Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cure Gallstones Posted By : Reyna Flor Nadera

A gallstone is a hardened piece of bile that takes on a pebble rock form. Bile consists of waste product such as cholesterol and when liquid bile becomes overloaded with waste product gallstones are formed. A good diet, low in fat and cholesterol will likely keep one from ever needing a gallstone cure, however the cause of gallstones is unknown and may occur even in the healthiest of people. Gallstones can occur without symptoms and in such cases no action is necessary as a person can live quite comfortably with asymptomatic gallstones.

Removal of the gallbladder to eliminate gallstones is one of the most common operations among adults in America today. Gallstone sufferers are most commonly women, Native Americans and Mexican Americans but no one is exempt. The gallbladder in general is an unnecessary organ, it is there to assist the liver and with a normal diet the liver is capable of performing the necessary functions on its own. Surgery is the most effective gallstone cure. Removing the gallbladder is the solution of choice if gallstone attacks occur often and are intensely painful. Once the gallbladder has been removed the problem of gallstones will have also been removed. However, on occasion a gallstone may be left behind and a simple follow up surgery may be required up to a year after the gallbladder has been taken out. One side effect after gallbladder removal may be soft and more frequent stools.

There are other options for the gallstone sufferer who for whatever reason is not a good candidate for surgery, however there is a lesser success rate and gallstones will likely recur.

A sufferer may be prescribed drugs as a gallstone cure. These drugs are "bile salts" and are intended to target and dissolve the offending stone(s). This treatment choice may take many months and it is more than possible that the gallstones will recur, making this in general a temporary cure. The most common side effect of these drugs is diarrhea, but also nausea and headache have been reported.

If surgery is not an option, and drugs do not work a patient may be referred to sound therapy . Sound therapy as a gallstone cure has a low success rate and the treatment itself may be harmful to the patient. However, sound therapy can be successful on especially small or singular gallstones. Still this option is being referred to less and less as it's lack of effectiveness in curing gallstones becomes more and more apparent.

A small percentage of patients have found a 5 day diet consisting mostly of apples and apple juice can alleviate symptoms when performed on a regular schedule, a sufferer should begin this diet at the first sign of gallstone symptoms.

Surgery remains the number one most effective cure for gallstones and is recommended for qualified patients who are frequent sufferers of gallstone attacks.

Information to cure gallstones and relieve the symptoms. Look for natural

treatment to cure gallstones

. Is there a natural or herbal remedies available? Go to:

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