Thursday, January 21, 2010

Chiropractic Treatments for Flu Season Posted By : keystone

It is the idea that diseases are due to specific microorganisms, which are capable of transmitting from body to body. Most of us have fallen for this notion for it is so widely understood to be so. It maybe time for us to think again.

A pandemic spread though European countries during the middle ages known as the Black Plague. This pandemic was far worse than any pandemic that we have seen in this era and it took the lives of about 1/3 of the European population (approximately 25 million people). But what I would like to make light of is not the fact that 1/3 of the population died, but to the fact that the other 2/3 of the population survived. More often than not, those who survived lived underneath the same households as the victim, shared the same meals across the same family table. I ask you, why didn’t they “catch” the disease? Why did they live? Maybe, they were just lucky?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting that the disease itself did not exist; it is clearly well documented and is seen as one of the deadliest pandemics in human history. But what I am arguing is the validity of the “germ theory of disease” itself, the overriding ideas in many people’s minds is that the exposure to a germ almost always equals disease, but realistically is that the case? The germ, be it a virus or bacteria, might very well be the agent of disease, but the underlying cause is more complex than simply that. If that was indeed the case, as chiropractic developer B.J. Palmer stated, “…there wouldn’t be anybody around to tell you about it!” If our bodies can be kept whole and healthy, then the germs, which we come into contact with everyday, would have no consequence.

So I ask you, what would you think if the foundation on which the entire medical model stands is flawed? What if the notion of the “germ theory” is not as black and white as we were once lead to believe? When this theory was first proposed by famed scientist Louis Pasteur, it was highly controversial yet now it lies to be the cornerstone of modern medicine. Funny, is the fact that the germ theory is not Pasteur’s last thoughts in regards to the idea of sickness and disease.

Through out the life of Pasteur there was on going debate about this theory between himself and one of his comtemporaries, Claude Bernard. Bernard’s made claim that it is not the seed (the germ) that was the cause for disease but instead it was the soil (the human body). Bernard believed that germs are nothing more than opportunistic organism, and if given a compromised environment they will thrive. This ongoing debate persisted up until Pasteur’s deathbed, and at that time Pasteur finally conceded and admitted that Bernard was indeed right. In the end, Pasteur came to realize that the germ was not the only element in determining who became sick and who remained well, that indeed the soil is everything and the seed is nothing!

There are many things that can contribute towards sickness and health. Don’t allow yourself to simply accept the idea that sickness is inevitable–especially now, during the alleged cold and flu season–just because you are around sick people. With chiropractic care, our goals is to have your body functioning at such a level that you don’t get sick very often–and when you do, your immune system, is stronger because of a more efficient body-brain communication – the nervous system, which allows your body to be able to fight off disease more readily, therefore letting your body recover more effectively and efficiently.

Located in heart of Sacramento, CA, KeyStone Chiropractic is a place that thinks radically different about health. Our friendly chiropractors are dedicated to helping people (from newborns to great-grandparents) regain their life and allowing them to go about truly living again.

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