Thursday, January 14, 2010

Out Wit Your Competition - Stay Ahead of the Game Posted By : Bedros Keuilian

Competition is part of life for any business. I want to tell you about how you impact your competitors and what impact they can have on you.

I have a story to tell you that will explain this very clearly. It all revolves around one of the most successful mentorship clients that are doing very well in his community. He has a lot of competition in his business, just like anyone else. His personal training studio is only one of four different studios that can be found in a short five mile radius.

He is also competing against two mega clubs and several trainers that work independently and will perform their training at their client's homes. There are only eighty thousand residents in his community and the market is saturated with fitness possibilities.

A year ago he decided to make a change that would impact his business in a very big way. Until that point he was running his business just as all of the others were. He ran ads like everyone else, made offers that were similar to his competition and really did nothing to make his services stand apart from his competition.

It was then that he made the decision that would take his business in a new and exciting direction. He purchased my PT Business Course and then enrolled in my twelve month mentorship program. In just a matter of months he turned his average, run of the mill business into a business that people were talking about in the community. His income rose by thousands per month and he became known for his expertise in the fitness world. (My point is strictly that I helped him with his success. Not bragging, just stating the fact that my program really works!) This transformation in his business is impressive, right?

Very soon the competitors in his area began to feel threatened and started slamming him in their ads. They would include pokes at his marketing strategies in their ads and tried to point a negative finger at him and his business. I took it very lightly and thought it was very funny while my mentor got very frustrated by it - that was until I told him why it was a very good thing and is helping his business.

You see, his competition decided that rather than bring their business up to his level and try to come up with a new USP (Unique Selling Proposition) that they would stoop down and play dirty. It really backfired on them though because while they were trying to hurt his reputation in the community, they made themselves look like the less credible business people. My client was actually benefiting from their attacks on his business. His credibility ratings skyrocketed and he became known for his expertise in the fitness realms.

So, what can you gain from this story? No matter how many competitors you have in your community or how well thought of your competition is, if you find your own USP that proves your abilities then you can take the lead in front of all of your competition.

This particular mentorship client grabbed the community's attention by offering sessions that were thirty minutes in length but produced the results that a sixty minute session would produce. He also spoke to their pocket books and offered a money back guarantee for his services. If his competition ever discovers his way to fame then he will alter his USP and create another great marketing edge for himself. Just like the leaders in markets, such as Coca Cola, McDonalds, and Enterprise Rent-a-Car, he will redesign what he offers to suit the needs of his public.

Finding that edge and growing your business beyond the goals that you have set makes you feel great about what you do. Step out into the front and give your competition something to strive for. You can take the lead in the fitness world and adapt to changes as they come.

Bedros Keuilian is fitness marketing expert and is known as the hidden genius behind many of the most successful personal trainers worldwide. Get his four personal trainer marketing programs for free.

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