Thursday, November 5, 2009

Everything to Know About Hospital Safety Posted By : Dr.Darwin

Hospital Safety

Hospital safety is very essential to the safety of the hospital's residents and workers. There are some set of laws that will decide what standard procedures will require to be implemented to ensure the full compliance of all health care institutions. There are some notable areas that will be the hub of hospital safety. These include patient safety, fire safety and hospital worker safety.

Patient safety has become more of a concern because of the fairly high incidence of death that sometimes manifests. Statistics have shown that as much as 98000 patients would likely die from several form of hospital neglect. These types of errors may be triggered by human factors such as the mental exhaustion and physical fatigue of workers, time constraints i.E. Having to tend to many patients at any given time and not comprehending the full impact of hospital errors. It may also materialize because of medical complexity) and system failures. To decrease the number of patients that die accidentally in hospitals there are specifics that are put in place. Stricter guidelines for the reporting of any cases of death as a result of neglect are presently implemented. A pay for performance (p4p) is instituted in numerous hospitals to improve worker performance. It has been implied that evidence based medicine which generally combines doctor's assessment and diagnostic methods with the best research that has been proven the most accurate will also improve patient safety.

Health care worker safety generally will include decreasing the risk of transmission of prevalent forms of blood borne diseases and other infectious diseases to workers and the safety of workers from assault of any kind. To accomplish this healthcare facilities may implement the utilise of specialized needles to prevent workers from being unintentionallypotentiallypierced by needles, enforcing appropriate hygienic techniques and providing 24 hour hospital security. Though there is still more progress to be made I this area the modifications to the system have still improved worker safety and general working conditions.

Fire safety is also a substantial concern. Building inspectors are usually employed to ensure that these institutions are following the established guidelines. A vital part of fire safety is having the framework put in place for evacuation in case of a fire or any other disaster. A carefully designed plan will ensure that the sickest and most vulnerable patients can be moved quickly. Some other guidelines that will have to be followed will include the clear indication of flammable material, proper storage of all flammable materials, the placement of fire extinguishers in several key locations, listing the potential sources that may trigger ignition of certain flammable chemicals, having large enough emergency exists to guaranteethat all persons can be evacuated safely. There are multiple fire safety codes that are used by hospitals to better protect lives in the event of an realistic emergency.

Dr.Darwin Thomas is the author of the above article. He is the author of several other articles in the medical field including Hospital Safety.

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