Sunday, March 21, 2010

3 Secret Tricks For Boxing Fitness And A Special Bonus Posted By : Rahim Jiwani

MMA workouts and a boxing fitness workout will tone your entire-body fast. Mixed martial arts and boxing are widely becoming known as the top way to total health, fitness and strength.

Boxers and martial artists are among the strongest and most conditioned athletes in the world. Boxing fitness routines and boxing exercise allows you to gain strength, tone your muscles, blowtorch body fat and build endurance. And... you learn a new skill in the process!

But boxing fitness and MMA for fitness aren't just about heavy bag routines...This is what most people think. In fact, many fitness boxing gyms don't use heavy bags for their aerobic workouts. A heavy bag workout is just the beginning...

Many men and women today are using boxing fitness & boxing exercise to develop the physique they have always envisioned...Why? Because boxing fitness gets guaranteed results.

Start making some serious progress toward your fitness goals starting today...

I'm going to give you a boxing fitness workout composed of 3 boxing exercise secrets and a special bonus. You can to do these boxing fitness drills anywhere.

Boxing Fitness Exercise Secret 1: Start with a warm up. Warm ups are underrated and often overlooked - yet they're important. Take a jump rope and skip for 5 minutes. Use the balls of your feet to jump (this will workout your calves), rotate the rope with your wrists and go hard. Once you master the jump rope, skip by shifting from one foot to another. The warm up will set you up to get super ripped and maximize the boxing fitness routines.

Boxing Fitness Exercise Secret 2: Jumping jacks, squats and boxer stretches. Do 25 jumping jacks and 25 squats (no weight). Make sure it's quick and intense. Then stretch your legs, triceps and shoulders for 1 minute. For your triceps, put your hand over shoulder and push elbow down with opposite hand. To stretch the hamstring, bend at waist and touch your feet with hands. For shoulders and lats, put your arm across your chest and push down and pull forward at elbow with opposite hand. Do this total sequence 3 times.

Boxing Fitness Exercise Secret 3: Bend your knees slightly with feet shoulder width apart. Step forward with your right foot and bring it back. Then step forward with your left foot and bring it back. When you step forward with your right (left) foot, throw your left (right) hand forward. Practice this until you've got the rhythm for high intensity. Do three sets that are three minutes each.

As a special free bonus...Once you've got this sequence mastered, start throwing lots of jabs when you take that step forward with the Secret #3 exercise. Left, right, left, right. Switch your punches up and work on the lead hook. Make sure you're twisting your upper body here.

Now throw uppercuts when you step forward. The uppercut workout is one of the best for boxing fitness strength training. This boxing exercise involves your entire upper body. As you step forward (and you knees are bent) bring in your elbow (of punching arm) into your hip. Lunge your hips and push your punch upward. Be sure to keep your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle or greater.

Boxing exercise in intervals and with high intensity is the key to lightening fast results...

Be sure that whenever you are doing intense reps, take a 1 minute break between your sets.

Make sure during rest times you actually take a full rest. Sit down, hydrate, relax. Just like a boxer would in his corner. You want to be 100% in your fitness boxing routines while doing these boxing exercises.

If you follow my 3 boxing exercise secrets you'll notice strength, toning and fitness gains within 7 days. The biggest benefit of boxing exercise for most people is that you'll reach your fitness goals, learn a new skill and gain a lot of confidence.

There are many strategies for developing the physique you have always envisioned. But nothing else makes sense once you learn about MMA & boxing fitness. Discover real 'secrets' of the top MMA & boxing pro athlete trainers for lightening fast strength and conditioning results. Sign up right now for the FREE "Unparalleled Fitness" newsletter. To find out exactly how to do that go here:

Risk Factors and Causes of Snoring and Sleep Apnea Posted By : Michael G Thompson

For the majority of people, the most peaceful and restorative time of the day is supposedly when we sleep. Unfortunately this is not true for those that suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. Their apneic events, which occur when there are breath pauses, can wake them up hundreds of time a night, disrupting what should be a continuous night's sleep. Not all people are aware of the reasons why this disorder occurs, and there are several reasons for it, which makes it all the harder for sufferers to get the correct medical attention to treat the problem. Treatment is very necessary, but it starts with understanding the risk factors and causes of obstructive sleep apnea.


- Problems in the airway. Obstructive sleep apnea results from an obstruction in the airways which is caused by certain problems related to the airway. These can include the upper and lower jaws, tonsils, soft palate, tongue, and throat muscles.

Over-relaxed throat muscles and tongue in some cases can cause the problem. This because when a person normally sleeps their muscles will relax, but if suffering from the condition the throat muscles and tongue relax more than normal, resulting in a narrowing of the airway, which causes apneic events.

Enlarged or collapsed palate and tonsils can also cause the problem.

- Structural abnormalities. If a person suffers from anatomical abnormalities there is a greater possibility that they will experience obstructive sleep apnea. For example, the size of the airway may be affected by the shape of the head and neck. A thicker neck may signify a narrower airway and a large tongue and enlarged tonsils may also have a detrimental effect on the passage of air. There are also structural abnormalities in the jaw, nose, and mouth that appear in people with craniofacial syndromes, which makes them more likely to suffer from the disorder. Roughly 50% of those with Down Syndrome, for example, experience obstructive sleep apnea largely due to decreased muscle tone, a comparatively large tongue, and narrower nasopharynx.

- Obesity. It has been shown in studies that obesity plays an important part in the development of obstructive sleep apnea because fatty cells have a tendency to gather together and clog the tissues of the throat, and by so doing cause the airway to narrow. It has been proven that obese people suffering with sleep apnea, tend to have more pressure on their airway which results in yet more obstruction.

Risk Factors

- Being Male. Unfortunately for the male population, the disorder is more likely to occur amongst men although women can be predisposed after menopause. Statistically it has been shown that one out of fifty middle-aged women, compared to one out of 25 middle-aged men suffer from the problem.

- Old age. Although children and adolescents may have the disorder, those over the age of 65 are between two or three time more likely to develop it.

- Use of alcohol, sedatives, and cigarettes. Alcohol and sedatives relax the muscles and by so doing narrow the airway. As smoking tends to cause inflammation in the upper airways and again narrows the airways, smokers are three time more likely to suffer from the disorder.

- Family history. Sleep apnea tends to run in the family. Therefore those with family members suffering from the condition should be more careful to avoid the risks.

- Snoring. Although snoring can indicate the existence of obstructive sleep apnea, chronic snoring in some cases is said to cause apneic events. The frequent vibration caused by snoring can cause the soft palate to stretch which in turn can lead to an increased possibility of it collapsing. A person that snores however should not be automatically considered as a candidate for the disorder, as snoring should not be regarded as a sole factor, although it should be considered alongside other risk factors.

Everyone needs a good night's sleep to enable us to carry on the following day. If you think you may be suffering from Sleep Apnea you owe it to yourself and those around you to look into ways of dealing with the condition. I would advise you to checkout the information. You have nothing to lose except another sleepless night, so check it out.

Best Scar Removal Overview Posted By : Dan Van


Scars are often crucial key signal every time a wound or laceration has relieved so are highly curable with the appropriate information. Scars form during the skin's process of recovery whenever multiple layers of the skin happen to be damaged. It do not manifest as often in more radiant people for the reason that skin cells divide faster to fill out the wound area. Scars on most places in the body are usually treated with lasers, can feel bothersome, but what's promising is that they are probably not there forever. Scars can lead to ways. It spoil your overall appearance and must be treated with caution and care. Scars are marks along the body that happen to be there as a consequence of of skin damage or stretching of your skin does appear from skin damage particularly acne, surgery, or operations. Acne scars are usually essentially the most detrimental and cannot be removed or cured completely, but you'll find various ways to reduce the size and improve the texture.


Quite possibly the most common care is chemical peels, vascular anti aging laser treatment, filler injections, subscision and dermabrasion. So far as a scar treatment cream goes, I should say you can find many products along the lines of honey, cucumber, aloe vera and lemon juice that could trigger impressive results. Laser treatments is usually expensive; choosing a doctor for one's procedure really should not be taken lightly or based solely about the price. Be careful of any practitioner who seems eager to sign you up without explaining the process and its risks, but some doctors are only out for your money. Choose an experienced clinic and then ask about payment plan options, or discounts available for purchasing multiple treatments. Selecting a clinic for your treatment really should be taken as seriously just as if you were picking a surgeon to get a more serious procedure. Lots of individuals run across sensation of laser facial treatment to be much like a rubber band snapping against the skin. Also, you may need more treatments to get rid of a substantial scar than the usual smaller one.

Natural treatments

An example of the best scar removal is natural treatments this really is an effective to start the recovery process of a scar. One of many best scar removal is Vitamin e antioxidant This is one of the highest recommended scar treatments that can be done at home. Fresh lemon juice for scars this natural home cure works especially well for dark scars since fresh lemon juice gives natural bleaching agent. Also Natural aloe-vera is most effective used as a preventative agent and not just solely a scar removal agent. The Shea butter this would leave your skin feeling really soft and smooth, and you can leave it on after application. Another good example of natural home remedy is the Cocoa butter this is a pale-yellow vegetable fat extracted from the cacao bean. Natural scar home remedies will give you results, but, you will need to use a large amount of effective ingredients as possible.

Consider your options to find out the best scar removal option for your particular budget and situation. While the best scar removal remedy will depend on variables including your precise kind of scar, there are many universal guidelines that might help you find the best scar cure.

The best way to determine the best scar removal products to promptly eliminate a lot of skin damage visit us at

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bottle Water Cooler Helping People Stay Healthier By Drinking More Water Posted By : sunbeamirc

If you are considering adding a bottled water dispenser to a home or office, there are a few features that you should consider before you make your decision. You may be familiar with the plastic dispenser with colored knobs to dispense water. These dispensers have a five gallon jug turned upside down on top of them to provide the filtered water that has been delivered by truck.

In shopping for water dispensers today, you will find dispensers that will hide the bottle or water as well as those which do not require a water bottle. The dispensers without a bottle are actually a self contained water filtration device. Ether type of dispenser may offer features such as hot or cold water on tap at all times.

If you choose a dispenser with cold water, you may find that the feature is very useful. Cups or water bottles can be filled and do not need ice. Near boiling water works great for instant soup, hot tea or cocoa. It keeps users from having to heat water for these choices.

As said earlier, bottleless water dispensers are onsite water filtration systems. With bottled water, the water is filtered at a processing plant and kept in the bottles until you use it. Either process works well to remove the contaminates from your water and give you better tasting water.

In the office, many employees appreciate the effort to help them get enough water to drink that does not have a chlorine taste. Workers that have enough to drink are more productive than those who do not drink enough water during the day. By providing a dispenser, the employees do not have to bring their own bottled water to work. Addition of hot or cold water makes the dispenser even more useful to the employees.

In your home you may choose a dispenser made of stainless steel, wood, pottery or even custom made to fit perfectly with your decor. You will find dispensers that are available for rent from water delivery services. Units may be purchased at many warehouse member stores or online.

There are several things to consider as you choose between the bottle or bottleless dispenser.

To prevent running out of water you must purchase the correct amount of water each week. Since deliveries only come about once per week, if you do not order enough water, you can run out before the week is up. If you order too much water, storage can be a problem, as you must store both empty and full bottles of water. The only required maintenance is to clean the dispenser on occasion.

The dispensers without bottles do not require the storage area. They are connected to your homes plumbing and filter tap water to give it a great taste. Installation may require that you have the assistance of a plumber. You will be required to change filters on occasion and must clean the reservoir regularly. However, as long as you keep the filter changed, you will always have all the water that you need for your home.

Looking for a refreshing way to quench your thirst? A bottled water dispenser will save you money while giving your family or office fresh, clean water. A bottle water cooler will give you fresh water whenever you need it!

Feed the machine- Your body needs calories to survive Posted By : Jason Yun

If one of your goals for 2010 is to lose some weight, you're not alone. Thousands of people just like you are about to jump on the health and fitness bandwagon.

If there's one thing most people don't understand about weight loss, it's hunger. Failing to understand your own hunger can doom you to fail at your weight-loss efforts as well.

Let's explore the topic of hunger. Many diet books and "experts" recommend eating several small meals throughout the day to control your hunger and your portion sizes. But does it really work? It does if you make sure you're eating enough! Some people start on a weight-loss or fat-loss plan and still feel hungry even though they are eating five or more times a day. Why does this happen? It happens because portion sizes are way too small! Each of your small meals should control your hunger for the next 2-4 hours.

It's very important to know how many calories you're consuming per day, per meal, per snack. Calories are energy! Calories are very important. If you have ever fasted for a day you know what it feels like. Without enough of them, your energy slowly fades away.

Calories fuel your body's important functions. Whether or not you realize it, your body is constantly at work, allowing you to walk, to talk, to move, to work out at boot camp, and even to rest and repair yourself.

Without enough calories (energy), your body won't function as smoothly. Your metabolism will slow down and your immune system will weaken. You will start to feel like crap and get very tired, and possibly sick.

Cutting calories will make you lose weight?but your body pays too great a price. You lose water and muscle, and you don't burn fat throughout the day. You will actually be more likely to hold on to fat and try and produce more to help your body survive.

You don't want to make your body pay this price! Instead, you want to be a fat-burning machine. You want to feel good, to be strong, to remain vibrant and healthy, and to have a positive air about you.

You won't get this by eating small portions and being hungry during the day. When you feel hungry, it's because your body is telling you it needs more energy! When you "diet," you force yourself to ignore this signal. However, you will only feel worse if you do.

Treat your body right. Listen to it, control your hunger, and give yourself the energy you need to be healthy.

Here's a list of four important Do's when it comes to hunger and portion control: when you feel hungry. Eat protein and fiber-rich foods to fill up faster and stay full longer.

DO...remember that 1,200 calories or fewer do not provide enough energy for any normal-sized adult.

DO...satisfy your hunger. Don't overeat and don't undereat. On a scale of 1 to 10, keep your hunger at a 5. This means you are able to function and have energy to give. A ten means you are stuffed and uncomfortable and don't want to move. A one means you are painfully hungry with headaches, nausea, or dizziness. breakfast like a king. Unless you are working out first thing in the morning, a small breakfast won't provide you with enough energy, especially after a long fasting (sleeping) period. Treat your body with respect, and your body will respect you back. Give it the energy it deserves!

Yun Fitness Bootcamps is the premier bootcamp in Columbus, OH. To register for your 2-week try out go to . To book him to speak at your local Columbus organization please contact him by email at or by phone at 614-432-9703. He is always looking for teams and organizations looking for help with fundraising.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Three Good Reasons to Consider the Beachbody Fitness Programs Posted By : Brian Murray

Are you concerned about your physical fitness levels or weight? If so, you're not alone! And if you are thinking about getting back into shape or taking your workout routine to the next challenging level, there are many reasons why you should consider the Beachbody fitness programs and supplements. Before you turn away assuming that this is just like any other fitness program and that supplements aren't for you, why not consider three good reasons to think about the Beachbody fitness programs.

One reason is the range of programs and supplements they have. If you're looking to lose weight fast, Beachbody offers a Slim in 6 program that is specifically designed to jumpstart your workout program for maximum results in minimum time, without sacrificing your safety in the process! As a matter of fact, all Beachbody programs are designed by personal trainers that are very skilled and who know how to get results without putting your safety in jeopardy, unlike some programs that recommend fasting or extreme workouts that cause you to lose water weight or muscle mass. Their Turbo Jam program is also designed for the best results in minimum time, with a combination of kickboxing, body sculpting, and dance moves. This combination also means it's fun to keep up with it, another advantage of the Beachbody programs! You're not likely to get bored when you follow the Turbo Jam or the Slim in 6 program.

Another reason to consider the Beachbody programs is that you can find specific programs you're looking for, whether it's targeting your abs or burning fat or building muscle - and all are challenging programs but easy to follow as well. Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer, a favorite of Beachbody enthusiasts, is designed to maximize your fat burning experience in just those few minutes. And his P90X will help you to get the muscle tone you're looking for in just 90 days, guaranteed! So if it's your abs or just all over fat burning, you're going to find something for you with the Beachbody programs.

And the last reason to consider the Beachbody programs and supplements is that while they're designed to help you lose weight and build muscle, they're also designed to keep you healthy overall. Their supplements are specifically designed to work in harmony with their routines and programs so that you preserve muscle while losing fat. The Beachbody supplements can be used as a meal replacement but many are also designed to speed up your metabolism and support your exercise programs. This means your weight loss and fitness goals will be reached without sacrificing health or safety. All of the Beachbody programs have been proven to be successful and all have been designed by fitness experts, unlike other programs that are produced by celebrities with no real training in the fields of fitness and health. With these programs, you're guaranteed to lose weight and to keep it off without sacrificing your overall health and safety as well!

You should not be embarrassed about wanting to get into better shape. You can shed those pounds with proven workouts like P90X and Turbo Jam!

Quick Tips to Maximize Your Cardio Workout Posted By : Brian Murray

Who doesn't want the maximum benefits possible from a cardio workout? The time you spend at the gym or on your home treadmill is precious; it's time you take away from friends and family and more enjoyable hobbies. Which means of course you want to get the most out of it! What's the point of following through with a cardio workout at all if you don't get any benefits from that workout or aren't getting the maximum benefits you can? Unfortunately some do seem to go through routine after routine and yet still see no weight loss or notice they're still gaining weight. So how can you maximize your cardio workout so that you burn the most calories and lose the most weight, or maintain the weight you have now? Here are some simple tips to remember.

First, remember that if you do the same cardio workout over and over again you may be training the same muscles, so they become toned and therefore don't work as hard each time. This means the same cardio workout will burn fewer and fewer calories over time. A good way around this is to mix up your routine with different equipment and with weight training as well. Add in a Pilates routine or try an elliptical trainer if you always just use a treadmill. Dust off your bicycle and go for a long ride rather than walking all the time. If you do walk, increase the pace so you're really pushing yourself. These things will make your cardio workout more challenging overall and therefore you'll lose more weight as well. Your body will burn more calories each time and your metabolism will increase.

Also, it's good to do what you can to help out your cardio workout. Do you lift weights or try any resistance training? If not, it's time to try it as building muscle will increase your metabolism as well. The body works harder to support muscles than it does fat, constantly feeding and nourishing them. That means you burn more calories even when at rest when you have more muscle mass or tone, so add in resistance training to your cardio workout. There's no need to think you should look like a bodybuilder or go overboard in this direction, but just fifteen to twenty minutes of resistance training a few times per week can really help to maximize your routine.

Supplements can also help your cardio workout. Green tea has been shown to increase your metabolism, as does chromium. These can help you to get the maximum benefits from any cardio workout routine. You can also try protein supplements since they will help to build muscle which in turn can rev up your metabolism. There are many ways you can maximize your cardio workout routine if you take care to do just that. So don't give up even if you're not getting the most benefit quite yet; just do what you can to improve and you're sure to have success!

You should not be embarrassed about wanting to get into better shape. You can shed those pounds with proven workouts like P90X and Insanity!

Quick Tips for Getting More Cardio Workouts Without Really Trying Posted By : Brian Murray

Let's face it, everyone could probably stand to get in more cardio workouts these days. Even if you have a gym membership you may struggle to actually get there and stay there long enough to make a difference. Very often working out at a gym becomes very boring very quickly, and certainly there is the added problem of crowds and classes that just don't fit your schedule. And this doesn't even factor in the cost of a gym membership! While going to a gym and working out at a health club can be very beneficial and can offer you the cardio activities you need, there are somewhat sneaky ways of adding in additional time being active without even really trying. Let's take a look at what this might mean for you.

For one thing, remember that cardio doesn't necessarily mean just using exercise equipment. Getting yourself up and active and increasing your heart rate and respiratory rate can be done in many different ways. Have you considered joining a team sport that would keep you active? This can be baseball, basketball, hockey, or even bowling. In your local area there are probably many such sports that are organized through your community center or high school. You can get a great cardio when you're active in such a sport and being part of it also means not neglecting your regular activity, since you need to show up for practice and for play on a regular basis! You can also check with your employer to see if there is a sport they sponsor, and you can get in a good cardio workout that way.

Another way to sneak in some cardio is to find active choices for your hobbies. When was the last time you went out dancing with friends or your partner? When you spend time with your kids, are you all active or do you play video games and watch movies? Being active with the family or with friends can mean increasing your cardio workouts. Get everyone to the park to toss a ball around or play Frisbee. Take the kids out to play tennis or basketball. Buy a badminton net and set it up in the backyard. Think of a trampoline as an investment in everyone's good health since this can mean increased cardio activity for the kids as well as the adults.

By now you may realize that there are many ways to sneak in a cardio workout without really trying. You simply need to decide that being active is going to be a part of your life and to choose hobbies and pursuits that will keep you active. If you find things you enjoy doing then you won't think that you're getting in a cardio workout and may also find that you'll do these things more often. So use your imagination and some creative thinking in this regard and you'll no doubt see that you can easily increase your workouts without really trying!

You should not be embarrassed about wanting to get into better shape. You can shed those pounds with proven workouts like P90X and 10 Minute Trainer!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Aged Care Nursing Rising As Our Australian Population Ages Posted By : Jesse Thompson

Age care nursing can take place in a range of aged care facilities including in the home or the community, in rehabilitation units, in hospitals and in residential care. Having this range of aged care facilities available means that older Australians can find a setting that suits their needs best, and aged care nurses can also find a setting that they are best able to work in. But let us look at these aged care facilities more closely.

When looking at community aged care services, it involves older people being visited in their home and/or in community centers based within the wider community. Nurses in this area may choose to work independently, with families and the community’s health care providers, or in multidisciplinary teams.

Rehabilitation refers to helping people to regain their optimal level of functioning after a serious medical condition or surgical experience or maintain their best level possible of functioning, health and independence. Rehabilitation is used for a number of conditions and problems, from fractures to amputations to strokes; and patients requiring multidisciplinary assessment and diagnosis will also benefit from rehabilitation.

In hospitals, acute care nurses are responsible for the care of the patients while they are admitted, and will develop a thorough understanding of the patient’s medical history and needs. When the patient’s stay in hospital is coming to an end, acute care nurses will also work together with the nurses in the community to create a plan to effectively treat the patient at home, after they are discharged from hospital.

Nursing Links Universal is a nursing agency located in Sydney, Australia. They offer quality home care nursing and aged care facilities. Visit for best nursing services!

E Coli poisoning and E Coli symptoms Posted By : Edward Wells

Food poisoning isn't always the result of grossly unhygienic conditions. It can happen when a relatively minor flaw ends up resulting in contaminated food. Take for example under cooked ground beef. Since E Coli is present in a healthy cow it can easily get into beef products if due care is not taken. Although great care is taken to avoid this, some beef products such as ground beef are vulnerable. There are many other foods that can potentially carry E Coli. Some are, non-pasteurized milk, leafy green vegetables such as spinach, juice, salami and sprouts. Unclean water is another source of E Coli poisoning. Since the list contains several items that we eat or drink routinely there is a constant risk of poisoning taking place. And whenever we eat at a place that does not employ the highest standards of food safety and hygiene we are at risk of food poisoning.

Normally the E Coli should get destroyed during the cooking but in the case of undercooked food the E Coli may not be completely destroyed and the person eating the food can be a victim of food poisoning. It is clear therefore that food poisoning is a real threat and one must take care to prevent it and also know about the symptoms such as E Coli symptoms so that in the event food poisoning does occur remedial action is take at the earliest.

In most cases full recovery is possible if the E Coli poisoning is detected early and remedial action is take. The E Coli symptoms are abdominal cramps and diarrhea which can be bloody. The diarrhea can cause dehydration if due care is not taken. Though in the vast majority of the cases timely treatment will lead to a full recovery in a small number of cases serious complications that are life threatening can occur. Therefore the incidence of E Coli poisoning should not be taken lightly at all and if one notices an E Coli symptom one should act with urgency and seek medical help. The old and the very young are more vulnerable and run a greater risk of facing serious problems caused by the poisoning. You can know more about E Coli poisoning at

Edward Wells is passionate about the food and wellness industry. His special interest is in public awareness of food poisoning related issues. You can learn more about food poisoning and related issues such as E Coli symptoms at

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Forget About Angular Cheilitis With This Simple Treatments Posted By : Dennis Allegro

There are so many reasons that can be listed, on why anyone with Angular Cheilitis would want to have it healed as soon as possible. It is not because the disease is deadly. Being contagious also, is not a factor. Most of all, it causes too much pain even with little movements. Also, the person who has Angular Cheilitis not only suffers physically, but also with social life. But don't worry because there are cures for this disease.

First of all, chapped lips considered to be the visible symptom of Angular Cheilitis, should be taken care of. Applying a paraffin-based lotion or cream in the affected area helps.

Next thing to do is, meeting up with a doctor who will be able to prescribe medicines or suggest treatment methods that can bring your mouth back to it's original shape and contour. The drugs that are prescribed usually are:

1. Ketoconazole - This drug is anti-fungal and are available at pharmacy outlets with names as Nizoral, Mycelex, and Monista. This drug alters the cell wall of the fungi, which causes damage to the affected person. This eventually leads to the damage and then destruction of the fungi.

2. Nystatin - The names commonly used to refer it is Mycolog, Mycostatin, and Nilstat. An anti-biotic, it works to fight the infections caused by the fungi or it's sub-classes. Typical prescription would allow the patient to take this orally three to five times daily. It's OK to use the drug several times a day, as the drug is not harmful and does not contain side-effects. Based on your preference, you can get it as liquid/tablet.

3. Triazole - This can be bought as Fluconazole and Itraconazole at commercial outlets. Itraconazole should be taken for a long period of time at a regular pace, even for as long as three months, until the laboratory results would show a negative on the fungus. Fluconazole can be in tablet or liquid form and should be taken once a day for several weeks.

angular cheilitis

Being In Love May Reduce Foot Pain? Posted By : Peter Wishnie

The University of California Los Angeles recently did a study that showed thinking of a loved one decreased a person's pain. While having heat applied to their forearm, 25 women were asked to rate their pain levels. When the women were shown pictures of their significant others or when they were allowed to hold their significant others hand their pain level consistently reduced.

Love is patient, love is kind, but is love an anti-pain medication? When one is suffering from a serious illness, it is obvious that having support from loved ones helps one get through the rollercoaster's of pain and suffering. But, can love help with your everyday aches and pains?

According to this study it can! Medically, there is no definitive answer on why this may happen. Pain can only be measured by the person's perception of the pain. Thus there is great variation in pain from one person to another. This is what we refer to as "pain threshold." One may say they have a high pain tolerance, meaning it takes a lot before the pain "affects" them. I see this often in my clinic when I give a people injections. Some people are 100% calm, cool and collected and don't even blink when I prick them with the needle. Others are jumping for the chandelier and screaming at the top of their lungs when all I am doing is putting a relatively small needle under their skin.

So can being in love increase your pain tolerance? Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. I see several patients a day with this common foot problem and when I ask the patients to rate their pain on a scale from 1-10, I can never predict their response. There is absolutely no consistency on how much pain this problem causes. The description is always the same "It hurts the most in the morning or after rest." But since everyone perceives pain on a different threshold, not everyone rates it the same number.

I have never dove into my patients personal lives to discover whether a pain rated a 10 actually means that they just lost the love of my life and as a result their foot hurts. There is no doubt in my mind that having someone supportive in your life that makes you happy can help you deal with or handle your pain with slightly greater ease, but there is always a reason for the pain. .

Dr. Peter Wishnie is a podiatrist who specializes in foot and ankle surgery. His office is in Piscataway/Hillsborough,NJ. His goals are to educate the public on the care of their feet and ankles and to get them functioning as quickly as possible. For more foot health tips on foot pain, get a Free copy of their book, "Stop Foot Pain Fast," by visiting their website:

Hemorrhoids, Treatments That Can Help You Cure it Without Surgery Posted By : john mumaw

Hemorrhoids affect millions of people all around the world. It affects people of all ages. I should know, I was one of those people. Until recently.

I tried just about everything there was to try and get rid of my hemorrhoids. Nothing worked. Sure, some of the treatments helped sooth the itching and the burning, but every time I would have a bowel movement, the symptoms always returned. Now I don't know about you, but for me, the doctors the last place I want to go.

I would go to the pharmacy in hopes that there was a new product that came out or that I may have over looked. Talk about desperate.

Well, after exhausting all my efforts in finding a quick fix, I broke down and made an appointment with my doctor. He said, I would have to have Hemorrhoidectomy surgery. Now I was really getting scared. After explaining what all he was going to do, I was a bit excited that I would finally be rid of the hemorrhoids. But It still was scary.

Now comes the reason I'm writing this story. I went home that afternoon and told my wife that the doctor was going to call tomarrow and let me know when the surgery was. She had suffered about as much as I did through this whole ordeal, so lets just say she was pretty happy I was finally going to be cured.

That evening, I was surfing the web for information about the surgery and what others had to say about their surgery and that's when I saw an advertisement on this natural way to cure hemorrhoids. Yeah right! So I clicked on it any how, just to see what it was all about. Why not, I tried everything else. It was nothing I had ever tried, so I gave it a shot. Lets just say, I cancelled my surgery, and am pleased to say the hemorrhoids are GONE! that's right, GONE.

There is more to this story on my blog.

More on this story and others can be found at:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Famous Musicians That Have Had Hearing Problems And Tinnitus Symptoms Posted By : Dirk Beal

Some of the best musicians in the world had deafness problems. If you think that is not possible, here are a few names you have probably heard of.

The first is Ludwig van Beethoven. You know, that classical German composer and pianist. At the age of 26, he began to lose his hearing since he suffered from a severe form of tinnitus which made it difficult for him to perceive and appreciate music.

Although there was no high tech gadgets back then to help with his problem, he used a special rod which he attached to the soundboard on a piano that he could bit so the vibrations would then transfer from the piano to his jaw. This was just one of the many hearing aids he used even when he was almost totally deaf.

But this did not hinder Beethoven from composing. To this day, musicians and music lovers alike still appreciate his work as a talented composer and pianist.

Let's go forward almost about 200 years and surely those who are reading this are familiar with the group the Beatles. Sir George Henry Martin who is a British record producer, arranger and composer also had hearing problems.

He was often referred to as the Fifth Beatle because he was either the producer or co-producer of all the Beatle's original records and played the piano in some of their songs. Unlike Beethoven, he retired from music due to hearing loss.

Another musician from Great Britain is the singer Peter Townshend. If you watch CSI, the soundtrack of that series was from this rock group. Just like Beethoven, Townshend suffered from tinnitus as a direct result of over exposure to loud music through the headphones and during concerts.

On the American front, you have Brian Wilson who happens to be a songwriter, bassist, and singer for the Beach Boys. What makes this person different is the fact that he was deaf in one ear not because of any illness. This happened when his father hit him on the head with a board while he was still young. Like the other musicians, this did not stop him from being part of the one best recording band's in music history.

One song diva, movie star and political activist who also has deafness problems is Barbra Streisand. At the age of 7, her doctor diagnosed her with tinnitus. But as we all know, she still pursued her singing career and even did a few films.

Eric Clapton, known guitarist and singer also has deafness problems. He like other musicians believes that this was caused by the loud speakers used during rock concerts. The sad part is that whether it is acute, mild or severe, permanent damage has been done and there is no way to reverse the symptoms.

The good news is that there are now treatments available but its success has varying degrees of reliability.

The musicians that were mentioned here were not deaf when they were born. They lost it later on in life but even with such a handicap, this has not stopped them from writing, producing or playing great music for audiences. If you know someone who has deafness problems, you can still help them be successful in life with a little encouragement.

Get more free information about tinnitus symptoms at tinnitus symptoms

Beating Sleep Disorders Fast Posted By : Nathan Tyler

Even in this world of advanced medicine, cases of mental disorders and sleep disorders are on the increase. For more than a third of all adults, sleep problems are the norm. We are in a world where stress is considered normal, depression is common and a sleepless night is an all too familiar occurrence.

It's important not to overlook sleep issues and hope they'll go away. Chronic insomnia can develop in a person from repeated nights of poor sleep which become a habit. Spending nights spent tossing, turning and lying awake with spiraling thoughts can have a damaging effect on a person's frame of mind. Irritability in the day, fogginess and fatigue are common symptoms. Insomnia has negative effects on the mind and body and can have a detrimental effect to the quality of one's life.

Reasons why people develop insomnia are often because of stress and anxiety. Anxiety induced insomnia is a fairly common problem. Letting go of thoughts can be difficult at night time, but it's important to learn to do so. Spending the night worrying about things or trying to solve things can create negative associations and habits. A part of getting sleep back on track is by practicing positive sleep habits.

Everyone has the natural capability to fall asleep, but falling asleep is not done consciously. It is the deep unconscious part of your mind that knows how to sleep. Sleep sufferers may spend nights doing everything they can possibly think of to get to sleep. In most cases however, they will fail if they fail to let go of the conscious part of the mind.

One way to break out of this negative habit is through self hypnosis. By reprogramming our minds through self hypnosis we can influence the subconscious to improve and recover our natural ability to sleep. Through hypnosis, the mind absorbs positive suggestions and changes in a subconscious level.

Like meditation, the practice of self hypnotherapy can be deeply relaxing physically. Most will find that physical relaxation comes about easily but they have difficulty relaxing the mind. As the mind becomes deeply relaxed through hypnosis, the subconscious is at the most accessible for positive changes to take effect.

When you become adept at it, you will come to realize how easy it is to release tension and let go of thoughts and worries. With more energy, you'll gain more confidence and motivation to help you overcome your sleep problem. There's no need to worry about hypnosis, since even under it you cannot be forced to do anything against your own will. Hypnotherapy has been accepted as an effective alternative tool by the medical establishment.

Hypnotherapy helps slow down your brainwaves and reach deeper levels of relaxation which in turn improve your ability to drift into sleep. What is more, hypnotherapy can counter negative sleep habits, thoughts and behaviors that can disrupt sleep. By connecting with the mind on a subconscious level, you are able to effectively change negative sleep beliefs and habits.

People who use hypnotherapy, find it a powerful and life changing tool. You can apply it to any area of your health and life, for success, growth, confidence and even happiness. Practicing this powerful and natural tool can bring much benefit to a person's life.

Visit the sleep disorders insomnia site for more information on how you can overcome chronic insomnia.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Recriminations Posted By : Sheldon Kardener

To benefit from reflecting on past behaviors, we must avoid the trap of self-recrimination— I was so dumb to have done that. Recriminations serve only to perpetuate problems, locking us in a self-negating loop. Establishing an environment of self-acceptance, self-reflection, and understanding enables us to grow. I am, after all, human, and humans do make mistakes. Acceptance of the self while examining adverse behaviors is one of the keystone benefits in therapeutic relationships.

Fortunate is the child whose parents are able to clearly distinguish between his person and his behaviors, especially when those behaviors are undesirable. I love you, but we must discuss your unacceptable behavior. We often hear the canard unconditional love. There is no such thing. You either love, or you do not love, the person. This is separate from accepting or rejecting that persons behavior. A therapeutic ambience helps to foster this distinction, in contrast to a punitive or judgmental setting. For example, I sometimes say to patients regarding their conflicts, If you want judgments, see an attorney. If you are looking for absolution, see a priest. If you are interested in understanding, then a therapist is the right person for you.

Los Angeles newspaper columnist Jack Smith began an article by writing, My life is paved with the cobblestones of regrets. All of us have those cobblestones. We ignore or refuse to acknowledge flashing red lights in life precisely because doing so means allowing feedback and having to question why we thought our original action or decision was best at the time. When we do allow ourselves that feedback, we can make different choices and gain from the benefit of our experiences. Cobblestones can serve as paving stones to a better future. But if change threatens our perception of stability or safety the Child, we block feedback. A humorous story comes to mind of a therapist who makes a clear, definitive statement about what the patients struggles represent. The patient responds with an enthusiastic, Aha, that is it! Why did you not tell me this before? The therapist sighs and replies, I have been telling you this for the past five years." There is a crucial time when we are willing to recognize and be open to feedback from others or from ourselves. I coined a mantra to help me keep this in perspective: There are none so deaf as those who will not yet hear, or so blind as those who will not yet see.

Going forward with a sense of self-acceptance in an experientially informed and aware fashion is fundamental for emotional growth.

Copyright (c) 2010 Sheldon Kardener

Sheldon H. Kardener, MD, has written, lectured and taught extensively while practicing psychodynamic psychotherapy for over 40 years. Always on the cutting-edge, he is often called father of Focused Dynamic Therapy. His book, Breaking Free: How Chains From Childhood Keep Us From What

We Want, is a breakthrough book, the biggest breakthrough in psychotherapy since the 60s. Learn more at

or call 310.399.8727

How Will Drinking Green Tea Stop You From Aquiring Cancer Cells? Posted By : John F Baril

It has been exposed by researchers that people who drink green tea are less prone to getting cancer. The Polyphenol in green tea has antioxidant qualities that is effective in fighting cancer cells. The cancer rates in countries that drink the most green tea are the lowest rates in the world.

Animal tests have established that green tea can help in reducing the formation of certain tumours in the skin, bladder, esophagus, ovary, pancreas, and prostate. The results were because of the antioxidant properties of green tea. EGCG or epigallocatechin is the primary polyphenol which has anti-cancer and anti inflammatory properties. Alternative polyphenols also have the identical properties which can forestall skin cancer and even skin tumours.

The growth of cancer cells in the esophagus is additionally typical but drinking green tea can suppress the growth of such cancer cells. Studies relating to esophageal cancer produced totally different results. Women tested to drink green tea were protected against esophageal cancer but the other group was prone to it. The study concluded and counseled that more studies ought to be conducted with reference to esophageal cancer.

The human bladder is another vital organ in the body. Again, researchers are trying to prove if there's a association between the consumption of tea and bladder cancer. Clinical studies among ladies proved that bladder cancer was prevented via drinking green tea and another clinical study among men with existing bladder cancer had higher possibilities of survival when green tea was introduced into their diet plan.

The pancreas can also profit from the anti-cancer properties of green tea. Each men and ladies who drank green tea were less vulnerable to pancreatic cancer; however, more studies ought to be conducted by researchers before they will recommend it for prevention of pancreatic cancer. Then there is the ever rising number of ovarian cancer patients. Conclusive studies in China among ovarian cancer patients proved quite effective. With one cup green tea everyday, the patients lived longer.

Test tube lab studies also proved that green tea can forestall prostate cancer with men. So far, the studies in several varieties of cancer gave positive effects when green tea was introduced. by simply increasing the quantity, frequency, yet as the period of taking the tea, the growth of cancer can be prevented.

Cancer has continually been a health problem in several age groups. For many years, doctors and researchers have fought against cancer and finally, they came up with an excellent remedy that is not too expensive. Therefore whereas you're still young and healthy, make positive you drink green tea daily. Make it a part of your diet, whether or not you're trying to lose weight or not. There are several benefits of taking green tea and if you wish to achieve a much healthier body, begin taking it now. Business green teas are widely offered, moreover as the supplement forms. If you wish to take the supplements, you can ask for a prescription from your doctor.

Although this could mean extra cost on your half, the cash you will be spending is a large amount less than having to travel through a cancer medication program.

Help your body to fight off cancer cells. Drink green tea every day and eat a healthful diet and you're on the proper track to being cancer free.

Learn more about healthy weight loss at Healthy Diet Plans and at Healthy Diet Plan. John Baril is an authority on healthy weight loss and is the author of this article.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Is the Donjoy Defiance Knee Brace Right For You? Posted By : J Pal

The Donjoy Defiance knee brace is seen by some as one of best braces on the market of it's kind. This brace is a custom brace. Meaning it is made according to your own personal measurements which ensures a good fit.

Custom braces can also provide the greatest protection and support. By using a brace that is custom made you can be sure you are getting the most accurate fit possible. Because the DonJoy defiance is made from carbon fiber, it is lightweight.

This means that it is not bulky and can fit under many different types of uniforms. It also means that it will not slow you down or effect your performance. The DonJoy defiance is also comfortable to wear and easy to use. The brace is available in three lengths: standard thigh with short calf, standard and short.

The Defiance is an excellent brace if you have hurt your knee. Knee ligament injuries include things like PCL, ACL, LCL, or MCL injuries. The defiance brace can help you if you have any of these knee injuries whether they are moderate to severe.

The Defiance gives you sturdy support for your hurt knee ligaments which can help them heal and also improve your performance during activities and sports. These are great knee braces for both athletes and non-athletes. You can use the Defiance brace for many different types of activities.

The Defiance is an ideal brace to use for sports like football, tennis, or water sports. And the brace is also recommended for high collision sports. Apparently the Defiance is worn by professional atheletes such as members of the US ski team, Garrett McNamara the world champion big wave surfer and Shawne Merriman of the San Diego Chargers? The DonJoy Defiance is made by DJO incorporated. A leading manufacturer of high quality knee braces and orthopedic products is DJO. DJO incorporated make products that can help when you have had knee surgery or when you have had knee injury.

Providing products to help in difficult times in one of their goals. DJO Incorporated also make products to help you with rehabilitation after your injury or surgery. DJO incorportated are a trusted company and make the Donjoy Defiance custom knee brace which is a good choice.

Looking to find great offers on the Donjoy Defiance Knee Brace?, then visit to find reviews and information on braces by top manufacturers.

Home Health Care Essential Need for Patients Posted By : Harold Spencer

Home based health care services have become an essential need for patients nowadays. Whether someone is seriously ill and looking for care, or they need such kind of exclusive special care for their parents or other elderly member of his/her family, home based health care services are the right answer to their needs. Nowadays, when different kinds of temporary or permanent diseases have become common among people, the need for home care services is increasingly being felt.

Home Health Care – What Does It Mean?

Nowadays, one can hire medical experts or certified caretakers to take care of people suffering from temporary or permanent illness. The illness can be of any type. It may be a temporary disability caused by a severe accident or casual illness, or it may be permanent physical disability for which a dedicated person is needed to take care of the affected person. The concept of hiring professional for home aide is certainly beneficial.

Home Health Care Agency – Serving Home Health Care Needs

The popularity of home care services are increasing due to the excessive demand of licensed and certified professionals in this field. To cater the increasing needs of people, several agencies have started offering trained and certified professionals for home based care. Usually, a home health care agency provides services for all the essential requirements of people.

What Kind Of Services Home Health Care Agencies Provide?

A well-established home health care agency can provide services for different needs. People can hire certified professionals with experience of taking care of several prevalent diseases like Alzheimer, Parkinson as well as care for disabled. Apart from that, these agencies also provide elderly care, extended care, home health aides, hospice services, as well as short term or long term care services. In summary, no matter what kind of requirements people will have, they just need to speak to a reputed home health care agency and their needs will be fulfilled.

Inception of home health care agencies is really a boon for people living alone (away from their children or other family members). It also helped working professionals as they can hire a caretaker for their parents or grandparents. They just do not worry to think about them after hiring home health care professionals. However, while hiring services (part time or full time), one needs to check the credentials of agency offering these services. One should always prefer certified and licensed agencies, because they can provide experienced staff for complete care.

ACH (A Caring Hand) is a New York State Home Care Service agency licensed by the New York State Department of Health and accredited with the gold seal of approval by the Joint Commission. For more information please visit: Home Health Care

A Home Remedy For Insomnia Posted By : Gustaf Eriksson

When we sink into deep sleep we don't think we need a cure for insomnia. We visit a land where our hopes and fears are real, and where we can act out our most secret desires

We talk to famous people, we start wars and win battles as our body recharges and revives itself for the day ahead. For people who are having trouble sleeping, they may not get to this restful cycle, they may not dream at all and if they do, it is sporadic or short lived.

They might not have any memory of them.

To be fair, many people who do not have any type of sleep disorders do not remember dreaming, once they wake up, although it is very likely that they did. Remembering the dream or what it was about is not the main issue here, what is important is the restful sleep that coincides with dreaming.

When we first fall asleep, we are in a mellow and relaxed zone, the drowsy part of sleep that is unfortunately very easy to disrupt. As we slip deeper and deeper in to sleep, we become harder to rouse.

Waking up in the middle of a deep sleep cycle instead of in a shallow light sleep cycle, causes feelings of tiredness during the day.

Rem sleep - "Rapid Eye Movement" sleep - is when your subconscious mind works hard and puts on the dreams.

Making sure that you get to sleep in the first place is the only way to ensure that you get to REM sleep: so you have to take control of your own sleep destiny.

Tell your body who is boss and make sure that the boss is you. Do not let yourself become overwhelmed by lack of sleep. Manage the set for a good nights sleep and you will make it happen.

Start by clearing the set:

Remove anything that might relate to work, stress or bother you in any way. If you are angry with your mother for some reason, take her picture out of the room for the night! Now you are focusing on your need to get some sleep.

Your bedroom should be dark and cool. Sleep experts, and Feng Shui practitioners in particular, detest the idea of having lots of electronics in the bedroom, especially TV sets.

If you are really serious about getting sleep help, it might be time to move the one eyed monster out of the bedroom!

The same goes for your laptop computer.

Put it on sleep mode, shut it down, or take it out of the room.

Next, run through the scene.

During the lead-up to going to bed, try to move slowly, turn the lights down, avoid noise and "jumping about".

Picture yourself waking in the morning, relaxed, refreshed and renewed. When you finally go to bed, close your eyes and let your mind imagine peaceful and relaxing settings.

When your mind drifts away, try to refocus and concentrate.

You are the director; just make sure your dreams are marvellous and fantastic, once you get the relaxing sleep you have been striving for.

A natural cure for insomnia is to stage manage your sleep. You can direct your body, your mind and your surroundings so the night flows like a blockbuster movie! There are simple tips to help your sleep problems and give you lovely dreams, just go here

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Proven Natural Ways to Grow Taller Posted By : Dennis Allegro

"We are what we eat" - This is the fact. So if one of the answers to our question on how to grow taller is inevitably...Diet. What makes diet so important? Let us first look at the fundamentals, before we proceed. Our growth is controlled by growth hormones. Hormones, are made up of amino acids and any science student would be able to tell you this easily.

To make it even more shorter, amino acids are the building blocks for protein. So in order to get amino acids, you need to take in proteins. The consumed protein is broken down into amino acids, during digestion.

Having high proteins is not what is needed to address the problem. In fact having food in moderation is what helps.

Good sources for Protein? Groundnuts, meat, eggs, fish.

This is not all that is needed for becoming taller.

Other things that are needed are as follows...

1. Calcium

Everyone knows that calcium is what makes the bones, which makes it evident to have calcium intake to keep your bones strong enough.

It is not a secret that calcium is crucial for our bones as well as teeth. Children should consume more calcium since it is vry important for growth, moreover, older people should consume it too. In order to solve low blood presue problem you should increase calcium intake. This nutrition assists our body to function better. The problem is that calcium cannot be produced in our body and we should get it from foods we eat. When we eat such food, calcium is delivered to our organs and they function better.

Few calcium rich foods are cheese, milk and eggs.

2. Vitamin D

Calcium absorption during digestion is done by Vitamin D. So a healthy dose of calcium is pretty much useless if you do not have sufficient Vitamin D. Few Vitamin D rich foods are egg yolk, fish oils and butte.

how to grow taller

Organic Pest Control Posted By : Lex D. Exterminator

Most homes suffer through pest problems at some point of time. There are various factors which might be responsible for pest infestation in any space. Poor sanitation, excessive humidity, cramped and dark spaces, environmental factors etc. Many people think that pests are only found in places which are dirty or badly maintained. But most home owners have experienced that despite taking utmost care, infestations are something that’s hard to avoid.

Rats, bed bugs, cockroaches, termites and ants are the most common types of infestations in the homes. These pests are found all around the world and can create a lot of trouble for people around them. Pest control is the most effective way to get rid of infestations. A good pest control will ensure that the infestation is terminated from the root, so that it doesn’t return.

Many people don’t take cockroach or rats infestations in their house seriously. They either neglect it or keep using home remedies to get rid of the pests. But more often than not, such remedies fail to eliminate the problem. Rather, in many cases, choosing such remedies instead of hiring an exterminator aggravates the problem.

Over the counter bug sprays are only effective in the areas where you apply them. But pests like moths, bed bugs, cockroaches etc. normally hide in tiny cracks and dark spaces where such sprays don’t reach. Similarly, mouse traps may kill adult rats, but they don’t work on younger rats that live inside tiny holes and come out once they reach a certain age. In case of termites, most people don’t even realize the gravity of the situation unless, until it starts to rot their furniture and house.

Thus, don’t ever let things go out of hand like this. If you realize that there is any infestation in the house, then the best step is to call a exterminator service immediately. Any delay may cost you dearly.

If you are also planning to call an exterminator to eliminate an infestation in your house, office or shop, then please ensure that the techniques they use are safe and environment friendly. For years, pest control was associated with strong chemicals and harmful gases which used to make it difficult to even stay in the house for days.

But these days, many pest control companies are using organic pest control techniques which are completely harmless. So, people with babies and pets at home can also use them without any fear. There are a number of such providers available these days.

A number of pest controls have their private websites where you can check the areas where they service, their rates and techniques used for pest control. Organic pest control service may be a little expensive than some normal pest control techniques.

But remember that quality and safety doesn’t keep cheap. The few extra bucks that you may spend on organic pest control, might save you and your family from a lot of trouble.

Lex D. Exterminator owns a website called “NYPestPro.Com” which is a great place to fine information on Bed Bugs. If you are looking for a Pest Control which provides you superb Pest Control service, then this is the place for you. Also Visit our Exterminator.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Flu Pandemics and Immunizations Posted By : Randy McIntire

The H1N1 "swine flu" pandemic has yet to take the toll health officials feared it would when the strain first emerged in the summer of 2009. The second wave, generally agreed to have peaked during October, has subsided with relatively few deaths. While almost one in six Americans is estimated to have been infected during the first two swine flu waves, only 200,000 - less than half of one percent of our entire population - has been hospitalized for H1N1-related conditions. Of those, only about 10,000 (5%) were fatalities. Of those 10,000 recorded deaths attributable to H1N1, children and young adults were most at risk, accounting for about 86% of those fatalities. So limiting the initial supply of vaccine to younger Americans was probably the correct course of action by the Center for Disease Control to prevent further infections in the initial waves, especially given the Petri dish-like environment of most schools and day cares.

As annual flu season has crept toward its yearly conclusion (health officials say the yearly flu trend peaks in February), some doctors worry that swine flu could return to haunt us again in March or April of 2010. According to many experts, a new pandemic flu strain will often displace the normal seasonal viruses. And, despite an ample supply of vaccine for H1N1 and the CDC now recommending that all healthy adults over 25 get vaccinated, demand for the vaccine is at its lowest. This could be due in part to a relative scarcity of normal annual flu vaccine; if patients can't get one immunization, they might not even bother to come in for the other.

The worry over a resurgence of the H1N1 outbreak is not altogether unfounded. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius cites figures from the 1957 Asian flu pandemic, when a fall outbreak ended quickly, but another wave followed in January and February. As the public has become more complacent about the swine flu with the cessation of the early winter wave of infections, those who haven't yet been immunized could unknowingly spark off a third wave by spring of 2010. But Americans seem to be growing complacent about the pandemic - not only because swine flu fizzled out before the holidays last year, but also because seasonal flu in the U.S. has been far less prevalent so far this winter than in recent years.

Some states are still restricting access to vaccine supplies or delegating the responsibility of triage to local public health departments, so you might want to consider checking for a list of locations stocking H1N1 vaccine. However, doctors are recommending that seniors take advantage of the availability of H1N1 vaccine while they can, hoping that spreading awareness of the over-supply will cut down on infections going into the spring. H1N1 seems to affect patients with preexisting conditions like heart disease and asthma the hardest, so elderly individuals with other health complications should definitely look into being vaccinated this February.

Jill Espinoza is a health and wellness writer covering a variety of topics. You can read more at, provider of quality lift chairs and home mobility aids.

Natural Green Phytonutrients Posted By : Eric Bonilla

Now there is a term you do not see every day - natural green phytonutrients.

The word 'phytonutrients' comes to us from two others: phyto, which has to do with plants, and nutrients, which is pretty clear from the start. In the case of Phytonutrients, they generally refer to natural foods that are very rich in chlorophyll.

You may remember from high school science class that chlorophyll is the component within plants responsible for photosynthesis. It's a very powerful material, and helps your body to rid itself of all manner of toxic materials: pesticides, drugs, and other harmful chemicals.

Why do we need Natural Green Phytonutrients?

When you consider how busy most people are these days, ask yourself when it was that you last had the time to sit down for a good, decent meal. Too often, we eat on the go, and that means eating too much of the wrong kind of foods. With Phytonutrients, they help to make up for those deficiencies in your diet. In addition, they actually enhance the effects of any dietary supplements you take.

Then there are the health reasons to eat Phytonutrients. Another issue we're seeing more and more today is autoimmune disorders. Diseases like lupus, MS, diabetes, and others are on the rise. There are various oppinions many people will say it's pollution, and others will say poor nutrition. Perhaps it's a combination of both and still more factors. The main facts are they're increasing and something must be done. Now, you can take the pills that your doctor offers - every day, deal with the side effects and the cost, or you can look to some natural remedies and treatments.

Phytonutrients help the immune system to improve by stimulating the cells that destroy free radicals. These are the cells that cause a great many diseases. Another key features of these nutrients is that they reduce swelling in the body. Diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis generally manifest themselves by doing just that - causing swelling in different parts of the body.

In fact, lupus is often defined by what is known as an elevated Sed Rate. This is short for Sedimentation Rate, a blood test that means the level of inflammation in the body. The higher the rate, the worse the disease is progressing. Well, this is where the Phytonutrients come in; they are a natural anti-inflammatory, and they do not have all the side effects that most medicines have.

Where to get Phytonutrients

In terms of general heath, Phytonutrients are an excellent source of so many vitamins, minerals, proteins (all of the essential amino acids), and fiber. Often times, you can buy a bottle of Phytonutrients in either powder or liquid form, and just take a few teaspoons each day.

maybe you have kid's who dislike their veggies - or even a spouse who's the same way - this is the perfect means of giving them all the recommended daily allowance they need.

Learn how phytonutrients can aid in a healthier, more energetic lifestyle.

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10 Simple Steps To Improve Your Health Posted By : Kaka Ali

Many of us make decisions related to health, such as losing weight, quitting smoking or join the neighborhood health club. While it is common to set high goals, experts say that setting smaller goals could do more for our health.

'Small steps are achievable and are easier to fit into your daily routine,' says James O. Hill, Ph.D., Director, Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. 'They are less overwhelming than a major change, sudden.'

Here are 10 to try:

1. Failure to gain weight. Even if you just won a pound or two each year, the extra weight adds up fast.

2. Taking smaller steps. Use a pedometer to count your daily steps, then add 2,000, the equivalent of an extra mile. Keep adding measures, from 1,000 to 2,000 every month or so until you take 10,000 steps on most days.

3. Eat breakfast. They eat breakfast tend to weigh less and have better food in general. For filling and nutrition Lunches breakfast, whole grain Total top with slices of fresh fruit and low fat or skim milk.

4. Switch three servings of grains each day for the whole grain. If you're like the average American, who consumes less than one serving of whole grains per day.

5. Have at least a salad of vegetables each day. Eat a salad (low fat or fat free) is filling and can help you eat less during dinner. Furthermore, account for the five daily cups of vegetables and fruits.

6. Trim fat. Fat has a lot of calories and calories count. Buy lean meats, eat poultry without skin, switch to low-fat cheese, use a nonstick pan with just a little oil or butter.

7. Consider calcium by including two or three daily servings of low fat or skim milk or yogurt. Dairy calcium is good for bones and can also help you lose weight.

8. Downsize. The smallest of the bag, bottle or container, the less you will eat.

9. Losing just 5 to 10 percent of your current weight. The health benefits are enormous, lower blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.

10. Keep track of your food. Record what you eat over the next couple of days and seeking common problem. Often, just writing things down can help you eat less.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Selects Artemis as Affiliate for India Posted By : Johnson Author

Artemis Health Institute has entered into a partnership with New York-based Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), one of the world's most renowned cancer centers. The partnership will focus on three core areas -- clinical care, research and training.

Already a leading center for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in India, the partnership with MSKCC enables Artemis Health Institute (AHI) to provide Indian patients with access to the latest protocols in cancer care, and provides MSKCC with platform to enter the Indian market. Early efforts will center on physician exchanges, joint research on clinical trials and an international cancer symposium in Gurgaon early next year.

Speaking on the tie-up, Dr Robert E Wittes, Physician-In-Chief for Memorial Hospital, said: "We have a handful of such partnerships across the world now, including Artemis in India. We will be playing an advisory role to enable Artemis to build a world class cancer clinical care, research and training facility. Together, we plan to undertake clinical research projects, and share with Artemis the latest protocols in cancer care for their patients. I believe this will go a long way in establishing a leading cancer hospital in one of the largest healthcare destinations in the world."

According to a recent World Health Organization (WHO) study, India has some of the highest cancer rates in the world, particularly for oral, throat and gall bladder cancer. Urbanization and changes in diet and lifestyle are believed to be fueling higher cancers rates in India, which have traditionally been some of the lowest in the world.

Dr. Kushagra Katariya, CEO for Artemis Health Institute, remarked that the partnership with MSKCC would have far reaching impact in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in India. "Our collaboration with Memorial Sloan-Kettering is exciting for two reasons," stated Dr. Katariya. "It will enable us to bring to our patients the latest protocols developed at Sloan-Kettering, and help us build one of the finest cancer care facilities in this part of the world."

Artemis and Memorial Sloan-Kettering plan to co-host their first International Oncology Conference in Gurgaon sometime in the second quarter of 2010 and will provide a unique opportunity for medical professionals in India and throughout the region to learn about new developments in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer from some of the world's leading experts.

PlacidWay is a leader in the Open Heart Bypass Surgery, dedicated to offering accurate, up-to-date information and resources regarding medical travels, Heart Surgery in India international medical providers, treatments, procedures and destinations for American and international travelers.

Is your health information meeting requirements? Posted By : Jamie Hanson

Health record is in totality the persons health history. This record is maintained each time you visit your physician, health care facility or any another health care provider. This information is typically referred to as the patient/client medical record and serves as a data for diagnoses, treatment and plan for future care. The other important aspects for which your health information record is utilized are:

- .Planning your treatment and care.

- Communicating among health care professionals anxious in your case,

- Serves as a legal document detailing the treatment and care you received.

- Authentication of services actually provided and billed for payment by third party,

- Acts as a tool in educating health professionals

- The personally de-identified data is used for medical research as well as for promoting the health of the region or nation by public health officials,

- This de-identified data is also used for facility planning and marketing as well as to assess and continually improve the care rendered and results achieved.

Apart from the above, understanding your health information record helps you to ensure its corectness , whether your data is being accessed unauthorizedly and make informed decisions while authorizing disclosure.

The default in 1999 had led to Patient Safety Organization to detect and rectify the errors. The result was Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE), which emerged as a key component for such solutions. CPOE became an effective solution to problems occurring due to medical errors, by integrating the care process to reduce the chances of error. The two vital features of CPOE systems are they encourage physicians to order electronically instead of handwritten or oral instructions and provide detailed information of patients by merging clinical information from several sources like pharmacy, laboratory and radiology.

Another intent of CPOE was improving patient safety. In manual system, clerks generate errors while transcribing imaging orders from written charts, but with CPOE the physician enters the order directly, eliminating clerical intervention and transcription errors. Further, for radiologist accuracy the physician is forced to give all the details in the computerized order entry system including the reason of examination, before it will accept the order; thereby helping the radiologist for finding diseases present or absent and improving the practice of medicine.

It is seen that CPOE cuts turn around time for x-rays and other radiology procedures by 43 percent, cuts medication turn around time by 64 percent and eliminates turn around time for lab tests by 25 percent; apart from the apparent benefit of eliminating drug errors associated with handwritten prescriptions. This hastens the treatment of the patient. Moreover, CPOE combined all patient orders, radiology studies, medications, special diets, lab studies, tests and consultations in a single method.

For more details about the advantages of health information exchange check out the Half Penny website online; and also seeSEO services group ClickResponse.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Drug testing kits - Useful for home and employer Posted By : monica geller

Health is wealth, well know and very true proverb. Therein competitive era, they are very hard to be fit and easy to stick to disease. Regular body health check gives advantage over disease and helpful to keep body well. There are many new diseases are increase and spread rapidly also. By such fear, people use drug without need and abuse of drug. Abuse of drug is harmful for body and some time create vital situation also. In such situation, regular drug test can help a lot for health.

Drug test is most crucial issue. For some drug, body can react badly. To test drugs, there many Drug testing kits avail. There are many sort of Drug screening kits like Saliva drug test, Rapid drug testing, Urine drug test, Oral drug testing and many more. You are able to pass across such tests and can know body reaction of drug on body. You easily find such tests at good laboratory and can perform such tests. But for all time, it’s not possible to go laboratory for such tests, or many times some tests can affect your privacy also. On this reason many people avoid such essential tests and it's noxious for body. Now it’s solution to avoid laboratory and can do all tests at home very easily. Now there are almost all kind of Drug test kits avail in market like Saliva drug test kits, Urine drug test kits, Rapid drug test in a cup and more. Now you'll be able to perform all such tests at home easily with help of drug screening tests.

Get Drug screening kits easily from market and can do all tests. All these kits are at very affordable rate and very easy to use also. Just take kit and do test according to manual with kit, and do test within 2 minute. By these kinds of drug test kits, you are able to get instant and exact results. It saves your time and money also. In a market there are various types of drug testing kits are available and it can be test from alcohol to methamphetamines. You'll find more manual and can understand what actual use of test and what right way to do test with detail. These Drug screening kits is not only helpful for personal use. Many companies use these kits for their employ. Company expends more money on health checkup and tests of employ. They can save time and money by such drug test kits and can get instant accurate results also.

There are many places for getting drug test kits, but all are not effective and failed to give accurate results. Choose trusted company for getting drug screening tests. From their Drug testing kits, you can get almost accurate result. Get all required drug test kits from there and make your health and future safe.

Drug testing kits, Saliva drug test, Rapid drug test in a cup

Medical Errors: Are We in Safe Hands? Posted By : Katt Mollar

Mistakes are not something that we usually associate with the medical field. But medical mistakes do happen mainly because medical professionals are only humans who can err. In medical terms, they are called iatrogenic events, defined as unintended harm or suffering caused by health care. Medical mistakes are usually something that people associate with health care in developing and low-income countries where they lack the right infrastructure and trained personnel. The fact is, a lot of medical mix ups and mistakes in hospitals and clinics occur all over the world, including Europe and North America. One gets to wonder how many medical misadventures go unreported!

Medical misadventures are classified as Adverse Drug Events, Hospital Acquired Infections and Surgical Mistakes.

(1) Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) or medication mix ups are perhaps the most common. One of the most well-publicized medication mix ups was the case of Quaid twins who received the wrong dose of heparin. The newborn babies were reportedly given an excessive dose which was up to 1,000 times the normally prescribed dose. Fortunately, the error was detected early enough so that the Quaid twins, plus several other babies, could be saved. One must not forget that there are other adverse events besides drugs, as evidenced by the recently highly publicized excessive radiation exposure incident in California.

A study in France revealed that in the period January and September 2005, 267 cases of iatrogenic events happened to 116 newborn babies. 34% were preventable, 29% were severe, 2 cases were fatal, 34 cases were due to drugs and 19 cases were identified as medical errors. The study concluded that iatrogenic events occur frequently and are often serious in neonates, especially in infants of low birthweight.

A study in the US revealed that for every 100 children hospitalized, 11 drug-related mistakes can occur. About 500,000 children in the US suffer from drug mix ups. Less than 4% of medical mix ups are reported. And according to the 1991 Harvard Medical Practice Study, there is a 6.5% rate of ADEs among adult inpatients, 33% of which were considered preventable.

(2) Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs). Hospitals are not the cleanest of environments and all are actually the breeding ground for dangerous bugs. All too often, patients get the so-called Hospital-Acquired Infection (HAI) also known as nosocomial infection or healthcare-associated infections. According to the CDC, about 100,000 people die of HAIs due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

In the US, the incidence of HAIs exceeds 2 million cases a year and an estimated expenditure of more than $4.5 billion is attributed to HAIs. Most are detected 48 hours after admission to the hospital. In a survey of patients from a pediatric ICU between 1992 and 1997, bacterial and fungal infections were reported as follows: Bloodstream infections - 28% Ventilator-associated pneumonia - 21% Urinary tract infection (UTI) - 15% Lower respiratory infection - 12% Gastrointestinal, skin, soft tissue, and cardiovascular infections - 10% Surgical-site infections - 7% Ear, nose, and throat infections - 7%. In fact, a French study on newborns reported that the most common medical mistakes reported were due to infections contracted within the hospitals.

HAIs cannot be fully attributed to mistakes made by health professionals but hospital staff are instrumental in preventing them. Risk factors for HAIs include:

- Iatrogenic including pathogens on the hands of medical personnel, invasive procedures such as intubation and extended ventilation, indwelling vascular lines and urine catheterization, and antibiotic use and prophylaxis.

- Organizational including contaminated air-conditioning systems, contaminated water systems, and staffing and physical layout of the facility. Some places in a hospital are more infectious than others. According to a 1986 to 1988 survey by the National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) System of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the highest infection rates occur at the intensive care units, especially the burn ICU, the neonatal ICU, and the pediatric ICU. Newborn babies, especially those who are premature with low weight weights are more susceptible to HAIs.

- Patient risk factors include the severity of illness, underlying immunocompromised state, and length of stay.

(3) Surgical mistakes. And it is not just about leaving a surgical sponge inside a patient. The most frequent surgical mistakes are wrong site surgeries. In 2001, the Joint Commission documented 150 cases of wrong site, wrong person or wrong procedure surgery. 76% involved surgery on the wrong body part or site; 13% involved surgery on the wrong patient and 11% involved the wrong surgical procedure.

A 2003 report which surveyed 1,165 hand surgeons was just as startling. 16% reported that they had prepared to operate on the wrong site but then noticed the error prior to the incision and 21% reported performing wrong-site surgery at least once. One in 27,686 procedures was performed in the wrong site. The three most common locations of wrong-site surgery were the fingers, hands, and wrists. 9% of patients suffered from permanent disability.

Medical errors go hand in hand with overcrowding, overworked staff and cost cutting.

(1) Overcrowding. Many hospitals, especially in large urban areas, are overcrowded and we are not even talking about the flu season, nevermind H1N1 or another pandemic. There are more patients than the hospital staff and hospital resources can handle. Because of overcrowding health professionals cannot spend enough time with patients. Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Brigham and Woman's Hospital (BWH) report that hospitals with high occupancy rates have increased workloads and higher patient-to-nurse ratios which are associated with increased incidence of adverse events.

(2) Overworked staff. Several studies have linked medical errors to long working hours and burnout especially among interns and residents. In December 2008, the Institute of Medicine released a report that proposed revisions to the duty hours and workload of medical residents. According to Michael M.E. Johns, chancellor, Emory University, Atlanta and chairman of the committee which prepare the report: "Fatigue, spotty supervision, and excessive workloads all create conditions that can put patients' safety at risk and undermine residents' ability to learn. The report did not recommend the reduction of the 80-hour working week because it would most likely cost a lot of money and cause understaffing in hospitals. However, the proposed changes addressed the residents' workload, including the number of hours that residents can work without sleep (16 hours), more days off, and restrictions on moonlighting. In another study, researchers at the Mayo Clinic reported that distress and fatigue among medical residents contribute greatly to medical errors.

(3) Cost-cutting. The MGH-BWH study reported that efforts to meet two primary challenges facing hospitals today - reducing costs and improving patient safety - may work against each other. The researchers investigated four teaching hospitals for 12 months. According to the lead author Dr. Joel Weissman "While financial and political pressures to make health care more efficient are leading to increased hospital occupancy and greater patient turnover, patients and policymakers are quite rightly demanding that health delivery systems be made safer. Our study suggests that pushing efficiency efforts to their limits could be a double-edged sword that may jeopardize patient safety."

So what's the health care industry doing to clean up its act? In 1999, the Institute of Medicine released the groundbreaking report To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System. According to the report "Beyond their cost in human lives... errors...are costly in terms of loss of trust in the health care system by patients and diminished satisfaction by both patients and health professionals."

The good news is that awareness of medical errors has increased both among health providers and patients. Hospitals, medical professionals, advocacy and watchdog groups are making strides in improving the safety of health care.

The Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) has launched a number of initiatives to address patient safety especially infection control in hospital settings.

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) encourages patients to prevent medical errors by asking questions. In fact, it has produced several TV spots urging patients to "take charge of their health" and ask questions just like they would ask questions about the food they order in a restaurant. The AHRQ recommends the following 10 questions: What is the test for? How many times have you done this? When will I get the results? Why do I need this surgery? Are there any alternatives to surgery? What are the possible complications? Which hospital is best for my needs? How do you spell the name of that drug? Are there any side effects? Will this medicine interact with medicines that I'm already taking?

The American Medical Student Association is actively campaigning for safer working conditions for medical interns and residents and The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons launched the Sign Your Site Campaign to prevent wrong site surgery which includes three actions, a review of the operative procedure with the patient and operating room personnel prior to surgery, a review of the patient's chart in the operating room prior to surgery, and writing your initials at the operative site... Sign Your Site!

We we are not safe yet! Medical misadventures will continue to occur. The obstacles remain formidable what with overcrowding, overworked staff and cost cutting. In the meantime, patients must be vigilant, ask questions and be their own advocate.

The article 'Medical Mistakes; Are We in Safe Hands?' may be found in its entirety on

Riverside Drug rehab centers Posted By : Ashlei Ghupton

The treatments at drug rehab riverside will help the people to get out of the drug addicts and can enjoy a new life with the friends and family. The one thing that the drug addict people at drug rehab riverside should look after is that the rehab centers which are having more facilities.

The rehabs at drug rehab riverside are the most popular treatment centers for drug addicted persons and it benefits for a long period of time. This could be possible only when the support of the public is given to the patients. Though so many hospitals are giving treatment to the drug addicted persons, yet a rehab center at drug rehab riverside has the perfect ambiance for the treatment of every drug addict. They have a kind of treatment that makes him feel the fresh air again.

Almost all the drug rehab centers at riverside are double diagnosis oriented. A person having this type of dual diagnosis should be careful. In these Drug addictions rehab at drug rehab riverside, one may have various types of psychiatric medications and the opportunity to speak and share your depression with a psychiatrist. A drug rehab riverside encourages healing and begins a new chapter in your life. These key attributes of the rehab centers let you familiarize yourself so that you can focus your energy on what matters the most that is getting rid from drugs addiction.

At good and reliable drug rehab retreats and centers, the drug addict will be medically and psychologically helped to get off drugs. Medically, he or she will be given drugs that will help the body regain its normal state or activities. The body of an addict has been accustomed to taking drugs or alcohol and the body is either weakened or damaged in the process. Therefore, changing the body's system won't be easy. A well trained health professional will be able to help the victim's body adjust by taking good and body enriching drugs. Also, psychologically, the addicts need to know about the evil effects of drug abuse. Hence, he or she will be counseled on how to stay off drugs. He or she will be equipped psychologically to forestall any relapse to the old way of life.

Drug rehab riverside treatment centers are well equipped to carry out the process of recovering from drug addiction in a specialized way. These centers at drug rehab riverside work with various programs and therapies to successfully bring the person from the addiction without pressuring his mind or body.

Ultimately, it is all up to the patient. If someone really wants to change their lifestyle and live sober, then free centers at drug rehab riverside will work just fine. Free drug rehab centers may not have as high of a success rate as certain private centers do. Since every drug rehab riverside is different and uses different techniques, it may take some time to find the right one. But nevertheless, they have been proven to work or otherwise would not be in business.

There are number of professional drug rehabs located at very nice and beautiful location. These centers offer cost effective healing services to the patients. Experienced and skilled therapists, counselors, and doctors provide specialized services to the patients. During the residential treatment these centers motivate patients to participate in various types of events, which make drug addicts to share their views in various topics. Some drug rehab centers riverside also offer specific life and good health skills during the recovery programs.

Drug rehab riverside offer various types of healing services to drug and alcohol addicts. Drug rehabs offer inpatient, outpatient, local support group, recovery house and extended care treatment. Some modern and renovated dug rehabs offer separate cure services to teenagers and adults. Some of these rehabs also offer gender specific drug addiction recovery programs. The therapists of these rehabs offer customized support and treat according to the intensity of the problem. Drug treatment centers from drug rehab riverside treat patients with number of successful therapies such as twelve step recovery programs, motivational enhancement therapies, Christian therapy, cognitive behavioral therapies, and with group and individual counseling.

Drug rehab programs at riverside can help a lot in getting rid of addiction. The programs at drug rehab riverside have helped a lot of people fighting with addiction. Finding best rehab program is a difficult task and there are many things which should be kept in mind while looking for a center. This helps you finding the right one. Visit for more info