Thursday, November 5, 2009

What Are You Weighting For? Posted By : Mike Brooks

Whether you’ve put on a few pounds within the last few years, or you’ve been overweight since childhood, there is one common nemesis to all those seeking to lose weight: PROCRASTINATION.

Yes, there are numerous reasons or excuses one can cite for carrying around those extra pounds. Many people blame a fast-paced lifestyle that doesn’t allow proper time for good eating. Some point to poor metabolism, believing that counting calories just won’t work for them. Most commonly, though, the real reason is a diet high in fat and calories and low in fiber and nutrients, along with an insufficient level of exercise. While nutrition is extremely important, it goes hand-in-hand with burning calories through some sort of fitness plan.

Many people who have experienced a roller-coaster ride of weight highs and lows have failed to integrate proper nutrition and exercise into their daily lifestyle. Often, these same people have always impulsively turned to the latest diet trend, only to become discouraged when the most current weight-loss trick didn’t peel away the pounds as was promised. Does this sound familiar?

If you’ve passionately followed a fad diet only to find it didn’t work, you may have gotten discouraged. If you’ve ever lost weight quickly only to rebound with the same old bad habits when you reached your target, you know that diet integrity needs to be a constant element of your lifestyle. Maybe you have decided that you just don’t have the patience for that long road that is the only real path to the sexy figure you long for. Or maybe you’re clinging to the excuse that losing weight just isn’t in the cards for you. Nonsense!

The fact is you can change your metabolism by boosting it with aerobic activity. And you can lose pounds forever if you maintain a higher standard for what you put in your mouth. It may not happen quickly, but it will happen if you follow the rules. Why then, are you putting it off?

You have probably delayed your diet for any one of a few reasons mentioned above. It could be disillusionment at previous failed attempts. It could be the fear that you will never lose the weight. Or, quite simply, it could be that you are addicted to the comfort that certain foods provide.

When you lose the weight, (and you will if you just stick with it), you’ll have more energy. You’ll probably have a more upbeat outlook. And your health will certainly be greatly improved.

Copyright - 2009 - Mike Brooks

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