Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Importance of Personal Training Etiquette Posted By : Dimitri Onyskow

Personal training is a booming profession. More people today are switching careers and becoming fitness professionals. However, being a good personal trainer takes a lot more than being a fitness enthusiast. In addition to education, attention to detail, time management and organizational skills, it also takes a certain degree of etiquette to become a successful trainer. If you want respect from clients and earn more income it is important that one practices proper etiquette. Not only will you have lifelong clients, people working out in the gym will take notice in your mannerism. Here are a few tips to follow when training a client:

1. Avoid Texting/Talking/Checking your Cell Phone - Give your paying client your undivided attention. As a trainer, you should be focused on talking to your client, showing them exercises, improving their technique and giving them feedback. This is difficult to do while texting someone. In addition it reflects positively on a trainer if other potential clients see them giving 100% attention to their client.

2. Practice what your preach-make time to eat a healthy meal - But don't do this at the expense of your client's session. Make sure you schedule a time in to eat your meal. Eating a small snack while your client is warming up with cardio is not a big deal. You may want to watch out for that cup of Joe as well. Being professional is a way to make your members, clients and future clients feel welcome. Otherwise, this again could lead to negative feedback from both clients and general gym members.

3. Be Courteous to colleagues and friends, but don't have a conversation - When training a client your main focus should be that client, and that client alone. When you say "Hello" or "Have a great day" to a member, client or friend is fine, but do not engage in a conversation that takes away from your client's time. Teaching a client proper technique takes patience, persistence, and serious attention to detail. In addition, the client has paid for your time. Make sure you give them the respect they deserve.

4. Walk with your client, not ahead or away from clients - It should be re-iterated that the client has paid for your time. When walking to the next exercise, walk with them out of respect. Really, the only time you should walk away is to get something for an exercise and when they are not mid-exercise. Walking away mid-exercise could lead them to injury. Second, if the client notices you are taking a long time or see's you talking to someone while you are away, this can result in a loss of a client. Lastly, it can make you look un-professional to others watching you.

Bottom line, time is money for all and when a client is paying for a service, they deserve your attention 100% of the time. We have an ethical duty to give our clients respect, the education and time. We are walking business cards, how others view us during our sessions may determine if a new client hires us or not. Don't ruin your chances of gaining more clients by offending them with bad manners.

Dimitri Onyskow is Director of Academic Relations for Educational Fitness Solutions, Inc (EFS). EFS, in partnership with the College-University Partners Network™, industry experts, internship affiliates, our board of advisors, and national organizations, has created innovative, Web-based certificate programs in Nutrition, Fitness, and Health. To learn more, visit our website:

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