Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Superfruits and your health Posted By : Tiggy Max

For all those who are keen to alter their body shape -- either by losing weight or putting on more muscle -- the acai berry has been a highly publicised product. Hype aside, what are the typical benefits of consuming such fruits?

Needless to say, many people are also seeking acai berry information online.

This article aims to inform you a little better about the health benefits of berries in general, to give you an idea of what is special about the acai berry.

Fruits and berries are of course a recognised element in any healthy diet since they provide valuable dietary fiber, pure water, minerals, vitamins, simple sugars and a variety of other compounds which, depending on the fruit and which authority you read, can have many different positive effects on your health.

For example, blackcurrants (as well as being delicious) are a very good source of dietary fiber, boasting 7.8g of fiber per hundred grams of the fruit. But acai berry extracts are far, far higher in fiber because of the quantity of seeds in these tropical fruit. Blackcurrants likewise are high in a highly absorbable form of vitamin C, which helps prevent infectious disease and keeps the body's connective tissue healthy. Naturally, the acai berry has an excellent level of vitamin C; although some of this is lost in processing and packaging, other antioxidant substances in the fruit still help counteract the stresses of a modern lifestyle.

One clear benefit of all fruits, whatever their colour, is that they don't contain any saturated fat (in fact most fruits don't contain any fat at all -- the avocado is an exception). However, fruits in general do not contain fatty acids, which the body does need plenty of. Since the seeds of the acai berry form a major part of the fruit's bulk, and since these seeds form part of most acai extracts, it is exceptional in providing fatty acids with a low calorie count - necessary for the body to build and repair tissue.

Most fruits are pretty good immunity boosters (meaning that they help your body fight off disease, bacteria, fungi and other possible infections). It's long been known to native tribes that dark-coloured fruits such as blueberries, blackberries and blackcurrants have useful medicinal properties when turned into juices, food mixtures and even jellies. The acai berry is no exception, being a popular fruit in its native South America and indeed forming the staple diet of local tribes. Just for comparison, consider the fact that the humble blueberry contains five times as many antioxidants as broccoli, carrots or apples.

The substance in dark fruits such as blackberries and black cherries which gives them their deep colour is a mixture of anthocyanins -- these help the body's circulation by strengthening capillary walls, and so boost levels of oxygen, glucose, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids all over the body. Such fruits, including dried and juiced products, also contain useful tannins, which are substances that help fight bacteria in the body and especially in the urinary system. Like most fruits, the acai berry helps the body to ward off various types of cancer, while the mixture of vitamins, minerals and plant substances it provides are also helpful in preventing inflammation and fatigue.

From ongoing experience with using superfruits to deliver problem-free health benefits, I now also advise on new trends to provide acai berry products, updates on known fruits and tips for healthy weight loss.

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