Thursday, January 7, 2010

Green Tea- The Skin Tea That Will Renew Your Skins Health Posted By : Aoife Joyce

For years the Chinese have relished in the advantages that consuming regular cups of Green Tea brings. As a skin tea and nutritional tea overall, it brings a host of advantages to you that will boost and improve your health, energy and vigor. In relation to your skins health, Green Tea has the wonderful power to act as a 'fountain of youth' for you. Read on and find out how..

To begin with, Green Tea leaves are steamed during production. The technique of steaming ensures that none of the antioxidants (catechins polyphenols) are destroyed or changed into other forms. This has Green Tea standing out against all other teas - its leaves still hold the same amount of antioxidants that it had when the leaves were picked fresh from the plant!

I would like to point out that the main antioxidant I will be discussing that is found in Green Tea is Epigallocatechin Gallate, EGCG in short.

So the first great advantage your skin can avail of from having a cuppa of this magical skin tea is renewed looking skin! Stanford University revealed recently the results of a study they performed through two years. They followed a group of Green Tea drinking volunteers and came up with intriguing results. It was found that EGCG reacted with dying keratinocytes (skin cells) and produced a chemical reaction that had the cells re-dividing again, like waking up from the dead. They also found that the antioxidant EGCG showed results of smoother skin, a reduction in pore sizes and a reduction of red veins on the skins surface. There was also significant reduction in skin damage and Acne Rosacea emergence.

The way in which these results were obtained was this- EGCG has the astounding ability to kill free radicals. How does this affect your skin I hear you ask? Well, free radicals damage and destroy skin cells and the cells membranes. With the membranes damaged and even destroyed, they are left open for bacteria's to infest, they cannot function correctly or divide as they do when they are healthy. This is what gives the skin its weakened, rough, aged look before its time. With EGCG killing these free radicals so that the keratinocyte cells can do what they do best - renew, defend, repair , and at the same time the EGCG is restoring old skin cells , your skin can take back the healthy youthful radiance it rightly deserves and look and feel enhanced, softer and more energised.

The points above link up with my final but remarkable fact- we now know that free radicals can destroy skin cells. Free radicals are produced to some degree naturally in the body. However, outside factors are really what contribute to the devastating effects they can have. Smoking, ozone, toxic substances in the atmosphere and UV rays are the main contributing factors. Antioxidants (EGCG) can destroy free radicals. You can see now how valuable Green Tea can be in getting rid of these harmful free radicals from your body? It quite literally extinguishes them. It can therefore hinder the effects that specifically smoking and UV rays can have on your skins health.

One more little fact to entice you even more - 90% of ALL signs of premature ageing are due to UV radiation. If Green Teas EGCG can KILL free Radicals, don't you think its worth having a cup or two of this skin tea to offset the time your skin has just spent under the sun!?

Would you be excited about learning how to make your very own chemical free organic Green Tea while gaining more knowledge about this wonderful natural plants benefits? If so, then follow this link =>

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