Thursday, November 26, 2009

Get A Flat Stomach - Some Myth Busting Facts Posted By : Aoife Gaffney

To get a flat stomach you need do lots of stomach exercises and use one of those ab machines. FICTION. These exercises can strain your back. In fact nothing is more useless when trying to get a flat tummy then an ab crunching exercise machine! Even all those products and supplements you see regularly advertised on the television are useless.

But what about the people demonstrating the results - did they spent hours learning how to get a flat stomach? NO! The real truth is that the models with 6 packs abs DID NOT get their bodies through using those machines; they got their results using techniques that really work.

But what about fat burning supplements and ab belts designed to strap around you while you make walk around the house or office, smiling. FICTION. They are a waste of money and the infomercials which promote them can be misleading.

The best bit is that we can all get a flat stomach... FACT. It's just that it's covered by a layer of body fat. That's the sole reason you can't see your flat stomach muscles and those six pack abs.

Learning what to eat is the real key here to get a flat stomach because you need to reduce the percentage of body fat you have to a certain level before you can ever get a flat stomach. FACT. You can do all the crunches, ab exercises and sit-ups in the world but none of the exercises are an effective way to help you reduce your body fat.

You need a clear plan with clear and simple guidelines to help you get a flat stomach. It does not have to take months or even weeks.

Learning simple, easy to follow techniques is the real key to getting results. The amazing part about this system is that the results are long lasting and fast acting. This is not plan that just means you lose weight. This is a plan to help you lose weight, keep the weight off, get fit, stay fit but most of all get a flat stomach and keep it flat. Did you know that muscles remember? If you did it once, you can do it again.

No need for expensive equipment, health foods and expensive supplements. You will need to eat healthily but you don't have to eat "health" or "diet" foods which can often be expensive and contain hidden fats and sugars which actually increase your appetite. Good diet and proper exercise techniques are the key to success and to get a flat stomach.

If you are serious about learning how to get a flat stomach, then you just need a bit of simple guidance. I invite you to find out more here.

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