Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Are They A Dime A Dozen How to Find the Perfect Chiropractor Posted By : kalebla

Perhaps you are new to town and looking for that great new chiropractor with whom to build a professional relationship. While it may be easier to find a new doctor – after all, almost everyone has one that they like or in the alternative tell you to stay away from – or even a new dentist, finding a new chiropractor is a bit harder. While chiropractics is an established science as well as an art, and while there are many reputable schools training future chiropractors, the fact that this kind of healing touch is still considered to be an alternative form of medicine has kept many people away from these practitioners. Add to this the fact that oftentimes the established medical establishment looks with something akin to suspicion and derision on this genre of practitioners, and it is not surprising that it is hard to find that great chiropractor to help your aching back.

Fortunately, if you follow a few simple steps, you will be rewarded with a gem of a practitioner! First and foremost, consider what you are looking for. Are you looking for a chiropractor who works in close concert with the established medical professions and will consider himself a team member in your care, together with your internist, cardiologist, and any other medical professional whom you choose to entrust with your care? Conversely, you may be looking for someone who will become the supporting pillar of your medical care, and who is more closely aligned with the members of the alternative medical community, and thus might feel more at home discussing your health with an aroma therapist and acupuncturist. Finding out the chiropractor's philosophy of health care is just as important as learning about her or his skill level and areas of expertise.

Of course, there is no tool as telling about the chiropractic care you may expect to receive as an actual visit to the chiropractor's office. Do you feel comfortable? Do you feel like you are being rushed? Are the magazines in the waiting room old? Do not laugh! Old magazines in the waiting room of physicians of any discipline have been shown to be equated with antiquated care, philosophy of treatment, and a general lack of communication with the patients. Once you see the doctor, ascertain if she or he is truly listening to you. Do you feel like the doctor is otherwise occupied, or are you consistently interrupted by assistants who need an answer on something? Does the doctor try to finish your sentences for you? Does she or he present you with a diagnosis or treatment plan that is radically different from the one your previous chiropractor had suggested? Keep in mind that this is not necessarily a bad idea; as a matter of fact, if you find that your previous chiropractic treatment has yielded little if any results, a new change of pace might be just what the doctor ordered! Yet if the previous treatment worked, find out why the new doctor wants to change course. Follow these tips, and finding a new chiropractor will be a cinch!

This article has been made accessible by the author, Bank Koapit. .Should you require any further information regarding Cordycepsplease visit his Spirulina resources

Laser Hair Removal Safe? Posted By : Ingrid Preube

It seems that the laser industry and laser hair removal treatment market in general are being driven by economic factors, with little air space given to medical studies. So what information must you be aware of about possible Side Effects Of Laser Hair Removal? This article gives you the knowledge you need.

Scarring of the Surface of the Skin

Skin scaring has been the most feared side effect of laser hair removal but thanks to the modern technology of Q switched and pulsed lasers, the likelihood of scarring is now minimal.

The Risk of Eye Damage

Laser eye safety is critically important during any procedure involving lasers. To safeguard yourself from any damage to your eyes, wavelength-specific laser safety eyewear must be worn by both operators and clients.


10% of clients treated for laser hair removal treatment with long-pulsed ruby and alexandrite lasers may suffer from crusting. This is often as a result of repeatedly over treating an area of the body with laser. For these clients, appropriate postoperative care is highly recommended in order to avoid further complications.

Wound Infection

Wound infection is uncommon after laser hair therapy. In the rare circumstances that any wounds can be seen on the skin after laser hair removal treatment, infection can be avoided with antibiotic and anti viral agents.

Skin Darkening

Whatever the type of laser employed, there may be hyper pigmentation of skin after exposure to lasers. In this side effect the skin becomes darker as a result of increased pigment deposition. Usually tanned skin is more likely to suffer from this. The good news is that it can be easily treated with the use of bleaching agents and does not last long.

Hypo Pigmentation

Lightening of the skin, or hypo pigmentation, can be experienced, especially in tanned skin types and where there are multiple exposures to laser therapy treatment. It normally does not last long; permanent hypo pigmentation is rarely documented. This complication is mostly experienced with use of alexandrite, Q-switched ruby and Nd:YAG lasers.


The skin may be briefly reddened after continuous laser exposure. It is one of the minor Removal Of Hair By Laser. Efficient cooling and the use of proper exposure time during the procedure minimizes this complication.

Skin Blisters

With the introduction of new and efficient cooling tools, blistering has been pretty much eliminated as a side effect of laser hair removal. Tissue cooling can be performed through a contact chill tip or freezing spray to cool the skin. These measures serve to cool the skin from over heating.

Effect on Tattoos

If there are tattoos in the area of the body being treated, you must be aware that darkening may occur and discuss this with your physician before undergoing laser therapy.

How Concerned Should You Be?

Laser hair removal is an critically safe procedure; the complication we have described are very uncommon. To keep yourself as safe as possible, always use a reputable hair removal laser clinic with a physician you can trust, and you are likely to encounter no Removal Of Hair By Laser at all!

Ingrid Preube

laser hair removal

For those wondering about the side effects of laser hair removal, Ingrid Preube provides a detailed and informative article. He is a cosmetic and laser hair removal expert. For more relevant information and help on laser hair therapy and its side effects.

Must-Know Tips If You Look For a Hair Removal Clinic Posted By : Ingrid Preube

Constantly you see a lot of advertisements related to Laser Hair Removal Treatment and other cosmetology procedures. All this advertising and media focus for reduction of hair with laser also leaves a lot of people befuddled. This is because of a shortage of proper information on reduction of hair with laser and advice about picking a hair removal clinic.

Laser hair reduction has gained huge popularity because of the recent introduction of safe and effectual reduction of hair with laser systems. The media has embraced this with great enthusiasm, thereby making it a global success.

How to Find a Beautician

The initial thing to do prior to starting your quest is to lay down a set of criteria for picking a laser clinic. Most patients pick their beauticians mainly through these routes.

A number of fashion publications can influence your decision when picking a beautician. Many fashion and film publications are full of advertisements about a lot of cosmetology procedures in which a variety of methods of permanent hair removal top the list.

The laser clinic get most of their patients through referrals by their existing patients. When referred by someone you know you may also ask for a cut in your costs. It's by far the most ideal, most commonly used and recommended route. Of course, this doesn't suggest that if any one of your close friends has not undergone the treatment you cannot find a good laser clinic.

Television advertisements, being so catchy, should be viewed with caution. A slight mistake and you are in the hands of a quack. The only safe route to pick a beautician is reliable and full information and knowing your exact selection criteria ahead of time.

You can find a good hair removal clinics through the telephone book. When looking through the telephone book look for a beautician with a big advertisement because bigger advertisements mean business. But do not rely only on the advertisements; pay a visit to the beautician to cast your eye over the place for yourself.

A route becoming more and more popular among many people to find information on reduction of hair with laser is by searching the web. People usually rely on the search engines for locating information. Be careful when using the web, and do not go for a site giving biased opinions and claiming unrealistic success.

Some Final Advice

Your ultimate aim should be to make a well-informed buying decision when you pick your Laser Hair Clinic; be sure to substantiate the authenticity of the clinician you will be treated by as well as the beautician itself. Don't be shy of asking about the cost structure, make a shortlist and pick the very best laser clinic for you.

Ingrid Preube

laser hair removal

Wishing to get rid of unwanted hair permanently, but dont know where to start? Let Ingrid Preube help you get rid of their unwanted hair for good. Find out all about hair removal clinics.

Colon Cleanse Programs - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly Posted By : Lindsy Emery

With all the hype about colon cleansing, you may decide it is a step that you want to take in order to help your health. There are many benefits to doing periodic colon cleanses, but when you try to decide which program to buy, there are an overwhelming amount of choices. How do you ever choose which colon cleanse program will work for you?

First of all, you need to consult with a doctor or other health professional. You may not be able to use some of the programs. If you are on medication, some may have health risks to you. If that is the case, then you want to know before you even start.

Once you get the green light, then do some online research. You may be surprised at what you find. As with every product some are good and some not so good. The trick is determining which is a good deal. Beware of any programs that promise you quick results. The build it didn't get there overnight. It just makes sense that it won't go away that quickly.

Another good source of information may be your family and friends. Have they had experiences with colon cleanse programs and which ones would they recommend? You may also want to consider how much you are willing to pay for a product. There are some that are very expensive while others are more reasonable.

If you do your research wisely, you will probably be very pleased with the results. Not all colon cleanse programs are created equal. Just be sure you get the one that is right for you.

My favorite all natural colon cleansing choice can be found Here. Now you can try it before you buy it. Sign up for the free trial: Colon Cleanse Free Trial

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Glycemic Index and Weight Loss Posted By : Emile J

Have you ever felt yourself crash? Not the automobile type of crash, but the type of crash where you suddenly find yourself weak, tired, dizzy, or otherwise sluggish? This is because your blood sugar has dropped too low and your brain suddenly has too little. The way a human body would work best is if it had an IV drip of blood sugar throughout the day, because then it could respond very moderately to the intake of sugar. Unfortunately, that’s not realistic or practical, so the next best thing is to consider the glycemic index.

If you go for foods with a high glycemic index, you are choosing foods that will break down into sugar very quickly, which your body will clear out quickly with insulin. At a very basic level, this is how it works: When you eat something that has a lot of sugar in it, your body breaks it down easily, because it’s already practically sugar. Once all this sugar enters your bloodstream, your body reacts by getting insulin to clear it all out. As you know, too much sugar in your bloodstream is life-threatening. It’s called type 2 diabetes, where the pancreas can’t produce enough insulin anymore.

The glycemic index focuses on carbohydrates and their effect on your blood glucose levels. For your body, it’s ideal to have something resembling an IV drip of blood sugar––something that is broken down slowly and provides a slow stream of sugar, rather than an instantaneous surge of sugar that the body needs to clear out to keep you from dying. The glycemic index specifically looks at a 50-gram portion of various foods and evaluates how it raises your blood sugar levels, in terms of quantity and speed.

All food will create some sort of glycemic response, but not all carbohydrates are created equal. On an index of 1 to 100, 100 is considered to be pure glucose. Foods that are considered high on the glycemic index are 70 or higher; moderate foods are between 56 and 69; low foods are 55 and below. Pretzels are rated 81 on the glycemic index, which means they will cause a quicker glycemic response in your body than something like broccoli, which has a rating of 15.

What this means for you is that, if you want to eat healthier and feel your best, you need to look for foods with a low glycemic index. This means that you’ll have a steady stream of blood sugar, and you’ll also feel full in between meals. Again, consider what happens when you eat something like the pretzel. After you’ve eaten it, you might find yourself hungry in only a half hour or an hour. Then, you’ll crave another high glycemic food because your body cleared out too much blood sugar, and you’ll want to make up for it with something that can give you a quick response. This is a recipe for weight gain, not weight loss.

When figuring out how best to eat, find low glycemic foods that will keep you feeling full and give your body nutrients. As long as you know how to use it, the glycemic index is your best friend when it comes to health and weight loss.

Emile Jarreau, aka, Mr. Fat Loss is fascinated by health, nutrition and weight loss. For more great info about glycemic index for losing weight and keeping it off visit

Do You Need Customized Vitamins Based on Unique Health Concerns? Posted By : Duncan Wierman

Customized vitamins have become a hot topic in the world of health and in the nutritional supplementation industry. Where they used to deny it vehemently 20 to 30 years ago, today the vast majority of medical doctors agree that virtually everyone needs some kind of vitamin supplementation. Perhaps our food crops' soils are too depleted from regulated misuse to infuse our modern foods with the high amount of vitamins and minerals that they once had. Perhaps we eat too many processed foods with far too much refined sugars, salts, and hydrogenated oils. Or...perhaps we are just more aware then ever before of how to acquire optimal health for living longer and with a higher quality of existence. Whatever the reason or reasons, the fact is that we need vitamin and mineral supplementation.

Now up until recently, we have had to take a broad-brush approach to this vitamin supplementation. We have amassed plenty of research that stretches back hundreds of years with many substances to tell us the general nutritional and health benefits of the different herbs, fruits, vegetables, and so on and so forth. But there has always been one glaring problem with this, as good as it is: we are each unique individuals. We are unique genetically, we are unique in our sum totality of experience, we are unique in our personalities (meaning we are unique in our total lifestyle). So these general nutritional supplements have been highly effective in some people but don't make much of a difference in others--which means that their health is not optimized while they waste their money.

With our advanced knowledge today, however, with the right testing we can create customized vitamin supplementation based on eachindividual's unique health concerns and needs. Even two individuals who are highly similar genetically or in body type and personality will still have something unique to their body's and mind's health, as subtle physiological differences, gender differences, different environments, different experiences, and different lifestyle choices all add up to a unique set of health concerns.

Imagine if there are two identical twins who were raised together in the same household, but one of them has always been a serious competitive athlete while the other has never cared to participate in sports very seriously and has been more "bookish". Do you really think that just because they are identical twins and were brought up in the same household that they now have exactly the same health concerns and nutritional needs when they are so different in at least one key part of their lifestyles? Of course they don't. The athletic twin's health concerns have been impacted in a significantly different way from the less physically active and more intellect-oriented twin's.

Customizing a vitamin supplementation package for each twin will let them each optimize their health to the greatest possible and affordable extent. Even though they are twins, they are not the same person. Even "identical" twins don't look exactly alike, let alone having the exact same health concerns. A customized vitamin option is the most sensible solution to optimizing health for all people.

Duncan Wierman applies a holistic approach to healthcare which means accepting responsibility for managing our own health, looking at long-range consequences, searching for alternative and complementary solutions,and never accepting a prescription or diagnosis without conducting further research. For more information about Customized nutrition :

What Is The Best Colon Cleanser On The Market? Posted By : Bree Hodgosen

In today's competitive market, a colon cleanser has to go above and beyond the basics, as well as being affordable in price. This article is here to provide some tips on how to find a colon cleanser that will give you the best possible result without using too much time or cash.

Here are some tips to remember when looking for the best colon cleanser:

1)    Not all cleansers contain the same ingredients. Try to look for a cleanser that uses natural ingredients, as this will be a much gentler and more pleasant experience. Although artificial colon cleansers may be cheaper, they will be much harsher on your body, and will not be as nice for you to use. Always try and find something that is gentle and natural.

2)    Although colon cleansers can be offered in either powdered or pill form, it has been scientifically proven that pills give the best results. Pills are capsules of slow release powder, which can be absorbed much more quickly by the body. Given the choice, you should always opt for a pill form for a more effective cleansing.

3)    Not everyone has the same reactions to the same products. No matter what you have heard about a product, always purchase a small quantity and try it before making a larger investment. It's better to take an extra trip to pick up more than to find that you've paid a significant amount of money for a large supply of a brand that makes you sick. Some brands will even offer free samples through mail order - try and take advantage of these whenever possible.

My favorite all natural colon cleansing choice can be found Here. Now you can try it before you buy it. Sign up for the free trial: Colon Cleanse Free Trial

Organic Colon Cleanse Vs Chemical - Which To Try And Why? Posted By : Bree Hodgosen

Many people are starting to take notice of their overall health. A good place to start is with the health of your colon. A happy, healthy colon means you are happy and healthy. One of the new trends in colon health is colon cleansing. There are many products out there that boast they will clean you out. But a great deal of them contains chemicals. It is just these chemicals and toxins that you are trying to get rid of. So before you run to the store and grab the nearest product, you may want to think about an organic colon cleanse.

Organic colon cleansing uses only whole, natural products that work to break down and gently wash out the colon of nasty build-up and toxins. There are a number of products that you can buy at a health food or organic store that are premade and will work well.

If you are a real purist and want to experiment with some of the ingredients yourself, then I suggest that you look online and then consult the professional at a health food store. You can find the right mix of herbs and other ingredients with a little effort. That way you will have a product that is uniquely suited for you.

Colon cleansing the organic way is also beneficial because you can chose the freshest products that will go into your own personal cleanse.  If you opt for a store bought formula, read the package carefully. Be sure that you know what every ingredient is in the product and are aware of how it works. Next, follow the routine to the tee. You do not want to do anything that will harm your body.

My favorite all natural colon cleansing choice can be found Here. Now you can try it before you buy it. Sign up for the free trial: Colon Cleanse Free Trial

Is Colon Cleanse 3000 A Scam? Read This Before Buying Any Colon Cleanser Posted By : Bree Hodgosen

One of the most recent in a long development history of colon cleaning supplements is Colon Cleanse 3000.  There isn't anything new about its claim to fame:  Colon Cleanse 3000 is easy to use and provides very little discomfort.  The question is, does it really work, or it is all just a scam?

The ingredients that go into Colon Cleanse 3000 are powerful herbs, and they work together to keep your colon healthy by assisting your body's natural cleansing agents to work more quickly and efficiently, with the added benefit of providing nutrients essential to your body's well-being.  You know these herbs as aloe, cascada sagrada, flax seed, marshmallow root, slippery elm bark, and rhubarb root.

Colon Cleanse 3000 helps your body cleanse itself of waste and toxins that have built up over time, assisting the expulsion of this material from your body's natural waste exit, the colon.  The process of removing these toxins and waste leaves no side effects such as abnormal weight gain, headache, and fatigue that have been known to happen by the use of other products, however, Colon Cleanse 3000 has been known to increase your body's metabolism and burn fat.  Users of this 100% all-natural product have talked about how they lost a noticable amount of weight in just a few days, but since we can't verify these results, we shall not consider them here.

Instead of wondering about these incredible promises, you can take advantage of a free trial offer for Colon Cleanse 3000 natural colon cleanser and make your own decision based on information from their own real results.  Whether this is a scam or not, you have the opportunity to decide for yourself at no risk.

My favorite all natural colon cleansing choice can be found Here. Now you can try it before you buy it. Sign up for the free trial: Colon Cleanse Free Trial

Colon Cleanse Benefits - How You Can Benefit From A Colon Cleanse? Posted By : Bree Hodgosen

Effective colon flushes may be done in any number of ways, and there are so many cleansing products out there to consider buying too.  So what is a safe and effective way of flushing one's colon?

Enemas are effective, but they are not very safe to use.  They will remove harmful bacteria and parasites from a colon, but at the same time, they will eliminate all the beneficial bacteria which the body needs in order for the colon to work properly.  Also, some side effects may occur from performing the enema the wrong way, and serious problems can happen.  Coffee enemas, oxygen enemas, and Epsom salt enemas all demand that the user do them exactly right and follow all the steps.

Laxatives are not that safe either, even though they're effective.  They can even become addictive, which is surprising.  Many laxatives also have unnatural components which may harm one's body in different ways.

The products being marketed now for flushing the colon vary in terms of safety and efficiency.  It's hard to sum up everything that's now available, but basically, most of them are not good to use since there are so many safety risks.  This doesn't mean they're necessarily dangerous, but there are safer methods to employ.

The safest method is a helpful colon cleansing diet, which is also quite useful and natural in cleaning out the colon.  It means that one has to eat lots of soluble and insoluble fiber, letting the colon flush the wastes out naturally.  Toxin, parasites, bacteria, and dried feces will be flushed out as well.  This is safe and effective, and it will give more benefits to the whole body too.

My favorite all natural colon cleansing choice can be found Here. Now you can try it before you buy it. Sign up for the free trial: Colon Cleanse Free Trial

Natural Colon Cleansing - A Natural Recipe For A Clean Colon Posted By : Bree Hodgosen

Both modern day science and ancient medical science agree that most health problems can be directly related to improper digestion and or an impacted colon. And with colon cancer on the rise, it has become even more important to maintain the health of your digestive system. Don't wait until you start to display any symptoms of a toxic colon! It is very easy to start a colon cleansing program right from home with our natural recipe for a clean colon. However, you will first want to get your physicians approval before beginning any program.

One of the first things you can do, is to start eating a healthier diet. Many people go days and days without eating whole nutritious foods. Our modern day lifestyle is inundated with overly processed junk foods. Try to stick to eating whole foods in their natural state. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and lean proteins are your best bet and when it comes to carbohydrates try to eat only whole grain products.

When preparing these foods, try steaming, baking or grilling  in order to maintain the vitamins and nutrients found inside. Overcooking many vegetables can rob them of most of their nutrients and fiber.

Next, it is important to drink a lot of water. Water keeps your body hydrated and keeps your digestive system regular. Aim for at least 64 ounces of water a day; that coupled with the fiber from your diet, should keep you regular. When you become dehydrated, it slows down all of your systems, including digestion and you become constipated. Staying regular can be as easy as eating your fruits an veggies and drinking plenty of water.

In addition, it is equally important to get some physical activity everyday. It is recommended that a person get 30 minutes of physical activity every day. It does not have to overly strenuous but at least some movement every day is a good idea.

If you have not been living this type of lifestyle and want to start to detoxify your body, it is really very simple to start. As mentioned above, start to eat healthier, drink water, exercise and try to do a natural colon cleanse. The following is our natural recipe to detoxify your colon.

You will want to pick a day when you can stay home, rest and keep near a restroom. Also, make sure you have had a bowl movement within the last 24 hours before doing this cleanse.

First thing in the morning, before eating any food, prepare the following recipe:

8 cups pure, filtered drinking water

1 tablespoon good quality grey sea salt

Combine the ingredients and boil over high heat, stirring until all of the salt dissolves. This will make a very salty sort of "tea" and if it is not salty, add more salt as needed. Within the next 45 minutes, drink the warm salt water. If you can't stomach the taste, you may add lemon or lime juice in order to help you drink all of the liquid.

After consuming all of the liquid, you may feel queasy and get a headache. This is natural, as the salt is drawing out toxins and carrying them through the intestinal tract. You will also have many bowl movements in order to rid the body of the salt water and toxins. These bowl movements may last for a few hours so it is a good idea to take it easy, stay home and rest.

This natural colon cleanse can be done safely once a week for a few weeks, while you are making the healthy changes to your diet and exercise regime. You will begin to notice an increased energy level and lightness about your body many people also notice a sense of well being.

Once you are on track, eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, exercising and having regular bowl movements, this cleanse can be repeated every six months or so.

My favorite all natural colon cleansing choice can be found Here. Now you can try it before you buy it. Sign up for the free trial: Colon Cleanse Free Trial

What Is The Best Colon Cleanse Product? Posted By : Lindsy Emery

One of the most important organs in the body is the colon. This is an organ that is responsible to eliminate waste products in the body. When your colon does not function properly, the toxins will stay in your body and may give you health problems. Just like any other organs in the body, if they fail to do what they are intended to, it will affect your overall health. That is why health experts suggest colon cleansing regularly.

A healthy colon can absorb nutrients, vitamins and minerals in your body and may expel toxic substances that could is no longer utilized by the body. This organ contains good bacteria which helps the absorption of nutrients and fights foreign bodies in your system such as the harmful viruses and bacteria. Colon cleansing is advised to make you feel a lot better and live a healthy life.

Doctors may recommend products that could be used to clean colon and there are plenty of them available now in the market. There are two types of colon cleansers, one is the oxygen based products and the other one is the fiber-based. Oxygen-based cleanser uses oxygen to remove toxins while fiber-based are as effective as oxygen-based and it contain psyllium husk. But no matter what product you are using, it is important to know the components of the product and it should contain a 100% natural substance to become safe from any other harmful chemicals that you take.

Some colon cleanser manufacturers offer free trial for their products. Though there are low quality cleansers but some may still provide good results. Cleanse 3000 is the best colon cleanser product that works more than you have expected. Due to the natural products that composes the Cleanse 3000, it has the ability to flush out the harmful wastes in your body and may even relieve common ailments such as bloating, gas, constipation and stomach discomfort. If you have difficulty in removing bowel regularly, Pure is the best solution because it works well in cleansing build-up undigested substances in your system.

My favorite all natural colon cleansing choice can be found Here. Now you can try it before you buy it. Sign up for the free trial: Colon Cleanse Free Trial

Five Tips On How To Gain Weight Posted By : kayla520

Whether you are trying to gain muscle or not, here are a few tips for those of us who are Scraggy and want to gain weight and muscle!

1: Increasing your ingestion of junk and greasy foods is a horrifying way to increase weight. Usually, junk foods contain trans fats or saturated fats. Even though you may want to increase your calorie ingestion for weight, your natural weight gain should be coming from foods that are beneficial for your body.

2: Healthy fats that should be taken in by your body are ones such as omega-3 fatty acids. These can be found in fishes, such as tuna salmon, and foods such as walnuts. You should also be taking in a lot of protein, which can come from lean meats, fish, nuts, legumes, and fish. Other nutrient foods you are able to eat are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which supply you with healthy carbohydrates.

3: In addition to eating these nutrient fats, you should be eating 400 more calories than what you ordinarily do. To accomplish goal for natural weight gain, it may be easier for you to eat six small meals per daybesides 3 large meals per day.

4:In addition to your main diet for natural weight gain, you can also get protein powder and nutritional supplement drinks as your "snacks" during the day in case you need more calories. Many protein powders are seasoned and tasting ok, but if you need, you can add some variety by turning it into a blended protein shake. you will be able to also add flax seed oil and psyllium powder to your shakes so that you can get additional omega-3 fatty acids requirement fatty acids and more fiber.

5: Last, but not least, is weight lifting and exercise. For natural weight gain, this is important. This is what will help turn your body into musclemen. You're better off applying resistance training besides aerobic exercises because aerophilous exercises are for fat loss and could cause you to lose weight instead. This is a well opportunity for you to sign on for the gym so that you can develop those muscles.

kayla has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does this

author specialize in diet, fitness and weight loss, you can also check out his latest website on petsafe pet doors and toddler travel bed.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe? Posted By : Ingrid Preube

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

It is easy to skim over laser side effects when getting caught up in the thrill of this popular and revolutionary depilation procedure. Indeed, with proper safety precautions, well maintained instruments and professionally qualified staff, laser hair reduction is one of the most risk-free cosmetic therapies available. But there are issues involved if the instruments or the staff at the laser hair removal clinic are not of sufficient quality.

General Safety Measures

Laser hair clinics have a vital role to play in this context. They must be certain that they are treating their customers professionally. Following commonsense safety measures should be adapted by the laser hair removal clinics in order to minimize the chance of any mishap which can occur during the procedure.

Laser Treatment Safety Training

All technicians who are involved in the provision of laser hair reduction, and in particular the technicians who perform the procedure, must be fully trained on the issues involved. They must know precisely how to operate the instruments correctly, and who to summon if anything goes wrong.

The clinician and customer should have proper training on the hair laser removal procedure which will safeguard their safety during the procedure. Proper education on Laser Side Effects should be given to everyone involved. In this context proper warning notices and literature in the form of charts, booklets and hand outs should be produced and displayed at the laser hair removal clinic for the benefit of prospective customers and other people.

Warning Signs for Laser Safety

There should be laser warning notices placed on the doors of rooms where the laser procedure is in progress. Safety notices should be placed on the doors of rooms where laser hair treatment is performed. Also it is advisable to have an indicator on the door of the room stating that the procedure is currently taking place, to minimize the likelihood of someone opening the door of the room unprotected by chance and harming himself.

Hiring a Laser Safety Officer

An expert on laser side effects should be taken in as a laser safety officer who can properly maintain the lasers and can provide the proper solutions to laser side effects. He should also hold routine checkups to be certain that the instruments being used is in perfect condition and all the safety procedures are being followed.

All technicians who are involved in the provision of Laser Hair Removal Treatment, and in particular the technicians who perform the procedure, must be fully trained on the issues involved. They must know precisely how to operate the instruments correctly, and who to summon if anything goes wrong.

Ingrid Preube

laser hair removal

Safety in laser hair removal can be a concerning issue. How are you so sure the laser you're sitting under wont change its mind. Fear not, Ingrid Preube, an expert in laser hair removal industry has useful information for you. Read all about Safe Laser Hair Removal.

The Glycemic Index Chart Posted By : Emile J

The glycemic index chart requires a little research before you can fully understand and benefit from it. Fortunately, once you understand the numbers, your life will change for the better. Even if it seems a little intimidating, it really is one of the most important concepts you can know when it comes to knowing what to eat and how to be healthy.

The numbers range from 0 to 100 on the glycemic index chart, and every food that’s rated on the chart gets one of those numbers. Any food that’s listed as higher than 70 is going to be a high glycemic food, which means it will be digested quickly and converted into a lot of blood sugar quickly. When you have a lot of blood sugar, your body has no choice but to clear it out, and then you’ll find yourself hungry again. When you have so little blood sugar, you’ll feel compelled to eat higher glycemic foods. You have to break the cycle somewhere if you want to have good health.

As for low glycemic items, they will be digested more slowly, which means that you won’t have a surge of blood sugar and then a crash, but rather a steady stream of blood sugar that will keep you satisfied. As mentioned earlier, anything above 70 is high. Anything between 55 and 70 is in the middle, and anything below 55 is low. You want to focus on eating low glycemic foods from the glycemic index chart.

Here’s where it might get a little confusing to the untrained eye: something that’s seemingly very sugary, like a candy bar, might rate in the 40s on the index, while something that people consider to be healthy, like a bagel, ranks in the 70s! This is because that particular candy bar has some protein and fat in the chocolate and the peanuts, so even though it’s sweet and has a lot of sugar, the protein it contains will slow down the insulin response!

What this means is that you might have to try using your better judgment when it comes to items on the glycemic index chart. Just because it’s high on the list doesn’t mean you can’t ever have it (although some items that are high on the list are generally unhealthy and should be avoided most of the time). When you have something high on the list like a bagel, add something on it or on the side that has protein and fat to slow down the response, such as eggs, cream cheese, peanut butter, meat, etc.

The benefits of this concept are many. For one thing, by finding ways to eat lower glycemic foods, you will be eating healthier than when you’re relying just on high glycemic foods. In addition, you will feel full long after you eat your meals, so instead of crashing halfway between breakfast and lunch, you’ll feel satisfied until roughly lunchtime, which is the ideal situation. Whether you’re diabetic or health-conscious, this will leave you feeling more satisfied, more energetic, and less apt to crave unhealthy foods. Best of all, you’ll be enjoying greater health than ever before.

Emile Jarreau, aka, Mr. Fat Loss is fascinated by health, nutrition and weight loss. For more great info about glycemic index for losing weight and keeping it off visit

Pilates and Stretch Helps People To Move With Ease PainFree Posted By : Steven Giles

There are various conditions that inhibit movement. Not being able to move about freely without experiencing pain is utter torture. No one should have to live that way. Sadly, many will continue to live that way because they are in the dark about things that can help them. Many would be surprised to know that something so simple can cure them.

That something is Pilates and stretching exercises. And yes, I said "cure". Some people think that there is no cure for their pain. They continuously live with the idea that this is it for them. There is no going back and their condition will only get worse. That type of thinking is what kills us. Thinking in such a manner is unhealthy and is also an indication that one has given up hope on getting better and becoming pain-free.

There are several reasons as to why Pilates is such a good cure for painful physical ailments. Any problem with your body that you may be experiencing can be made better with Pilates. It may sound too good to be true, but it isn't. Pilates exercises help to strengthen the core of the body, which consist of the buttocks, abdominal, lower back, and hip muscles. In Pilates, this area is referred to as the "box". When this area is healthy and strong from the inside out, all parts of the body come together in perfect harmony.

When the body is able to become strong without a lot of work, moving with ease is much more of a possibility without any injury or pain involved. These exercises were invented to help protect the body from injury as well as to add maximum strength to it's most inner parts. The spine is the main focus when it comes to Pilates. A healthy spine equals a healthy body. Even the beginner's Pilates movements will help to strengthen and straighten the spine. Any pulling or tearing that is going on inside of the body will stop once all of the pressure is released from the core.

Over time, it is easy for all people to develop painful ailments. Some of the most painful issues can spur off from from something as simple as years of slouching and improper lifting. Obvious causes of bodily pain are recent car accidents and sports injuries. Although all injuries and problems can be treated at a doctor's office, chiropractor, etc., most usually persist for the duration of a person's life. Bulging disks, spinal subluxations, arthritis, and tense muscles can all be relieved when one decides to embark upon a daily Pilates routine.

It doesn't take very long at all to begin moving with ease. People who have been unable to walk without experiencing pain are released from the ongoing torture. The same goes for people who have been unable to sit or lie down for long periods of time. All it takes a little bit of simple and easy physical conditioning in the form of Pilates to get things back to normal.

You can find range of DVD's on sale with Buy a range of quality DVD's packed with Pilates and stretching exercises to help with your back pain Pilates and stretching exercises for easing back pain which have been recommended by a leading British Osteopath / Physiotherapist. Please also visit my blog on and leave your comments.

Maximizing Nutritional Vitamin Supplements Posted By : fredburfell

Nutritional vitamins and herbal supplements still cost an amount of money so you want the most out of it. The rule of thumb is this: Dietary supplements must complement and not overpower, cancel, or take away from the nutrients that your body absorbs from your natural diet.

Below are some tips extracted from different studies that should help you maximize the performance of the nutritional vitamins and herbal supplements that you take:

1. Excessive supplements can harm you.

The RDA or the Recommended Daily Allowance is still the best basis to tell you are taking enough or too much of a certain vitamin or mineral. Remember that a little too much of everything is still bad and that includes dietary supplements. So unless your doctor tells you that you need excess amounts for a condition, don’t take more than what is stated as the RDA.

2. Natural does not mean safe.

Remember that some plants that are poisonous so not all that is ‘natural’ is safe. Never buy supplements just because the manufacturer says that they are ‘natural.’

3. Supplement does not mean substitute.

Supplements are meant to fill the gap in the nutrition provided by our natural diets. It is a huge mistake to look at supplements as substitutes for the natural sources of vitamins and nutrients.

4. Ask for professional help.

Nutritional vitamins and herbal supplements work on different people on different levels. So before taking in any form of medicine or dietary supplement, it is best to consult your doctor.

5. Be sure your supplement is safe.

Buy only supplements from manufacturers that are pharmaceutical GMP compliant because these manufacturers have passed the most stringent manufacturing standards, so you can be sure that their products are safe and effective.

Fred Burfell is an expert nutritionist and is a regular contributing columnist to a wide variety of publications. To learn more about nutritional vitamins, visit nutritional vitamins or nutritional supplement vitamin advice.

Nutritional Vitamins for Good Health Posted By : fredburfell

In today's busy fast-food saturated world, many people cannot make the time to take proper care of their bodies. As a result, several people end up lacking the correct amount of vitamins that the body requires to function properly. To supplement their meager if not unhealthy diets doctors usually advice people take nutritional vitamin supplements to make up for the difference.

Nutritional vitamins come in various forms: tablets, liquids and capsules. Certain tablets contain ingredients that take some time to dissolve in the body so for better absorption, choose nutritional vitamins made with organic supplements. Liquid nutritional vitamin supplements are the easiest and most efficient to administer because liquefied vitamin supplements are more directly and readily absorbed than tablets and capsules. Capsules come in tiny edible containers that are more loosely packed so they easily dissolve but generally require greater dosage.


1. Read the label. Nutritional vitamin packages must provide a nutritional facts table containing all the nutrients it possesses as well the correct amount (at least 10 percent) of the recommended daily allowance for each vitamin. Look for any enzymes listed that would help increase absorption.

Also, look for the USP label which is United States Pharmacopoeia (BP or British Pharmacopoeia in the UK). A USP recognized and tested vitamin supplement fulfills the highest industry standards for both safety and quality.

2. Go for food based supplements. Nutritional vitamin supplements that are food based contains enzymes which increase the absorption up to 400 percent to 800 percent. These are by far the most efficient, however a bit bulkier and generally require larger doses. Always remember though that some manufacturers make fake claims on their labels. Be sure that your vitamin supplement does not contain any additives such as silica, gluten, sugar or starch.

Fred Burfell is an expert nutritionist and is a regular contributing columnist to a wide variety of publications. To learn more about nutritional vitamins, visit nutritional vitamins or nutritional supplement vitamin advice.

Must-Know Tips If You Look For a Hair Removal Clinic In Arkansas Posted By : Ingrid Preube

If you are trying to locate Laser hair removal in Arkansas, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery would be worth adding on the inventory of hair removal in Arkansas laser hair removal clinics to research.

It is vital to do your homework exhaustively when nominating a laser clinic; although you might think of reduction of hair with laser as a mere cosmetic treatment, it is a medical treatment and as such your health and well being are critically important. Most beauticians will provide you with a free-of-charge preliminary consultation so it is worth your while taking the time to visit several before making the final choice.


Placed in the city center of Arkansas, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery's address is: 8315 Cantrell Rd., Suite 120, Little Rock, Arkansas 72227 Telephone: 501-224-1300.

Customer Care and Satisfaction

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery apply a personalized methodology for permanent hair remover. When it comes to reduction of hair with laser, it is never advisable to apply a non-custom treatment methodology. Make certain that you obtain a precise and assiduous assessment of your particular hair type and skin type, and that the consultant discusses in depth the treatment and the anticipated end results with you. It is vital that all clients have the right expectations of the treatment, and at Aesthetic Plastic Surgery the appointed consultant will take the time to make certain that this is the case.

What Services are Available?

This responsibly managed beautician offers a comprehensive assortment of cosmetic procedures including liposuction and a a choice of specialist cosmetic laser treatments as well as reduction of hair with laser.

What is it Like?

The ambience and setting of the beautician are pleasing, and described as a state of the art facility. The beautiful offices have every appropriate amenity, as well as convenient parking.

What are their Credentials?

When considering a laser clinic, discovering all about the doctors in charge of running the organization as well as the level of skill of the operatives carrying out the procedures is vital. At Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Arkansas, all reduction of hair with laser procedures are performed under the direction of Dr Gene Sloan, a medical professional specially trained in plastic surgery and other aesthetic procedures for your well being and peace of mind.

Cost of Laser Hair Removal

This beautician is quite normal for the region with regard to the price of laser hair remover. They also offer some excellent payment schemes that make it possible for you to use affordable financing options to pay for any treatments that cost over $1500. With the competitive interest rates and flexible payment plans, you will be able to find an option that will fit within your financial constraints.

Make certain you ask whether by chance there are any special offers or bulk buying offers, as quite often you can conserve a significant amount of cash by doing so.

In Conclusion

There are a range of quality Arkansas laser clinics, and it is undeniably a practical idea to research lots of them before you think about nominating the specific one you want to reward with your business.

For people living or working in Arkansas, there are numerous options when it comes to undergoing reduction of hair with laser; Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is one of several hair removal in Arkansas for you to look into.

Ingrid Preube

laser hair removal

For all your problems of unwanted hair, Ingrid Preube will help whether you are a woman or a man. Get rid of unwanted hair for good. Find out all about laser hair removal.

Superfruits and your health Posted By : Tiggy Max

For all those who are keen to alter their body shape -- either by losing weight or putting on more muscle -- the acai berry has been a highly publicised product. Hype aside, what are the typical benefits of consuming such fruits?

Needless to say, many people are also seeking acai berry information online.

This article aims to inform you a little better about the health benefits of berries in general, to give you an idea of what is special about the acai berry.

Fruits and berries are of course a recognised element in any healthy diet since they provide valuable dietary fiber, pure water, minerals, vitamins, simple sugars and a variety of other compounds which, depending on the fruit and which authority you read, can have many different positive effects on your health.

For example, blackcurrants (as well as being delicious) are a very good source of dietary fiber, boasting 7.8g of fiber per hundred grams of the fruit. But acai berry extracts are far, far higher in fiber because of the quantity of seeds in these tropical fruit. Blackcurrants likewise are high in a highly absorbable form of vitamin C, which helps prevent infectious disease and keeps the body's connective tissue healthy. Naturally, the acai berry has an excellent level of vitamin C; although some of this is lost in processing and packaging, other antioxidant substances in the fruit still help counteract the stresses of a modern lifestyle.

One clear benefit of all fruits, whatever their colour, is that they don't contain any saturated fat (in fact most fruits don't contain any fat at all -- the avocado is an exception). However, fruits in general do not contain fatty acids, which the body does need plenty of. Since the seeds of the acai berry form a major part of the fruit's bulk, and since these seeds form part of most acai extracts, it is exceptional in providing fatty acids with a low calorie count - necessary for the body to build and repair tissue.

Most fruits are pretty good immunity boosters (meaning that they help your body fight off disease, bacteria, fungi and other possible infections). It's long been known to native tribes that dark-coloured fruits such as blueberries, blackberries and blackcurrants have useful medicinal properties when turned into juices, food mixtures and even jellies. The acai berry is no exception, being a popular fruit in its native South America and indeed forming the staple diet of local tribes. Just for comparison, consider the fact that the humble blueberry contains five times as many antioxidants as broccoli, carrots or apples.

The substance in dark fruits such as blackberries and black cherries which gives them their deep colour is a mixture of anthocyanins -- these help the body's circulation by strengthening capillary walls, and so boost levels of oxygen, glucose, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids all over the body. Such fruits, including dried and juiced products, also contain useful tannins, which are substances that help fight bacteria in the body and especially in the urinary system. Like most fruits, the acai berry helps the body to ward off various types of cancer, while the mixture of vitamins, minerals and plant substances it provides are also helpful in preventing inflammation and fatigue.

From ongoing experience with using superfruits to deliver problem-free health benefits, I now also advise on new trends to provide acai berry products, updates on known fruits and tips for healthy weight loss.

Body Mass Index BMI Posted By : sulamita berrezi

Determined by the indirect calculation of weight in kilograms to the square of height in meters (kg/m2), BMI is a simple and convenient proxy measure for excess adiposity in clinical settings. Many health-related indices, such as mortality risk, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes, have a graded and continuous correlation with BMI. BMI is highly correlated with the precise DEXA method of fat assessment and is thus the universal acceptance as the standard index for the deinition of overweight and obesity. hree methods are used to determine BMI: the calculation of the individual's weight divided by the height in meters squared, the use of several Web-based computation sites, or comparison with published reference tables that plot BMI as height and weight intersect. In adults, regardless of sex or age, one set of BMI values is used to assess adiposity and health risk. Based on classiication by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a BMI under 25 is normal, 25-29.9 is overweight, and a BMI of 30 and above is obese. BMI is particularly useful for large population surveys and for screening purposes; however, it may not always categorize individual risk well. Although BMI represents the degree of body fat, it does not distinguish between excess weight due to fat mass and nonfat mass such as muscle, edema, or bone. For example body builders have a low percentage of body fat, but their BMI may be in the overweight range because of their large lean muscle mass. Individuals with higher fat mass may be classiied as normal BMI despite having a low bone density or muscle mass. Another limitation of BMI is that the relationship to body fatness for those of diferent gender, age, and ethnicity has not been irmly established. In a family study of 665 African American and Caucasian men and women over the age of 17, the relationship of BMI and fat mass was dependent on gender and age, particularly at lower BMI levels. For women, race was also a factor.For children and adolescents, there is controversy regarding the deinition of normal BMI values due to concerns about possible interference with normal growth, self-esteem, and the desire to promote the development of healthy food behaviors and habits. During childhood, BMI changes with growth and are several periods in which sex, growth, and maturation patterns afect muscular gains and account for BMI variation, rather than adiposity. hus, several authorities have developed child BMI levels including the International Obesity Task Force, the British Child Growth Foundation, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In the United States, the CDC charts are based primarily on data collected during national health examination surveys conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics between 1963 and 1994, and as such, are not skewed by recent increases in the prevalence of overweight children. A BMI equal or greater than CDC's 95th percentile for age and gender has a sensitivity of 49 percent and speciicity of 90 percent in identifying children with three or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

My passion is l'attimo fuggente and cenerentola 80.

Georgia Medical Insurance Options For Self-Employed Individuals Posted By : Tom Carolan

Self-employed individuals are one of the most significant groups of uninsured people out there. It is a well-known fact that in Georgia, as well as throughout the country, those who are self-employed are often without medical insurance. In fact, it is lack of benefits such as medical insurance that prevents many people from taking the leap to work for themselves. However, many of those people would change their mind if they actually knew how inexpensive it can be to get your own medical insurance coverage. In some cases it may even be less costly than group insurance premiums. Get the facts on individual coverage for you quickly and easily online.

Free online quote tools make it very efficient to shop around for prices on the different medical insurance options available for self-employed individuals or anyone who is without insurance. You simply input your zip code to start and then answer a short list of questions about your medical history and other relevant information. In no time you will have a variety of medical insurance quotes from insurance companies which serve your part of Georgia. It makes comparing prices and plans easy and time-efficient.

By learning as much as possible about Georgia medical insurance you should be able to save yourself a significant amount on your premiums. Opt for a POS plan instead of a PPO, because even though PPOs give you the greatest amount of freedom in your healthcare options, you pay more for this freedom. A POS plan still gives you lots of choice but saves you money. Look for plans that offer money-saving perks like a Health Savings Account, so you can pay for healthcare costs with your pre-tax earnings. Discount cards are another thing you should look for when choosing the insurer to go with. These cards are considered "free perks" but can save you tremendously on various healthcare expenses that you would otherwise have to pay full-price for.

After you have weighed the pros and cons of various health insurance companies and have limited your choices down, it is time to get in contact with them individually. Call up an agent at each of the companies you are considering using and ask for additional discounts. There are often ways to reduce your premium that are specific to each insurer and are not addressed by online quote tools. You may be able to save money by paying for the policy upfront. There may also be discounts if you take out another type of policy, like life insurance, with the same company. You may also be able to knock off a few dollars a month by raising out-of-pocket limits, deductibles and the portion of the co-insurance that you pay for.

Remember that the cost of your self-employed individual medical insurance is an eligible business expense. This allows you to lower your taxable income by the amount you pay out in medical insurance premiums each year.

Follow these tips, learn as much as possible about medical insurance and shop around for the best price. By doing so, you will find the best possible Georgia medical insurance plan for your needs, at a reasonable price too. has helped thousands of individuals, families & businesses find affordable medical insurance. is Rated A+ by The Better Business Bureau. For more information on Georgia Medical insurance for the self employed visit, today!

Must-Know Tips If You Search For a Hair Removal Clinic In Brooklyn Posted By : Ingrid Preube

In Brooklyn Laser Hair Removal Clinics have an exceptionally high standard of service. There are many cosmeticians and they are all trying to get your business, so for laser removal in Brooklyn you are in the driving seat and have many cosmeticians and services to select from.

Brooklyn is a area of New York that definitely has something for everyone. With its colorful history and multi-cultural population, it has all the cultures of the globe in one location! When you explore Brooklyn, you are sure to be surprised by finding something that you never thought you would.

Of the five New York areas, Brooklyn is the most populous. It used to be its own city until back in 1898 when it became part of New York City. Brooklyn's downtown business district is one of the largest in New York, so you will be happy to discover that there are many places to select from for you to find hair remove services, and they are furnished by cosmeticians with a generally outstanding standard of service and quality.

Here is the list of Brooklyn laser hair clinics:

Cosmetic Laser Company, 224B Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY, Tel: (718) 222-3223: Cosmetic laser services, laser skin tightening, Laser Hair Removal Treatment, laser acne therapy microdermabrasion, IPL skin rejuvenation.

Paradise Beauty Salon, 1279 49th St, Brooklyn, NY, Tel: (718) 437-4164

Laser Hair Removal - Total Women's Wellness, 1009 Brighton 3rd Street, Brooklyn, New York, Tel: (718) 964-3534: All Laser needs including hair removal, laser facials, laser vein removal, stretch mark and scar removal, laser damaged skin repair, laser liposuction.

Ocean Parkway Laser Center, 2829 Ocean Parkway, 1st floor, Brooklyn, New York, Tel: (718) 344-0649: Unwanted hair removal, pain free hair reduction treatments by laser using the LightSheer system. Cosmetic "miracles" for everyone undesirable hair reduction performed by experienced therapists.

Skin Sheer, Specialising in laser hair removal, Skin Sheer has affordable package prices and specials. Using the FDA approved Alexandrite and Diode lasers, Skin Sheer offers you over four years experience., 1243 86th Street,Brooklyn, NY 11228, Tel: 718-680-6222

Laser and Anti-Aging Beampro Medispa, 415 Avenue P, Brooklyn, NY 11223

Adam and Eve Laser Hair Removal, 259 4th Ave, Brooklyn, NY, Tel: (718) 622-2300

Anna Laser Hair Removal, 500 Foster Ave, Brooklyn, New York, Tel: (718) 853-2426

The Art of Natural Beauty Center,239 Court Street, Brooklyn,NY, Tel: (718) 694-2200: Guaranteed Results, painless laser treatments, laser skin tightening, undesirable facial hair reduction.

Aesthetic Allure & Laser Center,2084 Homecrest Ave., Brooklyn, New York, Tel: (718) 382-3333

At Beampro Medispa they use the modern, highly effective Light Sheer diode laser in all hair removal and permanent hair reduction treatments. As your health and safety is their paramount concern, their onsite physician specializing in laser treatments supervises all of their customers, and the procedures are carried out by qualified, experienced nurses for all laser hair removal in Brooklyn.

As you can see from this detailed list, there are many places to select from for Laser Hair Removal Brooklyn.

Ingrid Preube

laser hair removal

In search of accurate solutions for unwanted hair removal. Let Ingrid Preube who is a cosmetic and laser hair removal expert help you out. All the tips, tricks and solutions can be found at laser hair removal clinic for your skin type.

Hair Care Essentials Posted By : ALEN LEW

A regular hair care regimen is essential for beautiful healthy hair. It is important to follow a hair care schedule because once hair is damaged, it cannot be repaired. A good shampoo, conditioner and hair oil are necessary to cleanse, moisturize, protect and nourish your hair. You can make a complete range of home care products out of natural ingredients. These products will not contain the harsh dyes, perfumes and other chemicals that are commonly found in cosmetic shampoos.

Shampoo: Shampoos are an integral part of any hair care regimen. It is important that your shampoo is both gentle and effective. A harsh shampoo will leave your hair very clean but it will also damage your hair and leave it brittle. You can make your own home made shampoo with either soap nuts or Acacia Concinna as a base. Soap nuts contain natural surfactants which make them effective cleansers. They also have gentle insecticidal properties and so they prevent lice infestations. Acacia Concinna is extremely mild and will not strip the hair of its natural oils. You can use either one of these natural cleansers or a combination. If you have oily hair increase the amount of soap nuts used in your preparation and if you have very dry hair you can skip the soap nuts completely. Add other natural ingredients like chamomile flowers, honey and lemon juice to your homemade shampoo just before you shower. This shampoo will leave your hair clean and nourished.

Conditioner: A conditioner provides the hair with fatty acids and keeps the hair moisturized and therefore softer and smoother. Make sure that you always use a conditioner suited to your hair type. Most cosmetic conditioners however, contain perfumes, dyes, thickening agents and other chemicals that can damage your hair in the long run. You can use your own homemade conditioner to nourish and fortify your hair naturally. If you have oily hair, mix equal quantities of orange juice and lemon juice and use it as a conditioner. If you have medium to dry hair, mix ½ a teaspoon of full-fat milk powder to ½ a cup of apple juice and soak your hair in it for at least 5 minutes before you rinse it off. If you have very dry hair, mix one spoon of fresh coconut milk in a cup of freshly blended avocado paste and leave this conditioner on for at least 15 minutes before you rinse it off.

Hair oil: It is important to oil your hair regularly to prevent your hair from drying up and becoming brittle. Hair oil also helps to nourish your hair and scalp and provides your hair with essential fatty acids which help to prevent breakage. Coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil and almond oil are good hair oils. You can mix more than one of these oils together and use the blend to massage your scalp. Make sure that you also apply the oil to your hair as well. Comb your hair well after you oil your hair as this will ensure that the oil spreads evenly throughout your hair. Oil your hair just once a week if you have oily hair and about thrice a week for dry hair. It is advisable that you oil your hair before you go to bed and rinse it off the next morning.

In addition to these basic hair care practices, you can also use a hair mask made out of fruits like bananas, berries and apples as well as vegetables like, carrots, tomatoes and pumpkins. Use this hair mask at least twice a month to deep condition your hair and provide it with essential nutrients. It is important to keep in mind that when it comes to hair, prevention is definitely better than cure!

Give you health the right care and attention with the help of the authors written articles that aims to educate people on how to take care of their health. With the author’s health education earned, he wanted to share it with everybody around the world who wishes to have a healthy body and lifestyle. Whatever your concern maybe on your health, the author surely has the right article for you.

Choosing the Wrong Sort of Water Filter You could Injure Your Family's Health Posted By : Joe Coburn

It's a sad indictment of our times that the water we trust to drink may be harming us. There are so many impurities which can be health damaging.

We are mainly made of water and if we drink toxins in our drinking water we store them in our body. It's obviously very necessary to make sure our drinking water is free from toxins.

From all this its pretty obvious why many families are fitting filtration systems to their homes. The problem is having made the correct decision to fit water filters, they dont investigate further to find out which is the best to make sure they get totally pure water and then end up with a poor type of filtration system.

Let's have a look at the ones to avoid: Reverse Osmosis Systems - these are a real no no - they were never designed to be used for drinking water but were first used in the paper industry which needs de-mineralized water. they are also twice as expensive as other systems, they strip out some vital minerals such as potassium and calcium (these minerals are essential for good health) and they can permit some harmful man made toxins such as pesticides to enter the supply.

The best systems need to be affordable and easy to use - but what are they? They need to be the type which have: multi stage activated carbon blocks with ion exchange and sub micro filters.

This is the multi-filtration system and is easily the best sort of filtration system. This is a recent innovation and it uses the system of chemical bonding to any contaminants. Just as necessary is this type of filters properties of retaining healthy minerals in the supply.

Once the type of home water filter system has been decided, it's time to think about the sort of distribution or coverage you are going to provide in your house.

There are really only three types you should consider: the tap or faucet filter, the drinking water/shower water combination unit or the whole house water filtration system.

Taps or faucet filters are fine in themselves but you are still showering in unfiltered water which contains chlorine, around. 70% of this will be absorbed into your skin. This makes filtering your drinking water a bit pointless if you are then going to absorb chlorine and other contaminants into your body through shower water.

So at the very least I would recommend a drinking/shower water combo unit. But by far the best from a longer term cost and practicallity view is the whole house filter system.

Joe Coburn has a belief that all families should have good quality pure water. He is involved with a website which gives the lowdown on how to choose the: Best Home Water Filters Its worth going to the site now to find out about the filters which really perform and the ones which quite frankly don't.

Welcome To the World of Sound through Digital Hearing Aid Posted By : Article Expert

Gone are the days of analog hearing aids where the sound system was ok. The recent hearing devices are coming as digital hearing aids devices. These have high quality sound and have better control over the volume and sound filters. You can control the flow of sounds and the mix match with the surroundings. The designs available are more users friendly and invisible to the prying eyes. The digital hearing aid can get no better with time. It is the ultimate answer to the people with weak hearing capacities. You can now buy them online as well, at prices quite feasible to your pocket. Whether it is batteries or accessories as tubes, speakers etc or the complete device, you can buy anything from online channels.

More Insight into Digital Hearing Aid Device

The Digital Hearing Aid Device uses computer technology. You can adjust the sound system through sync with the computer. Nowadays the systems have Bluetooth as well, so you are free to use it with TV, mobile, stereo system etc- any device that has Bluetooth. There are many designs available as the behind the ear (BTE) hearing aid. In this case the device sits behind the ears and is good for mild to extensive hear loss. For kids it is the best option. In The Ear (ITE) hearing aid is put up inside the ear and is suitable for mild to average hearing loss. Receiver in the Ear (RTE) hearing aid has speakers located into the ear canal. The looks are better hearing capacities. In the canal hearing aids (ITC) is also located inside the ear. The Open Fit Hearing Aids (OTE) is also put behind the ear. Yet, in this case the speaker is put inside the canal through thin wires.

Online digital hearing aid device

You can buy the devices online through the several online channels. They provide you the devices and the accessories at rock bottom prices. You can search the net to gather more information about digital hearing aid devices, their work and where to buy them. Simply consult the audiologist and order the one recommended to you by the doctor. is a part of Hearing Central LLC, an Illinois company committed to bringing you the best quality Digital Hearing Aid at wholesale prices. Our Digital Hearing Aids are made in the America according to the strictest standards of the FDA.

With Hearing Aid Devices the World Will Be Beautiful Again Posted By : Article Expert

With time the hearing aid devices are improving with respect to utilities and looks. There are many online agencies that will provide you the device and its accessories at rock bottom prices. You can expect them to provide you the tubes, the ear plugs, the batteries, storage kits and many more. All you have to do is that visit the audiologist and send the request of the device to the online channels. The hearing aid devices have kept pace with the changing world time and again, presenting the best picture of the world to the disabled.

Type of hearing aid devices

• Body Worn Devices were one of the earliest inventions where the "hearing box" is worn around the body or neck. It has an attached ear mould connected through a visible wire. This model is almost abandoned nowadays all due to its bulky design.

• Behind The Ear (BTE) Hearing Aids is comparatively a new introduction. It is good for kids due to its design stability and can be used for mild to extensive hear loss.

• In The Ear (ITE) Hearing Aids device is placed inside the ear. It can be used for mild to average hearing loss people.

• Receiver in the Ear (RTE) Hearing Aids device has the speaker located into the ear canal and is connected via thin electrical wiring. The hearing capacity is greater in this case with enhanced looks.

• In The Canal Hearing Aids (ITC) is located in the ear and can't be traced easily until looked from closer details.

• Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) is a device that is surgically implanted. The technology is much sophisticated and is strictly recommended for conductive hearing losses and canal and middle ear disease or deformities.

• Eye glass Hearing Aids was extremely popular till 1970s era. But today it is used with some modifications.

• Open Fit Hearing Aids (OTE) is kind of a behind the ear hearing aid. Yet, the speaker in this case is located inside the canal via thin unobtrusive wires.

Online purchase of hearing aid device

Today's hearing aid devices use digital technology for better sound quality and filtration. They can also be used in interactive mode with TV and mobile phones via Bluetooth. They are more users friendly and can be easily bought through online channels as mentioned earlier. You can browse the net for more details into the topic. is a part of Hearing Central LLC, an Illinois company committed to bringing you the best quality Hearing Aid at wholesale prices. Our Hearing Aids are made in the America according to the strictest standards of the FDA.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Adding New Vitamins and Supplements to Your Regimen? What to Consider Posted By : hea123

In today’s world, advice for how to live a healthy life can be found in many places. Whether it is a feature story on your favorite news program, a commercial on the radio, or an article in health magazine or on a website, suggestions for how to improve a person’s overall health are everywhere. While the focus on nutrition and health is seen as a positive development by many individuals, it is important to become as knowledgeable as possible as you make changes in your lifestyle to live a healthier life.

When introducing a new vitamin or supplement into your daily regimen, it is always a good idea to read the label carefully, talk with your doctor, and do your homework about what it is you are taking. This is a good guideline even if you have been leading a healthy life for years and would consider yourself a savvy supplement-taker.

The labels of vitamins and supplements can be confusing to the average consumer. In some cases, rather than being labeled in common measurements that we are all familiar with, certain vitamins and supplements are measured in milligrams or even micrograms. Ask your health care provider any questions you may have, and conduct your own research to ensure that everything checks out.

Many people who are just getting started on a supplement routine or regimen do not have a clear idea about how best to take vitamins and supplements. In many cases, it can come down to the time of day, or whether or not you have an empty stomach. Some vitamins and supplements utilized for building muscle are recommended to be taken a certain amount of time before a workout. Information such as this can help an individual to maximize the effectiveness of the specific supplement or vitamin in question. Regardless of the addition to your regimen, it is still important that you do your homework and find out if a particular vitamin or supplement is right for you.

Take some time to learn whether or not the vitamin or supplement you are considering can interact with other substances in your system. Some specifications will be apparent on the labels themselves, but some others may not. Take yourself on a little fact finding mission to learn all that you can.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women and those about to have surgical procedures performed should do some extra research. If you are pregnant or nursing, be especially careful about what you take. A good rule of thumb is to rule out any vitamins and supplements until your doctor says “okay”. What you consume can pass directly through breast milk to your baby if you are nursing, and can pass through your bloodstream to your baby if you are pregnant. Also, if you are about to undergo surgery, take as many precautions as possible as far as what you ingest prior to the procedure. While this may seem obvious to some, it is important to take any necessary steps to ensuring overall safety.

The rapid increase in knowledge about the many benefits of vitamins and supplements is exciting. Hopefully, as the public becomes more informed about how certain vitamins and supplements can improve life, more individuals will alter their lifestyle and become committed to proper nutrition. Regular exercise and changes in eating habits are also major components to becoming healthier. However, if those lifestyle changes can be achieved, adding the proper vitamins and supplements to your regimen can put yourself in an even better position to living a happy and healthy life. As long as you take the time to ask questions and do a bit of homework yourself, you should be on the right track to improving your overall health by adding the best vitamins and supplements for you to your daily regimen.

Arianna Jordan is a freelance writer and blogger who writes about health and fitness, often focusing on specific products such as vitamins and supplements.

Options beyond the capsules for your chines herbs Posted By : CHNADAN KUMAR SHRIVASTWA

There are many options beyond taking capsules to consume Chinese herbal supplements. Since capsules contain anywhere from 35%-50% filler (inactive starch) you may want to check into other options for your herbal medicine. Here are three you might want to consider.

Alcohol tinctures are made from herbs soaked in alcohol. The cooking process varies with this modality. This method has a not unpleasant taste, but Traditional Chinese Medicinal herbs were, and still are, cooked or decocted in water. Clinical studies done in China for the past several decades reveal the proven effectiveness of herbs which have been cooked in a water decoction, not alcohol extracts. The Traditional Chinese Medicine community does not have the research to back up alcohol tincture herb formulas. Additionally, data such as herb to extract ratio is often not disclosed. Since there is considerable difficultly in achieving a high concentration ratio through the alcohol extraction process, along with the lack of research, it is presumptuous to rely on the effectiveness of this process of producing Chinese herb medicinals.

Another option when you are purchasing Chinese herbs is to take a ready-to-drink plastic pouch of vacuum-packed extracts. This high-pressure cooking method pushes the decocted herbs into heat-resistant plastic pouches. This method is often referred to as the Korean system of herb extraction. The cooking process for these pouches is similar to a home pressure cooker, otherwise known as a home herbal extractor. This method is popular in both China and the Koreas but is not very widespread with Americans. The most likely reason this method has not gained popularity is that Americans generally do not like the taste of herbs. These plastic pouches are equivalent to about one cup of liquid. Drinking a brown herbal extract two or three times a day is simply beyond what most Americans will tolerate, even to benefit their health. This process of raw herb preparation is superior to the home stove top decoction process. Yet the labor intensity of cooking and cleaning the machine, along with the overall expense of both the pressure cooker and packaging machine, limits its use. Another downside is that all raw herbs need to be added at the onset of cooking. You are out of luck if you need to add aromatic herbs at the end of the cooking process, as there is simply no way to do this. Therefore, issue of volatile oil loss during the cooking process (same as the problem with the home stove top method) also limits the strength of the final products.

A third option for taking Chinese herbs is formulas in individual packets. The Chinese herbs in individual packets are fairly new to the US market but have been used in Asia for nearly ten years. Chinese herb formula packets have the added benefit of herbs which are cooked together. This method preserves the proven efficacy of Chinese medicine. Since the individual packets are air-tight, the herb granules stay fresh and do not clump, even without a starch or dextrin filler. These Chinese herb formulas begin with a controlled low temperature cooking process which ensures that the maximum amount of beneficial active constituents are extracted from the herbs. Volatile oils are captured with sophisticated equipment and reintroduced back into the finished products. The decocted liquid is then dried into granules and packaged immediately for freshness. No starch additives are needed in this type of packaging. The major benefits are both the high concentration ratios of these products (as no filler is needed) and the ease of use. These packets of granules can be carried easily dissolved in hot water to drink as a tea or poured on the tongue to swallow like a pill or mixed into juice. Formulas sold in packets are available for many different common conditions.

Taking your herbs on a daily basis is the most important part of the healing process. So choose a mode of delivery that is convenient, yet effective. Chinese herbal medicine is used by more than a billion people and has been used successfully for nearly two thousand years of recorded history. You can improve your health and vitality with Chinese herbs and sipping a cup of herb tea might just be more enjoyable than popping all those capsules of filler.

To know more about Chinese Herb kindly visit us

Health Supplements and Filler, how much is in your health products? Posted By : CHNADAN KUMAR SHRIVASTWA

These days, FDA labeling requirements for dietary supplements do not require the manufacturer to list the amount of excipients or filler added to health supplements. This leaves room for a lot of speculation and ambiguity regarding the strength of the

health supplements. This article will focus on Chinese herbal health supplements and the types of inert ingredients added to herbal products.

How much product in the bottle is filler and how much is herbal extract? There is no set answer for this question. It simply depends on the health supplements manufacturer, and many of these manufacturers are not disclosing this information on their labels. Gel-Caps and individual packet herbs are the only modalities which do not need to contain excipients. There are over 750 additives (including excipients) which have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for our food and health supplement products. The possible toxic side effects and relative safety of excipients has been a controversial subject for more than a decade. Some research suggests that excipients can compromise immunity by causing T-Cells to lyse (burst) and may block nutrient uptake. There are compelling reasons for these theories and further research is clearly warranted. There is simply too much we do not know about how excipients interact in our bodies.

Excipients present in Chinese herbal health supplements range anywhere from 35% to 50% for a 100 gram bottle of granule extract. The same percentages apply for capsular herb health supplements. Approximately 50% of every capsule is not active herbal ingredient; rather, it is some type of excipient. Dextrin is a common excipient along with non-GMO potato starch or corn starch (corn is the most genetically altered food). Again, frequently, neither the type of excipient used nor the percentage amount of excipient present is currently required on product labels for health supplements.

A pro of adding excipients is that they extend the shelf life of Chinese herbs and other health supplements. However, Chinese Herb tea pills were traditionally made without an excipient. The natural clumping of the herbs was beneficial in this delivery system. Unfortunately, the shelf life without excipients is very short. After all, herbs are natural products and without preservatives they will turn rancid when exposed to air. One side effect of adding excipients has turned into a benefit for people who prefer to swallow their herb granules by placing granules on their tongue and swallowing with water. The use of excipients makes this easier by reducing the natural stickiness of the herbal health supplements.

Although the use of excipients has known advantages, the fact remains that there is still much unknown about their potential negative side-effects. A good deal of research needs to be carried out to find out exactly how and where these substances interact within our bodies, and what the possible results of those interactions might be.

To know more about Chinese Herb kindly visit us

Medicinal Properties of Dandelions Posted By : CHNADAN KUMAR SHRIVASTWA

Recognized in Chinese herbal medicine and now by Western medicine

Although Westerners commonly view dandelions as a type of weed, this plant has several beneficial effects on human health which western medicine has only begun exploring. Dandelion has been used for centuries both internally and externally by Asian cultures as a medicinal used for digestive disorders, appendicitis, and breast problems (such as inflammation or lack of milk flow). Now we find this plant being studied by western science for its medicinal value.

The most recent study is a German study completed in May 2009. As a result of this and other German studies dandelion root has been approved in Germany for, “… anorexia, dyspepsia, and biliary abnormalities,” (Garner-Wizard 2009). In non-medical jargon dyspepsia is indigestion and biliary abnormalities are bile duct disorders. Bile is essential for digestion. It is a fluid secreted by the liver and gall bladder to emulsify fats for digestion. Researchers found dandelion increased the flow of bile by 3 to 4 times.

Dandelion root is also commonly used as a diuretic. Furthermore, a case study that was carried out on 24 patients found that dandelion can be used to significantly reduce the pain associated with chronic colitis, as well as help to normalize the stool. This plant has also been found to have anti-cancer properties, as well as the ability to lower, “… elevated liver enzymes in hepatitis B patients.” Wow, powerful weed, no single western drug exists which can make these claims in a single pill.

The active substances of dandelion roots (those that have medicinal effects) include: sesquiterpene lactones, phenylpropanoids, triterpenoid saponins, polysaccherides, and inulin. Sesquiterpene lactones are found in numerous plant species and are believed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Phenylpropanoids appear to have inflammation-modulating properties, while triterpenoid saponins are adaptogenic (combat stress), a property of many Chinese herbs. The polysaccherides present in dandelion may have positive effects on the immune system, as polysaccherides in general are, “… key intermediaries in immune interactions,” (Garner-Wizard 2009). Inulin is a type of dietary fiber and we can all use that in our diets. If that wasn’t enough to make your head spin, dandelion roots also have been found to have a soothing property for indigestion. Current studies are underway using dandelion extract for diabetic patients. Results have yet to be finalized, but the study hopes to regulate the AGE’s or advanced gycation end products, harmful chemicals produced by those with high blood sugar levels.

Dandelion extract has been labeled as GRAS (generally recognized as safe) for use in supplements and food, and both the root and leaf can be ingested as food (up to 50 grams per dose). Furthermore, this plant is widespread throughout the world and in no danger of overharvesting. However, dandelions in urban areas should probably be avoided if sprayed with herbicides- this is true of any herbal product. So next time you see that dandelion growing between the sidewalk cracks, you’ll know it as one of nature’s wonderful medicinal plants, not just a lowly weed.

To know more about Chinese Herb kindly visit us

Chinese Herb Choices Beyond the Capsule Posted By : CHNADAN KUMAR SHRIVASTWA

Differences between Alcohol tinctures, vacuum packed extracts and individual packets of Chinese herb granules

There are many options beyond capsules to consume Chinese herbal supplements. Since those capsules contain anywhere from 35%-50% filler (inactive starch) you may want to check into other options for your herbal medicine. Here’s three you might want to consider.

Alcohol Tinctures are made from herbs soaked in alcohol. Cooking processes vary with this modality. This method has become acceptable in terms of taste but Traditional Chinese Medicinal herbs were and still are, cooked or decocted in water. Scientific clinical studies done in China for the past several decades show proven effectiveness of herbs, herbs which have been cooked in a water decoction, not alcohol extracts. Traditional Chinese Medicine community does not have the research to back up alcohol tincture herb formulas. Additionally, data such as herb to extract ratio is often not disclosed. Since there is considerable difficultly in achieving a high concentration ratio through the alcohol extraction process along with the lack of research, it is presumptuous to rely on the effectiveness of this type of Chinese herb medicinal.

Another option when your purchasing Chinese herbs is a ready to drink plastic pouch of vacuumed packed extracts. This high pressure cooking method pushes the decocted herbs into heat resistant plastic pouches. This method is often referred to as the Korean system of herb extraction. The cooking process for these pouches is something akin to a home pressure cooker otherwise known as a home herbal extractor. This method is widespread in both China and the Koreas but is not very popular with Americans. The most likely reason this method has not gained popularity is Americans generally don’t like the taste of herbs. These plastic pouches are equivalent to about 1 cup of liquid. Drinking a brown herbal extract two or three times a day is simply beyond what most American will tolerate even to benefit their health. This process of raw herb preparation is superior to the home stove top decoction process. Yet, the labor intensity of cooking and cleaning the machine, along with the overall expense of both the pressure cooker and packaging machine limits its use. The issue of volatile oil loss during the cooking process (same problem with the home stove top method ) also limits the strength of the final products. Another downside is all raw herbs need to be added at the onset of cooking. Your out of luck if you need to add aromatic herbs in at the end of cooking process, there is simply no way to do this.

Another modality and option for taking Chinese is individual herb formula granules in Individual packets? The Chinese herbs in individual of packets are fairly new to the US market but have been used in Asia for nearly ten years. Chinese herb formula packets have the added benefit of herbs which are cooked together. This method preserves the historically and proven efficacy of Chinese medicine. Since the individual packets are air tight the herbs granules stay fresh and do not clump, without a starch or dextrin filler. These Chinese herb formulas begin with a controlled low temperature cooking process which ensures maximum beneficial active constituents are extracted from the herbs. Volatile oils are captured with sophisticated equipment and reintroduced back into the finished products. The decocted liquid is then dried into granules and packaged immediately for freshness. No starch additives are needed in this type of packaging. The major benefit is both the high concentration ratio’s of these products because no filler is needed and the ease of use. These packets of granules can be carried easily and either poured on tongue to swallow like a pill or mixed in water or juice to drink. Formulas sold in packets can be easily used by the general public for many different conditions.

Whichever modality of Chinese herbs you choose is not as important as actually taking the herbs on a daily basis. So choose a mode of delivery that is convenience, yet effective. Chinese herbal medicine is used by over a billion people on our planet and has been used successfully for nearly 2000 years of recorded history. You can improve your health and vitality with Chinese herbs and sipping a cup of herb tea just might be more enjoyable than popping all those capsules of filler.

To know more about Chinese Herb kindly visit us