different approaches adopted by psychotherapists, however, an increasingly common approach recommended by doctors today is cognitive behaviour therapy. Cognitive behaviour therapy focuses on an individual's behaviour, beliefs, and ways of thinking.

It will often identify any negative thought or behaviour patterns that are not helpful to the individual. By encouraging them to talk openly about how they feel and exploring possible reasons for why they think and behave in a certain way, it is often possible to find coping strategies and new ways of overcoming their difficulties.

Depression and anxiety are serious mental health conditions that can strike anyone at anytime. For more information about depression and self help please come and visit our site.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Chiropractic Treatments for Flu Season Posted By : keystone

It is the idea that diseases are due to specific microorganisms, which are capable of transmitting from body to body. Most of us have fallen for this notion for it is so widely understood to be so. It maybe time for us to think again.

A pandemic spread though European countries during the middle ages known as the Black Plague. This pandemic was far worse than any pandemic that we have seen in this era and it took the lives of about 1/3 of the European population (approximately 25 million people). But what I would like to make light of is not the fact that 1/3 of the population died, but to the fact that the other 2/3 of the population survived. More often than not, those who survived lived underneath the same households as the victim, shared the same meals across the same family table. I ask you, why didn’t they “catch” the disease? Why did they live? Maybe, they were just lucky?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting that the disease itself did not exist; it is clearly well documented and is seen as one of the deadliest pandemics in human history. But what I am arguing is the validity of the “germ theory of disease” itself, the overriding ideas in many people’s minds is that the exposure to a germ almost always equals disease, but realistically is that the case? The germ, be it a virus or bacteria, might very well be the agent of disease, but the underlying cause is more complex than simply that. If that was indeed the case, as chiropractic developer B.J. Palmer stated, “…there wouldn’t be anybody around to tell you about it!” If our bodies can be kept whole and healthy, then the germs, which we come into contact with everyday, would have no consequence.

So I ask you, what would you think if the foundation on which the entire medical model stands is flawed? What if the notion of the “germ theory” is not as black and white as we were once lead to believe? When this theory was first proposed by famed scientist Louis Pasteur, it was highly controversial yet now it lies to be the cornerstone of modern medicine. Funny, is the fact that the germ theory is not Pasteur’s last thoughts in regards to the idea of sickness and disease.

Through out the life of Pasteur there was on going debate about this theory between himself and one of his comtemporaries, Claude Bernard. Bernard’s made claim that it is not the seed (the germ) that was the cause for disease but instead it was the soil (the human body). Bernard believed that germs are nothing more than opportunistic organism, and if given a compromised environment they will thrive. This ongoing debate persisted up until Pasteur’s deathbed, and at that time Pasteur finally conceded and admitted that Bernard was indeed right. In the end, Pasteur came to realize that the germ was not the only element in determining who became sick and who remained well, that indeed the soil is everything and the seed is nothing!

There are many things that can contribute towards sickness and health. Don’t allow yourself to simply accept the idea that sickness is inevitable–especially now, during the alleged cold and flu season–just because you are around sick people. With chiropractic care, our goals is to have your body functioning at such a level that you don’t get sick very often–and when you do, your immune system, is stronger because of a more efficient body-brain communication – the nervous system, which allows your body to be able to fight off disease more readily, therefore letting your body recover more effectively and efficiently.

Located in heart of Sacramento, CA, KeyStone Chiropractic is a place that thinks radically different about health. Our friendly chiropractors are dedicated to helping people (from newborns to great-grandparents) regain their life and allowing them to go about truly living again.

A forward to Aerobic Exercise Posted By : Jesse Miller

Aerobic literally means oxygen referring to the consumption of oxygen by the metabolic system. First, you do a simple activity to warm up then you proceed to exercise for 20 minutes at least. Aerobic exercises are vital in weight loss activities. Aerobic exercise involves working the larger muscles for long periods of time. Aerobic exercises burn your fat and keeps your metabolism rate high even after the activity is over. When you start out, your glycogen is soon burnt off which creates glucose, which then it burns your fat by using oxygen to produce the energy.

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You don’t lose fat as fast when you engage in activities such as basketball, golf, or doubles tennis as you would in aerobic activities such as cycling, jogging, or stair climbing because you are continually moving in these. Sprinting is not an example of an aerobic workout because they have pauses in between, while continual running is. Aerobics are best done early in the morning with an empty stomach as it’ll help you burning more fat. Do this because your body already burnt the glycogen overnight. You start burning the fat sooner when you haven’t eaten. Regularly, exercise moderate to intense levels for about 30 minutes 4-5 days a week. To get a leaner body, you need to habitually work out, as breaks weaken your determination.

Most aerobics can simply be done in the home. If you want to burn calories while toning your legs and keeping your heart pumping, try a great basic aerobic exercise like bike riding. Rollerblading and jogging are as much effective and inexpensive too. Or you can go on a long walk with your iPod. Setting personal goals and exercising will help as you bump up the exercise time each day. Another great exercise that’s easy is just walking up and down stairs. Try swimming as it will not only put pressure on your joints and raise your heartbeat but also trim your whole body. While working outside weeding the garden or even mowing your lawn you are exercising your body in a fun and different way.

All these activities are healthy easier to perform and inexpensive. Below, are listed many ways that aerobics can benefit your body. Respiratory muscles are strengthened The heart is made stronger, bigger, and pumps better The red blood cells and circulation of the blood are improved Decreasing stress and depression Enhancing the strength and determination of your muscles The main point is, that aerobics lessens the chance of a heart attack. Aerobic exercises are a wonderful way to burn your fat and tone your body muscles, leaving you healthy and in a good shape!

Finding the perfect Insanity Workout takes time and effort. These best workout routines is a great place to start if a person is interested in flat abs. The P90X workout routines is also another workout that will help develop flat abs.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Out Wit Your Competition - Stay Ahead of the Game Posted By : Bedros Keuilian

Competition is part of life for any business. I want to tell you about how you impact your competitors and what impact they can have on you.

I have a story to tell you that will explain this very clearly. It all revolves around one of the most successful mentorship clients that are doing very well in his community. He has a lot of competition in his business, just like anyone else. His personal training studio is only one of four different studios that can be found in a short five mile radius.

He is also competing against two mega clubs and several trainers that work independently and will perform their training at their client's homes. There are only eighty thousand residents in his community and the market is saturated with fitness possibilities.

A year ago he decided to make a change that would impact his business in a very big way. Until that point he was running his business just as all of the others were. He ran ads like everyone else, made offers that were similar to his competition and really did nothing to make his services stand apart from his competition.

It was then that he made the decision that would take his business in a new and exciting direction. He purchased my PT Business Course and then enrolled in my twelve month mentorship program. In just a matter of months he turned his average, run of the mill business into a business that people were talking about in the community. His income rose by thousands per month and he became known for his expertise in the fitness world. (My point is strictly that I helped him with his success. Not bragging, just stating the fact that my program really works!) This transformation in his business is impressive, right?

Very soon the competitors in his area began to feel threatened and started slamming him in their ads. They would include pokes at his marketing strategies in their ads and tried to point a negative finger at him and his business. I took it very lightly and thought it was very funny while my mentor got very frustrated by it - that was until I told him why it was a very good thing and is helping his business.

You see, his competition decided that rather than bring their business up to his level and try to come up with a new USP (Unique Selling Proposition) that they would stoop down and play dirty. It really backfired on them though because while they were trying to hurt his reputation in the community, they made themselves look like the less credible business people. My client was actually benefiting from their attacks on his business. His credibility ratings skyrocketed and he became known for his expertise in the fitness realms.

So, what can you gain from this story? No matter how many competitors you have in your community or how well thought of your competition is, if you find your own USP that proves your abilities then you can take the lead in front of all of your competition.

This particular mentorship client grabbed the community's attention by offering sessions that were thirty minutes in length but produced the results that a sixty minute session would produce. He also spoke to their pocket books and offered a money back guarantee for his services. If his competition ever discovers his way to fame then he will alter his USP and create another great marketing edge for himself. Just like the leaders in markets, such as Coca Cola, McDonalds, and Enterprise Rent-a-Car, he will redesign what he offers to suit the needs of his public.

Finding that edge and growing your business beyond the goals that you have set makes you feel great about what you do. Step out into the front and give your competition something to strive for. You can take the lead in the fitness world and adapt to changes as they come.

Bedros Keuilian is fitness marketing expert and is known as the hidden genius behind many of the most successful personal trainers worldwide. Get his four personal trainer marketing programs for free.

Health Plans Posted By : Alan L. Brown

It is not easy to live without being covered by any of the available health plans offered by their providers, however it has often been an even harder task to find decent and affordable health plans for you to choose from, especially without wasting a long time on the phone or actually meeting with some providers in their offices, trying to understand their complex terms while you sit filling out their numerous forms. Then you find out that those ‘preliminary’ forms were actually commitments or pre-contracts. There are many health plans out there for you to choose from, and we will help you on your way towards making the right choice.

I hope the following information will help you all to know more about health plans, and help you to see how you can get a health plan quote online for free. These quotes will enable you to have the comfort in knowing you and your family are covered, as well as helping you find the right coverage for your family’s needs at a price that fits your budget. The future of the public medical services available to you are yet to be known, but you will have the upper hand when you use our precise medical insurance quote engine to help you find a suitable option. You’ll be covered after choosing one of the options provided for you (if you wish to be of course), and won’t have to worry about what tomorrow’s public health care options will be.

We can see now that many people in the US are scrambling to find decent health plans with fair and affordable prices which suit their family’s budget without added strain. They also want some sort of guarantee for themselves, their families or even their friends; some peace of mind when considering a time when medical care may become a necessity. Here you will see how it can be done without disclosing any previous personal information or being committed to anything.

All the information you give us will remain in our archives and this makes the process safe and secure. We will at no time search for additional information, or try to use the information you do provide us with for any type of future monetary gain. We only wish to provide you with this service, and share our variety of found prices with you for your benefit, not our own.

So, now that you have a better understanding about how you can benefit from this new technology performed by our engine, hopefully you will be encouraged to go a little deeper and find among our health plans one that will bring you and your loved ones the insurance that matters most. If you desire a life free from worry in relation to the health and wellness or your family, finding an appropriate and affordable health plan is definitely a good start.

Visit us at to see more about how to get free health plan quote online, and gain a little more understanding of the process to boost your confidence.

Alan L. Brown

Alan L. Brown

Health Plans and Why We Need Them Posted By : Alan L. Brown

You must be wondering what can be more stressful than looking for health plans on the internet. With all those innumerable providers that may get you confused and lost with so many requests and forms to fill out, when you are simply wishing to research prices that fit your monthly budget, the task can be quite the effort. It shouldn’t take you that much work to find decent and fair health plans. That’s why we decided to write the following article, in hopes that we can help bring you a bit of clarity and peace of mind on the topic.

It is no news that the average US family is worried and trustless about the future of the public medical services offered by any government. When you start thinking about the long list of economic problems, or whatever else gets in the way of the government addressing this issue, you may definitely become a little anxious. This is why so many people are on the run to find a decent health plan, with affordable prices, which will suit their budgets as well as guarantee them a joyful life far from the ghost of any unexpected medical expenses.

By taking the time to see how exactly you can get a good health plan just by looking on the internet, simply providing your name and email address, you are taking the first step in securing your future health. There is no commitment to anything; simply a list of possibilities which will allow you to potentially take a step towards peace of mind like you have never had before. Our health insurance quote engine can offer you just that.

Why is it so important to do a little bit (or a lot) of research on the internet when you’re considering the prices of various health plans and their pricing? Without researching what exactly it is the various health plans cover, there’s a definite possibility that you may commit to something which ends up not being a good fit for your family. Well, from the comfort of your own home, or perhaps the office, we’re offering you the benefits that come from using our health insurance quote engine you can easily and quickly see what your options are before making that final choice. You have a chance to make you’re your health plan is exactly what you need, as well as being an affordable commitment.

Once all the advantages of using a great provider’s engine to quote the best health plans available on the US market are shown, we can only wish you and your loved ones a healthy and joyful life. We are sure that you will find one of our plans the one that will guarantee you health for the body, mind and pocket.

Come visit us at to see more about how to get free health plans quotation, and gain a little more understanding of the process to boost your knowledge and understanding in regards to this decision of such importance.

Alan L. Brown

Alan L. Brown

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why Do We Get Bad Breath and Halitosis? Posted By : Keira Benson

Halitosis and bad breath are actually the same thing. Halitosis is the medical term for a condition that can affect up to a quarter of adults.

The first sign that you might have a problem is when people start to recoil when you lean in to kiss them.

It has been suggested that blowing into your hand can tell you if you have bad breath, but breathing alone is not enough to bring forward the smells that linger at the back of your throat. The best test is to lick the inside of your wrist and then sniff it. If it smells bad, then the chances are your breath does too.

Bad breath or halitosis can occur for a variety of reasons, but the most common is due to the sulphur-based gas released by bacteria building up on any accumulated food debris between the teeth.

Brushing twice a day, for at least two minutes, rather than the 30 seconds that most of us manage, is thought to be the best way to avoid this. The longer brushing time ensures that each tooth has all its surfaces cleaned, as well as the tongue. Flossing between the teeth is another good way to eradicate any of the more stubborn particles.

Drinking coffee or eating onions, garlic and other strong-smelling foods can exacerbate the problem.

Halitosis can also be a warning sign of gum disease so, if you think you have this problem, you should visit your dentist or hygienist to check that there has not been a build up of plaque on the teeth.

If your dentist can find nothing amiss, then you should assess other medical possibilities.

Smoking can cause short term bad breath, as can certain medical conditions like xerostomia (dry mouth), sinusitis, various bronchial ailments, throat or tonsil infections or polyps.

Excessive bacterial activity on the tongue, possibly due to post-nasal drip (catarrh coming down the back of the throat from the sinuses and nasal passages), is another common culprit.

You should visit a doctor to rule out any of these factors.

Drinking lots of water and eating a healthy fibrous diet that avoids some of the stronger-smelling foodstuffs can help with bad breath, but most mouthwashes or minty sweets only serve to mask the smell. These merely cover up the symptoms and can make things worse once the initial mintyness has worn off.

In some quarters, it is thought that bad breath could be linked to a proliferation of candida albicans in the mouth so eating plain, unsweetened yoghurt containing probiotics could help with the problem.

There is also evidence that halitosis in women of a certain age is due to the imbalance in hormone levels of the Menopause.

All these areas need to be addressed in your search for a cure to this distressing problem.

This article may be reproduced providing a hard link to the sites in the resource box is retained.

Keira Benson has been researching the causes of bad breath as part of her investigation into candida albicans.

For more information on both subjects, visit:

What is Yeast Infection Posted By : Yeast Infection Cure Store

Also known as Candida infection, Monilia or thrush. It is caused by microscopic bacteria (or yeast). Most individuals mistakenly think that this infection takes place on the surface of the skin and can be treated straightforwardly with creams and over-the-counter medication.

Unfortunately it is often not that easy. Where the infections are persistent and keep recurring this can be the sign of a more serious internal problem.

In order to understand how to cure it for good we need to understand what triggered the Candida condition in the first place. We need to be able to tackle the root causes instead of simply treating the external symptoms.

There are more than twenty discrete species of Candida. They live in our digestive system and all over the outside of our bodies, but particularly in the intestines, mouth and throat.

In a regular healthy individual there can be millions of Candida bacteria. Our bodies require the Candida bacteria to eradicate harmful bacteria and keep them under control.

In a normal healthy person Candida is kept in check by friendly bacteria, known as pro-biotic bacteria. Unfortunately antibiotics can destroy friendly bacteria and reduce the amount in our intestines. This can mean that there is not an adequate amount to maintain the Candida bacteria under control.

If there are issues with our immune system, pH balance or if there are not adequate friendly bacteria Candida can multiply out of control and bring on infections.

Once the balance is lost and the Candida albicans multiply out of control they convert from a yeast form to a fungal form that can invade the whole body.

When this occurs the fungal form of Candida creates roots that can break through the walls of the intestines. The yeast, bacteria and partially digested food can therefore get into the bloodstream causing itching, rashes, irritations and other symptoms.

Candida yeast like to breed externally in warm moist areas of the body. The most commonly known are vaginal infections, nail-bed infections, skin rash and thrush.

Infections in the mouth can grow to be more common as we get older as well as infections underneath skin folds, beneath the breasts and around dentures.

We need to take on board, however, that by the time these external conditions can be seen the Candida is already out of control internally.

The condition can be brought on by a combination of numerous factors. Doctors can, therefore, find it very problematical to control using drugs and over the counter prescriptions.

Unfortunately the majority of sufferers still leave treatment in the hands of Doctors and the over the counter industry. Only a few people take responsibility for their own health and well-being and look for a permanent cure for their condition.

I am a Marshall Artist, long time health, fitness and well-being fanatic. For more about what is yeast infection and to find a permanent cure for yeast infection please visit my website at

Tired of Trusting Your Relationship Chemistry to the Fairy Godmother? Posted By : Michael Logan

I remember trying to get relationship chemistry going, when I was a kid.

My best resource was Playboy magazine, which I used to sneak peeks at the drug store, since I am pre-internet and pre-explicit movies,ect.

And I did not have the market savvy to know that Hugh Hefner was trying to sell me lots of stuff, rather than help me understand relationship chemistry.

Luckily for folks these days, Helen Fisher,Ph.D, has done some very interesting work on relationship chemistry.

She has used a tool that Hugh Hefner and 99% of dating coaches, gurus, mavens, and counselors could only dream about back in the day, called fMRI or functional magnetic resonance images, to look at in-love brains.

Fisher is putting a scientific face on relationship chemistry and the process we humans go through as we work to establish relationship chemistry.

One might think that science would take the mystery and poetry out of love, but I do not think that is the case.

I think that folks can be a little more practical if they understand what the feelings in the their bodies are trying to get them to do, and direct the process effectively.

Fisher's fMRI examinations have identifies three brain systems that are active in the relationship chemistry process, and it appears that each of the three has a hormone or neurotransmitter associated with it, and the presence of that neurotransmitter, for example, can be encouraged by engaging in certain activities.

(There is where the strategy of a relationship coach could come in handy).

Fisher's research also says that there are four basic personality types, and that we should make some effort to find a compatible type to have relationship chemistry with.

Contrast that to the Hefner model, which says folks should have relationship chemistry randomly, or the Prince Charming/Cinderella model which says relationship chemistry will happen after the intervention of the Fairy Godmother.

Personally, I will take advantage of the chemistry at Helen Fisher's site, I prefer not to waste time.

The Four Types and Their Relationship Chemistry

Professor Fisher says that based on her studies of genetics and neuroscience she believes that people fall into four broad personality types—each influenced by a different brain chemical. She calls her types the the Explorer, Builder, Director, and Negotiator.

Professor Fisher designed a survey for the Oprah show to see which types had married each other and stayed together, and how the mix was playing out in their relationships. She got 500 results and was astounded at the data.

Now, with additional information, she offers scientific guidance about dating depending on which personality you are—especially if you're looking for a relationship chemistry that lasts.

So which love type are you?

Type: The ExplorerTraits: Highly curious, creative, energetic, spontaneous.

Type: The BuilderTraits: Calm, social, popular, and good at managing people, networking, and building family and community.

Type: The DirectorTraits: Analytical and logical, straightforward, decisive, tough minded, and focused.

Type: The NegotiatorTraits: Imaginative, intuitive, empathetic, and emotionally expressive, and have good verbal and social skills.

Fisher says that not only are their personality types, but there are brain systems designed to get us moving down the relationship chemistry path.

The systems are lust, love, and trust systems, each ruled by a different hormone or neurotransmitter.

Those brain systems are what get us moving in the relationship arena, and if we find a compatible personality type, we can move rapidly ahead in affairs of the heart, with less risk of broken hearts and unrequited love.

And my apologies to the Fairy Godmother and the Mr. Hefner. You should have thought of this.

Michael S. Logan is a brain fitness expert, a counselor, a student of Chi Gong, and licensed one on one HeartMath provider. I enjoy the spiritual, the mythological, and psychological, and I am a late life father to Shane, 10, and Hannah Marie, 4, whose brains are so amazing.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Find The Best Skin Care Product Posted By : Kenneth Shannon

There is really nothing like a best skin care product. There really can't be anything like 'The best skin care product', because skin care products work differently for different people (based on the skin type to some extent). A product that is the 'best skin care product' for one person might end up being the worst for another person. So, a more logical question to ask would be 'What is the best skin care product for my type of skin?'. However, this still is not completely logical. We tend to segregate people into 4 groups based on their skin types - i.e. dry skin, oily skin, normal skin and sensitive skin. However, this classification is just too broad to be used definitively in determining the best skin care product. We can say 'best skin care product for a dry skin' or 'best skin care product for an oily skin' are better statements than just 'best skin care product'. But really, that is what it is - 'better'; still not accurate.

So, it really comes to rephrasing the question to - 'What is the best skin care product for me'. Yes, this is exactly the question that you should be asking, and unfortunately there is no easy answer for this. Arriving at the best skin care product for self will need some effort on your part.

First of all, you need to understand how the skin care products work. This is simple. You can consider all skin care products to be composed of 2 types of ingredients - Active and inactive. The active ingredients are the ones that actually work on your skin. The inactive ones just help in delivering these active ingredients to your skin. Both the ingredients need to work for your skin, in order for the product to be effective (and move on to become the best skin care product for you).

Besides the ingredients, the way you apply your skin care products is equally important. In fact, this is even more important. If you do not know how to apply skin care products, you might forever be hunting for the best skin care product for yourself, when that has already passed you. Moreover, it's also important to decide on the frequency of application (of the skin care product). The environmental factors - temperature, humidity and pollution level, also affect the selection of best skin care product. Here are a few rules that you could use to ensure that your best skin care product is really the best for you: * Cleanse your skin before applying that best skin care product. * Use a makeup remover instead of plain water and remove your makeup before going to bed. * The effectiveness of active ingredients is reduced when applied over another product e.g. over moisturiser. So apply that best skin care product first and then apply a bit of moisturizer if needed. * Apply the products on moist and warm skin. * You will have to experiment with a few products before you arrive at the one that is the best skin care product for you. * Do not exfoliate too much or too hard. * Vary your skin care routine as per the seasons (winter/summer etc), changes in environmental factors and changes in your skin type

Note that the best skin care product cannot be determined overnight. It's only through experiment (and awareness) that you can find the 'Best skin care product' (for you).

Learn about pneumonia guidelines, sick kitten and other information at the Health And Nutrition Tips site.

What You Should Know About Weight Loss Supplements Posted By : Kenneth Shannon

More and more spend hundred and even thousands of dollars yearly on weight loss supplements in the hope of speeding up their metabolism. The main desire is to be attractive and accepted but it is becoming a more difficult goal to achieve. The fitness industry is booming but still a lot of people are unable to cut those fat in spite of all the exercise and diet efforts. In America, more than sixty per cent of adults are overweight and thirty per cent are considered obese. This is because: one, a lot of weight loss products promises unrealistic goals; two, dietary supplement manufacturers rely on the overweight person's failure to survive; and three, the information about the supplements in the market are just written by themselves just to make a sell.

Although the Food and Drug Administration has successfully banned illegal marketers, some products are still available. Consumers can be deceived of the labels which claims caffeine or ephedra fee not knowing that these supplements composes of other ingredients that may pose the same health risks. These include heart and digestive problems, headaches, insomnia, and even psychological side effects.

Other supplement manufacturers say that their products contains EGCG which is a phytochemical ingredient found in green tea. This so-called component claims to speed up metabolism but in reality poses to reduce the risk of cancer. Some studies denote that it could slightly increase the potential to burn calories and now can be found in many weight loss supplements. It has good points on the other hand since the body might conform to EGCG after a period of time. Eve the weight loss benefit could sum up to 60 to 70 calories a day. This helps prevent excessive weight gain.

A few other significant effects of weight loss supplements is that it may contain ingredients that makers claim will prevent the absorption of carbohydrates. One good example is Chitosan, which appears most promising, which in fact shows no positive result in fat absorption. It could even take up to seven months for men to lose just a pound of body fat and for women, there is no fat loss at all. Thyroid supplements act as thyroid replacements help regulate and optimize the thyroid at a higher level. This they say makes the body feel like a couch potato and won't perform the job it has to.

Since the number one reason why people eat is because they feel hungry, there is another type of ingredient that manufacturers made which increases the feeling of being full and decreases appetite, Guar Gum. However, recent studies show that it has no meaningful benefit at all to weight loss. It is ironic that manufacturers mix Psyllium that has the reputation of reducing eating and aiding weight loss for initial studies so far do not support this claim although it helps control blood cholesterol and sugar.

One of the latest innovations in the fat loss industry is by way of skin absorption. There's a Cutting Gel, which is an epidril product by far the best selling in fat loss creams technology. Rub it where you want the fats cut. For now, it will seem safer to advise the age old remedies to excessive weight gain and that is to invest on walking shoes instead of diet supplements, go to the park and do brisk walking, go to the gym, and have a well balanced diet instead.

Want to find out about ankle rash, antral gastritis and other information? Get tips from the Health And Nutrition Tips website.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rolling Through Your Foot in Dance Posted By : Tina Boucher

A staff member of mine was talking to me again about how she's been hearing from her dance teachers about rolling through the foot. I've been told it a thousand times by my teachers, but have you ever stopped and actually thought about how important it is to roll through your foot? It seems like I am hearing it almost everytime I'm in class now, so there must be some importance to it.

What do I mean by rolling through the foot? Rolling through the foot can be done either from toe to heel or heel to toe, but most commonly in ballet it is the former. When you roll through your foot you should do exactly that: from your toes, to the ball of your foot, and then finally your heel.

This is extremely important in ballet. Think of how you not only bring your tendu out, but in as well. Are you gripping the floor? Then you are not rolling through your foot. When you make the transition from ballet slippers to pointe shoes, you need to be able to roll through your foot both on your way up and on your way down. If you do not roll through your foot in pointe shoes on the way down, then you will land flat footed and make that dreaded pointe shoe on floor noise (We all know that sound, right?)

Try this: stand in first position and take a tendu a la second. Your heel should be the first thing that leaves the floor, then the ball of your foot, then your toes point. You should feel the resistance against the floor. Now bring your foot back in to first position. It should be ball of foot then heel. When you put the ball of your foot down, you should be thinking of Barbie shoes (You know how Barbie is perptually walking on her toes, almost like she is on pointe forever?). Think of bringing your heels together as well as your thighs. Now try a saute in first position. When you land back on the floor, are you going toe, ball, heel? You should be.

Dancers who do not roll through their feet are prone to many foot problems, including bunions, hammertoes (from gripping instead of relaxing your toes), cramping, as well as injuries from landing incorrectly from jumps. Rolling through the foot from jumps prevents injuries like sprains and breaks.

Next time you are in class, make a concerted effort to roll through your foot, especially at the bar, where good habits are made and bad habits are broken. You should notice a difference in your tendus, jumps, and the power in your foot.

Copyright (c) 2010 Tina Boucher

Dr. Tina Boucher, DPM practices in Meriden, CT and is a former dancer herself. ; .

How a TV Pillow Can Give You the Perfect TV Experience Posted By : Pete Law

It is always pleasing to watch a late night movie at your home. Sometimes, even better than a movie theater. What makes this perfect is that you can be in any position you want to be at home - lying down, upside down, even naked. The theater also features bad, hard old seats. Very uncomfortable indeed.

But even with that, you are still going to be stressed and exhausted after watching TV for hours. Doesn't it bother you that you have to sit up and fix the pillow or cushion every few minutes because it keeps sagging? Well, worry no more. You can seat or lie down on TV pillows for as long as you want in perfect comfort.

A TV pillow is contoured to perfectly support the neck and back in any kind of sitting positions. This cushion provides total and perfect comfort for you as it cradles your neck and head properly. It is made of firm yet soft foam fillings that molds itself to the contour of the back, neck and shoulders. It is just the thing needed to align your spine and neck perfectly. It can also help in controlling and preventing bad posture.

A good posture is all it takes to have a healthy back. It is for a fact that youth nowadays spent hours in front of the TV. If looking at your son slouching in front of the TV is worrying you, the TV pillow can provide the alignment and support your son need to have a back pain free life.

This cushion is also lightweight and portable. I am not saying you should be glued in front of a TV everywhere you go. I'm just saying you deserve every bit of comfort you can get anywhere you are. Whether it is on your bed reading or doing paperwork on your desk or even driving, it makes everything more bearable with comfort for your back.

Indeed, movie nights in the house are made more enjoyable and comfortable with a TV pillow. Make sure you have one at home so that once the movie is on, you won't miss any part of it just because you are busy fixing your cushion or changing your sitting position.

So don't hesitate to buy a tv pillow. Aside from using it while watching TV, you can also use it as a bed cushion. When your current bed pillows are sagging and not dense anymore, don't replace it with a standard pillow yet. Why not replace it with a TV pillow? It is a pillow with a dual purpose. That's a wise investment!!

Pete Law is an online article writer on back pains and neck pains. If you want quick relief from your back and neck pains, visit now to get rid of your painful problems with fast solutions like the TV pillow and back support pillow.

Green Tea- The Skin Tea That Will Renew Your Skins Health Posted By : Aoife Joyce

For years the Chinese have relished in the advantages that consuming regular cups of Green Tea brings. As a skin tea and nutritional tea overall, it brings a host of advantages to you that will boost and improve your health, energy and vigor. In relation to your skins health, Green Tea has the wonderful power to act as a 'fountain of youth' for you. Read on and find out how..

To begin with, Green Tea leaves are steamed during production. The technique of steaming ensures that none of the antioxidants (catechins polyphenols) are destroyed or changed into other forms. This has Green Tea standing out against all other teas - its leaves still hold the same amount of antioxidants that it had when the leaves were picked fresh from the plant!

I would like to point out that the main antioxidant I will be discussing that is found in Green Tea is Epigallocatechin Gallate, EGCG in short.

So the first great advantage your skin can avail of from having a cuppa of this magical skin tea is renewed looking skin! Stanford University revealed recently the results of a study they performed through two years. They followed a group of Green Tea drinking volunteers and came up with intriguing results. It was found that EGCG reacted with dying keratinocytes (skin cells) and produced a chemical reaction that had the cells re-dividing again, like waking up from the dead. They also found that the antioxidant EGCG showed results of smoother skin, a reduction in pore sizes and a reduction of red veins on the skins surface. There was also significant reduction in skin damage and Acne Rosacea emergence.

The way in which these results were obtained was this- EGCG has the astounding ability to kill free radicals. How does this affect your skin I hear you ask? Well, free radicals damage and destroy skin cells and the cells membranes. With the membranes damaged and even destroyed, they are left open for bacteria's to infest, they cannot function correctly or divide as they do when they are healthy. This is what gives the skin its weakened, rough, aged look before its time. With EGCG killing these free radicals so that the keratinocyte cells can do what they do best - renew, defend, repair , and at the same time the EGCG is restoring old skin cells , your skin can take back the healthy youthful radiance it rightly deserves and look and feel enhanced, softer and more energised.

The points above link up with my final but remarkable fact- we now know that free radicals can destroy skin cells. Free radicals are produced to some degree naturally in the body. However, outside factors are really what contribute to the devastating effects they can have. Smoking, ozone, toxic substances in the atmosphere and UV rays are the main contributing factors. Antioxidants (EGCG) can destroy free radicals. You can see now how valuable Green Tea can be in getting rid of these harmful free radicals from your body? It quite literally extinguishes them. It can therefore hinder the effects that specifically smoking and UV rays can have on your skins health.

One more little fact to entice you even more - 90% of ALL signs of premature ageing are due to UV radiation. If Green Teas EGCG can KILL free Radicals, don't you think its worth having a cup or two of this skin tea to offset the time your skin has just spent under the sun!?

Would you be excited about learning how to make your very own chemical free organic Green Tea while gaining more knowledge about this wonderful natural plants benefits? If so, then follow this link =>

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

5 Quick Ways To Ease Stress, Depression Anxiety Posted By : Dimitris Papadopoulos

No ceremony with this article, let’s go straight into five quick ways that will help you find relief from stress, depression and anxiety.

1. Take regular breaks from the firing line. Working hard without regular breaks is a great way to build up stress and tension. Make sure you have at least one 15-minute break in the morning and one in the afternoon as well as at least 20 minutes for lunch. If possible, eat lunch away from your workstation. Equally, if you have a lot to deal with in your life right now, taking a day, or a weekend elsewhere – longer if you can - to get some breathing space will really help. Even just a day away from the firing line will enable you to get some distance from the problems and help you to gather your thoughts.

2. Regular exercise can help relieve stress, depression and anxiety. Exercise releases endorphins into your system and will give you a natural boost. It will also provide you with a break from brooding and dwelling upon problems and troubles – but only if you perform the right kind of exercises. Avoid: Exercises that allow you to brood (weight lifting, jogging, treadmills) and perform exercises that require your full concentration. Competitive sports such as squash, tennis, badminton and circuit training are all excellent examples. It is important that you do not brood when you exercise because although you will be benefiting physically, you are still stressing yourself mentally and the stress, depression and anxiety will worsen.

3. Stop beating yourself up. Self-deprecation is a huge part of stress, depression and anxiety. Each time you beat up on yourself, you will erode confidence and self-esteem. Never tell yourself you’re useless, worthless, stupid, hopeless, boring, ugly, and a loser. Never convince yourself that other people hate you, that others find you difficult to be around and that you’re better off being alone. You would never deem it acceptable to say such things to other people and you must deem it equally unacceptable to say them to yourself. These words and phrases are powerful and they will hurt you. Accept you’re not perfect and that you make mistakes – just like everybody else does – and cut yourself some slack. From this day, make a pact with me to never indulge self-deprecation ever again. IT IS UNACCEPTABLE.

4. Isolation is another problem experienced by stress, depression and anxiety sufferers. OK, there will be times when you just want your own company. During such times, you can brood over and over again on problems and events and beat yourself up for hours on end. Not good. Instead, use isolation more positively. Occupy your mind by tackling a jigsaw puzzle, a logic problem, a crossword, read a book or perform a hobby such as painting, playing a musical instrument or whatever it is you have an interest in. In this way, isolation will help you to grow instead of causing you further pain.

5. Television, radio and newspapers can all supply you with a daily hit of negativity and help lower your mood. In the main, they concentrate on the negative side of life: crime, corruption, war, scandal and natural disasters and can give you a distorted view of reality. Not to mention the amount of image manipulation they subject you to. Give yourself a break from this negative drip feed and avoid them completely for one week. You may find, like I have, that they have no place in your life after that. Trust me, you won’t miss them.

That’s five, quick tips for you to help fight stress, depression and anxiety. Please give them a try; they’ll all help to boost your mood levels very quickly indeed.

Dimitris Papadopoulos has written various articles on best medical talk. His areas of expertise include fitness tips and discuss health issues online.

Bluetooth Hearing Aid: A Modern Day Magical Answer Posted By : John V. Erickson

The information Age has not been the same ever since Bluetooth technology made its appearance because this new technology has removed the need for making wired connections and thus has done away with a vast jungle of wires while still being able to get information across devices. Some people even consider Bluetooth technology as being the equivalent of modern day magic and nowhere are the benefits as noticeable as in the case of the Bluetooth hearing aid.

Smallest Devices

Today, Bluetooth hearing aids are the smallest devices that have, in fact, transformed the concept of how hearing aids work, especially the traditional behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids. In fact, with a  Bluetooth hearing aid you can be a hearing impaired person while still being able to fully enjoy sounds that are crystal clear that are transmitted over mobile phones. What's more, with a Bluetooth hearing aid, you can connect wirelessly to computers, MP3 players as well as even HDTV and thus you can perform other chores while at the same time using these various devices.

Essentially, the Bluetooth hearing aid requires fastening an ELI (ear level instrument) to an audio input connection (direct) that is situated behind the hearing aid whose microphone receiver and transmitter then converses with a BTE and turns it into a Bluetooth hearing aid that can then communicate with several other devices as long as they are also Bluetooth enabled. In addition, an ELI Bluetooth hearing aid is easy to operate and you only need to use a single button to either reject or accept an incoming call which means that you don't need to touch your cell phone at all.

Thanks to present day advances in technology used in ear level instruments, it is now possible for cell phones to ring straight into your Bluetooth hearing aid and all that is required to do so is to have a module via which every call gets channeled. As somebody who is using a Bluetooth hearing aid, you only need to press a button on this module which will then enable you to answer as well as hang up a call without needing to perform any other action. In fact, this module also has the capability of sensing when the caller has terminated their call and it will then automatically cut the connection for you.

Actually, you can also still use your Bluetooth hearing aid with ELI as long as you are using a neck loop that is connected to a telecoil in your hearing aid. In fact, with this feature, the module can effectively transmit from a distance of thirty-three feet. Also, both ELI modules and ELIs are able to run from their own batteries and they do not use any energy from your BTE.

If you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article's author on rexton hearing aids and best hearing aids.

Dietary Fat is NOT Bad For You Posted By : Jackie Burgmann

It's been a popular misconception for a long time now that ingesting fat will MAKE you fat. Unfortunately, this is not true and anyone subscribing to this theory is doing themselves a huge disservice.

Did you know that if you starve your body of fats, it will start to hang on to fat even harder, which makes it even harder for you to lose the fat on your body. Don't kid yourself. Dietary fat is not the same as body fat. Nowhere even close.

That being said there is a huge difference between the types of dietary fat you can choose to consume. Some are very harmful while others are highly beneficial. The trick here is to avoid hydrogenated oils and trans fats at all costs. As a matter of fact, the main rule of thumb is to avoid anything that's 'processed' and try to stick with oils and fats that are as close to their natural state as possible.

So, stop being freaked out about eating foods that contain fat, and start eating in a way that will not only help you in your fat loss goals but will make you a healthier person overall.

Here's some great foods that contain 'healthy fats' that you can incorporate into your diet.


Avocados are full of oleic acid (a monounsaturated fat) which can help lower cholesterol. They are also high in potassium and countless other vitamins and minerals. They should be on the top of your eating list. Add them to salads or smear the pulp on toast for a tasty treat.


Raw nuts are also a great source of healthy fats, as well as many vitamins and minerals. Don't make the mistake of buying the salted and roasted kind. Usually they've been roasted in some kind of unhealthy oil, but just the act of cooking the nuts destroys some of the healthy properties otherwise found in raw nuts. Keep them raw for full health benefits and to keep the healthy fats intact. Some great ones are Almonds and Walnuts. Use them in salads or snack on them alone or with fruit and vegetables.


Similar to nuts, these are also chock full of healthy fats. Again, don't get the roasted and salted kind. Eat them raw. They're great on salads, or even mixed in with your favorite yogurt to give it a little extra crunch. Some fantastic seeds to incorporate into your diet are Sunflower, Pumpkin and Sesame seeds.

Flax Seed is also a great source of healthy oils. You can buy Flax Seed Oil at almost any store these days, but one word of caution: it is very unstable and can go rancid fast unless refrigerated. ONLY buy it from a store that keeps it in a refrigeration unit and get it home and into your own refrigerator immediately to avoid spoilage.


Salmon is absolutely full of omega 3 fish oil, which has been proven wildly beneficial to health as well as fat loss diet programs. Make sure you're getting enough salmon. Do yourself an even bigger favor and try to eat wild salmon as opposed to the farmed stuff whenever possible. The wild salmon tend to have higher levels of omega 3 and other excellent nutrients. If you aren't a fan of seafood, pick up some Krill Oil capsules in your local health food store. You'll get the same great benefits from consuming your fish oil this way.

Other Seafood

Tuna is also a great source of healthy fats, but beware to eat only in moderation due to mercury counts. Once a week is plenty. Shrimp, prawns and other shellfish are also full of healthy fats but tend to be higher in cholesterol. However, there is good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL) and unless you've been diagnosed with high cholesterol, I wouldn't worry too much about the cholesterol in shellfish.

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil has long been given a bad rap as being high in trans fat. However, this is one of the most healthy good fats you can ingest and happens to also be a very stable oil, which makes it ideal for cooking with. So, don't be afraid of coconut oil anymore. Turns out it's good for you.

Keep in mind as you incorporate these foods into your diet, that fat is more calorie dense than carbohydrates and protein so while you SHOULD be eating them, moderation is key so you don't accidentally sabotage your weight loss efforts. Keep an eye on that caloric intake and keep it in check while adding these foods into your dietary mix.

Check out what Jackie's got to say about Mike Geary's Fat Burning Kitchen over on her health and fitness blog.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Three Things You Should Do to Avoid Acidosis Posted By : F. Lyn

If you want to have a strong and healthy body, you should keep your diet healthy and avoid Acidosis. Acidosis is a condition of the body that leads to pH imbalance. Excess acid is formed in our body and it creates an environment that makes our body more vulnerable to diseases. Without pH-balance diet, our body cannot maintain proper alkaline reserves to prevent diseases caused by the toxins in our blood.

The following are few symptoms of acidosis. These include drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, joint pains, arthritis, osteoporosis, underweight/overweight, and acetone-smelling breathe.

It is not too late to avoid acidosis if you follow these simple tips:

The first thing that you should do to prevent acidosis is to make sure that your body is ph-balance. Our body can assimilate minerals and nutrients properly if we keep a ph-balance diet. You can monitor this using pH test strips. If you body is overly acidic, you should take in more enzymes. Magnesium-rich foods are also helpful in balancing over-acidity. Alkaline minerals are also essential in your daily diet to maintain proper pH level in your body.

Secondly, cleanse as needed. Take natural supplements that will nourish your body and get rid of the toxins out of your body. There are naturally occurring herbs that accelerates the removal of impurities in our system. This will detoxify your liver, kidney and even large intestines where all the toxins tend to accumulate.

The final tip should be the hardest but the most important--discipline. If you intend to live a healthy lifestyle, commitment is very important. Discipline will give you the best result because food supplements and medicines cannot eliminate acidity in your diet if you continue consuming acidic foods. Keep your diet away from acidic foods.

You should get rid of beer, soft drinks and sweeteners because they create the most acid in our body. Wheat, chocolates, blackberries, prunes, peanuts, as well as beef and pork, also contains acids so you should minimize their intake. On the other hand, give more attention to alkaline foods like asparagus, onion, garlic, limes, grapefruits, olive oil, apple, pears, squash, celery, almonds, and green tea.

Notice that the actual pH of the food is not related to how it would form acid or alkaline in our body. Some foods can be highly acidic but the end-produce after digestion is alkaline. You may consult your dietitian for more information on acid-forming foods.

Our fast-paced lifestyle had made our body exposed to over-acidity. Following these steps will not produce instant results because one must undergo a process to eliminate acidity in their body. Using these guidelines, however, one can reduce or eliminate acidity more easily.

The author is a freelance writer and writes about health related articles such as natural body cleansing and cheap nutritional supplements.

Healthy Foods You Should Eat When You Need More Energy Posted By : F. Lyn

Do you usually work more than 8 hours, spend more of your time outside doing work or business, or you just have no time for yourself? This article might be just right for you.

There are many busy people who do not have time to cleanse their body. They are neglecting their health so their body suffers as a result.

Why should I even bother, you ask? National Cancer Institute published a paper in 2009 that there are 660,000 deaths worldwide per year due to colon cancer. It is also the fourth most common form of cancer in the United States and the third leading cause of cancer-related death in the Western world according to World Health Organization. Colon cancer is just one of the diseases caused by toxins in our body. If you do not start cleansing your body now, you are at risk.

There are many ways to start cleansing your body even if you have limited time. Start by getting rid of unhealthy foods. Remove junk foods in your diet and avoid alcohol as much as possible. Eat foods with lots of fibers because fibers help in regulating bowel movement and they also eliminate toxins that have accumulated in the large intestines. Great source of high fiber diet are fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Next, try to put exercise in your routine. In your office, it is recommended to use the stair case from time to time so that you would flex a few muscles. It is also a good cardio work-out. Simple stretching while on your seat is a good way to refresh your mind and distress. With exercise, our body can mobilize the toxins so that we can release them more effectively.

To help your body release the toxins faster, you can incorporate detox diet. Check your lifestyle. Focus more on pure foods such as a raw fruit and vegetables, fish and herbs. They do not take much time to prepare. You not only save time but you also cleanse yourself in the process.

In addition, you can take body cleansing supplements that supports healthy digestion. Cleanse for Life, a product of Isagenix, contains cleansing formula with high-quality Aloe vera juice, cleansing herbal teas, lipotropic nutrients and alfalfa juice concentrate that helps the body to naturally release harmful impurities.

You may find this guide difficult at the beginning but with discipline and practice, you can cleanse your body effortlessly even if you have a hectic schedule.

The author is a freelance writer and writes about health related articles such as natural body cleansing and Isagenix cleansing products.

Sweaty Feet: The Cause and Solution To This Common Problem Posted By : Scott Kilberg DPM

Sweaty feet is common problem that often is not discussed out of embarrassment. Although excessive foot sweat does not generally lead to significant foot disease, it can become a hygienic nuisance and can place one at greater risk for foot infections. This article will discuss the nature of excessive foot sweat as well as a simple solution to this common problem.

Excessive sweating, also known as hyperhydrosis, usually does not affect the feet only. Most people with sweaty feet also have sweaty hands. The reason for this sweating has to do with an abnormality in the nervous system. The unconscious part of the nervous system is called the autonomic nervous system. In essence, this part of the nervous system is always on auto-pilot, guiding the body through thousands of tasks the conscious brain does not handle. One of these processes involves the regulation of temperature. When the body becomes warm, the autonomic nervous system begins to take action. One of its solutions to ridding the body of heat is opening the blood vessels closer to the skin surface to bring body fluid heat closer to the outside air, while at the same time stimulating sweat glands to moisten the skin surface to help transfer the heat from the skin to the outer environment. For those with hyperhydrosis, the stimulation of the sweat glands is abnormal, and does not necessarily have to be initiated by excessive body temperature. In essence, the autonomic nervous system is slightly malfunctioning in regards to how it controls the sweat glands of the feet and hands. What results is feet that are inappropriately and excessively wet in situations where they should be dry.

Excessive foot moisture can contribute to numerous foot problems in addition to the obvious cosmetic issues. The most common problem seen with excessive foot moisture is athlete’s foot infection. This infection is caused by fungus, an organism that thrives in warm, dark, moist environments. A sweaty foot inside the darkness of a shoe is prime real estate for fungus. Bacteria can also take advantage of excessive moisture, often invading the areas in between the toes where most tissue can become ‘macerated’. Macerated tissue appears white, and is the same process seen when one’s finger skin become discolored by working in water or swimming for excessive periods of time. Unfortunately, the area in between the toes will not dry out as easily as the hands after extensive water exposure, and usually this area stays macerated for quite some time. This results in an easy entry point for opportunistic bacteria. Another infection that seems to take advantage of sweaty feet is the virus that causes warts. Although foot sweat has little to do with whether or not one will contract a wart virus, people with sweaty feet seem to have a greater incidence of warts or at least have warts that are more resistant to treatment. Perhaps this is due to the wider sweat gland ducts acting as a larger entry portal for the wart virus when it is stepped on.

Excessive foot sweating also can contribute to the formation of blisters on the skin. The moist skin creates an environment in which the friction of the skin rubbing on a moist sock allows for a separation of the top layer of the skin. Fluid will then fill this space and a blister thus forms. Frequent blistering can potentially cause pain and discomfort during activity, and occasionally blisters become infected.

Treatment for excessive foot sweating can be fairly simple. Measures like frequent sock changing can be an obvious solution to help keep the feet dry by removing accumulated moisture. However, a more effective solution to this problem is to treat it in the same manner one controls underarm sweating. The skin on the foot is no different in essence than the skin under the arm. Compounds that dry the underarm skin will work on the feet as well. Antiperspirants containing aluminum compounds are common, and can be quite effective in controlling foot sweat. The key to this simple treatment is two fold. First, one must ensure they are using an antiperspirant, and not a deodorant. Deodorants alone will not reduce the sweating. Secondly, using an aerosolized spray antiperspirant makes coverage of the various nooks and crannies of the foot much easier and more effective than using a roll-on applicator. The foot should be sprayed once or twice a day to control significant sweating, and only once a day for less serious cases. The treatment may take a couple weeks to become effective, but eventually the sweating should lessen significantly. There are other solutions, including a prescription version of an antiperspirant, a daily gentle electrical therapy to disrupt sweat gland function, as well as surgery to alter the abnormal nerve signal to the sweat glands. Of all the above options, the use of a simple antiperspirant is the easiest to try for initial relief. A physician can be consulted if this measure fails to provide relief.

Dr. Kilberg provides compassionate and complete foot and ankle care to adults and children in the Indianapolis area. He is board certified by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery, and is a member of the American Podiatric Medical Association. He enjoys providing comprehensive foot health information to the online community to help the public better understand their feet. Visit his practice website for more information.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Varicose Veins on Leg and Thigh, Remedies to Cure It Posted By : dr. sarkozy mikal

Varicose veins are veins that have become enlarged and tortuous. The term usually refers to the veins on the leg, although varicose veins can occur elsewhere. Veins have leaflet valves to prevent blood from smooth backwards (retrograde). Leg muscles pump the veins to go back blood to the heart, against the effects of gravity. When veins become varicose, the leaflets of the valves no longer meet properly, and the valves don't work. This allows blood to flow backwards and they enlarge even more. Varicose veins are most common in the external veins of the legs, which are subject to high pressure when standing. Besides cosmetic troubles, varicose veins are often painful, especially when standing or walking.

Veins are the carriers of contaminated blood, from the different parts of the body, back to the heart. When these veins turn out to be weak, instead of carrying the blood to the heart, they flow it back, thus resulting in congestion.

Causes varicose veins

More women suffer from varicose veins than men do. There are a number of reasons varicose veins may form, including:

• Standing for extended periods of time

• Obesity

• Pregnancy

• Hereditary factors (if your mother had varicose veins, there is a likelihood you will too!)

• Hormonal changes experienced during menopause

• History of previous vein diseases

Varicose veins Symptom

• Aching, heavy legs (often worse at night and after exercise)

• Ankle swelling

• A brownish-blue shiny skin discoloration around the veins

• Skin over the vein may become dry, itchy and thin, leading to eczema (venous eczema)

• The skin may darken (stasis dermatitis), because of the waste products building up in the legs

• Minor injuries to the area may bleed more than normal and/or take a long time to heal

• Rarely, there is a large amount of bleeding from a ruptured vein

• In some people the skin above the ankle may shrink (lipodermatosclerosis) because the fat underneath the skin becomes hard.

• Restless Leg Syndrome. Restless Leg Syndrome appears to be a ordinary overlapping clinical syndrome in patients with varicose veins and other chronic venous insufficiency.

Home Remedy for Varicose Veins

• One of the most effective ways of treating varicose veins would be to have a combination of carrot and spinach juice. For this, join 300 ml of carrot juice and 200 ml of spinach juice.

• Vitamin E and C are essential for the treatment of varicose vein. For this, take 3,000 mg of vitamin C and 600 to 1,200 mg of vitamin E every day.

• Staying on an all-fruit diet, for two to three days, is an easy solution for varicose veins. Thereafter, have a impartial diet that includes grains, seeds, nuts, raw vegetables and fresh fruits.

• Warm water enema is a good home remedy to cure varicose veins, as it help cleanse the bowels.

• Applying apple cider vinegar to the varicose veins two times a day i.e. in the morning and evening would prove caring in treating the problem. This would make the vein shrink back to their creative size.

• Taking hot salt bath, two times in a week, will prove successful in treating varicose veins.

Read more on Varicose Veins Home Remedies and Varicose Veins Causes

Using Cholesterol Drugs Effectively Posted By : Kenn Fong

There are many conditions directly associated with weight, one is higher blood pressure and another is high cholesterol. The bad thing about high cholesterol is that a person doesn't feel any different when their bad cholesterol rises. In most cases you find out you have high cholesterol when you are getting a routine physical and start taking cholesterol drugs. But, lowering cholesterol is important and there are other steps you can take that will help the medication you are taking work more effectively to reduce or eliminate high cholesterol.

High cholesterol is often not taken seriously because we don't "feel" any badly. We may receive the results of our physical and learn that we have more bad cholesterol in our body than we should. But, for the most part, people will just start taking the pill that is prescribed and carry on with their life without giving it much more thought.

There are some simple changes in lifestyle that will significantly reduce high cholesterol. Reducing or eliminating fatty foods from your diet will have one of the biggest impacts. In addition, losing weight will have a lasting affect on your cholesterol, blood pressure, and overall health.

Losing weight to get healthy does not necessarily mean going on a crash diet and dropping pounds immediately. It is more healthy to lose weight gradually. If you lose just one-half to one pound a week you can make an impact on lowering your cholesterol. and overall health.

Losing one pound a week, means reducing your diet by 3500 calories. This sounds like a lot, but how about dropping 500 calories each day from your diet. By reducing your calorie intake, or burning off 500 calories a day, you can drop the 3500 calories a week that is needed to lose one pound a week.

There are a lot of benefits to walking. You can reduce your stress levels, increase overall health, and reduce your cholesterol through a daily walking program. Taking a brisk, 30-minute walk will tone your muscles, condition your body, and helps to lower your blood pressure.

Working with a professional to find the cholesterol drugs that will work most effectively for you and the other steps you can take to lower your cholesterol will have a greater effect than if you just ignore your cholesterol and weight until it reaches critical levels.

Visit the Cholesterol Scoop for more information on Cholesterol Too Low.

How to Stop Bed Wetting in Children s Posted By : Dr. Mital John

You've been around the block a few times with this whole enuresis thing if your child has been at it for a few years. You've got the drill down cold - taking care of the laundry, protecting your child's skin, protecting your mattress, steering this sleepy child to the bathroom for one last pee. That is, you've got the drill down cold... at home. Chalk it up to being just one more of the surprising things about being a parent - right? Basically, the diaper dependency theory says that kids who wet the bed, if they wear pull-ups or diapers (nappies to our friends across the pond), wet because they know they can.

This idea makes me nervous. At the root, it sounds like it hints that after a while, neurotic kids only wet the bed from laziness, apathy, or choice. We are so not going there! For anyone who's got a child with enuresis, we know this is a crazy stance to take.

Sure, on any given day, my child can be as lazy as a log, headache-inducing apathetic, and even cantankerous - but so can every other child I've ever seen. But there's a big difference between not wanting to clean his room, do the dishes, or get all his homework done before knocking off for the day, and simply deciding, "What the hay... the bathroom's just not convenient enough, so I'll wet my bed."

Those super-absorbent pull-ups made it pretty hard for the kids to know whether they'd had an accident. In the staying dry process, the day comes when you've got to chuck the pull-ups and try flying without a net. I started wondering whether it could it be the same thing with sleep wetting - maybe if he could feel it happening, he could stop.

Bed wetting alarms can train the sleeping brain to control the bladder and wake the sleeper if wetting occurs. Once fully trained, relapses are less likely. We are confident you can achieve a bedwetting cure, once armed with sound advice and a good bed wetting alarm.

Bedwetting Solutions sells bedwetting alarms throughout the world. You are able to purchase a unique bed wetting alarm with a wire-free remote wetness sensor on this site.

Full information on training and the alarm is provided, plus easy access to assistance through email. We treat child and adult bed wetting. We recommend alarm training for children aged 6 years and older, who have no complicating issues such as daytime wetting or chronic constipation, which need to be addressed with your doctor.

The idea - see what happens if he went without pull-ups for a few days.

It wasn't really a big deal to try this for a few days:

* My laundry routine was already in full gear, so a few more sets of sheets wouldn't even be noticeable.

* His mattress was fully protected, so it didn't do any harm.

* He's already a very responsible kid, and takes care of his own bathing and clean-up.

* I also made a solemn promise not to complain if it didn't work.

What was his take on all of this?

This is probably the best part. It's been no bed of roses for him, but it does seem to have made him a more compassionate kid. When he knows another kid has medical problems or challenges, he's always kind and sensitive to their feelings. He's also gotten pretty verbal about his bedwetting problem - and, thankfully, calls me on it if I ever complain or say something to make him feel bad about it.

You may be interested in reading Stop Bed Wetting and Treatment for Bedwetting. Also read more Children Bed Wetting