Sunday, February 28, 2010

Proven Natural Ways to Grow Taller Posted By : Dennis Allegro

"We are what we eat" - This is the fact. So if one of the answers to our question on how to grow taller is inevitably...Diet. What makes diet so important? Let us first look at the fundamentals, before we proceed. Our growth is controlled by growth hormones. Hormones, are made up of amino acids and any science student would be able to tell you this easily.

To make it even more shorter, amino acids are the building blocks for protein. So in order to get amino acids, you need to take in proteins. The consumed protein is broken down into amino acids, during digestion.

Having high proteins is not what is needed to address the problem. In fact having food in moderation is what helps.

Good sources for Protein? Groundnuts, meat, eggs, fish.

This is not all that is needed for becoming taller.

Other things that are needed are as follows...

1. Calcium

Everyone knows that calcium is what makes the bones, which makes it evident to have calcium intake to keep your bones strong enough.

It is not a secret that calcium is crucial for our bones as well as teeth. Children should consume more calcium since it is vry important for growth, moreover, older people should consume it too. In order to solve low blood presue problem you should increase calcium intake. This nutrition assists our body to function better. The problem is that calcium cannot be produced in our body and we should get it from foods we eat. When we eat such food, calcium is delivered to our organs and they function better.

Few calcium rich foods are cheese, milk and eggs.

2. Vitamin D

Calcium absorption during digestion is done by Vitamin D. So a healthy dose of calcium is pretty much useless if you do not have sufficient Vitamin D. Few Vitamin D rich foods are egg yolk, fish oils and butte.

how to grow taller

Organic Pest Control Posted By : Lex D. Exterminator

Most homes suffer through pest problems at some point of time. There are various factors which might be responsible for pest infestation in any space. Poor sanitation, excessive humidity, cramped and dark spaces, environmental factors etc. Many people think that pests are only found in places which are dirty or badly maintained. But most home owners have experienced that despite taking utmost care, infestations are something that’s hard to avoid.

Rats, bed bugs, cockroaches, termites and ants are the most common types of infestations in the homes. These pests are found all around the world and can create a lot of trouble for people around them. Pest control is the most effective way to get rid of infestations. A good pest control will ensure that the infestation is terminated from the root, so that it doesn’t return.

Many people don’t take cockroach or rats infestations in their house seriously. They either neglect it or keep using home remedies to get rid of the pests. But more often than not, such remedies fail to eliminate the problem. Rather, in many cases, choosing such remedies instead of hiring an exterminator aggravates the problem.

Over the counter bug sprays are only effective in the areas where you apply them. But pests like moths, bed bugs, cockroaches etc. normally hide in tiny cracks and dark spaces where such sprays don’t reach. Similarly, mouse traps may kill adult rats, but they don’t work on younger rats that live inside tiny holes and come out once they reach a certain age. In case of termites, most people don’t even realize the gravity of the situation unless, until it starts to rot their furniture and house.

Thus, don’t ever let things go out of hand like this. If you realize that there is any infestation in the house, then the best step is to call a exterminator service immediately. Any delay may cost you dearly.

If you are also planning to call an exterminator to eliminate an infestation in your house, office or shop, then please ensure that the techniques they use are safe and environment friendly. For years, pest control was associated with strong chemicals and harmful gases which used to make it difficult to even stay in the house for days.

But these days, many pest control companies are using organic pest control techniques which are completely harmless. So, people with babies and pets at home can also use them without any fear. There are a number of such providers available these days.

A number of pest controls have their private websites where you can check the areas where they service, their rates and techniques used for pest control. Organic pest control service may be a little expensive than some normal pest control techniques.

But remember that quality and safety doesn’t keep cheap. The few extra bucks that you may spend on organic pest control, might save you and your family from a lot of trouble.

Lex D. Exterminator owns a website called “NYPestPro.Com” which is a great place to fine information on Bed Bugs. If you are looking for a Pest Control which provides you superb Pest Control service, then this is the place for you. Also Visit our Exterminator.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Flu Pandemics and Immunizations Posted By : Randy McIntire

The H1N1 "swine flu" pandemic has yet to take the toll health officials feared it would when the strain first emerged in the summer of 2009. The second wave, generally agreed to have peaked during October, has subsided with relatively few deaths. While almost one in six Americans is estimated to have been infected during the first two swine flu waves, only 200,000 - less than half of one percent of our entire population - has been hospitalized for H1N1-related conditions. Of those, only about 10,000 (5%) were fatalities. Of those 10,000 recorded deaths attributable to H1N1, children and young adults were most at risk, accounting for about 86% of those fatalities. So limiting the initial supply of vaccine to younger Americans was probably the correct course of action by the Center for Disease Control to prevent further infections in the initial waves, especially given the Petri dish-like environment of most schools and day cares.

As annual flu season has crept toward its yearly conclusion (health officials say the yearly flu trend peaks in February), some doctors worry that swine flu could return to haunt us again in March or April of 2010. According to many experts, a new pandemic flu strain will often displace the normal seasonal viruses. And, despite an ample supply of vaccine for H1N1 and the CDC now recommending that all healthy adults over 25 get vaccinated, demand for the vaccine is at its lowest. This could be due in part to a relative scarcity of normal annual flu vaccine; if patients can't get one immunization, they might not even bother to come in for the other.

The worry over a resurgence of the H1N1 outbreak is not altogether unfounded. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius cites figures from the 1957 Asian flu pandemic, when a fall outbreak ended quickly, but another wave followed in January and February. As the public has become more complacent about the swine flu with the cessation of the early winter wave of infections, those who haven't yet been immunized could unknowingly spark off a third wave by spring of 2010. But Americans seem to be growing complacent about the pandemic - not only because swine flu fizzled out before the holidays last year, but also because seasonal flu in the U.S. has been far less prevalent so far this winter than in recent years.

Some states are still restricting access to vaccine supplies or delegating the responsibility of triage to local public health departments, so you might want to consider checking for a list of locations stocking H1N1 vaccine. However, doctors are recommending that seniors take advantage of the availability of H1N1 vaccine while they can, hoping that spreading awareness of the over-supply will cut down on infections going into the spring. H1N1 seems to affect patients with preexisting conditions like heart disease and asthma the hardest, so elderly individuals with other health complications should definitely look into being vaccinated this February.

Jill Espinoza is a health and wellness writer covering a variety of topics. You can read more at, provider of quality lift chairs and home mobility aids.

Natural Green Phytonutrients Posted By : Eric Bonilla

Now there is a term you do not see every day - natural green phytonutrients.

The word 'phytonutrients' comes to us from two others: phyto, which has to do with plants, and nutrients, which is pretty clear from the start. In the case of Phytonutrients, they generally refer to natural foods that are very rich in chlorophyll.

You may remember from high school science class that chlorophyll is the component within plants responsible for photosynthesis. It's a very powerful material, and helps your body to rid itself of all manner of toxic materials: pesticides, drugs, and other harmful chemicals.

Why do we need Natural Green Phytonutrients?

When you consider how busy most people are these days, ask yourself when it was that you last had the time to sit down for a good, decent meal. Too often, we eat on the go, and that means eating too much of the wrong kind of foods. With Phytonutrients, they help to make up for those deficiencies in your diet. In addition, they actually enhance the effects of any dietary supplements you take.

Then there are the health reasons to eat Phytonutrients. Another issue we're seeing more and more today is autoimmune disorders. Diseases like lupus, MS, diabetes, and others are on the rise. There are various oppinions many people will say it's pollution, and others will say poor nutrition. Perhaps it's a combination of both and still more factors. The main facts are they're increasing and something must be done. Now, you can take the pills that your doctor offers - every day, deal with the side effects and the cost, or you can look to some natural remedies and treatments.

Phytonutrients help the immune system to improve by stimulating the cells that destroy free radicals. These are the cells that cause a great many diseases. Another key features of these nutrients is that they reduce swelling in the body. Diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis generally manifest themselves by doing just that - causing swelling in different parts of the body.

In fact, lupus is often defined by what is known as an elevated Sed Rate. This is short for Sedimentation Rate, a blood test that means the level of inflammation in the body. The higher the rate, the worse the disease is progressing. Well, this is where the Phytonutrients come in; they are a natural anti-inflammatory, and they do not have all the side effects that most medicines have.

Where to get Phytonutrients

In terms of general heath, Phytonutrients are an excellent source of so many vitamins, minerals, proteins (all of the essential amino acids), and fiber. Often times, you can buy a bottle of Phytonutrients in either powder or liquid form, and just take a few teaspoons each day.

maybe you have kid's who dislike their veggies - or even a spouse who's the same way - this is the perfect means of giving them all the recommended daily allowance they need.

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10 Simple Steps To Improve Your Health Posted By : Kaka Ali

Many of us make decisions related to health, such as losing weight, quitting smoking or join the neighborhood health club. While it is common to set high goals, experts say that setting smaller goals could do more for our health.

'Small steps are achievable and are easier to fit into your daily routine,' says James O. Hill, Ph.D., Director, Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. 'They are less overwhelming than a major change, sudden.'

Here are 10 to try:

1. Failure to gain weight. Even if you just won a pound or two each year, the extra weight adds up fast.

2. Taking smaller steps. Use a pedometer to count your daily steps, then add 2,000, the equivalent of an extra mile. Keep adding measures, from 1,000 to 2,000 every month or so until you take 10,000 steps on most days.

3. Eat breakfast. They eat breakfast tend to weigh less and have better food in general. For filling and nutrition Lunches breakfast, whole grain Total top with slices of fresh fruit and low fat or skim milk.

4. Switch three servings of grains each day for the whole grain. If you're like the average American, who consumes less than one serving of whole grains per day.

5. Have at least a salad of vegetables each day. Eat a salad (low fat or fat free) is filling and can help you eat less during dinner. Furthermore, account for the five daily cups of vegetables and fruits.

6. Trim fat. Fat has a lot of calories and calories count. Buy lean meats, eat poultry without skin, switch to low-fat cheese, use a nonstick pan with just a little oil or butter.

7. Consider calcium by including two or three daily servings of low fat or skim milk or yogurt. Dairy calcium is good for bones and can also help you lose weight.

8. Downsize. The smallest of the bag, bottle or container, the less you will eat.

9. Losing just 5 to 10 percent of your current weight. The health benefits are enormous, lower blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.

10. Keep track of your food. Record what you eat over the next couple of days and seeking common problem. Often, just writing things down can help you eat less.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Selects Artemis as Affiliate for India Posted By : Johnson Author

Artemis Health Institute has entered into a partnership with New York-based Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), one of the world's most renowned cancer centers. The partnership will focus on three core areas -- clinical care, research and training.

Already a leading center for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in India, the partnership with MSKCC enables Artemis Health Institute (AHI) to provide Indian patients with access to the latest protocols in cancer care, and provides MSKCC with platform to enter the Indian market. Early efforts will center on physician exchanges, joint research on clinical trials and an international cancer symposium in Gurgaon early next year.

Speaking on the tie-up, Dr Robert E Wittes, Physician-In-Chief for Memorial Hospital, said: "We have a handful of such partnerships across the world now, including Artemis in India. We will be playing an advisory role to enable Artemis to build a world class cancer clinical care, research and training facility. Together, we plan to undertake clinical research projects, and share with Artemis the latest protocols in cancer care for their patients. I believe this will go a long way in establishing a leading cancer hospital in one of the largest healthcare destinations in the world."

According to a recent World Health Organization (WHO) study, India has some of the highest cancer rates in the world, particularly for oral, throat and gall bladder cancer. Urbanization and changes in diet and lifestyle are believed to be fueling higher cancers rates in India, which have traditionally been some of the lowest in the world.

Dr. Kushagra Katariya, CEO for Artemis Health Institute, remarked that the partnership with MSKCC would have far reaching impact in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in India. "Our collaboration with Memorial Sloan-Kettering is exciting for two reasons," stated Dr. Katariya. "It will enable us to bring to our patients the latest protocols developed at Sloan-Kettering, and help us build one of the finest cancer care facilities in this part of the world."

Artemis and Memorial Sloan-Kettering plan to co-host their first International Oncology Conference in Gurgaon sometime in the second quarter of 2010 and will provide a unique opportunity for medical professionals in India and throughout the region to learn about new developments in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer from some of the world's leading experts.

PlacidWay is a leader in the Open Heart Bypass Surgery, dedicated to offering accurate, up-to-date information and resources regarding medical travels, Heart Surgery in India international medical providers, treatments, procedures and destinations for American and international travelers.

Is your health information meeting requirements? Posted By : Jamie Hanson

Health record is in totality the persons health history. This record is maintained each time you visit your physician, health care facility or any another health care provider. This information is typically referred to as the patient/client medical record and serves as a data for diagnoses, treatment and plan for future care. The other important aspects for which your health information record is utilized are:

- .Planning your treatment and care.

- Communicating among health care professionals anxious in your case,

- Serves as a legal document detailing the treatment and care you received.

- Authentication of services actually provided and billed for payment by third party,

- Acts as a tool in educating health professionals

- The personally de-identified data is used for medical research as well as for promoting the health of the region or nation by public health officials,

- This de-identified data is also used for facility planning and marketing as well as to assess and continually improve the care rendered and results achieved.

Apart from the above, understanding your health information record helps you to ensure its corectness , whether your data is being accessed unauthorizedly and make informed decisions while authorizing disclosure.

The default in 1999 had led to Patient Safety Organization to detect and rectify the errors. The result was Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE), which emerged as a key component for such solutions. CPOE became an effective solution to problems occurring due to medical errors, by integrating the care process to reduce the chances of error. The two vital features of CPOE systems are they encourage physicians to order electronically instead of handwritten or oral instructions and provide detailed information of patients by merging clinical information from several sources like pharmacy, laboratory and radiology.

Another intent of CPOE was improving patient safety. In manual system, clerks generate errors while transcribing imaging orders from written charts, but with CPOE the physician enters the order directly, eliminating clerical intervention and transcription errors. Further, for radiologist accuracy the physician is forced to give all the details in the computerized order entry system including the reason of examination, before it will accept the order; thereby helping the radiologist for finding diseases present or absent and improving the practice of medicine.

It is seen that CPOE cuts turn around time for x-rays and other radiology procedures by 43 percent, cuts medication turn around time by 64 percent and eliminates turn around time for lab tests by 25 percent; apart from the apparent benefit of eliminating drug errors associated with handwritten prescriptions. This hastens the treatment of the patient. Moreover, CPOE combined all patient orders, radiology studies, medications, special diets, lab studies, tests and consultations in a single method.

For more details about the advantages of health information exchange check out the Half Penny website online; and also seeSEO services group ClickResponse.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Drug testing kits - Useful for home and employer Posted By : monica geller

Health is wealth, well know and very true proverb. Therein competitive era, they are very hard to be fit and easy to stick to disease. Regular body health check gives advantage over disease and helpful to keep body well. There are many new diseases are increase and spread rapidly also. By such fear, people use drug without need and abuse of drug. Abuse of drug is harmful for body and some time create vital situation also. In such situation, regular drug test can help a lot for health.

Drug test is most crucial issue. For some drug, body can react badly. To test drugs, there many Drug testing kits avail. There are many sort of Drug screening kits like Saliva drug test, Rapid drug testing, Urine drug test, Oral drug testing and many more. You are able to pass across such tests and can know body reaction of drug on body. You easily find such tests at good laboratory and can perform such tests. But for all time, it’s not possible to go laboratory for such tests, or many times some tests can affect your privacy also. On this reason many people avoid such essential tests and it's noxious for body. Now it’s solution to avoid laboratory and can do all tests at home very easily. Now there are almost all kind of Drug test kits avail in market like Saliva drug test kits, Urine drug test kits, Rapid drug test in a cup and more. Now you'll be able to perform all such tests at home easily with help of drug screening tests.

Get Drug screening kits easily from market and can do all tests. All these kits are at very affordable rate and very easy to use also. Just take kit and do test according to manual with kit, and do test within 2 minute. By these kinds of drug test kits, you are able to get instant and exact results. It saves your time and money also. In a market there are various types of drug testing kits are available and it can be test from alcohol to methamphetamines. You'll find more manual and can understand what actual use of test and what right way to do test with detail. These Drug screening kits is not only helpful for personal use. Many companies use these kits for their employ. Company expends more money on health checkup and tests of employ. They can save time and money by such drug test kits and can get instant accurate results also.

There are many places for getting drug test kits, but all are not effective and failed to give accurate results. Choose trusted company for getting drug screening tests. From their Drug testing kits, you can get almost accurate result. Get all required drug test kits from there and make your health and future safe.

Drug testing kits, Saliva drug test, Rapid drug test in a cup

Medical Errors: Are We in Safe Hands? Posted By : Katt Mollar

Mistakes are not something that we usually associate with the medical field. But medical mistakes do happen mainly because medical professionals are only humans who can err. In medical terms, they are called iatrogenic events, defined as unintended harm or suffering caused by health care. Medical mistakes are usually something that people associate with health care in developing and low-income countries where they lack the right infrastructure and trained personnel. The fact is, a lot of medical mix ups and mistakes in hospitals and clinics occur all over the world, including Europe and North America. One gets to wonder how many medical misadventures go unreported!

Medical misadventures are classified as Adverse Drug Events, Hospital Acquired Infections and Surgical Mistakes.

(1) Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) or medication mix ups are perhaps the most common. One of the most well-publicized medication mix ups was the case of Quaid twins who received the wrong dose of heparin. The newborn babies were reportedly given an excessive dose which was up to 1,000 times the normally prescribed dose. Fortunately, the error was detected early enough so that the Quaid twins, plus several other babies, could be saved. One must not forget that there are other adverse events besides drugs, as evidenced by the recently highly publicized excessive radiation exposure incident in California.

A study in France revealed that in the period January and September 2005, 267 cases of iatrogenic events happened to 116 newborn babies. 34% were preventable, 29% were severe, 2 cases were fatal, 34 cases were due to drugs and 19 cases were identified as medical errors. The study concluded that iatrogenic events occur frequently and are often serious in neonates, especially in infants of low birthweight.

A study in the US revealed that for every 100 children hospitalized, 11 drug-related mistakes can occur. About 500,000 children in the US suffer from drug mix ups. Less than 4% of medical mix ups are reported. And according to the 1991 Harvard Medical Practice Study, there is a 6.5% rate of ADEs among adult inpatients, 33% of which were considered preventable.

(2) Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs). Hospitals are not the cleanest of environments and all are actually the breeding ground for dangerous bugs. All too often, patients get the so-called Hospital-Acquired Infection (HAI) also known as nosocomial infection or healthcare-associated infections. According to the CDC, about 100,000 people die of HAIs due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

In the US, the incidence of HAIs exceeds 2 million cases a year and an estimated expenditure of more than $4.5 billion is attributed to HAIs. Most are detected 48 hours after admission to the hospital. In a survey of patients from a pediatric ICU between 1992 and 1997, bacterial and fungal infections were reported as follows: Bloodstream infections - 28% Ventilator-associated pneumonia - 21% Urinary tract infection (UTI) - 15% Lower respiratory infection - 12% Gastrointestinal, skin, soft tissue, and cardiovascular infections - 10% Surgical-site infections - 7% Ear, nose, and throat infections - 7%. In fact, a French study on newborns reported that the most common medical mistakes reported were due to infections contracted within the hospitals.

HAIs cannot be fully attributed to mistakes made by health professionals but hospital staff are instrumental in preventing them. Risk factors for HAIs include:

- Iatrogenic including pathogens on the hands of medical personnel, invasive procedures such as intubation and extended ventilation, indwelling vascular lines and urine catheterization, and antibiotic use and prophylaxis.

- Organizational including contaminated air-conditioning systems, contaminated water systems, and staffing and physical layout of the facility. Some places in a hospital are more infectious than others. According to a 1986 to 1988 survey by the National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) System of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the highest infection rates occur at the intensive care units, especially the burn ICU, the neonatal ICU, and the pediatric ICU. Newborn babies, especially those who are premature with low weight weights are more susceptible to HAIs.

- Patient risk factors include the severity of illness, underlying immunocompromised state, and length of stay.

(3) Surgical mistakes. And it is not just about leaving a surgical sponge inside a patient. The most frequent surgical mistakes are wrong site surgeries. In 2001, the Joint Commission documented 150 cases of wrong site, wrong person or wrong procedure surgery. 76% involved surgery on the wrong body part or site; 13% involved surgery on the wrong patient and 11% involved the wrong surgical procedure.

A 2003 report which surveyed 1,165 hand surgeons was just as startling. 16% reported that they had prepared to operate on the wrong site but then noticed the error prior to the incision and 21% reported performing wrong-site surgery at least once. One in 27,686 procedures was performed in the wrong site. The three most common locations of wrong-site surgery were the fingers, hands, and wrists. 9% of patients suffered from permanent disability.

Medical errors go hand in hand with overcrowding, overworked staff and cost cutting.

(1) Overcrowding. Many hospitals, especially in large urban areas, are overcrowded and we are not even talking about the flu season, nevermind H1N1 or another pandemic. There are more patients than the hospital staff and hospital resources can handle. Because of overcrowding health professionals cannot spend enough time with patients. Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Brigham and Woman's Hospital (BWH) report that hospitals with high occupancy rates have increased workloads and higher patient-to-nurse ratios which are associated with increased incidence of adverse events.

(2) Overworked staff. Several studies have linked medical errors to long working hours and burnout especially among interns and residents. In December 2008, the Institute of Medicine released a report that proposed revisions to the duty hours and workload of medical residents. According to Michael M.E. Johns, chancellor, Emory University, Atlanta and chairman of the committee which prepare the report: "Fatigue, spotty supervision, and excessive workloads all create conditions that can put patients' safety at risk and undermine residents' ability to learn. The report did not recommend the reduction of the 80-hour working week because it would most likely cost a lot of money and cause understaffing in hospitals. However, the proposed changes addressed the residents' workload, including the number of hours that residents can work without sleep (16 hours), more days off, and restrictions on moonlighting. In another study, researchers at the Mayo Clinic reported that distress and fatigue among medical residents contribute greatly to medical errors.

(3) Cost-cutting. The MGH-BWH study reported that efforts to meet two primary challenges facing hospitals today - reducing costs and improving patient safety - may work against each other. The researchers investigated four teaching hospitals for 12 months. According to the lead author Dr. Joel Weissman "While financial and political pressures to make health care more efficient are leading to increased hospital occupancy and greater patient turnover, patients and policymakers are quite rightly demanding that health delivery systems be made safer. Our study suggests that pushing efficiency efforts to their limits could be a double-edged sword that may jeopardize patient safety."

So what's the health care industry doing to clean up its act? In 1999, the Institute of Medicine released the groundbreaking report To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System. According to the report "Beyond their cost in human lives... errors...are costly in terms of loss of trust in the health care system by patients and diminished satisfaction by both patients and health professionals."

The good news is that awareness of medical errors has increased both among health providers and patients. Hospitals, medical professionals, advocacy and watchdog groups are making strides in improving the safety of health care.

The Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) has launched a number of initiatives to address patient safety especially infection control in hospital settings.

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) encourages patients to prevent medical errors by asking questions. In fact, it has produced several TV spots urging patients to "take charge of their health" and ask questions just like they would ask questions about the food they order in a restaurant. The AHRQ recommends the following 10 questions: What is the test for? How many times have you done this? When will I get the results? Why do I need this surgery? Are there any alternatives to surgery? What are the possible complications? Which hospital is best for my needs? How do you spell the name of that drug? Are there any side effects? Will this medicine interact with medicines that I'm already taking?

The American Medical Student Association is actively campaigning for safer working conditions for medical interns and residents and The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons launched the Sign Your Site Campaign to prevent wrong site surgery which includes three actions, a review of the operative procedure with the patient and operating room personnel prior to surgery, a review of the patient's chart in the operating room prior to surgery, and writing your initials at the operative site... Sign Your Site!

We we are not safe yet! Medical misadventures will continue to occur. The obstacles remain formidable what with overcrowding, overworked staff and cost cutting. In the meantime, patients must be vigilant, ask questions and be their own advocate.

The article 'Medical Mistakes; Are We in Safe Hands?' may be found in its entirety on

Riverside Drug rehab centers Posted By : Ashlei Ghupton

The treatments at drug rehab riverside will help the people to get out of the drug addicts and can enjoy a new life with the friends and family. The one thing that the drug addict people at drug rehab riverside should look after is that the rehab centers which are having more facilities.

The rehabs at drug rehab riverside are the most popular treatment centers for drug addicted persons and it benefits for a long period of time. This could be possible only when the support of the public is given to the patients. Though so many hospitals are giving treatment to the drug addicted persons, yet a rehab center at drug rehab riverside has the perfect ambiance for the treatment of every drug addict. They have a kind of treatment that makes him feel the fresh air again.

Almost all the drug rehab centers at riverside are double diagnosis oriented. A person having this type of dual diagnosis should be careful. In these Drug addictions rehab at drug rehab riverside, one may have various types of psychiatric medications and the opportunity to speak and share your depression with a psychiatrist. A drug rehab riverside encourages healing and begins a new chapter in your life. These key attributes of the rehab centers let you familiarize yourself so that you can focus your energy on what matters the most that is getting rid from drugs addiction.

At good and reliable drug rehab retreats and centers, the drug addict will be medically and psychologically helped to get off drugs. Medically, he or she will be given drugs that will help the body regain its normal state or activities. The body of an addict has been accustomed to taking drugs or alcohol and the body is either weakened or damaged in the process. Therefore, changing the body's system won't be easy. A well trained health professional will be able to help the victim's body adjust by taking good and body enriching drugs. Also, psychologically, the addicts need to know about the evil effects of drug abuse. Hence, he or she will be counseled on how to stay off drugs. He or she will be equipped psychologically to forestall any relapse to the old way of life.

Drug rehab riverside treatment centers are well equipped to carry out the process of recovering from drug addiction in a specialized way. These centers at drug rehab riverside work with various programs and therapies to successfully bring the person from the addiction without pressuring his mind or body.

Ultimately, it is all up to the patient. If someone really wants to change their lifestyle and live sober, then free centers at drug rehab riverside will work just fine. Free drug rehab centers may not have as high of a success rate as certain private centers do. Since every drug rehab riverside is different and uses different techniques, it may take some time to find the right one. But nevertheless, they have been proven to work or otherwise would not be in business.

There are number of professional drug rehabs located at very nice and beautiful location. These centers offer cost effective healing services to the patients. Experienced and skilled therapists, counselors, and doctors provide specialized services to the patients. During the residential treatment these centers motivate patients to participate in various types of events, which make drug addicts to share their views in various topics. Some drug rehab centers riverside also offer specific life and good health skills during the recovery programs.

Drug rehab riverside offer various types of healing services to drug and alcohol addicts. Drug rehabs offer inpatient, outpatient, local support group, recovery house and extended care treatment. Some modern and renovated dug rehabs offer separate cure services to teenagers and adults. Some of these rehabs also offer gender specific drug addiction recovery programs. The therapists of these rehabs offer customized support and treat according to the intensity of the problem. Drug treatment centers from drug rehab riverside treat patients with number of successful therapies such as twelve step recovery programs, motivational enhancement therapies, Christian therapy, cognitive behavioral therapies, and with group and individual counseling.

Drug rehab programs at riverside can help a lot in getting rid of addiction. The programs at drug rehab riverside have helped a lot of people fighting with addiction. Finding best rehab program is a difficult task and there are many things which should be kept in mind while looking for a center. This helps you finding the right one. Visit for more info

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Knee Braces- How Can They Help Different Types of Injuries? Posted By : J Pal

You may be more at risk of injuring your knees if you participate in tough sports or heavy construction.

Injuries can take several forms. These can include a torn ACL, patellar tendinitis, torn medial ligaments or sprains, and in severe cases, torn cartilage inside the knee joint.

Surgery can help repair some of these injuries. Others can only be repaired by time and natural healing.

Usually while healing, knee braces can help restrict and limit motion of the knee and this can help the healing process. There are many types of braces available made for the different types of injuries that can occur.

For different injuries, how can knee braces help to heal them? As the joint heals, knee braces can be adjusted to allow for increase flexibility and extension of the knee joint. Lets see how the healing process can be helped with the use of knee braces.

A brace which can help with conditions such as patellar tendinitis and patellar femoral syndrome is known as the Cho Pat or need band. The medical term for kneecap is patellar.

When the tendon and the tissues that surround it become inflamed, it is known as a condition called Patellar tendonitis (or jumper's knee). This usually happens from overuse particularly in jumping activities. You will feel pain directly over the patellar tendon if you have this condition

Patella femoral syndrome (PFPS). Also known as runner's knee, is a common condition which occurs from injury to the patella from friction between the patella and the groove in the femur (thigh bone).

If you have this condition, you feel more pain when you climb stairs, sit for long periods or kneel for long periods.

Neoprene and elastic braces are often used when a person has a mild tear of the ligaments on either side of the knee.

These braces provide a minimal amount of support to help keep the leg from moving in a manner it is not intended to do while allowing for a full range of motion in the knee.

Braces that are designed to provide more stability and help to hold the leg in place often have a metal frame and hinges. These hinges can be set to allow a limited motion or to completely immobilize the knee joint.

The hinges can be adjusted to allow for greater mobility and you can keep doing this until the knee is healed.

Want to find out more about Knee braces? , then visit to find the right brace for your injury or condition.

Rhinitis - 5 Triggers of Allergic Rhinitis and Suggestions For Coping Posted By : Debbie Davis

Allergic rhinitis, inflammation of the soft tissue and membranes in the nasal passages, is often triggered by both outdoor seasonal and chronic indoor allergens. When outdoor allergens are determined to be the cause, it is commonly referred to as hay fever.

Knowing what the triggers are is half the battle when trying to effective deal with rhinitis. Here are 5 well known triggers and suggestions for dealing with them.

1. Pollens are probably the most frequent outdoor triggers with spring tree pollen, summer grass pollen, and fall ragweed and weed pollen all taking their turn in the air. Regardless of which pollen affects you most, the best way to alleviate symptoms is always to avoid the trigger. But realistically it is almost impossible to avoid pollen totally. Minimize its impact by doing the following.

Hire someone to maintain your lawn.

* Replace your lawn with a more allergy friendly ground cover.

* Use medication to decrease sensitivity and alleviate symptoms.

* Stay informed with a daily pollen count that helps you plan indoor activities when the count is high.

* Keep windows and doors closed at home and in the car.

* Use air conditioning rather than window or whole house fans.

* Avoid outdoors during early morning hours when the pollen count is highest.

2. Mold is another outdoor trigger that must be reckoned with. Unlike pollen, it has no season and can be found in the air all through the year. Mold spores can and do travel for miles. So avoid outdoors during dry windy days, as these are times when spore populations peak.

Avoid raking leaves (see there's an up side to everything) as the bottom of the pile is often damp and a haven for mold growth. Minimize your exposure with the following plan.

When venturing out to do yard work, be sure to wear a mask.

* Clear, or have piles of leaves removed from your yard.

* Make sure your landscape has proper drainage to avoid prolonged wet soil which encourages the mold growth.

* Use a dryer for clothes rather than a clothes line to avoid bringing mold indoors on clothes.

3. Pet dander is a trigger that is more emotional to deal with particularly if you, the sufferer, are a pet lover. But there are things that you can do to keep your pet and lessen your symptoms.

Frequency of bathing your pet is all important. So be sure to check with your vet before you begin. Only use shampoo that is specifically approved for your pet, and bathe at intervals recommended by your vet.

* Use a HEPA vacuum and air purifier to remove dander from the floor and air.

* Make the bedroom as close to being dander free as possible by enjoying your pet in other parts of your home.

4. Household dust has been the bane of man's existence since moving indoors from the wild. Every house has it, and unless you take steps to minimize it, it is a well known irritant for those with rhinitis.

* Use a damp mop and dust cloth to trap and eliminate it. * Avoid carpets as they make it easier for dust to accumulate.

* Use blinds (vertical are best) rather than draperies because they hold less dust.

5. Dust Mites are indoor allergens that can greatly aggravate rhinitis. They make their home in your mattress, bed linens, and pillows, and their droppings often trigger debilitating symptoms. Totally eliminating them is impossible; but by using a variety of strategies you can greatly reduce their numbers.

* Encase mattresses and pillows with dust mite covers.

* Wash linens weekly in water that is 140 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter.

* Use a high efficiency particle arresting air purifier to trap and eliminate them.

Stop treating the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and hay fever, and remove the airborne triggers that cause them with the air purifier at

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS Treatments Posted By : Dr. Mital John

People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who seek medical help are more likely to go through from anxiety and stress than those who do not seek help. Stress and anxiety are known to affect the intestine; thus, it is likely that anxiety and stress worsen symptoms. However, stress or anxiety is probably not the cause. Some studies have suggested that irritable bowel syndrome is more common in people who have a history of physical, verbal, or sexual abuse.

Warning Signs of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: -

• Low energy

• Recurring headaches

• Candida infection

• Gas & bloating, Flatulence

• Excess weight

• Food allergies

• Chronic Constipation

• Impaired digestion

• Irritability, mood swings

• Metallic taste in mouth

• Food cravings

Change the Daily Habits for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: -

• Avoid raw vegetables and fruit unless eaten with an acidic or active culture dressing such as Ranch made with buttermilk.

• Diet changes: -It is reasonable to try eliminating foods that may aggravate irritable bowel syndrome, although this should be done with the assistance of a healthcare provider.

• Stress: - This can help to identify factors that worsen symptoms in some people with IBS, such as lactose or other food intolerances and stress.

• Foods that cause gas: - Several foods are only partially digested in the small intestines. When they reach the colon (large intestine), further digestion takes place, which may cause gas and cramps.

• Cut back on dairy products, especially milk. Limited amounts of yogurt with active cultures and without sugar are okay.

• Then there is medication: - Stool softeners are often prescribed to prevent and treat constipation, while anti-spasmodic drugs are used to reduce cramping and treat diarrhea. Anti-depressants can also relieve some symptoms.

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The herbal ingredient in Triphala make it the perfect Irritable Bowel Syndrome cleaning product for those who suffer from I.B.S. in addition, for those who wish to remove impurity from the body using a one step cleansing system. There is nothing to harm you and it’s non-addictive.

Triphala Irritable Bowel Syndrome makes your digestive process works smoothly, which can improve almost all areas of your life. Not only will you feel more wound up as a result of using this product, your body will be a more efficient machine and will be able to burn fat naturally, something that many of us are looking for.

For more useful information visit Colon Cleanser and Bowel Cleanser and irritable bowel syndrome

Information about Smart lipo Posted By : smartlipoe

People should know that smart lipo is a invasive procedure applied to remove unwanted fat from the particular region of the body. Particularly smart lipo procedure is applied on obese people or on those people who are fat above the mass body index ratio. People should know that smart lipo is a alternative method of liposuction for reducing fats from the body. Many health conscious people are undergoing smart lipo today. Now the usage of smart lipo is approved by FDA in the world. During the smart lipo procedure the fatty tissues are dissolved or destroyed of the body. People should under go expert guidance before opting smart lipo procedure on their bodies.

Mostly people are opting smart lipo due to its unique techniques in the world. The smart lipo very smartly traps the unwanted targeted fatty tissues in order to destroy them. The smart lipo surgery is unique for fitness conscious people and those who wants to get rid of unwanted bodily fats. Both male and female can under go smart lipo surgery involving low risk now. Mostly people opt smart lipo on certain areas of the body like abdomen, love handle, and thighs. Now the consumption of smart lipo has increased due to its low risk involvement in the world.

People are also opting smart lipo on various organs of the body whose fat can be removed withthe help of this technique. These organs of the body undergoing smart lipo are Face,Cheeks,Chin,Neck,Upper arms ,Breast region ,Gynecomastia problem , Abdomen, and more. It is important to know that smart lipo cannot be applied on certain people like pregnant women, Diabetic ,Kidney disease, Liver disorder ,Congenital heart disease ,and Blood and autoimmune disorders. There are several sources are available about smart lipo in the market. People should take advantages of such sources of smart lipo in order to know deeply about its procedure before undergoing. Many people start taking help of online shops who are delivering informations about smart lipo for their future gains.

For persons who are new to this area and want to know more on smart lipo and all the stuffs of smart lipo you can visit my website

Does Spinal Decompression Actually Help Disc Problems? Posted By : George Best

Spinal decompression is a new type of traction that is used in the treatment of disc protrusions and degeneration in the lumbar and cervical spine. Spinal decompression has had quite a bit of controversy surrounding it since it first started gaining popularity in the United States. Part of the controversy had to do with marketing claims made by equipment manufacturers eager to capture market share that were overzealous and sometimes outright fraudulent, and part was due to confusion and ignorance about the differences between spinal decompression and regular spinal traction.

When one looks past the controversy, it becomes clear that spinal decompression is a solid form of treatment for disc-related pain. It is neither the faultless miracle touted by its promoters nor the shameless scam claimed by its detractors. Like most things, the truth about spinal decompression lies somewhere in the middle.

For those who have not looked beyond their preconceived notions about spinal decompression, it might appear to be nothing more than the same spinal traction that has been used for decades in the treatment of back and neck pain. But there are definite differences between spinal decompression and regular traction that are significant in terms of their effects and treatment outcomes.

With regular traction treatment, the traction system pulls on the spine at a set rate and force. Spinal decompression systems pull very gradually and slowly build up the force over time, with the more technologically advanced spinal decompression systems also being able to monitor and react to the body's reactions to treatment. As an example, the DRX-9000 spinal decompression system monitors the body's resistance to the traction and if the body begins to resist the pull, within 1/17th of a second, the machine will decrease its pull and give to the resistance. This adaptive feature of the machine keeps the body's muscles relaxed during the majority of the treatment and this allows for much greater effects on the spinal discs than what is possible with standard spinal traction machines, and even the less advanced spinal decompression machines.

Studies done on changes in disc pressure from regular traction found that although traction did reduce disc pressure, it was insufficient to reduce disc bulging or to significantly improve disc hydration and nutrition. This is because muscular resistance to traction forces simply limits the effects of the traction pull. The least sophisticated of the spinal decompression systems improve on these results and do reduce disc bulging in some cases because the traction pull builds up very gradually and helps prevent muscular resistance resulting in dramatic reduction in disc pressure to a mild suction force sufficient to retract disc bulges. With the higher-end spinal decompression systems, treatment effects are greater still because they can largely eliminate muscular reaction and resistance. These systems have been shown to actually produce strong suction forces within the spinal discs which effectively pull protruding disc material back into the disc as well as pull in fluid and nutrients which are believed to promote disc healing.

Despite the overall effectiveness of spinal decompression, it does not work for every patient. Some situations prevent the use of spinal decompression, but even with properly screened patients, there are some cases in which it does not help. Some published studies have indicated a success rate of nearly 90%, but the real-world success rate is not that high. Researchers have the advantage of being able to choose only the most ideal of test subjects and can remove test subjects who do not follow the treatment protocol precisely. When dealing with real-world patients, various complicating factors may be present and not all patients cooperate perfectly with their prescribed treatment.

With careful patient selection, the real success rate for spinal decompression is probably around 70- 75% as a stand-alone treatment, and perhaps somewhat higher when combined with other therapies. This success rate seems to hold up in the long run for most patients as well, with very few reported recurrences of symptoms a year after treatment. But even at a 70% success rate, spinal decompression is more effective than the most common disc-related treatments currently in use, such as spinal injections and surgery, which most studies have found provide long-term benefits in only about 50% of patients.

Ultimately the effectiveness of spinal decompression for a given individual depends heavily on the specifics of the patient's condition. Generally, it works quite well for patients with degenerated and/or protruding discs of mild to moderate severity. Severe protrusions and extrusions (disc ruptures) will sometimes respond well to spinal decompression, but the results are much less reliable. It works well for patients of all ages. Interestingly, my experience has shown that spinal decompression seems to actually be somewhat more reliable for treating older individuals, perhaps because they are less likely to engage in heavy lifting and other activities that tend to re-injure the discs.

So, as to the questions most disc-pain sufferers have about spinal decompression, is it a legitimate form of treatment? Absolutely. Will it help you? Probably, assuming that you are a good candidate for treatment. Just remember that spinal decompression is not a cure-all as it is sometimes hyped to be. I highly recommend that most disc-pain sufferers at least try it before resorting to an invasive surgery, and most of the time sugery will not be necessary. Best of all, for those patients who do get good results from spinal decompression, most are able to return to just about any activity they wish to do, whereas those who undergo surgery are often significantly limited.

Spinal decompression is not perfect, but it is a very good treatment option for the majority of disc-pain sufferers.

Spinal Decompression San Antonio invites you to visit their website for more information and to get your FREE copy of "The Spine Pain Guide", compliments of South Texas Non-Surgical Spinal Center.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

ACL Knee Braces- How Can They Help Your Injury? Posted By : J Pal

The four major ligaments in the knee are; the Medial collateral ligament (MCL), the Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), the Lateral collateral ligament (LCL) and the Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL

Ligaments are flexible bands of tissue that connect bones together and give strength and stability to the joint.

When a ligament is damaged, you may experience pain and swelling. One of the ligaments in the knee that people injure most often is the anterior cruciate ligament or ACL.

The ACL is the ligament located in the middle of the knee and it controls forward movement and rotation of the shin bone (also known as the tibia).

The most common way you can hurt your ACL is playing sports. A stretch or tear may also occur when you pivot or jump. You can also injure your it while doing everyday chores. Your knee may give out from underneath you with this injury. Also, you may hearing a popping noise. Some injuries require surgery while other types of injuries will heal on their own.

ACL knee braces are a good idea if you have injured your ACL. These braces help you to keep your knee stable. The range of motion can also be limited with them. These braces allow you to adjust the brace's settings. You can control how far you can extend your leg. This is useful to have as your injury heals and the affected area is able to move more.

You can also control how much you can bend your leg. By controlling the motion of your knee you can help prevent further injury to your ACL. ACL knee braces keep the injured ligament in place while it heals. If you have just had surgery for a torn ACL, they may also be used for that. These braces help to protect your knee if you fall, and they let your knee rest.

If you have limited motion in your knee or need to lock it, this brace can help. ACL knee braces are designed to help keep your knee immobilized, improve your joint recovery, and improve surgery success.

ACL knee braces can also help lessen some of the pain you feel from your injury. These braces are easy to use and wear. Most ACL knee braces have easy hinge adjustments, and many do not require tools to make adjustments to the brace. When you have this type of injury, you may want to consider protecting your knee with an ACL knee brace.

Looking to find great offers on Knee braces?, then visit to find reviews and information on braces by top manufacturers.

How To Sleep Like A Baby Posted By : Mark1234

Sleep is crucial for your health, well being and quality of life.

Yet, if you're like so many thousands of Australians, you're simply not getting enough... That's dangerous because it effects your mood, health and day to day performance.With that in mind, here's how to sleep like a baby every single night - boosting your energy, health and quality of life...

Go to the bed and get up at the same time every day - Your biological clock likes routine, and is very sensitive to change. So make sure you pick times and stick to them. Now the only catch is you can't sleep in on the weekends... But what's the point in sleeping in and missing half of the weekend you've looked so forward to all week anyway? Get up early on Saturday for a change and enjoy the best part of the day.

Be more active, workout - Instead of lying in your bed for an hour every night trying to sleep, wasting time, spend that hour working out during the day instead. You'll burn away all that excess energy that keeps you awake, get in great shape and not have to spend the night tossing and turning anymore. Warning: Don't work out close to bed time though, because you can wake your body up even more.

Don't take sleeping pills - It scares me how drugged up the country can be sometimes. I strongly disagree with taking sleeping pills. The key is to learn how to fall into a relaxing, natural sleep. With pills your body never learns that, and becomes drug dependent. Making it even harder to fall a sleep when you come off the pills.

Avoid coffee, tea or soft drinks in the evening - Anything with caffeine in it is going to keep you awake longer than you need to be. Cut consumption AT LEAST 3 hours before bedtime.

Keep your bedroom temperature cool and consistent - I think everyone can relate to long, sweaty, summer nights... The warmer it is the harder it is for your body to "shut down" and get into sleep mode. There's no exact temperature I can recommend, just try experimenting and find what's best for you.

That's 5 solid tips right there. Sleeping really is a health essential so USE these and make sure you're getting enough.

Personal Trainer Sydney || Personal Training Sydney

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Best Hand Braces for DeQuervain's Tendonitis? Posted By : J Pal

What can cause DeQuervain's Tendonitis? An irritation of the tendons at the base of the thumb can cause it. Overuse is another cause as well as repetitive activity.

What are the symptoms of DeQuervain's Tendonitis? If you have pain in your when you try to form a fist, when you grasp or grip things, or when you turn your wrist you may have DeQuervain's tendonitis.

If you have DeQuervain's tendonitis the tendon at the base of your thumb may have become irritated. They may also be constricted. The pain from DeQuervain's tendonitis may be felt in in the thumb side of the wrist. You may notice swelling on the this side of the wrist. This swelling can make it hard to move your thumb and wrist.

When you move your thumb you may feel a "snapping" sensation. You may also have numbness in your thumb or index finger. DeQuervain's tendonitis is usually the result of overuse. It can be caused by repetitive activities. You may develop Dequervain's tendonitis if you have just fractured your wrist.

The condition is common in middle aged women. DeQuervain's tendonitis is common for new mothers. As caring for a child can cause them to make awkward hand movements. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also contribute to the condition in new mothers.

Will using a hand brace help? Hand braces for Dequervain's tendonitis can be very helpful. The range of motion in your wrist or hand is limited with these braces. By immobilizing your hand, braces can help reduce your pain and prevent further injury.

Hand braces for DeQuervain's tendonitis provide support for your wrist and your thumb. Hand braces for DeQuervain's tendonitis allow you to have full finger function. A brace can allow you to still use your hand and fingers without all of the pain.

Some of the best hand braces for Dequervain's tendonitis include the following: the Hely & Weber UNO WHT, the Ossur Formfit 6" & 8" Thumb Spica, and the Bioskin Wrist/Thumb Spica Wrist Brace. The Bioskin brace is one of the most popular although, all of these braces provide excellent support.

At a cost of $38.95 this well liked brace is very affordable. The Hely & Weber ($29.95) is a popular brace as well. It costs less and provides a higher level of support. The Ossur ($31.95) may be a good option as well. It offers the same support as the Bioskin and is a leader in wrist supports.

These prices have been referenced from

Looking to find great offers on Hand braces?, then visit to find reviews and information on braces by top manufacturers.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

This Ain t Your Grandpa s Hearing Aid Posted By : Michael Newman

Technology has come to the rescue of hearing gadgets everywhere and made them, dare we say, downright cool. So long, flesh-colored protuberances. Bye-bye, uncomfortable and noisy contrivances. Hello, sleek and sophisticated devices with Bluetooth enabled tech and transparent coloring. Hearing just got fun again!

For many years, people dragged their feet when it came time to get a hearing aid. It meant you’d have something so large coming out of your ear that everyone stared at it. Back in the day, it was even questionable how much this little appliance would really benefit you, because ambient noise would get cranked up as loud as the conversation you were trying to catch. It meant you’d hear wind and some odd, whistling noises. Thankfully, this has all come to an end.

High tech models are now available with features like MEBluConnect, which lets you sync up to your TV, stereo, iPod, or phone in full stereo sound. A little pocket-size remote control wirelessly hooks you up. This feature is based upon Bluetooth enabled technology.

Do you feel too young to need a hearing device, so you’d like to find the most discreet model available? Now you can get an aid that fits totally in your ear canal, and the fit is perfect because it is custom-molded just for your ear. Whether you have major or minor hearing loss, you can benefit from this device’s ability to mimic excellent hearing; it works by using your ear’s innate skills and hones in on audible sounds.

If you have less severe hearing loss, there’s an open fit design that uses clear tubing and a behind-the-ear style receiver. This style provides for awesome clarity with a barely-noticeable appearance. After a while, you hardly even realize you’re wearing it, thanks to the comfy fit. Because of its open fit, you don’t feel like you’ve got a cork trapped in your ear. All you notice is that sounds are organic and real again, since ambient noises are digitally held back. Because of feedback cancellation, your hearing itself is more comfortable. The ideal design is one that ensures you have quality hearing as well as a quality fit.

Since most models now automatically adjust to your surroundings, you won’t have to constantly fiddle with your aid. You can truly let it do all the work for you, while you reap the benefits of its engineering. And because they are now custom-made for your ear, you don’t have to worry about the pitfalls of a universal design. You want the tiny apparatus snugly in your ear, not falling out and onto the floor every hour.

Most of all, this high tech gadgetry helps restore your confidence when talking with people. You should be able to focus on the conversation and forget about the mechanism in your ear. You can enjoy talking with others without stress and awkwardness. Communication is a big part of life, and there’s no room for confusion and misunderstanding. By getting your hearing tested and exploring the available models, you can get back to enjoying music, words, and all the little sounds of the world.

Miracle Ear hearing aids offer you with the ability to hear clearly again. Whether you're conversing with an old friend, at the movies or just watching television with family at home, a Miracle Ear hearing aid ensures you can hear everything clearly.

When Your Child Has Hearing Loss Posted By : Michael Newman

When there’s a diagnosis of a medical problem with a child, it’s often more upsetting and devastating for the parent than for the kid. Moms and dads wonder if they caused the problem, worry about what kind of impact it will have on their child’s life, and just feel generally vulnerable. However, if you’re son or daughter has been diagnosed with a permanent or persistent hearing problem, it is almost always treatable.

The statistics vary, but it is estimated that anywhere from five to fifteen percent of all children have some degree of hearing loss. While heredity or complications during childbirth may be the cause, there can also be environmental causes. Infections can lead to deafness, as can loud music and piercing noises. Head injuries and Meniere’s disease are sometimes implicated. Whatever the origin is, parents are usually the first to notice the problem. Infants may not respond to sounds or they may have delayed speech. With school-age children, parents may notice that their child has to crank up the volume on the television, or the child may complain about ear pain.

Teachers and classrooms are more accommodating than ever before to problems like hearing loss. Virtually every teacher is used to making accommodations and modifications for academic and medical problems, whether it’s for ADD, peanut allergies, or hearing impairments. Because kids with hearing loss can miss up to fifty percent of what’s happening in class, it’s imperative to treat as soon as possible. More than one-third of all children with mild hearing problems fail at least one grade, according to a study performed in 1998 by Bess et al.

Some teachers use an assistive learning device, which sends electronically enhanced sounds to the child’s receiver. Other teachers use an FM sound amplifier. There are two types of FM systems that the teacher can use: a personal FM system or a free-field system. With the personal FM system, the student must wear a receiver and headphone set. With the free-field system, several speakers are placed around the room, and the teacher uses a microphone to amplify his or her voice above the room noise.

Along with hearing equipment, your child will benefit from rehabilitative therapy, such as speech therapy and social integration therapy. Early intervention has been shown to be the key to a successful outcome. Depending upon the severity of your child’s hearing loss and how much hearing remains, he or she may benefit from a long-term treatment plan that addresses how to best function in day-to-day activities. Generally an audiologist is responsible for making treatment plans for the hearing impaired.

Your child may need either a cochlear implant or hearing aid; an audiologist and ENT physician will determine which is preferable. Even infants as young as three months can wear a hearing device. Because a child’s ear is always growing, an inside-the-canal design is not ideal. However, the behind-the-ear models will grow with your child and are more comfortable than ever before. The behind-the-ear style is compatible with classroom amplification systems, which is a true advantage.

Miracle Ear hearing aids offer you with the ability to hear clearly again. Whether you're conversing with an old friend, at the movies or just watching television with family at home, Miracle Ear hearing aids ensures you can hear everything clearly.

How You Can Prevent Hearing Loss Posted By : Michael Newman

Preventing hearing loss is a major topic right now, as younger and younger generations are struggling with loss of hearing. If you are looking for ways to prevent loss of hearing in yourself or your children, you’ve come to the right place. There are plenty of different ways to prevent hearing problems, and most of them are practical and very common sense.

Most hearing problems are linked to inner ear deterioration or problems. If your inner ear is damaged, you’ll be much more likely to develop hearing loss at a young age. Some damage is so immediate that the hearing loss is profound and takes place right away. Your main goal, then, is to prevent damage to your inner ear. Luckily, there are several different ways that you can do this. Here are just a few suggestions to get you started.

One way to prevent loss of hearing is to keep an eye on your ears, so to speak, for ear infections. These incredibly painful infections can sometimes be confused with throat infections, but if your ear hurts for more than twenty-four hours in a row, you should definitely talk with your doctor to see if your ears are infected. Luckily, most ear infections can be treated with antibiotics, so you can clear up the infection quickly and efficiently. Keeping an infection from getting bad enough to actually damage your inner ear is an important way to prevent loss of hearing.

Another important way to ward off hearing loss is to shield your ears from excessively loud noises. If you’re going to be in an environment that is loud by its very nature, it’s important that you wear ear plugs. You’ll be able to hear some of what’s going on around you, but you won’t be exposed to the worst vibrations that could damage your eardrums when they reach your inner ear. Also, it’s important to wear ear drums when you’ll be somewhere that excessively loud noises will come about intermittently.

Also, it’s important to regulate how much noise is coming into your ears through television and headphones. Exposing your ears to constant television and music in general is a great way to damage your hearing, but this is even worse if you’re exposing your inner ears to particularly loud music or television throughout the day. This larger exposure to sound can more quickly cause hearing loss than just about anything.

Overall, you can’t prevent the natural hearing loss that comes with aging. As you get older, your inner ear devices will simply start to deteriorate. You’ll first start losing hearing of higher-pitched noises, most likely, and then you may start to lose hearing altogether. Since many people lose high-pitched noises first, it’s often easier for those who are experiencing loss of hearing to understand men when they speak than women, who have higher-pitched voices. Although you can’t actually prevent this type of hearing damage, you can certainly do something about it, since hearing devices are becoming more and more high-tech today.

Miracle Ear hearing aids offer you with the ability to hear clearly again. Whether you're conversing with an old friend, at the movies or just watching television with family at home, a Miracle Ear hearing aid ensures you can hear everything clearly.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Knee Braces for PFPS Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome ? What Are the Best Ones? Posted By : J Pal

PFPS (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome) which you may also have heard being referred to as runner's knee causes pain in the knee

It can cause you to feel pain under or around your kneecap. When you walk down a flight of stairs you may feel this pain. You may feel this pain after sitting for a long period of time. The pain may worsen when you kneel or squat.

This knee disorder is a very common one. You may develop it if you have injured your patella. You may also develop PFPS because of prolonged friction between the patella (kneecap) and the groove in your femur (thigh bone).

There are many things that could cause it. One knee or both knees can be affected by the condition.

Some of the common causes are:

Overloading. From sports where there is repeated weight bearing such as running. When you bend your knee, this can cause pressure between the femur and patella

Flat feet. Also known as pronating feet can increase strain in the knee joint.

Muscle inbalance. When the outer fibers of the quadriceps (a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg) are stronger than the inner fibers, this can cause patella tracking to be a problem.

What can you do if you have PFPS? If you are experiencing this condition you may want to try using a brace. Knee braces for PFPS work to stabilize the kneecap.

When you keep the kneecap from moving, the pain you feel from the condition may decrease. Knee braces for PFPS provide both warmth and compression to the patella and knee joint.

PFPS knee braces also provide good support. These braces give you maximum benefits while alowing you to maintain full mobility. Most knee braces for PFPS are made to help with mild to moderate PFPS.

When choosing a brace you may want to consider braces like: the FLA Neoprene Patella Stabilizer Brace, the DonJoy Deluxe Donut, and the Cho-Pat Dual Action Knee Brace.

Each of these knee braces for PFPS provides varying levels of support and protection. The Cho-Pat has received some of the best feedback from consumers. At a cost of $24.95, the Cho-Pat is very affordable. It is a level II brace, which means the brace provides more than just basic support and protection.

The other braces are also excellent braces. They are a little more expensive than the Cho-Pat knee brace. The FLA brace is priced at $43.95, and the price of the DonJoy brace is $68.95.

Prices in this article have been referenced from

Want to find out more about Knee braces? , then visit to find the right brace for your injury, condition, activity or sport.

What Are the Best Arthritic Knee Braces? Posted By : J Pal

How do you know if you have arthritis in your knee? With so many different types of arthritis, the causes vary. Genetics and lifstyle is an area scientists are currently examining as a cause.

You may not notice the pain from this arthritis immediately. Arthritis pain usually develops slowly over a long period of time. You may notice that your knee is stiff and swollen. You may find it difficult to bend or straighten it. You may feel pain and weakness in also. You may especially feel pain after walking, climbing stairs, or kneeling.

You can only know for sure if you have arthritis if you get a thorough medical examination. This can include physical tests, lab tests, x-rays and from studying medical history. This examination can also determine the type of arthritis it is.

What types of Arthritis affect the knee? There are three common types of arthritis that can affect your knee. Osteoarthritis is the first type.

When you have osteoarthritis the cartilage in your knee joint slowly wears away. This is the most common type of arthritis.

The second type is called rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation that can destroy the cartilage in the knee.

Post-traumatic arthritis is the third type of arthritis. You may develop this type of arthritis if you have fractured your knee or had some kind of ligament injury.

Will a brace help my Arthritis pain? Knee arthritis often occurs because your knee is misaligned. These misalignments are known as varus (bow legged) or valgus (knock-kneed). Varus alignment causes more stress on the inside of the knee, and valgus causes more stress on the outside of the knee.

This stress can cause joint damage and can damage the cartilage in your knee. To make sure that you do not have unnecessary stress on your knees, you may want to use a brace. Arthritic knee braces can help you make sure your knees are properly aligned. Proper alignment can ease pain.

Arthritic braces include braces like: the Ossur Express Arthritis Brace, the DonJoy OA Adjuster Brace, and the Bledsoe Thruster RLF Arthritis Brace. To improve the joint function and decrease your pain, arthritic knee braces such as these help.

These three arthritic knee braces are level IV braces, which means they provide maximum support. These arthritic knee braces cost $550.00, $669.95, and $669.95 respectively. Based on customer reviews, the DonJoy OA brace seems to be the most well liked of these three arthritic knee braces.

These prices have been referenced from

Want to find out more about Knee braces? , then visit to find the right brace for your injury, condition, activity or sport.

How Does Fruits and Vegetables Impact Your Nutrition Posted By : Jerry Gunning

We may not have realized it then, but when our parent and teachers insist that we eat our fruits and vegetables, they were doing us a great favor. It turned out that fruits and vegetables are an essential part of our diet, providing a wide range of vitamins and minerals that serve numerous important functions in the body.

For years U.S. Department of Health has recommended including at least five portions of fruits and vegetables in our daily diet.

Many people, however, are still not getting the message they remain delinquent in their fruit and vegetable intake. Regretfully only one in seven does achieve this quota. In fact, a full 33% of American adults eats only two servings of fruits and vegetables a day and are more likely to opt for an unhealthy snack instead. On a daily basis, about half the population eats no fruit at all.

A Ton of Reasons: There are a tons of reasons to eat a variety of colors from the produce dept. Fruits and vegetables are basically fat free, low in salt and an excellent source of fiber.

Some fruits and vegetables, such as bananas and spinach, contain potassium, which supports proper nerve and muscle functioning. Other fruits and vegetables, such as carrots and cantaloupe, supply Vitamin A, which maintains eye health and immunity. Vitamin B, which is necessary for converting food into energy, is provided by green vegetables, such as broccoli and asparagus.

Fruits and vegetables provides us with lots of phytonutients, the plant components known for supporting good health. Studies have shown that phytonutrients can help protect seven key organs, including the heart, liver, eyes and skin.

Antioxidant Properties: Researches that measured the total antioxidant power of various foods, placed fruits and vegetables at the top of the list.

Antioxidants are known to protect our bodies from free radicals that can cause damage to cellular membranes. Antioxidants also help to make our muscles stronger, boost our immunity, and support bone and skin health.

Colorful fruits and vegetables derive their antioxidant properties from the chemical that causes their various colors. It is therefore very beneficial to consume fruit and vegetables from all the different color groups.

The seven food color groups and their properties.


Tomato, tomato juices, watermelon, pink grapefruit, red plum: Produces Lycopene which has shown to inhibit cancer cell growth in laboratory test.


Grapes, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, blueberries, prunes, red apples. Proanthocyanidins protect against urine infections.ellagic acid inhibits cancer cell growth.


Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Bok Choy. Produces Isothio-cyanates which increases liver proteins for defending against carcinogens.


Spinach, corn, collard greens, kale, avocado, mustard greens. Lutein protects vision, the heart, and inhibits cancer cell growth.

5. Orange

Carrots, cantaloupe, pumpkin, mangos, apricots. Beta carotene protects vision and immune function.


Oranges, lemons, papaya, peaches, nectarines, pineapple. Flavonoids inhibit tumor growth and repair DNA. Limonoids in the skin of oranges and lemon inhibit tumor growth.


Garlic, onion, celery, chives, pears, leeks. Allyl sulfides inhibit tumor cell growth.

A study by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's, suggest that: Eating more fruits and vegetables can also help lower cholesterol. In the study, the 4466 subjects consumed on average a shade over 3 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Men and women with the highest daily consumption (more than 4 servings a day) had significantly lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol than those with lower consumption

Exactly how fruits and vegetables lower cholesterol is still something of a mystery. It is possible that eating more fruits and vegetables means eating less meat and dairy products, and thus less cholesterol-boosting saturated fat. Soluble fiber in fruits and vegetables may also block the absorption of cholesterol from food.

The next time you feel the urge for a snack why not try a half a cup of fresh or frozen blueberries. Blueberries are one of the best antioxidant-rich foods, they have been so effective in retarding aging in laboratory animals that they can block brain changes leading to decline and even reverse failing memory.

If you are having difficulty eating the recommended daily servings of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, you may want to add dietary supplements to your diet. Dietary supplements can provide you with the powerful phytonutrients and antioxidant benefits found in seven servings of colorful fruits and vegetables. It also supports your body's vital organs by providing them with key nutrients.

By making the effort to follow your mom's advice by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables each day, you may be doing your body one of the biggest favors ever.

Jerry Gunning is a Personal Wellness Coach who teaches clients that good nutrition is vital to wellness and support the overall quality of life.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

How to Purchase Commercial Fitness Equipment For Home Posted By : Tis Amit

In the busy life schedule, many people fail to make it to the gym and get regular work sessions. For them, purchasing commercial equipments for home is a great choice. There are several UK fitness equipment stores that sell commercial fitness equipments. By installing such equipments, one can easily maintain a regular fitness program. If you compare the prices of these equipments, you will find that these new commercial fitness equipments are much cheaper than you have actually thought. In case, if your budget is low then you can visit a UK gym equipment store and look out for the commercial fitness products.

Adequate research is the key to get the right equipment. Browse over different websites and research on the type of products you want. This will help you to get a good idea about the equipment you are looking for. So when you visit the nearby home gym equipment store, you have already got the idea of what the required equipment can cost.

You can also contact the manufacturers directly and ask them to sell your desired product to you. Many manufacturers engage themselves into such direct selling. While buying you should always check the spares and parts and further find out whether they are working properly or not. Apart from this, you may even purchase second-hand equipments. You can find used commercial fitness equipments anywhere, but before buying check out its condition properly. This will be more economical.

You can also buy different spares individually and assemble them to prepare to your fitness equipment. This is very cost effective, but you need to have good knowledge about each part and assembling of them.

To find information on UK gym equipment, visit It is an online health fitness guide. It provides complete information on fitness equipments like body building equipments, toning and strength training.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Be Prepared for Allergy Season with a Vornado Air Purifier Posted By : Ethan Luke3

Seasonal allergies are a nightmare; never-ending sneezing and runny nose coupled with chronic sinus pain can ruin the productivity and mood of any day.

The key to managing seasonal allergies is figuring out exactly what’s triggering your symptoms: trees? Grass? Ragweed? Pollen? Mold? Animals? Work with your doctor to identify your specific allergy triggers; then you can figure out your allergy season.

Where you live plays a huge role in when your allergy season starts. In general, the further south you live, the earlier it begins. Remember that the start and finish of allergy seasons can vary by year. Here’s a look by region:


The allergy season in the northern United States typically starts later than the rest of the country. The Northwest is a safe haven for ragweed sufferers, because it lacks ragweed.

Trees – February to June in the Northwest; March to June for other northern states

Grasses – May to August

Ragweed – No season in the Northwest; August to October for other northern states

• Mold – Does not fluctuate by season

Midwest and Great Plains

Allergy season in the Midwest in typically a little shorter than in the South, but grass pollen rages in the summer.

Trees – February to June

Grasses – May to August

Ragweed – August to October

• Mold – Does not fluctuate by season


Southern states enjoy warmer climates, but they also experience plants pollinating earlier in the year than the rest of the country. Additionally, they don’t get frost until late in the year, extending the allergy season.

Trees – January to June

Grasses – April to September for central southern states; March to October for Southeast and Southwest

• Ragweed – August to November in most Southern states; the deep South may get hit as early as July

• Mold – June to August

Understanding your specific allergies can help you better prepare for your allergy season. Take proper precautions this allergy season and invest in an Energy Star-qualified air purifier for your home and office.

The Vornado® Air Quality System 500 Whole Room Air Purifier uses Vornado’s signature Vortex Technology to effectively circulate and filter all the air in the room for a new level of indoor air quality satisfaction. Created with the allergy sufferer in mind, the AQS 500 uses two filters designed to trap dust, pollen, pet dander, smoke, bacteria, mold spores, and dust mite debris. The Vornado® Air Quality System 500 Whole Room Air Purifier is an Energy Star-qualified product.

Be properly prepared for your allergy season this year. For more information on Vornado air purifiers and their dynamic catalog of air circulators, fans, heaters, humidifiers, filters and fans, go to

Ethan Luke. Vornado – offers Vornado fans, air circulators, heaters and humidifiers with Vornado’s exclusive Vortex technology that makes other fans obsolete!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Spicy Cancer Fighting Herbal Compound: Apigenin Posted By : Keith Scott MD

The news that someone close to us or someone particularly famous has been diagnosed with a malignant disease, may cause us to pause for thought. When this happens we often stop to think that, when it comes to cancer, the odds are pretty much stacked against us and that it is only a matter of time before we have to confront that "suspicious" lump or a sinister shadow on the X-ray plate.

These thoughts are not really surprising considering the large number of different cancers that have the potential to invade our bodies - common cancers such as those of the breast, prostate, colon, lung as well as the not so common cancers such as leukemia and thyroid cancer.

If we are wise we will be making an effort to reduce our cancer risk by eating sensibly, not smoking, reducing our alcohol intake and by exercising regularly. What we should also be doing, according to a growing body of research, is eating more foods containing the natural compound apigenin.


Apigenin is an antioxidant flavonoid found in herbs, spices and other food plants. Examples of foods that contain apigenin are the herbs and spices, coriander, licorice, marjoram, parsley, oregano, rosemary and tarragon. Other foods such a citrus, tea, celery and wheat also contain significant quantities of this yellow cancer fighting compound.


Although most of the research into this compound has been confined to the laboratory, scientists studying apigenin have discovered that it exhibits several different mechanisms that all work to counter the complex factors underlying cancer cell growth.

As well as interfering with a number of cancer signaling processes, apigenin also inhibits the growth of new blood vessels that malignant cells need to grow and proliferate.


As far as breast cancer is concerned, it also inhibits the expression of the HER2/neu gene. Woman who carry HER2/neu are much more susceptible to an aggressive, treatment-resistant form of cancer for which, until recently, there was no effective treatment.

Apigenin has been shown to suppress the activity of this gene and, in this regard it joins its fellow green tea based flavonoid, epigallocatechin-gallate as a potent preventive agent in those unfortunate to inherit the HER2/neu gene.


To date apigenin has been found to inhibit the following cancer cell lines: breast, prostate, lung, leukemia, colon, ovary, skin and thyroid - malignancies that account for the vast majority of cancers to which most of us fear falling prey.


It will be a long time before research is done into the use of apigenin in the TREATMENT of these malignancies.

And, on a cautionary note, there is also some evidence that high doses of apigenin may actually interfere with one or two chemotherapeutic agents used in the treatment of leukemia.

In other words a higher dosage of a useful anti-cancer phytonutrient is not always better than the lower dosages that are effective in preventing the onset of the disease.


Instead of waiting for that to happen we should be more proactive and eat foods that contain this important phytonutrient.

A regular intake of herbs and spices such as coriander (cilantro), licorice, marjoram, oregano, parsley, rosemary and thyme (as well as other foods such as whole wheat, celery, tea and citrus) should provide protective amounts of apigenin.

Moreover, these and other spices supply many other compounds that have proven cancer inhibiting capabilities.

Keith Scott is a medical doctor with an interest in the healing properties of spices. He has written several books including "Medicinal Seasonings, The Healing Power of Spices". To download a free pdf copy of his book, "Medicinal Seasonings" and read more about the health benefits of spices go to: => Watch the VIDEO: Spices - A Health Mystery Solved

Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements ,Where Did It All Begin? Posted By : David McEvoy

We hear so much about Omega 3 these days it's as if the knowledge has been around for centuries. However, it is only fairly recently that the health benefits of essential fatty acids found in fatty fish and in fish oil have been discovered.

It all started in the 1970's when two Danish researchers, Dr Hans Olaf Bang and Dr Jørn Dyerberg questioned why the Inuit Eskimos had a surprisingly low level of heart disease despite a diet high in fats.

They decided to make a trip to Greenland to study these northern peoples but little did they know back then the impact that their research would have on the world and how it would spark countless further studies that continue to this day.

Bang and Dyerberg collected and analyzed the blood samples of the Inuit Eskimos and discovered that they contained high quantities of polyunsaturated fats and these turned out to be the Omega 3 essential fatty acids we now call Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Many nutritional experts now maintain that it is a lack of these fatty acids in the diet that have been responsible for most of the health problems we are seeing in the Western world today, such as heart disease, arthritis, obesity, diabetes, skin problems and depression.

Why are we deficient in EPA and DHA?

It's quite simple, we are missing out on the benefits of EPA and DHA because we are eating less fish and it is only in fatty fish like Salmon, Tuna, Herring, Mackerel and Sardines that we can find significant quantities of these fatty acids.

Our bodies cannot produce EPA and DHA so the only way we can get enough of these Omega 3 fatty acids is from our diets. Fish do not produce them either, they actually get them by consuming micro algae, as in the case of smaller fish, or by eating other fish that have accumulated these fatty acids in their bodies. Consequently larger predatory fish will have higher concentrations of Omega 3. However, it is also the case that these fish will have higher concentrations of toxins and mercury from industrial pollutants dumped in the sea.

Nowadays we aren't keen to eat a lot of fish and limit our consumption to a couple of portions a week and some people are reluctant to eat any fish at all. This is having a devastating effect on our health. EPA and DHA are precursors to eicosanoids that reduce inflammation throughout the body and scientists know that some sort of inflammation is behind just about every health problem we have.

What about Omega 3 from plants?

Now you'll also hear it said that we can get Omega 3 from plant sources and this is true, we can. It's just unfortunate that it isn't the right kind that will make such a difference to our health. Alpha Linolenic acid or ALA as it is called is an Omega 3 fatty acid that can be found in vegetable oils, leafy green vegetables, walnuts, and hemp and flax seeds.

In theory if we consume ALA our bodies will synthesise this into the more beneficial EPA and DHA. In reality though, this doesn't happen as our ability to successfully convert fatty acids is limited and according to some research, is only about 5 percent or less.

What's the solution?

Fortunately there is one, and that is to take a daily supplement of Omega 3 fish oil that has been purified to remove any toxins but concentrated to contain high amounts of essential fatty acids, particularly EPA, as from this we are able to produce DHA as required.

Taking omega 3 fish oil EPA ,has been found to be very beneficial for mental health probelms, for more information about fish oil and how it can help come and visit.