Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to get a six pack Posted By : Chris Slattery

Every one wants abs these days so the first question is do any of the supplements that claim to get you a 6 pack in a week work? No they don't and may cause you harm more then help you. The only way to get the physique you want is with some effort at home or in the gym

You can read article after article about how to get a 6 pack but the best advise is do what works for you. Abs are best left till the end of the workout. Abs are used in every exercise. So tiring out your abs before working another muscle group can lower your strength and over all performance.

Genetics is also a factor when it comes to getting a six pack. Not every one has six packs some have four or even eight packs. This is decided before birth and if you have a four pack no matter how hard you train you wont ever have a six pack same if you want an eight pack if you have a four or six pack you wont ever have an eight pack.

Rest is also key to getting lean. As with every muscle if you over work it then you can slow down, stop or even reverse muscle growth. The reason rest is so vital is the key muscle building hormone (Human Growth Hormone or HGH) is produced more at times of rest and sleep giving your muscles everything the need to recover and grow.

A strict diet also needs to be put in place. Every person is different so this varies from one person to the next but generally have a high protein intake. Lean meats and steamed vegetables are a good dietary choice.

You don't need to put in massive effort just small but consistent work. Remember this takes time but with constant effort you will reach your goal weather that is to just lose a few pounds or to compete in a bodybuilding competition. Keep track of your meals and workouts.

At the start you will see fast changes but after time gains will become slower so don't worry and think its not working any more this happens every one. Stay positive and motivated, by doing this you will not only see better results but you will also enjoy working out.

Remember it wont happen over night but with the right guidance you can reach goals faster then going about it alone.

For training routines and more information on a healthy diet that is catered to each individual that will have you on your way to the body you desire go to

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