Sunday, November 29, 2009

Importance of Nutrition Posted By : Ed L. Garcia

Your body is the product of nutrition. The importance of nutrition in attaining body health can never be over-emphasized. What you eat will determine how often you fall sick, how obese you become, how physically fit you are, how long you will live and a host of other vital factors. Let us consider three types on nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, protein, and water) as an exemplification of the importance of nutrition.

Carbohydrates are a great energy source for your body. When eaten in proper volume, your body has optimal energy levels. However, if the ingested volume exceeds the energy use, the excess carbohydrates are converted to fats and deposited in the body. You end becoming obese, by and by.

When concentrated fats are ingested in high volume, they do not only accumulate in the body, but a certain chemical in fats called cholesterol accumulates in blood vessels until they bust after blockage. You end up with internal bleeding, maybe in the brain.

Proteins are the building block your body uses to create new muscles tissues and repair any injured tissues. If you want to bulk up with muscles, then this is your food. Nevertheless, remember, if you eat excess proteins to what you actually need, the body will surely convert it to fats for storage and you know what happens next.

Water too is important. Ensure that you drink at least 8-10 glasses of plain water daily. Without hydrating the body adequately, your body will be unable to excrete toxic waste, or accomplish optimal digestion. Consequently, you will be susceptible to heart stroke, kidney failure, stomach disorders and other potentially lethal maladies.

With these examples, you definitely realize the cardinal importance of nutrition in determining your health. Your health is the last thing you should compromise on.

Eduardo Lopez has been writing articles for years now. Not only Eduardo specializes in nutrition, fitness, general well-being to help

people live better lives. You can also check his last website on

moving storage boxes
which helps people find the best cardboard shipping boxes

Steer Clear Of The Flu This Season Posted By : Eva Judge

Missing a lot of work or school due to the flu is definitely not good. Beyond having to miss out on your responsibilities, the flu is obviously not a pleasant thing to contend with in general. Many Australians simply accept the fact that they're destined to catch the flu every year, which is unfortunate since there are many precautions that can be taken to avoid it. By following just a few common sense tips, you can significantly lessen your chances of contracting the flu this season. In turn, you'll avoid missing out on your important responsibilities and won't find yourself laid up for days at a time. Learn these tips and discover the difference in being prepared for the flu.

Get The Influenza Vaccine -

Every year, data culled by the World Health Organization is used to create a brand new flu vaccine that helps people avoid coming down with the top three strains of the flu. Flu vaccinations are quite easy to come by, and you should be able to receive one at your doctor's office or at the local clinic. By receiving the vaccine soon after it is released - around October - you will be protected in plenty of time for flu season. Imagine not having to worry nearly as much about missing work, school or even a fun holiday; with the flu vaccine, you can truly eliminate much of that worry.

Avoid Crowded Places During Flu Season -

The flu is a communicable disease, which means that it is passed along from person to person. We all know that working in an office, for instance, usually means passing the same flu around to everyone; the same phenomenon occurs in schools. You can lessen the risk of getting sick with the flu by avoided crowded places this flu season. For instance, steer clear of shopping centres, races and events such as the Ekka to really reduce the likelihood of catching the flu. Even though this advice is sound for everyone, in particular it applies to those people that fall in to risk categories such the young, pregnant women and the elderly.

Live A Healthy Lifestyle -

Being as healthy as possible in your day-to-day life strengthens your immune system; a strong immune system is much likelier to ward off the flu. There are two main components to living a healthy life: eating well and getting plenty of exercise. Try to eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible; the vitamins in them help keep your body - and immune system - strong. Exercise also plays a vital part. Try to get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise per day. Healthy people just don't catch the flu as often as unhealthy ones, so keep that in mind.

The team at Aus Vax recommend that making a habit out of receiving the influenza vaccine each and every year is a really good way to stave off the flu. Flu vaccinations are easier to get than ever before; they are very widely available and incredibly effective. A simple shot can save you from a lot of grief down the road.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Get A Flat Stomach - Some Myth Busting Facts Posted By : Aoife Gaffney

To get a flat stomach you need do lots of stomach exercises and use one of those ab machines. FICTION. These exercises can strain your back. In fact nothing is more useless when trying to get a flat tummy then an ab crunching exercise machine! Even all those products and supplements you see regularly advertised on the television are useless.

But what about the people demonstrating the results - did they spent hours learning how to get a flat stomach? NO! The real truth is that the models with 6 packs abs DID NOT get their bodies through using those machines; they got their results using techniques that really work.

But what about fat burning supplements and ab belts designed to strap around you while you make walk around the house or office, smiling. FICTION. They are a waste of money and the infomercials which promote them can be misleading.

The best bit is that we can all get a flat stomach... FACT. It's just that it's covered by a layer of body fat. That's the sole reason you can't see your flat stomach muscles and those six pack abs.

Learning what to eat is the real key here to get a flat stomach because you need to reduce the percentage of body fat you have to a certain level before you can ever get a flat stomach. FACT. You can do all the crunches, ab exercises and sit-ups in the world but none of the exercises are an effective way to help you reduce your body fat.

You need a clear plan with clear and simple guidelines to help you get a flat stomach. It does not have to take months or even weeks.

Learning simple, easy to follow techniques is the real key to getting results. The amazing part about this system is that the results are long lasting and fast acting. This is not plan that just means you lose weight. This is a plan to help you lose weight, keep the weight off, get fit, stay fit but most of all get a flat stomach and keep it flat. Did you know that muscles remember? If you did it once, you can do it again.

No need for expensive equipment, health foods and expensive supplements. You will need to eat healthily but you don't have to eat "health" or "diet" foods which can often be expensive and contain hidden fats and sugars which actually increase your appetite. Good diet and proper exercise techniques are the key to success and to get a flat stomach.

If you are serious about learning how to get a flat stomach, then you just need a bit of simple guidance. I invite you to find out more here.

Lemon Cleanse - The New Lemonade Diet Posted By : B Azarel

Last year alone, 50 million Americans spent $30 billion on fad dieting books, food, shakes and related services. Of that 50 million, 85% will invariably gain all or most of the weight right back again. What mostpeople have failed to find in their search for a slimmer figure is a supplement that not only achieves their body shaping goals, but is also naturally healthy and beneficial for their bodies. A permanently healthy figure comes from a permanently healthy body, and the LemonLight lemon cleanse system is the only product available on the market today that provides a sustaining solution towards a fit and cleaner body.

What most people do not realize is that their bodies naturally want to be healthy! A healthy body wants to be slim and muscular, with clear skin, bursting with vibrant energy. Therefore by catering to your body and giving it what it wants, it will naturally look beautiful!

Of course, the problem today is that few of us give our bodies what they naturally want. Our diets are so congested with saturated fats, harmful grease and toxic preservatives, that it is nearly impossible to stay healthy. If you have heard of the lemon cleanse diet or researched into a liver cleanse than you are on the right path, and you already know that the road to a healthier body includes both providing the nutrients that you need and flushing the toxins that are already stored up in the body.

The LemonLight lemonade diet is an all natural system that tackles healthy dieting from both sides. By utilizing the naturally beneficial properties of the lemon, this lemon detox system will flush toxins and bad bacteria from your system while easing the symptoms of an unhealthy diet; constipation, nausea, and heartburn. At the same time it is purging your body of toxins and relieving the discomforts precipitated by an unhealthy diet, it is helping you shed the weight by releasing all of the harmful fat stored up in your body. The result is a new, cleaner self, not just skinnier and more beautiful, but naturally healthy with more energy and vitality. No wonder the dietary powers of the lemon have been used for thousands of years!

So if you have been wondering why everyone is switching to a lemon cleanse system to revitalize their bodies, now you are prepared for the future of modern dieting. Don’t waste any more time or money on fad diets that only increase the toxic buildup! Give your body what it wants, and prepare yourself for a cleaner, healthier, slimmer lifestyle, today.

Lemons are widely known for their body purification properties. Click Here To Try The New Lemonade Diet Lemon Cleanse Free and start looking and feeling better within days!

Can Herbal Breast Enhancement Pills Really Work? Posted By : Claudia Miller

If you are looking to grow bigger breasts then you are not alone, as breast enlargement is eagerly discussed on forums and chat rooms across the world. There are now many well-known and reputable companies catering to this huge market.

We all know of fabulous movie stars who are or have been small-breasted women. Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly, both confident and beautiful women, were both A-cup sized women. Eventhough we have these icons of beauty, there is no denying that many women are desirous of having larger breasts. Women report that having a larger breast size makes them feel more feminine, confident and sexy.

With continuing research looking at ways to deliver more effective ways of breast enlargement, we can be sure that herbal breast enhancement will also benefit. This has enabled women to grow bigger breasts naturally and safely. We are spoiled for choices with the growing number of herbal breast enhancement pills, creams and lotions to increase breast size.

Can Breast Enlargement Pills Increase Breast Size?

Thousands of testimonials show that women have benefited greatly through the use of herbal breast pills. The majority of breast pills are a safe alternative to breast implant surgery. They contain plant-based phytoestrogens that gently work on the breast tissues in a way that is similar to what occurs at puberty.

Women are interested in finding breast enlargement pills that are both safe and natural. You will find great brands for sale. Some of these companies have actually done their homework and found which herbs provide breast firming, lift and growth and help for women with small, saggy and droopy breasts.

Here are some successful ways for using breast enlargement pills:

- Keep the protein intake up - you can prepare delicious protein shakes with organic milk. Protein is important to build new tissue connections and increase breast size

- Reduce the amount of carbohydrate intake

- Decrease coffee intake - caffeine interferes with the absorption of minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. Calcium and magnesium are important for growing bigger breasts. Coffee is said to interfere with breast growth by producing excessive levels of cortisol

- Include a form of breast massage when taking your breast enhancement pills to remove toxins from the breasts. This will allow the herbs to work more effectively

- It's not necessary to increase the suggested dosages. Do not double your dosage if you forget to take the pills. Just continue with the normal dosage as recommended

- Stick to one particular brand of breast enlargement pills at any one time. Three to six months is adequate for testing a particular brand of breast pills.

- Breast enlargement pumps are great way to help circulate the nutrients from breast pills to the mammary tissues

If you are ready for an increase in breast size then you will find that breast enlargement pills, creams and lotions are a good option to consider for natural breast growth. It pays to take some time to investigate the countless brands obtainable. You will find great prices particularly if you buy in bulk, and it will not be long before you find one that suits your budget.

Claudia Miller has detailed knowledge of natural breast enlargement. Her informative book, Breast Growth Diet is available free, for a limited time only. Which brands do we recommend?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Is Your Treadmill Made in the USA? Posted By : Robert Braun

Does is still make sense to try to buy your exercise equipment American-made? We don't hear the "Buy American" slogan as much as we used to. Does that mean American manufacturers no longer have the edge in quality? Should you buy an American-made treadmill to help support American families? Manufacturing in the USA has declined dramatically, while buying equipment manufactured in China has become commonplace. Should you still try to buy American-made?

Americans seem to have become accustomed to the idea that they can get good quality and save money by buying foreign-made products. Foreign car manufacturers have led the way in this change in attitude. One reason for this change is that many big corporations really are multi-national. With Toyota and Nissan being made in America with American parts by American workers, it's tough to hold a grudge. Foreign exercise equipment manufacturers do virtually no manufacturing in the U.S., but at least one major American brand was recently bought by a Chinese company. This also makes it tough to determine just what country your equipment is "from."

Typically, exercise equipment sold by an American company has much of its manufacturing done in China. This is a different proposition that buying a Chinese company's products in the U.S. because the American company can have its products made in China to its U.S. specifications and standards. In this way, the company ensures at least as much quality as a U.S.-made product, but a substantially lower cost. Some of the best exercise equipment is now being produced in Asia.

It is still admirable to try to support American families by buying American-made exercise equipment, but it is difficult to find equipment without at least some foreign-made parts. There may be foreign brands that are made overseas that are of inferior quality, but those are typically not name brands seen in stores and on popular websites. In any case, those foreign brands are not significantly less expensive than the recognized brands, since they share similar labor costs. What they don't offer is the same strongly-backed warranties that the U.S. companies do. In this way, any concerns about quality can be addressed by the warranty of the American company.

Robert Braun buys American when he can! For more information on treadmills and home gyms, see

Semi Permanent Make Up Micro Pigmentation - What is it and is it Safe? Posted By : L J Wood

Micropigmentation or Permanent Make Up as it is now commonly called is a process that involves tattooing your make up on so you don't have to worry about it from day to day. It's now becoming very popular in the beauty industry.

Here a few common questions about permanent cosmetics:

Who is it for?

- People who have Hay Fever or very watery eyes as the PMU does not run

- People who have allergies to everyday make up products

- People who have very shaky hands or poor vision

- People who have little or no brow or lash hair

Both Ladies and Men can benefit immensely from Permanent Make-Up

How does the Micropigmentation process work?

Micropigmentation Permanent Cosmetics is basically a way of enhancing your existing Eyebrows, Lips or Eyels by tattooing your make up on, and once your make up has been perfectly tattooed on it's there evry day without the need for re-applying. The pigment ink is tattooed into upper layers of the skin creating perfect make up which lasts for many years, it will fade over time and you can have colour boosts every year or so.

How much does Micropigmentation cost?

Prices do vary from technician to technician depending on their experience and training however you should expect to pay in the region of: £400 for Eyebrows, £400 for Eyeliner and £450 for Lips, these prices will often include a top up which will be carried out within 12 weeks from the original procedure.

It is becoming all the rage now, you see it on celebrities in the media all the time but you really need to find out as much as you can about Semi Permanent Make Up before you have it done yourself. It is often referred to as 'semi' permanent but as you will discover here it should be considered a permanent treatment.

Also known as Permanent Cosmetics or Cosmetic Tattooing and it is a procedure whereby small particles of natural colour pigment are tattooed just below the top layer of skin, a sterilized needle will be used to perform the treatment and the result will be perfectly applied make up that never runs, or smudges. The treatment is medially proven to be safe but you must ensure that a professionally trained technician carries out the treatments.

The treatment produces perfectly applied make up that lasts for years.

What Permanent Cosmetic treatments are available? There are many treatments available but the most popular ones are:

- Full Lip Colouring

- Lip Liner Definition

- Eyebrow Enhancement

- Eyeliner

- Lash Enhancement

The procedures are available for men and women and the results can be as natural and subtle as you like, or you can go for a more vibrant and dramatic look if you desire. As this is a permanent treatment you need to think carefully about the look you require as it wont fade for a number of years and when it does fade it will not fade completely.

For more information relating to Semi Permanent Make Up visit: ==> Semi Permanent MakeUp

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wheelchairs -- A Guide To Independence Posted By : mturk

Some time ago, I was helping a friend through some difficult times. She seemed to be getting more and more distant and blue because her health was getting worse. No one could blame her either. When you loose that much control over your life, to not be able to do simple stuff like going to get groceries, or even just finding your way around your own home, it can weigh on you. You feel trapped in your own body.

I can say right now that anybody, whether they're in the same spot because of their weight, their health, or their age, they should do the same thing she did. She's back to her old self again.

It took some time. She first had to accept the fact that she needed a wheelchair. Getting a wheelchair to her represented the idea that it was over, that the disease won, and that she had given up. I told her that it wasn't like giving up! And wheelchairs had come a long way in the last 10 years. We went online together to look at the newest developments in wheelchairs, and she started to get really excited about owning one.

There were lightweight travel wheelchairs, wheel chairs with motors, and Jazzy electric wheel chair models of all kinds to choose from. They didn't look stuffy or old-fashioned at all, and they were very customizable. One of the things that really helped her warm up to the idea is all the options and accessories available that she thought would help her be more comfortable. The power chair she liked the most seemed to be the Jazzy electric wheel chair. Next she chose the color and accessories. The cupholder and the grocery basket seemed to be what she wanted the most.

When the wheelchair came to her door, it took a little adjusting. Learning how to navigate at first took a little trial and error. She got into a few sticky situations that we still laugh about to this day! It didn't take long though for her to master her Jazzy electric wheelchair, and now it's just natural to her.

Most impressively, regaining her mobility really helped her regain her independence, and dignity.

Fred Jackson owns and operates motorized wheelchairs. Also visit the following site about wheelchairs

7 Mistakes You Make Every Day That Cost You Energy Posted By : James Richardsen

You may sporadically feel tired in the middle of the day, or perhaps in the late afternoon, but you have to remember that you should not be experiencing it practically every day. If it becomes more of a habit than an occasional occurrence, perhaps you need to analyze your lifestyle – you may be doing some things that sap your energy. Here are just seven things to watch out for:

Being an email addict. Checking your email (voicemail, blackberry, whatever you have) is okay, but if you have the compulsive need to check it every, say, five minutes to see if you have a new mail, it can eventually leave you feeling drained in the end. Try to go over your emails at regular less frequent intervals, maybe every few hours or so. It will eventually eliminate the sense of urgency to check your mail every time it beeps.

A lot of clutter. If you’re moving around in an environment that’s far from orderly, you may already have feelings of anxiety – even before your work starts. Start with a clean and well-organized desk; it will do wonders in helping you boost your energy.

Boredom. Sounds a bit ironic, but not doing anything can actually be more tiring than doing a lot of things in a given day. Try to motivate or psyche yourself up in starting with your to-do list rather than wasting a big chunk of time procrastinating. Once you begin, it’s much easier to really become involved in what you’re doing, giving your mental and physical energy a boost.

Poor posture. When you sit in front of the computer for long periods of time, you tend to slouch and your posture suffers horribly. Poor posture doesn’t only indicate tiredness and boredom; it can only mean health problems, because your blood flow is impaired and your muscles contract. Make it a habit to get up from your workstation every 90 minutes or so. Just walk around the office or get some water.

Not getting outside. If you always find yourself stuck in your office for stretches of several hours or more, then you’ll observe that you’re likewise getting tired faster and faster as the days progress. Just because you have a heavy workload doesn’t mean you have to stay glued to your seat all the time. Learn to take breathers and go outdoors for short walks. The fresh air helps and so does the vitamin D from the sun.

Taking in too much food at once. If you tend to eat a lot of food in one go, chances are you’ll be drained of energy by the time your afternoon coffee break arrives. To keep your energy evenly distributed, you should take decent amounts of food at regular intervals. You won’t feel bloated or energy deprived.

Negative people. It’s not just your imagination – associating with pessimistic people really does make you considerably more exhausted. Try to stay away from them as much as possible; instead, surround yourself with good-natured, optimistic friends, family and work colleagues.

As a personal energy coach and consultant, Gerry Geneva has worked with many collegiate athletes to improve their management of personal energy. He now specializes in helping those with chronically low energy to reverse low energy symptoms and release energy reserves they didn't know they had. He specializes in a form of low energy called adrenal fatigue, a syndrome in which the adrenal glands get worn out by too much stress and poor lifestyle choices.

5 Tips to Beat the Afternoon Slump Posted By : James Richardsen

For a lot of us, a day with a heavy workload (whether personal or in terms of career) is so accepted it’s almost considered normal. If you find yourself hitting the floor with a long list of things you need to do in the morning, by the time half of the day has gone by your energy may have well been depleted already. While daunting or multiple tasks cannot be avoided, you can nevertheless try to do some things to help you combat afternoon fatigue. Here are just five helpful suggestions to boost your energy:

Drink plenty of water. You’ve probably heard this countless times already, but the importance of drinking plenty of water cannot be underestimated. If your body doesn’t have enough fluids, you will become dehydrated – which will leave you feeling tired. So aside from improving your health, it will also keep your energy constantly replenished. Sodas and sugary drinks don’t count; it should really be water or, at the least, water-packed fruits like orange and celery.

Eat more protein. During breakfast, try to do away with food rich in carbohydrates. Instead, opt for something that’s high in protein. This is because carbohydrates tend to sap your energy, while protein gives you a much-needed boost. You can choose to jumpstart your day with a plateful of bacon, cheese and eggs rather than your usual bagels or donuts.

Take catnaps. You don’t necessarily have to sleep for an hour in the afternoon. But taking 10 to 20 minutes of rest should be enough to get you through the rest of the day. This would be especially helpful if you didn’t have enough sleep the night before.

Listen to music. Add a bit more life to your work routine by listening to music. The reason is that music tends to help our body produce more energy, making us feel less tired and more animated. You can take your pick whatever music you can relate with, as long as it can stimulate you – whether it’s dance hits from the 80s, or renowned opera classics.

Exercise more. Physical inactivity makes your body slow down, so start your day with exercise. You can go jogging outdoors or hump on the treadmill, do a few lapses at the pool or play badminton with your neighbor. It doesn’t matter, as long as your get moving. If you’re in the office, use part of your lunch break to engage yourself in exercise, even if it’s something as simple as walking outdoors.

James Richardsen is a health enthusiast actively involved in the adrenal fatigue community. After suffering from adrenal fatigue for several years he was lucky enough to stumble across some techniques that helped him to beat adrenal fatigue. He has since helped many others overcome adrenal fatigue symptoms and get their life and energy back.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Migraines and Chocolate Posted By : Phillip Elder

Can eating Chocolate cause Headaches and Migraines?

The simple answer is yes. Chocolate is a very common trigger for headaches and Migraines. My mother is one person who suffers from this debilitating problem. She has to be very careful to avoid chocolate or she will be looking at 24 hours of a pounding headache, light and noise sensitivity, nausea, vomiting and has to spend the day in bed.

For some lucky people, the chocolate and headache link may be that chocolate gets rid of the headache once it starts.

The culprit is thought to be phenylethylamine (PEA). PEA is the chemical in chocolate that may cause the blood vessels to expand and contract. However, it's also a natural mood enhancer, stress reliever and memory enhancer. So once again, it may have more good than bad for some people. The chocolate and headache connection is still unclear.

Headaches are caused by many different factors. One of the most common is because of alignment problems with the neck and skull. There are small muscles at the base of our skull. These muscles are involved in keeping the head level and moving it about. The muscles are located very close to a highly important part of your brain and spinal cord. When these muscles spasm or work too hard, they affect the brain causing headaches. The muscles at the base of your skull are overactive when your neck and skull are out of position.

When discussing chocolates link to headaches it is important to differentiate between causes and triggers. The cause of the headache is the activity of the muscles at the base of your skull, the trigger is the chocolate. There are many and varied reported headache and migraine triggers. Some people react and some do not, Why? This is most often due to the state of the individual's neck. Correcting the neck and skull mis-alignments can make people no longer susceptible to the headache triggers.

An easy way to check your own neck and skull is to stand in front of a mirror. Close your eyes and march on the spot. Stop marching, and without moving your head at all, open your eyes. Look at the position of your head. Is it tilted down on one side or rotated more to the left or to the right. Get someone to look at you from the side and see how far in front of your shoulders your ears are. Your ears should be directly above your shoulders, if they are not, you have forward head carriage. Forward head carriage is the single most common cause of increased activity of the muscles at the base of your skull.

Doug Eldred is a Chiropractor in West Ryde, Sydney, NSW. He has a particular interest in helping people get their bodies back into balance, and consequently living a pain free and completely mobile, long, healthy life.

Doug has a particular interest in helping people with headaches and neck pain, shoulder blade pain, low back pain, and fott, ankle, knee and spinal problems caused by foot dysfunction.

Skin Yeast Infection: 4 Steps To Treating a Skin Yeast Infection Posted By : Alison McEvoy

Skin Yeast Infection is the most common manifestation of Candidas albicans and is caused by an overgrowth of fungus in the body. This fungus naturally resides in our bodies without causing any problems but sometimes it can over multiply giving rise to skin yeast infection. There are many factors that contribute to the overgrowth: antibiotics, birth control pills, scented soaps and other hygiene products. The great news is that there are many natural home remedies that can cure skin yeast infection.

Skin Yeast Infection Treatments

1. Keep your skin clean and dry. Avail of frequent showers to lessen the spread of skin yeast infection to other parts of the body. Don't scrub and don't scratch.

2. Tea Tree Oil - pour a few drops of tea tree oil with a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and apply it gently over the rash before showering.

3. Repeat as needed to cure the infection. Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus which is good bacteria and helps keep the level of yeast fungus under control.

4. Diet - in order to cure the infection you need to temporarily eliminate sweets, yeast breads, biscuits and other sweet pastries from your diet until your skin yeast infection subsides. Sweets are what yeast feeds on. Then slowly reintroduce these foods back in your diet.

5. Finally ask your doctor to consider allowing you some time to come off any antibacterial or steroids medication you are currently taking as they are usually the culprit for yeast infections. Ask your doctor for alternative medication to see if the infection can benefit from the switch.

Click here for more remedies to get rid of yeast infection fast.

Main EzineArticle Link:!&id=3102495/

Candida Albicans Thrush - All You Need To Know About Thrush Posted By : Alison McEvoy

The medical term is candidiasis but most people refer to it as either thrush or yeast infection. Fungus overgrowth is what causes this painful and embarrassing infection and over 75% of women are affected by it at some stage in their lives. We have fungus in our bodies all the time but an overgrowth can occur when your internal flora is out of balance.

Thrush can occur in the mouth, around the anus or on the skin. In this article we will cover thrush of the vagina or as it's more commonly known as a vaginal yeast infection. The common symptoms

are burning, itching and soreness of the vagina along with a thick white, cheese-like vaginal discharge.

SO, what causes an imbalance in our internal environment?

Thrush of the vagina can result from a combination of the following:

Sugar: Sugar is a loving fan of bad bacteria and yeast feeds on sugar. So the more sugar you eat the more you encourage the fungal overgrowth.

Caffeine: Once again our choice of food can affect the bacteria in our bodies and when it comes to caffeine, caffeine eliminates the good bacteria from our bodies which gives a head start for the overgrowth.

Antibiotics and oral contraceptives. This is most likely the main culprit for fungal overgrowth.

A weak immune system: If your immune system has been weakened by something like chemotherapy, you may be more susceptible to vaginal yeast infections.

By now you are probably itching to know how to get rid of thrush.

Thrush can be treated with medication or using natural remedies. Natural remedies can be more effective as they can treat the root cause of the problem whereas prescribed drugs or over the counter meds temporarily cures thrush only to come back again.

Natural cures for treating thrush includes: garlic, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar and unsweetened yogurt douche. These remedies are very powerful and effective if used properly.

Other things you should consider are: a cleansing diet and a body detox. Try and avoid these yeast loving contributors until you thrush has been treated successfully: alcohol, sugar and yeast, antibiotics and oral contraceptives and chemical cleaners.

Learn how to best apply these remedies to get rid of yeast infection fast. Click here now.

EzineArticles Link:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Stomach And Bowel Disorders Among Infants At the Period of Weaning Posted By : Mike Steven

At the period when weaning there is great susceptibility to derangements of the stomach and bowels of the child, so that great care and judgment must be exercised in effecting this object. Usually, however, the bowels are deranged during this process from one of these causes; from weaning too early, from effecting it too suddenly and abruptly, or from over-feeding and the use of improper and unsuitable food. There is another cause which also may give rise to diarrhoea at this time, independently of weaning, viz. the irritation of difficult teething.

The substitution of artificial food for the breast-milk of the mother, at a period when the digestive organs of the infant are too delicate for this change, is a frequent source of the affections now under consideration.

The attempt to wean a delicate child, for instance, when only six months old, will inevitably be followed by disorder of the stomach and bowels. Unless, therefore, a mother is obliged to resort to this measure, from becoming pregnant, or any other unavoidable cause, if she consult the welfare of her child, she will not give up nursing at this early period.

Depriving the child at once of the breast, and substituting artificial food, however proper under due regulations such food may be, will invariably cause bowel complaints. Certain rules and regulations must be adopted to effect weaning safely, the details of which are given elsewhere.

If food is given too frequently or bigger quantities are given at a time, the stomach will become oppressed, wearied, and deranged in both the cases; some of the food may be thrown up by vomiting, whilst the remainder will pass on into the bowels irritating its delicate mucous membrane, not having undergone the digestive process and producing flatulence, griping, purging, and perhaps convulsions.

Further, improper and unsuitable food will be followed by precisely the same effects; the disease will become most seriously aggravated unless a judicious alteration be quickly made. Remedies will have no influence over the disease unless the cause is taken care.

Therefore, it is of the primary importance to the well-doing of the child, that at the time of weaning, when the mother is about to substitute an artificial food for that of her own breast, she should first ascertain what kind of food suits the child best, and then the precise quantity which nature demands. Many cases might be cited, where children have never had a prescription written for them, simply because, these points having been attended to, their diet has been managed with judgment and care; whilst, on the other hand, others might be referred to, whose life has been hazarded, and all but lost, simply from injudicious dietetic management. Over-feeding, and improper articles of food, are more frequently productive, in their result, of anxious hours and distressing scenes to the parent, and of danger and loss of life to the child, than almost any other causes.

The irritation caused by difficult teething may give rise to diarrhoea at the period when the infant is weaned, which is not related to weaning. Such disorder of the bowels, if it manifestly occur from this cause, is a favourable circumstance, and should not be interfered with, unless indeed the attack be severe and aggravated, when medical aid becomes necessary. Slight diarrhoea then, during weaning, when it is fairly traceable to the cutting of a tooth (the heated and inflamed state of the gum will at once point to this as the source of the derangement), is of no consequence, but it must not be mistaken for disorder arising from other causes. Lancing the gum will at once, then, remove the cause, and generally cure the bowel complaint.

Mike is a post graduate and is associated with medical transcription services, medical billing services and development of web-based emr for more than 10 years.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

An Informative, Easy-to-understand Guide to Find a Good Age Spot Handcream Posted By : R Kalpana

A good age spot handcream can help you get rid of those ugly age spots on your hands and make your skin look younger. Finding a good age spot cream, however, is not that easy unless you know what to look for and what to avoid in such skin care products.

First of all, you need to understand why you start developing age spots on your skin. One of the most important reasons why your skin starts developing age spots is overexposure to the sun. The UV rays from the sun, as you know, are harmful to your skin and can cause a lot of damage in the long term. When you are young, your skin has the capacity to regenerate from sun exposure. But, as you get older, it becomes increasingly difficult for your skin to regenerate from overexposure to the sun. As a result, it starts developing freckles, blemishes, and sun spots.

To remove these age spots, you need to get a good age spot handcream which can lighten your skin naturally and inhibit melanin production. The market, however, is filled with a number of low quality products which are neither effective nor safe to use. So, you need to know what to look for and what to avoid while looking for age spot reducers. Let us take a look.

What to avoid

If an age spot handcream happens to contain a little something called hydroquinone, do not even think about buying and using it. This is one of the simplest ways to avoid bad quality skin care products. Hydroquinone is a carcinogen and has been banned in several countries around the world. Unfortunately, you can still find a number of products that contain this compound, which goes to show that most skin care product manufacturers could not care less about their customers' well being.

What to look for

Some of the ingredients you should look for in an age spot handcream include nutgrass root extract, cynergy TK, phytessence wakame, nano-lipobelle H EQ10, and natural vitamin E. These ingredients are natural, effective, and very safe. They can increase the amount of natural skin proteins like collagen and elastin, neutralize free radicals, and inhibit the production of melanin in your skin. These substances are very effective in the sense that they not only treat age spots and other such skin problems, they also prevent these problems and keep your skin young and healthy for a long time.

Now you know pretty much everything you need to know about age spots - cause, treatment, and prevention. What you need to do now is very simple - put your knowledge to good use and get a good age spot handcream. Use it regularly and keep your skin young, soft, and healthy. It really does not get any simpler.

Kalpana is an educator by profession and she is also experienced in homeopathy and natural remedies. She strongly advocates natural skincare and beauty products to protect your skin, avoid harmful reactions and enhance youthful looks. To get more tips and info on natural skin care products, please visit her website now at ==>

Pharmaceutical Compounding: A Fascinating Story Posted By : Eva Judge

All over Australia, people have prescriptions filled every single day. Every time you walk into a pharmacy to get your medicine, you are utilising many years of medical research. To be certain, there is a very long, storied history behind the modern compounding pharmacy. Learning about it is interesting and worthwhile.

Ancient Times -

As much as 80,000 years ago, there is evidence - in the form of art, especially on cave walls - that humans were experimenting with the plants around them. Over thousands of years people have turned to herbs and plants for their healing properties. Just as poisonous and ineffective plants and minerals were duly noted, so were those that presented positive benefits for curing various ailments. However, the basic benefits presented by many plants weren't enough to satisfy curious experimenters, who starting to mix things together to arrive at even more potent - and effective - concoctions.

Origins Of The Pharmacy -

The term "pharmacy" is believed to be derived from the Greek word pharmaka, which means "remedy." Since the Greeks are largely credited with being among the first people to take a truly scientific approach to the world around them, it is safe to deduce that modern pharmacy holds many of its roots in the practices of the ancient Greeks. The first chemical processes and experimentation occurred in Egypt, China and Mesopotamia; a combination of chemical processes used by these cultures mixed with the Greek beliefs and methodology is what shaped the modern day pharmaceutical compounding.

Compounding Begins In Earnest -

During the Middle Ages, priests and doctors began combining - or compounding - a variety of items to achieve a powders, spirits and elixirs to cure illnesses and injuries. In the 1600s, the Pharmacopeias of London and Paris both featured a broad range of these products that were commonly used. Neighbourhood compounding pharmacies became commonplace; however, the Industrial Revolution would have a major impact on them.

Modern Compounding -

The Industrial Revolution changed the face of pharmaceutical compounding forever. The small neighbourhood compounding pharmacy was largely done away with as medications were being produced in mass quantities with machinery. However, modern machinery did not signal the extinction of the compounding pharmacy. Instead, compounding simply evolved to involve customisation in lieu of production. Today, compounding pharmacists still do a very brisk trade as they compound popular medications to suit the needs of people, whether it's by changing the dose or enhancing a medicine with a more palatable flavour for children. Without a doubt, compounding will remain an important part of modern medicine for the foreseeable future.

Dallas Parade Pharmacy understands that a modern compounding pharmacy owes a major debt of gratitude to many ancient civilizations. In fact, every time you take your cat or your dog to the animal clinic, you are taking advantage of many years of veterinary compounding history as well. The things we rely on every day have a long, rich history behind them.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Protein and fat loss - Singapore Personal Trainer explains Posted By : Jonathan Wong

As a personal trainer and fitness boot camp instructor in Singapore, I always check how much protein my clients are taking in. Nine out of ten times, I find that I need tot ell them to eat MORE protein - they are not eating enough for maximum muscle gain, fat loss, fitness, weight loss and strength gains!

Protein is great for all that!

Why? There're a few reasons.

1. Great for building muscle, as well as restoring and maintaining muscles

2. Has a satiating effect (makes you feel full for longer)

3. Has a great thermic effect (takes a lot of energy to digest - 25-30% of its own calories. E.g. When you eat 100 calories worth of protein, you spend about 30 calories to digest it. For 100 cals of carbohydrates, only about 5 calories are used up in digesting it! )

4. Helps to give healthy blood cells and enzymes

5. Good for immune system

Good sources of protein:

Fish - any kind is great, just make sure it's cooked in a non fried manner. Try to avoid farmed fatty fish and get fish from waters that are more pollution-free.

Poultry and eggs - eat your poultry non-fried. If you have a safe, clean source of fresh eggs, eat them as lightly cooked as possible, to keep the nutrients in the yolk intact

Meat - Lean cuts of any animal are good. Don't try to hard to cut out the fat though - you need some of those fats to absorb the good stuff in the meat, like some of the vitamins and minerals. Meat from game animals or free-range grass-fed animals are more nutritious and healthful.

Shellfish - all good, make sure its prepared hygienically. Again, try to source shellfish from the less polluted fishing grounds.

Dairy - Full-fat cheese, non-sweetened yoghurt

Low-carb protein powder - don't make this your main source of protein though.

How much to eat?

Men should eat 1.5-2g per pound of protein of bodyweight and women should eat slightly more than half of that, spread over 5-7 meals for good fat loss and muscle gain. Most protein foods are around 22% protein after cooking. E.g. a 300g steak might contain 66g of protein.

All your protein should be as close to its natural form as possible. Eg. Chicken thighs instead of chicken nuggets, pork chops instead of bacon and ham (avoid deli meats for their nitrates and fat content etc), fish slices versus fish balls.

Back to (one of the many reasons) why protein is good for fat loss:

Protein is special because of its thermic effect. It is tough to digest so 25% of its own calories are used for its own digestion. This really adds up. Let's say that our 80kg man eats 180g of protein a day. Since protein is 4 calories per gram that's a total of 720 calories from protein. 25% of this is used up in digestion of protein that's 180 calories burnt each day just as a result of how much work the body has to do in digestion of this nutrient alone!

Since his intake is about double the average person's that means that he has an extra 90 calories burnt each day just because of his increased intake. That is equal to an extra 10 minutes of brisk swimming each day and will result in about 1kg extra of fat loss (all other things being equal) every 10-12 weeks. All this for "free" just because we have increased protein intake.

A word on Protein Myths

For clients doing personal training or fitness bootcamps in Singapore or elsewhere, there is the general misconception that excess protein causes you to have serious health problems.

Well excess anything makes us fat. Protein "seems" even worse than that according to many old wives tales. If those tales were correct, excess protein would make our kidneys explode! But they don't. In fact there are no studies that show that high protein diets affect kidney function. NONE. ZERO!

There are however studies that show that people who have EXISTING kidney problems should not take excess protein. This is like saying "you shouldn't play soccer if you have a broken leg..." well of course! However that is not saying that people playing soccer will DEFINITELY break their legs.

When Singapore residents want REAL results in health, fat loss, weight loss, muscle building and sports performance they visit Coach Jonathan Wong for the best Singapore personal training and fitness bootcamp in Singapore. Free week-long trials of bootcamps up for anyone with a desire to get lean, learn to eat right and look good!

Reebok Cross Trainers-Get Rid of Those Calories Fast Posted By : Chris Cornell

The first elliptical trainer was patented in 2004. There are three different types. Each has a different drive system. The center drive is the latest technology. The Reebok Cross trainer is designed to work the users upper and lower body the cross trainer are considered to be minimal impact, and provide cardiovascular workouts rather than build muscle. Each machine can be adjusted to change the burdens on various muscle groups. Reebok elliptical cross trainers provide a highly effective, non-impact way to work out, burning more calories than running, power walking or weight training. They offer an excellence selection of stylishly made machines, geared for performance, with a wide range of programs to choose from. Five models available are listed below along with some of their individual characteristics.

• Reebok RE13103 offers a backlight training computer, memory enough to store 7 training programs and 9 user profiles along with target programs for time, and distance, along with many other features.

• Reebok RE14211BL, is mainly powered by resistance via the included 6v adapter and comes in a couple of versions, , I-Train Blue and I-Train Orange. It has memory enough for 4 programs and many of the same console features as the model above.

• Reebok Premier+ Elliptical Cross trainer has a blue backlit LCD console that displays distance, calories, random x 50 variations, interval x 8 levels and endurance

The Reebok elliptical trainer offers ranges of features not offered by most other companies. All of Reeboks models off a low-impact total body workout, a smooth, quiet machine, perfect for home or office use. Whatever you fitness level you can find a realistic way to challenge yourself and the cross trainer can accommodate a wide range of users, no matter what their size by adjusting the stride.

At the end of this article, I’d like to share cool website with more information on topics like Reebok Cross Trainers and Cross Trainers. Visit for more details.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Natural Back Pain Relief Methods Posted By : jony rich

These disorders accommodate rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.To get vitamin C, you charge to go for the pills that are awash over-the-counter or you can alpha bistro vegetables and fruits, which are accustomed sources for vitamin C.This blazon of exercise is accepted to advice you relax and get your anatomy strengthened. You can alike get yoga CDs to convenance appropriate in the abundance of your home.

Applying calefaction to grave injuries is not usually the affair to do. It is not alone a acceptable way to get your apportionment going; walking, clashing added forms of exercise, is accessible on your joints and is a acceptable way to strengthen your bones.If you do not like walking, you should alpha affection it now.

Apply calefaction the aforementioned way you activated ice --- it helps relax the stubbornest beef spasms.Walking is a appealing acceptable exercise for a bad back.One of the articular causes of aback affliction is accent and you can absolutely get accent abatement by ability a yoga session.Take bed blow but annihilation over 2 days.Try accomplishing simple contest like accomplishing affable stretches annihilation exerting, apathetic walks or aloof annihilation abroad which would advice you accumulate moving.

Sitting puts burden on the shock-absorbing disks in the spine.Take a angle adjoin sitting.This is because inflammations are usually worsened by heat.However, there are exemptions.So, if you appetite an able exercise that will abate your aback anatomy of accent again go for yoga exercises.That's why barter drivers, appointment workers, and added bodies whose jobs crave sitting for continued periods are at accomplished accident for lower-back pain.As a amount of fact, your doctor may alike acquaint you NOT to do it.Doing affable yoga postures would advice abate your lower aback affliction as the stretches advice to abate the affliction in your back.A desk job is a bureaucracy for aback trouble.

You can additionally appoint yourself in yoga exercises.And, be accurate to do it 3 canicule afterwards the abrasion only.These altitude aftereffect from abstracts actuality deposited into the joints, infections of the joint, sometimes alleged catchbasin arthritis.For instance, you may administer calefaction to the breadth area you feel afire lower aback affliction if calefaction gives you relief.Here are some time activated home remedies for aback pain.But there is annihilation like continuing with your circadian assignment as this would advice absorb the adaptability of your aback and you can abstain claret clots in your legs.The animal aback isn't advised for 6-hour stints in a chair," says James Zucherman, M.

Vitamin C assimilation is actual able in this respect.Mary's Aback Center in San Francisco.Vitamin and Mineral Supplements are additionally recommended to get abatement from aback problems.Vitamin supplements will absolutely advice you to get aback affliction relief.

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Effective VBeam laser treatment to treat Rosacea Posted By : Toby Trevon

Rosacea is a common skin issue characterized via symptoms of frequent redness, facial flushing along with a spectrum of medical signs, including telangiectasia, eruthema, and inflammatory outbreak resembling acne. In more advanced stage, numerous characteristic of this condition may include solidified skin. About fifty percent of individuals suffering from Rosacea will also experience eye problems like redness, burning, itching and light sensitivity. Although this desires can take place in individuals of varied skin tone, but it tends to happen more commonly in individuals having fair skin.

It is imperative for the people suffering from this skin condition to discern and eliminate or reduce the triggers, which can make their problem worse. By doing this and following a regular safeguarding program with laser therapy or topical medication, Rosacea can be controlled in an efficient manner. Several Rosacea triggers include, stress, sun, wind, heat, spicy food, alcohol, cold weather, exercise, cosmetics, high humidity, saunas and some medicine.

When it comes to treating Rosacea, there are several common treatment options accessible that can significantly cure the problem. One of the most effective, gentle and safe treatments is laser. The best part about curing Rosacea through laser treatment is that the patients can resume their daily errands right after the sessions. Online, you can get specialized laser surgeons that provide state of the art treatment for facial redness as well as veins. The physicians accessible, personally perform more than hundreds and thousands of treatments in a year, utilizing VBeam laser treatment.

VBeam Laser or Pulsed Eye, initially was introduced for treating the severe vascular birthmarks such as port wine strains. Today, treating Rosacea, facial redness and veins through this method has also become popular, as it gives effective results. Along with VBeam Laser treatment, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light, Photofacials) is also exercised with the aim of curing Rosacea. But, it is less effective than the laser treatment. Generally, Photofacial package include full-face treatment, even if your skin condition is localized to just one or maximum two areas. this method is performed by a esthetician or nurse and a package can cost about 3000 dollars or even more per session or for whole treatment.

No matter, which method you want to take for curing your skin condition, the doctors perform laser treatment in a highly professional way. Also, online you can avail tailored or customized sessions, usually at less cost than as compared to the Intense Pulsed Light Photofacials.

Online, you can get treatment for Rosacea at 100$ for spot, 175$ for nose, 150$ for chin, 375$ for nose and cheeks, 4504 for lower face or below forehead and 575$ for full face. On an average, in a complete treatment 3 to 4 sessions are needed for maximum and noticeable cosmetic result.

Also, it is necessary for the patients to restrict the disease on their own through keeping a record of the things, which causes it to flare up. It is feasible to avoid the triggers, as much as possible. It is recommended to apply a sunscreen on daily basis, which protects the skin against UVB and UVA rays and ensure that the screen has sun-protecting factor of more than 15 percent.

Toby Trevon an ex client writes his experience of caring Rosacea treatment acquired from a Medical Laser Clinic Rosacea Canada specializing in the laser treatment of Rosacea.

Ways For Vegetarians To Get Protein Posted By : kalebla

It is a good idea to take a list of questions with you when you go to visit the doctor. There are always things to wonder about when it comes to your health and lifestyle. Making exercise changes or diet changes are great things to get professional advice about. We've all heard in the news about the potential benefits involved in switching to a vegetarian diet. How will you know if the switch is a good idea for you though? What do you need to know about a vegetarian diet? If you are interested in the possibility of a vegetarian diet for you and your family, you may not even know what you don't know. Here are some things to discuss with your doctor about the possibility of a change in your diet.

Soybeans are one of the principle sources of protein for the vegetarian. Soybeans are a wonderful food for vegetarians because they contain not only protein, but essential amino acids that your body requires for proper functionality. Also, the protein found in soybeans is quite digestable by the human body; whereas we absorb 92 percent of the protein from meats, we absorb 91 percent from soybeans, clearly illustrating why so many people choose soybeans as a meat substitute. Tofu is a type of food created from soybeans, and there are many different tofu products available with a vast range of flavors. These days, vegetarians can get their required protein nutrition from tofu ice cream, soy milk, and even false meats made from tofu.

How Many Calories Do You Need? Everyone has different calorie intake needs. Depending on your activity levels and body type, your doctor will be able to tell you how many total calories you need to consume. If vegetarian foods are new to you, you may need to obtain more information about caloric content in various foods. If you are replacing meats with plant based proteins, it is likely that you will start to eat fewer calories than you had been eating before. That could be a good thing if you need to lose weight, but if you can't afford to lose weight, you will need to find somewhere to make up the lost nutrition.

How Much Protein Do You Need? On a vegetarian diet, it is essential to find out, based on your total calorie needs, how much protein you will need to consume. Without the source of meat, building complete proteins can take a little forethought and effort. If you know ahead of time what sources are appropriate as well as how much you will need to eat each day, you will be more prepared to successfully and nutritiously live on a vegetarian diet. Your doctor will be able to explain the difference between meat protein and plant based protein in order to help you with the correct protein intake. Becoming a vegetarian could be a good move for your health, but it could also be better for you to continue to eat meat. Your doctor will be one of the better judges of what will work best for you based on your current health condition and nutritional needs. In addition to talking with your doctor though, you also need to listen to your body. It will tell you if it is not getting what it needs for optimal health.

This article has been made accessible by the author, Bank Koapit. .Should you require any further information regarding Buy Maca and Slimming Tea please visit his Wulong Tea resources

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Ankle Sprain that Doesn't Heel? Posted By : Peter Wishnie

25% of all musculoskeletal injuries are ankle sprains! What does spraining the ankle actually mean? The ankle joint is made up of three bones: the tibia, fibula and talus. These bones are held into proper position by a number of ligaments.

The soft tissues surrounding the joint help stabilize the bones so they do not move too much in the wrong directions. Sprains usually occur during athletic activities but sometimes we step down or trip on a rug and put abnormal pressures on our ankle. Most often, a sprain occurs when the foot gets tilted inward or inverted. These abnormal forces causes stretching or tears to the ligaments that stabilize the joint. The injured ligaments will lead to swelling, inflammation, and pain. If the injury is severe, there may be a fracture present. It is standard for doctors to order x-rays and do multiple different maneuvers to the foot and ankle to asses which ligaments are damaged and if any of the bones are broken. When no bones are involved, rest, ice, compression, elevation, and anti-inflammatory medication usually does the trick.

When a fracture occurs there may be need for surgical intervention. Many people recover from ankle sprains with no problems, but about 10% of ankle sprains do not improve with traditional therapy. In these patients, the ankle sprain was only part of the problem. Below the ankle is another joint between the talus and the calcaneus called the subtalar joint. Thus the talus bone is connected to both the ankle and the subtalar joint. You can imagine that if abnormal forces are put on the talus there will sometimes be damage to the ankle joint and the subtalar joint. Just as ligaments are torn or damaged at the ankle joint, ligaments can be damaged at the subtalar joint.

Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to tell the difference between ankle instability and subtalar joint instability by physical evaluation. To evaluate the damage, radiographs have to be carefully evaluated and some non-traditional evaluations should be utilized. Placing the foot in specific forced positions is necessary to open up the joint spaces to assess the damage. These can be very painful and a local anesthetic may be necessary in order to complete the exam. Ultrasound has shown to be a great way to evaluate injuries, but not all medical care centers have this modality available. If this injury is caught early , the treatment is mostly non-surgical. Different immobilization devices and physical therapy can usually strengthen the ligaments. Occasionally the injury will become a chronic problem that requires surgery. Since this injury is hard to assess and difficult to differentiate from ankle joint injuries, your doctor may have a difficult time recognizing the issue. It is important to communicate your symptoms and pain as thorough as possible. Knowing how the injury occurred and the position your foot was in when the injury occurred can be very useful information for your doctor to determine what ligaments were injured. If you had an ankle sprain that doesn't seem to be getting better, it may be an unstable subtalar joint that is the root of your problems.

Dr. Peter Wishnie is a podiatrist who specializes in foot and ankle surgery. His office is in Piscataway/Hillsborough,NJ. His goals are to educate the public on the care of their feet and ankles and to get them functioning as quickly as possible. For more foot health tips on foot pain, get a Free copy of their book, "Stop Foot Pain Fast," by visiting their website:

Overcome a Training Plateau with Dynamic Nutrition Posted By : Nick Williams

It is a frustrating truth that no matter how hard and how well you are training, at some point in time, you will reach a plateau that you just can’t get over.

When you’re bulking up, this is because your muscles do not have enough nutrition to continue to grow. As you exercise and train, your muscle mass increases and you get stronger and you might need to increase the amount of protein you eat in order to maintain your evolving physique.

Similarly, if you’re cutting back your progress can be slowed down because excess nutrition is limiting the rate of fat loss.

When it comes to nutrition, small changes in your diet can mean big changes to your body.

Your nutrition needs are constantly changing and achieving the best nutrition plan for optimum fitness is a complex task. As your fitness improves and as your body changes, you need to fine-tune your nutrition in order to continue making progress. This is called dynamic nutrition.

When you find yourself at a plateau, it is recommended by the experts that you adjust your daily calorie intake by 500 calories for a period of a week. If you see no result you then make a further adjustment.

Some people fail to recognise the need for this change and stick rigidly to the same printed nutrition plan that served them well at the start of their fitness program.

Others recognise that they need to make changes but find it difficult to figure out what to do.

What they all have in common is that they risk making slower progress or in fact no progress, despite keeping up a tough exercise and training program.

When it comes to nutrition, small changes in your diet can mean big changes to your body.

It’s easy to work out how to change the number of calories you eat each day but making sure that you get exactly the right proportion of carbs, protein and fat is vital and this is where most people go wrong. These calculations are complicated and without guidance from an expert in this field, it is easy to make the wrong changes or just not enough of the right ones.

If you keep doing the same thing you will keep getting the same results - but using dynamic nutrition will bring about the changes you need to make to get over your plateau.

The experts agree on this and Men’s Fitness magazine summed it up when they said:

"If you learn how to eat right, you can double the benefits of your training; crafting that body you want in half the time".

So, whether you decide to use a program like plan:one with its unique Dynamic Nutrition Technololgy that works out everything automatically for you in seconds, or do it the hard way and calculate your requirements manually, dynamic nutrition will deliver the fitness results you want.

Nick Williams is an expert in nutrition and human metabolism and holds a BSc Hons in Biochemistry. Combining his scientific training and a lifelong interest in fitness, he has designed and created plan:one, a powerful interactive fitness nutrition program that produces amazing results. With plan:one you can achieve the body you want in half the time. Try it out now with our Full Access 14 day Trial at:

Children Get Heel Pain Too and They are Not Faking IT Posted By : Peter Wishnie

Many of us think that foot problems are one of the aches and pains of aging. But heel pain is not normal nor is it isolated to only adults. I have seen my share fair of children and teens that are having difficulty playing sports or participating in gym classes because of heel pain! Sever's disease is the most common cause of childhood heel pain and usually affects children 8-14 years of age

Traditionally, the disease was thought to affect males much more predominately, but now that we are seeing more young women athletes, the incidence is nearing the same between genders. Sever's disease is medically described as osteochondritis of the calcaneal apophysis. This is an injury to the growth plate in the back of your heal. During development, all bones in the body start as cartilage and fill in with calcium and other minerals to create a strong skeleton. This process is referred to as ossification. The calcaneus, or heel bone, has two separate areas of ossification that are connected by the cartilaginous growth plate. Because of overuse or tight muscles, these two ossification centers are pulled away from each other causing strain on the growth plate. Overtime simple activities such as running, jumping or even standing can cause severe heel pain. I will often see children limping into my office when they have this condition. Luckily, this is a self limiting condition meaning it will eventually go away.

Unfortunately, children will have to tone down their activity schedule to reduce the pain. It is important to make the children as comfortable as possible and keep them active in their favorite's sports, but we also have to be reasonable in the treatment options. Physical therapy will help the child stretch the muscles to decrease the pull on the developing calcaneus and Thera-band exercises can be used to strengthen the area. Ice massages will also help decrease the inflammation which is the culprit of pain. Heel lifts placed in the shoes, to decrease the pressure of the Achilles tendon on the calcaneus , and orthoses can also bring relief. Occasionally, there is need for a cast to immobilize the area to ensure proper healing. Though NSAIDS can bring relief to pain, large does are not always recommended for children. Thus, I prefer to have children to try topical pain relievers first.

Since Sever's Disease can last up to 18 months, it is important to treat it aggressively soon as possible. Thus the child is not stuck on the bench, disappointed in their inability to perform. It may be necessary to take a short break from vigorous sports or exercise to allow proper healing time, but that is much better than sitting on the bench for an entire year!

Dr. Peter Wishnie is a podiatrist who specializes in foot and ankle surgery. His office is in Piscataway/Hillsborough,NJ. His goals are to educate the public on the care of their feet and ankles and to get them functioning as quickly as possible. For more foot health tips on foot pain, get a Free copy of their book, "Stop Foot Pain Fast," by visiting their website:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Find out more information and reviews about the Acai Berry supplement Posted By : leanne

Super Acai Berry, Amazonian fruit. Acai (pronounced Ah-sah-ee) is a rainforest berry that grows on palm trees in the amazon basin. These dark purple berries are high in anthocyanins, which are antioxidants that protect the body against free radical damage. It also contains essential fatty acids, amino acids, dietary fibre and phytosterols. Acai has been valued as a superfood that contains significant amounts of nutrients and supports the normalisation of health and well being.

Common uses:

Antioxidants help protect against free radical damage, a contributor to the aging process and disease. Many studies have been done using Acai. These include its use in cardiovascular health, immunity, high blood pressure, cancer, as an anti inflammatory in arthritis.

Suggested Doses:

Adults: Take 2 capsules 2 to 3 times daily, or as professionally recommended.

Health Information about acai:

Acai Berry is a rainforest berry that grows on Euterpe oleracea palm trees in the Amazon basin. This dark purple berry has a fruity taste with a hint of chocolate. For centuries the local inhabitants have used the acai berry as a staple part of their diet to boost energy levels, build immune system and treat ailments including infections and diarrhoea. Over the last decade the berry has become popular in the costal cities of Brazil and acai smoothies are now central to Brazilian beach culture. In particular, the berry is eaten by fitness enthusiasts and athletes for its energising and detoxifying properties. With high levels of antioxidants and cholesterol fighting fatty acids, the Amazonian acai berry has been hailed as the new superfood. Manufacturers are adding acai to food and drinks as part of a growing trend towards healthier eating.

Acai is a rich source of a class of polyphenolic flavonoids called anthocyanins, which are the same antioxidants that give wine its health benefits. Antioxidants are needed by the body to quench free radicals, whose oxidative damage contributes to ageing and degenerative diseases. They body's free radical defence system comprises several endogenous antioxidant enzymes as well as exogenous antioxidant nutrients obtained through diet. The phyto-chemical and nutrient compositions of a standardized freeze-dried acai powder were examined in a study of Natural and Medicinal Products Research in Washington. Among many findings, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and other flavonoids were found to be the major phyto-chemicals. Five anthocyanins were identified as predominant and minor anthocyanins. The total content of measured as 3.1919mg/g dry weight. Polymers were found to be the major proanthocyanidins. The concentration of total proanthocyanidins was calculated as 12.89mg/g dry weight. Acai contains one of the highest contents known for oleic acid in the pulp of a fruit.

Also found in olive oil, oleic acid may be responsible for the hypotensive (blood pressure reducing) effects. This is particularly useful for individuals with high blood pressure. Hence, acai can be used to help support a healthy cardiovascular system. We have a lot more information about Acai Berry. Please do not hesitate to ask and we can print you off the information we have.

Leanne James is a New Zealand naturopath, if you would like to find out more about Acai Berryclick the link.

Monavie Acai Berry Juice Posted By : Lucien Bechard

Monavie is one of the top companies in the MLM industry. They are the fastest growing company ever to reach $1 billion in sales. Monavie's products feature one of the world's top superfoods, the acai berry. The acai berry is rich in antioxidants which aides in the protection of harmful free radicals against our bodies. The acai berry is creating quite the buzz around the world. Everyone from celebrities, athletes, talk show hosts, and the press have been raving about the positive effects of the acai berry. Monavie's premium acai berry juices are among the top choices of acai berry enthusiasts. Monavie has taken the health and wellness and network marketing industries by storm.

MonaVie features a delicious blend of the Brazilian açai berry-one of nature's top superfoods-and 18 other body-beneficial fruits. This combination to nutrition delivers powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients to help fight free radicals and maintain your body's overall health.

Monavie Key Benefits:

Offers potent antioxidant protection against free radicals.

Features a variety of key nutrients for optimal health.

Delivers the antioxidant capacity of approximately 13 servings of fruits and vegetables in just four ounces.

Provides nutritional benefits for all ages.

Contains antioxidant polyphenols, which studies suggest may play an important role in long-term health.

Essential Facts:

In excess, free radicals produce harmful oxidation that can damage cell membranes and accelerate the aging process.

MonaVie's freeze-dried acai has a higher ORAC score than any other fruit or vegetable tested to date, boasting an antioxidant capacity more than 15 times higher than blueberries and more than 20 times higher than raspberries (J Agric Food Chem. 2006, 54(22):8604-10).

Health experts agree that a diet rich in a variety of antioxidants helps fight the signs of aging and is essential to maintaining good health.

For many centuries the people of the Amazon have considered the acai berry a prized fruit. They have cherished it as a source of health and vitality. The health benefits of the acai berry are still being researched and documented. Acai is considered one of the world's top superfoods because of it's high antioxident contents.

Acai Benefits:


Trace minerals



Amino acids

Designed for easy consumption in the body, just 2-4 ounces of MonaVie per day provides you with the antioxidants and phytonutrients found in many of the world's most nutritious fruits-including acai. Monavie's exclusive freeze drying process enables them to capture the vital nutrients of the acai berry. Monavie's freeze dried acai powder contains an ORAC score (a measure of antioxidant content) higher than any other vegetable and fruit tested to date.

Monavie is one of the top companies in the network marketing industry. Monavie allows distributors the ability to capitalize on what's considered to be the next trillion dollar industry-The Health and Wellness Industry. Monavie distributors have the ability to develop significant long term residual income potential with Monavie's lucrative compensation plans. They offer 8 ways to earn income with 50% of sales volume paid out to distributors in commissions. Monavie is dedicated to the success of their distributors.

Monavie is truly one of the premier companies in the the health and wellness and network marketing industries. Entrepreneurs now have the best of both world's. Monavie gives aspiring entrepreneurs the ability to have a solid financial future with their business opportunity, as well as the health benefits of drinking one of the premier health and wellness juices on the market today.

Click here for more information about Monavie and the health benefits of the acai berry.

Purchase Monavie Acai Berry Juice.

Get Fit and Healthy the easy way Posted By : Aoife Gaffney

Do you want to lose your annoying belly fat and keep it off?

Once you start a fitness routine, you will not want to stop! Being fit and toned actually makes you look younger. See yourself with a super flat stomach.

No more endless exercises that just hurt your back; straining your neck and back, spending hours in the gym or paying for expensive gyms and trainers and never going?

Imagine being able to eat what you want when you want and no more "diet" foods. While some fats are actually good for your body, "diet" foods often contain the wrong type of fats and artificial sugars which make the body crave more sugar. The body then ends up in a vicious circle.

Imagine no more painful exercises and expensive home exercise equipment. Too many people try and isolate a particular muscle group without taking account of the entire body.

Let's look at some things that don't really work! Boring repetitive cardio exercise routines are NOT the best way to lose body fat and uncover those six pack abs. Boring! That's not the way to get a flat stomach now. Have you wasted your money on expensive and sometimes dangerous food supplements all promising to burn fat and produce lean muscle?

Is your home exercise equipment just taking up space in your house? Do you feel guilty about having spent money on exercise equipment that now is being used as an expensive clothes dryer?

Let's face it, home exercise equipment sucks, takes up space and adds to the guilt of not exercising. Imagine having simple steps that you can just fit into your working day effortlessly. Is your wardrobe a fashion disaster - nothing fitting properly? I certainly did until recently.

Have you had to expand your belt to accommodate your expanding waistline?

Are you still trying to shift baby weight, post holiday fat, pre holiday fat, pre wedding weight loss or you just want to tone up and look your absolute best?

Posture and fitness can make you lose years? Lose pounds and years easily and quickly without invasive surgery or dangerous drugs.

Commit to your goal of fabulous 6 pack abs and let us help you achieve it with this simple solution. If you want to Get A Flat Stomach Now, you are just one click away from a Flat Stomach.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Solution Focused Therapy Posted By : John Cvetkovic

This is a fast world. To cope up with the speed and to bring their lives and feelings into proper order, there are many people who seek help from psychotherapists. Psychotherapy has many classifications in it, and one of them is solution focused therapy. Though it is a branch of psychotherapy, it has certain characteristics that make it stand out. This is therapy that gives importance to your future, and a solution focused therapist talks or counsels you on your future, without probing too much into your past. They try to bring in solutions, without stressing upon the problems you face. During the therapy, you will be encouraged to choose methods as solutions to all that you face. These therapists believe that you should be the best solution provider to your own problems, and you will have to suggest solutions to solve the problems you face. It is seen that solution focused therapy takes much less time than traditional therapy.

Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg are known to be the founders of solution focused therapy. They both were practicing therapists at the Brief Family Therapy Center in Milwaukee.

The therapy focuses bringing in solutions, rather than waste time pondering over problems. It focuses on the truth that the solutions to all your problems rest with you; and so, you should be choosing your way, on your own. The therapist only helps to you make this decision, by splitting your problems into smaller chunks, for easy solution. A treatment cycle takes about six sessions between the client and the therapist. In some cases, the number of sessions may be slightly more. As the name indicates, here, the focus is on solution to a problem, and not the cause to it. Every person will have his or her own dreams and aspirations. The therapist focuses on your future and helps you to fulfill your desires. You will also be made to list down a few goals that you think will bring in happiness in future.

According to solution therapists, there is no point thinking about the past. Talking about the problems from the past, and your past experiences will take up a lot of time and effort, and there is very little that can be done to rectify it. That is why solution focused therapy does not take as much time as traditional psychotherapy. The therapy has its roots in two aspects; the client is made to think of how he or she wants their life to change, and, the steps they think should be taken to bring about this change. However, this mode of therapy is very efficient in offering solutions. The solutions will be the best possible ones. During these sessions, you are discouraged to speak or think about things that are certain not to work out.

It has been proven in many cases that solution focused therapy is very effective in most cases that seek psychotherapy treatment. There are clients seeking solutions to depression, family problems (especially families attempting suicide), and dependence issues. Another advantage that most of the clients point out is that they do not need to pour out their emotions while discussing the problem, or the past. For many clients, digging up the past experiences and events can be a painful experience in itself. Instead the clients get more confident when the therapists actually speak about solutions. This ensures that the client does not need to waste his or her time at all.

By the end of a range of sessions, the therapist focuses on making the client to set objectives or goals, and take necessary steps towards achieving these goals. But, for this to be efficient, the client needs to open up to the therapist about their wishes and dreams. The client is then made to think of a situation when these wishes or dreams are fulfilled. The client understands that the wishes and dreams can be fulfilled by a miracle, which they can bring into realization. The client is then made to think of how you will get started on your journey to realize the miracle, and how you will end it.

You can think of visiting a therapist when you know that there are certain problems in you that need help. Some of these problems are; you are burdened with many problems in life, and not able to solve them how much ever you try, you are in need of a quick solution, you think you may harm yourself or others at the slightest provocation, you suffer from problems like depression or anxiety, and so on.

However, it is advised that you do not attempt to do this without the help from a therapist. Attempting to do things on your own will lead to more problems. You will not be able to see any solution to your problem, and that will cause even more depression. That may also make you more emotional and affect the people around you as well.

Have you been feeling stressed? Check Hypnosis London? to find the solution. Hypnotherapy London? might be the right solution for you!

The History of Psychodynamic Therapy Posted By : John Cvetkovic

Psychodynamic therapy is the branch of psychotherapy which attempts to help people understand the roots of any emotional distress they may be feeling. This is accomplished by exploring needs, unconscious motives and psychological defence mechanisms. It is an insight oriented method of therapy because therapists are looking for insights into the mind’s unconscious processes and how they affect human behaviour.

The main goal of this therapeutic method is to make patients aware of the influence that past experiences and events have on their current lives. It can help settle past conflicts as well as issues arising from past dysfunctional relationships. It is derived from the psychoanalytical method that Sigmund Freud researched. It was given the label “psychodynamic” by Dr. Freud. Freud felt that the human mind or psyche was made up of several different levels and that it is the unconscious mind which contains events from our past. He felt that forgotten experiences can still affect our present behaviour. In order to treat this, Freud developed a method by which memories and associations could be brought to the surface and examined in order to modify our current behaviour.

Although Freud was an early pioneer in the field, the actual principles of psychodynamics were first introduced in 1874. A German scientist named Ernst Wilhelm von Bruce published Lectures on Psychology in which he suggested that all living organisms are energy systems and that they are governed by the principle of energy conservation. The conservation of energy principle states that energy can change from one form to another but it can never be destroyed. Later that year, Freud adopted the concept and application of psychodynamics to aid his own concept of the human psyche. This was later developed further by Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Otto Rank and Melanie Klein.

By the mid 1940’s and 1950’s, the application of psychodynamics was well established. In 1950, American psychiatrist Eric Berne revised Freud’s psychodynamic model. He focussed most closely on the “ego” or consciousness to develop a psychological method to examine human interactions. This was called transactional analysis. According to physician James R. Allen, this is a cognitive behavioural approach to treatment. Dr. Allen felt that this is a very effective way of dealing with internal models of self and others, as well as other psychodynamic issues.

In 1988 a psychologist named J. Horowitz wrote a book called The Introduction to Psychodynamics-a New Synthesis in which he stated his own interest in and fascination with psychodynamics which began in 1950. He took part in a radio discussion where he described neurotic behaviour and unconscious mental processes. He also linked the theory behind psychodynamics directly to everyday life.

The History of Psychodynamic Therapy

It was mentioned earlier that psychodynamic therapy is derived from the psychoanalytical theory established by Freud. There are four major schools of thought in the psychoanalytical method and each school has affected the understanding of psychodynamic therapy. Although there are differences, each school of thought is still rooted in Freud’s original theories. The four schools of thought are: ego psychology, object psychology, object relations and self psychology.

The Freudian model is also referred to as the drive or structural model. The base of Freud’s theory is that sexual and aggressive energies that originate in the id (or unconscious) are modulated by the ego. The ego is a set of functions which moderates the activities of the id using external reality. Defence mechanisms are constructions of the ego which minimize pain and maintain psychic equilibrium. The super ego (which forms during the latency period between the ages of five and puberty) operate to control the drives of the id through feelings of guilt.

Ego psychology is derived from Freudian psychology. Its proponents focus their work on enhancing and maintaining the function of the ego in accordance with the demands of reality. Ego psychology relates the stresses and an individual’s capacity for defence, adaptation and the ability to test reality.

Object relations were first articulated by several British analysts: Melanie Klein, W.R.D. Fairbain, D.W. Winnicott and Harry Guntrip. According to the object relation theory, human beings are shaped in relation to the significant others surrounding them. They believed that the struggles and goals in life that people set are focussed on maintaining relationships with others while at the same time differentiating themselves from others. They also believed that the internal representations of self and others that are acquired in childhood are later played out in the relationships we have as adults. Individuals will repeat old object relationships in an effort to master them and become free from them.

Self psychology was founded by Heinz Kohut, M.D. in Chicago during the 1950’s. Kohut observed that the self refers to a person’s perception of his experience of self, including the presence or lack of a sense of self-esteem. The self is perceived in relation to the establishment of boundaries and the differentiation of self from others.

Each of the four schools of psychoanalytic theory presents discrete theories of personality formation, psychopathologic formation and change, techniques you should use to conduct therapy sessions and indications and contraindications for therapy. Psychodynamic therapy is distinguished from psychoanalysis in several different ways.

The main difference is that psychodynamic therapy does not include all of the different analytical techniques and is not conducted by psychoanalytically trained analysts. Psychodynamic therapy is also conducted over a shorter period of time and with less frequency than psychoanalysis.

Have you been feeling stressed? Check Hypnosis London? to find the solution. Hypnotherapy London? might be the right solution for you!

Voice Dialogue by Affirmotive Posted By : John Cvetkovic

Parts Therapy:

Parts personality plays an important role in curing and healing different parts of our personality. Parts therapy is technique that is based on the idea that our personality is made up of a number of different parts. Parts of personality are in fact the aspects of the subconscious. Each of these parts has a defined function of the inner mind.

Effectiveness of Parts Therapy:

The main idea behind the effectiveness of Parts Therapy is that the client gives the authority to somebody else. That person embeds the solutions in the shape of suggestions. These suggestions help the patient in discovering the best solution to an inner conflict. This is the result of finding answers to the questions asked by the person in charge at proper times.

It is good to keep the patient main part of the therapy process. It helps a lot. Client-centered parts therapy helps the patient to attain greater insight and helps him to control his powers. Patient’s empowerment is necessary because if you want the power to change lies within the patient, rather than therapist. If right questions are asked, the patient is capable of finding the solutions in his inner mind. The thought of finding the answer within, makes the patient feel contented and satisfied with him.

Variants of parts therapy:

There are many variations of parts therapy practiced by therapists.

• Ego state therapy.

• Voice dialogue.

• Conference room therapy.

• Physical parts therapy.

These variants are quite helpful in making prominent changes in patient’s state of mind.

Voice Dialogue:

Voice Dialogue is a powerful and transformational technique. This technique is a source of increasing self-awareness. It allows having more choices and balancing within oneself and in ones life.

Voice Dialogue makes you more fully cognizant of all the aspects of your humanity including

• Spiritual

• Instinctual

• materially focused

• service-oriented

• emotional

• rational

• parental

• Childlike.

Important effect of voice Dialogue is that it leads to better relationships. It increases self-acceptance and an ability to use more of the talents and abilities.

Voice Dialogue is successfully used in varied treatment areas including individual development, relationship treatment, material awareness, and communiqué training.

Voice Dialogue is called so because it is a unique way of giving voice to almost every part of one's personality. It is extremely effective and helpful in solving personal and interpersonal conflicts and problems. It is also helpful in treatment of deep emotional difficulties and distressing problems.

Voice Dialogue helps in developing different habits that are naturally helpful for improving a person’s personality. These include

• Improving self-awareness

• Increasing self-acceptance

• Improving quality and number of choices

• Improving creativity

• Increasing inner wisdom

• Improving balance in life

• Providing a sense of realism

• Providing purpose and wholeness to life aims.

The above mentioned are among the many advantages of voice dialogue therapy.

Voice Dialogue is a therapy created by Hal and Sidra Stone it is a known tool to expand one’s perspective and consciousness.

This process-oriented method of Soul Searching has helped many people find greater balance, understanding and achieving purpose in their lives.

Ego Therapy:

Ego-state therapy is a psychodynamic approach in which techniques are employed to people a group and family therapy are employed to resolve problems between various "ego states" that constitute a "family of self" within a single individual.

Theoretical concept of ego-state therapy is worthwhile in stimulating and understanding two processes that are forceful in the development of the human personality that are integration and differentiation. Integration is good in putting the concepts together. Differentiation means separating concepts from other concepts.

Both these processes are important and people find it easy to adopt them. Psychological processes do not have a rigid basis. Anxiety, depression and other problems like that are common problems that can be solved by the patient himself.

When ego energy comes in between the problem comes to the self creating an ego state.

Ego states may be enormous and may include all the behaviors and experiences. They may be small, like the behaviors and feelings at school age.

These states predict current forms of behavior and experiences. These states may be organized into various dimensions.

How do Ego States originate:

Ego states are developed from three sources:

• Normal Differentiation

• Introjections of significant others

• Reaction to trauma.

So the above mentioned therapies can help a lot in improving oneself. It improves the behavior and confidence level of an individual. So if you find any problem related to your personality development, then do consult therapists.

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