Saturday, November 7, 2009

Voice Dialogue by Affirmotive Posted By : John Cvetkovic

Parts Therapy:

Parts personality plays an important role in curing and healing different parts of our personality. Parts therapy is technique that is based on the idea that our personality is made up of a number of different parts. Parts of personality are in fact the aspects of the subconscious. Each of these parts has a defined function of the inner mind.

Effectiveness of Parts Therapy:

The main idea behind the effectiveness of Parts Therapy is that the client gives the authority to somebody else. That person embeds the solutions in the shape of suggestions. These suggestions help the patient in discovering the best solution to an inner conflict. This is the result of finding answers to the questions asked by the person in charge at proper times.

It is good to keep the patient main part of the therapy process. It helps a lot. Client-centered parts therapy helps the patient to attain greater insight and helps him to control his powers. Patient’s empowerment is necessary because if you want the power to change lies within the patient, rather than therapist. If right questions are asked, the patient is capable of finding the solutions in his inner mind. The thought of finding the answer within, makes the patient feel contented and satisfied with him.

Variants of parts therapy:

There are many variations of parts therapy practiced by therapists.

• Ego state therapy.

• Voice dialogue.

• Conference room therapy.

• Physical parts therapy.

These variants are quite helpful in making prominent changes in patient’s state of mind.

Voice Dialogue:

Voice Dialogue is a powerful and transformational technique. This technique is a source of increasing self-awareness. It allows having more choices and balancing within oneself and in ones life.

Voice Dialogue makes you more fully cognizant of all the aspects of your humanity including

• Spiritual

• Instinctual

• materially focused

• service-oriented

• emotional

• rational

• parental

• Childlike.

Important effect of voice Dialogue is that it leads to better relationships. It increases self-acceptance and an ability to use more of the talents and abilities.

Voice Dialogue is successfully used in varied treatment areas including individual development, relationship treatment, material awareness, and communiqué training.

Voice Dialogue is called so because it is a unique way of giving voice to almost every part of one's personality. It is extremely effective and helpful in solving personal and interpersonal conflicts and problems. It is also helpful in treatment of deep emotional difficulties and distressing problems.

Voice Dialogue helps in developing different habits that are naturally helpful for improving a person’s personality. These include

• Improving self-awareness

• Increasing self-acceptance

• Improving quality and number of choices

• Improving creativity

• Increasing inner wisdom

• Improving balance in life

• Providing a sense of realism

• Providing purpose and wholeness to life aims.

The above mentioned are among the many advantages of voice dialogue therapy.

Voice Dialogue is a therapy created by Hal and Sidra Stone it is a known tool to expand one’s perspective and consciousness.

This process-oriented method of Soul Searching has helped many people find greater balance, understanding and achieving purpose in their lives.

Ego Therapy:

Ego-state therapy is a psychodynamic approach in which techniques are employed to people a group and family therapy are employed to resolve problems between various "ego states" that constitute a "family of self" within a single individual.

Theoretical concept of ego-state therapy is worthwhile in stimulating and understanding two processes that are forceful in the development of the human personality that are integration and differentiation. Integration is good in putting the concepts together. Differentiation means separating concepts from other concepts.

Both these processes are important and people find it easy to adopt them. Psychological processes do not have a rigid basis. Anxiety, depression and other problems like that are common problems that can be solved by the patient himself.

When ego energy comes in between the problem comes to the self creating an ego state.

Ego states may be enormous and may include all the behaviors and experiences. They may be small, like the behaviors and feelings at school age.

These states predict current forms of behavior and experiences. These states may be organized into various dimensions.

How do Ego States originate:

Ego states are developed from three sources:

• Normal Differentiation

• Introjections of significant others

• Reaction to trauma.

So the above mentioned therapies can help a lot in improving oneself. It improves the behavior and confidence level of an individual. So if you find any problem related to your personality development, then do consult therapists.

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