Sunday, January 3, 2010

Three Things You Should Do to Avoid Acidosis Posted By : F. Lyn

If you want to have a strong and healthy body, you should keep your diet healthy and avoid Acidosis. Acidosis is a condition of the body that leads to pH imbalance. Excess acid is formed in our body and it creates an environment that makes our body more vulnerable to diseases. Without pH-balance diet, our body cannot maintain proper alkaline reserves to prevent diseases caused by the toxins in our blood.

The following are few symptoms of acidosis. These include drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, joint pains, arthritis, osteoporosis, underweight/overweight, and acetone-smelling breathe.

It is not too late to avoid acidosis if you follow these simple tips:

The first thing that you should do to prevent acidosis is to make sure that your body is ph-balance. Our body can assimilate minerals and nutrients properly if we keep a ph-balance diet. You can monitor this using pH test strips. If you body is overly acidic, you should take in more enzymes. Magnesium-rich foods are also helpful in balancing over-acidity. Alkaline minerals are also essential in your daily diet to maintain proper pH level in your body.

Secondly, cleanse as needed. Take natural supplements that will nourish your body and get rid of the toxins out of your body. There are naturally occurring herbs that accelerates the removal of impurities in our system. This will detoxify your liver, kidney and even large intestines where all the toxins tend to accumulate.

The final tip should be the hardest but the most important--discipline. If you intend to live a healthy lifestyle, commitment is very important. Discipline will give you the best result because food supplements and medicines cannot eliminate acidity in your diet if you continue consuming acidic foods. Keep your diet away from acidic foods.

You should get rid of beer, soft drinks and sweeteners because they create the most acid in our body. Wheat, chocolates, blackberries, prunes, peanuts, as well as beef and pork, also contains acids so you should minimize their intake. On the other hand, give more attention to alkaline foods like asparagus, onion, garlic, limes, grapefruits, olive oil, apple, pears, squash, celery, almonds, and green tea.

Notice that the actual pH of the food is not related to how it would form acid or alkaline in our body. Some foods can be highly acidic but the end-produce after digestion is alkaline. You may consult your dietitian for more information on acid-forming foods.

Our fast-paced lifestyle had made our body exposed to over-acidity. Following these steps will not produce instant results because one must undergo a process to eliminate acidity in their body. Using these guidelines, however, one can reduce or eliminate acidity more easily.

The author is a freelance writer and writes about health related articles such as natural body cleansing and cheap nutritional supplements.

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