Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nature Aging or Premature Aging Posted By : Roger Amore

Many changes start to occur at age 30 and older some are normal other not. For instance, look at the vitamin B-12 an essential nutrient the body needs to function properly.

According to research done by a enormous number of Medical Doctors Organizations, University and Medical Research Center across the country, are bodies ability to absorb B-12 starts to decrease around age 30 to 40, and continue to decrease every year after that. This vitamin is needed to produce health blood cells, health nerves and health brain cells.

Therefore, one can understand how we become B-12 vitamin deficient so easily and not even know it. There a whole assortment of ways that this vitamin deficiency accrues here a few: inhibiting the body abosorption of B-12 from the food we eat is our digestive system. This vitamin is suppose to be coming from the foods we eat but because of our diets. However, in today society eating right and getting the right nutrients just not happen. Then there are other digestive problems, gastric bypass surgeries, gastric reflex, colitis, stress and certain prescription drugs that contribute to the cause this is just a few.

Warning us of the problems we face like vitamin deficiency are professional with years of research and result. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that there a real problem here. Our quality of life is design to be most efective with health organs? Here are a few sign of vitamin deficiency , weakness, depression, poor memory, fatigue, confusion, tingling/numbness in the hands and feet, trouble with keeping balance, loss of weight, appetite loss, anemia ( lack of health blood cells, which fatigue is a common result). Where does the answer to this common problem of B-12 vitamin deficiency lay? The common a most popular answer is a vitamin B-12 supplement that most people run out gets, and start to take by mouth. The only problem with that is you get very little result if any at all. Only about 1 to 3 percent of that type vitamin every reaches the bloodstream where it is needs to do any good.(While that better than doing nothing) Because of the digestive system the way it breaks down what we take by mouth not very much reaches the place where it needs to go. The most effect way is a B-12 vitamin shot, while expensive and painful. It usually out of the questions for most, there is other ways. There are sprays which is intended to be spray directly into the mouth, so you are really swallow the vitamin. Patches that are worn on the skin, claim to be absorb through the skin. Their also another very effect way read on.

I am 54, Born and raise in the state of Ohio. Go Buckeye! There is another way Sublingual (means under the tongue) where it get into the bloodstream quickly for maximum absorbion and maximum benefit. What more important in life than the quality of life we choose to live. TirVita Super Sublingual B-12, B-6 and folic acid, has given me that quality of life again. Learn more => or e-mail

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