Thursday, December 31, 2009

Benefits of Selenium for Healthy Life Posted By : calebcalvin01

Selenium is one of the nutrients that serve as good nutrients. The diseases regarding aging can be caused due to the deficiency of selenium. Let’s discuss about its benefits.

Selenium is considered to be as a trace mineral. It is an important component amongst the thirty proteins and plays a very important role in our health.

Selenium makes very efficient use of oxygen. Glutathione is an antioxidant which is derived from the four atoms of selenium. It helps in the conversion of hydrogen peroxide to water.

Selenium can easily mix up with the toxic substances. Once these substances get bind with selenium, they reduce their potency and become harmless. This helps in the improvement of the process of detoxification.

Selenium is used to prevent the arterial deposition and allows smooth flow of blood. It is very useful to maintain a healthy cardio vascular system.

The cancer can also be prevented with the help of selenium as it possesses the antioxidant properties as well as the detoxification process.

The reduction of selenium in the brain should be immediately filled up in order to maintain proper functioning of the neurotransmission. If this is not maintained properly, then there are chances of depression and mood swings.

In the case of sperm cells, when they are subjected to oxidation and get damaged, then at this time selenium acts as an antioxidant and guarantees the structural integrity and safeguard the fertility.

Selenium is very useful in the functioning of the thyroid gland. The decrease level of it can lead to decrease in the sexual desires.

Selenium is one of the nutrients that serve as good nutrients. The diseases regarding aging can be caused due to the deficiency of selenium. Let’s discuss about its benefits.

Selenium is considered to be as a trace mineral. It is an important component amongst the thirty proteins and plays a very important role in our health.

To read about multivitamin and other information, visit the multivitamine site.

Lawsuits Mounting in Zinc Poisoning from Denture Cream Posted By : Legal Tube Contributors

Denture Cream Video Overview

denture cream zinc poisioningLawsuits are mounting as consumers who have been using denture cream for years, or even decades, are being diagnosed with severely debilitating neurological disorders. PoliGrip lawyers have already filed several individual and class action lawsuits against the large drug corporation GlaxoSmithKline, makers of the Super PoliGrip product line. Unfortunately, users of their major competitor Fixodent, from Proctor & Gamble, are being diagnosed with painful diseases and maladies as well. Although the companies have reaffirmed that their products are safe for daily use, some believe that they may lead many people to spend the rest of their lives in constant pain, unable to walk or hold objects in their hands.

Victims of denture cream injury allege that both GlaxoSmithKline and Proctor & Gamble failed consumers in several ways by:

- Not adequately warning customers about potential risks

- Not adequately examining the dangers associated with regular use over time

- Not properly labeling products about the existence of metallic ingredients

Even though they still claim that proper use is not dangerous, both companies have responded to these accusations on their websites, and have agreed to create packaging and labeling that warns users about possible risks associated with what they call “overuse.” They claim that their lines of denture cream adhesive are only dangerous if too much paste is applied to the dentures.

The problem is that many people cannot afford to purchase dental prosthetics that fit properly. Since they have less money to spend on their teeth, they have older, worn dentures that slip or slide around in the mouth when they talk or eat. The cheapest solution to the problem is to use a thicker layer of denture adhesive. Some victims have used up to three tubes of product per week for years, thinking that it was a safe, cheap alternative to an expensive new oral corrective device.

But none of the victims thought for a moment that using their dental bonding agent would eventually lead to a painful denture cream side effect. In fact, The Food and Drug Administration doesn’t even require the companies to label their packaging to warn users that regular use may eventually cause illness.

This is especially troubling since a 2008 study published in the Journal of Neurology positively linked zinc, a major ingredient of the adhesives, to the PoliGrip nerve damage and Fixodent side effects.

Fixodent denture cream, as well as in Super PoliGrip, includes zinc as a major ingredient for two reasons. First, it is a binding agent, so it helps hold dentures in place. But it also contains odor-controlling properties, which is excellent for maintaining fresh breath for users.

The study published in the Journal of Neurology shows that zinc can seep from the paste into the gums, where it is absorbed into the blood stream. It is important to note that the human body needs zinc. However, the amount required is very small and can be obtained readily from a proper diet. This amount, when kept in proper balance, helps keep the immune system operating effectively.

But too much of anything in the body has negative effects, and regular use of the denture creams may allow too much of the metal into the body, causing zinc toxicity. Obvious symptoms include:

- Numbness in extremities, especially legs

- Tingling in extremities, especially legs

- Loss of balance

- Loss of feeling or sensation

- Unexplained pain anywhere in the body

- Decreased or shrunken walking stride

- Increased falling or stumbling

- Loss of strength in legs or feet

Over time, as the substance accumulates in the body, victims start to show signs of a zinc overdose, which includes the neurological problems listed above.

Although it can be effectively treated if caught early, zinc poisoning can be a life-long battle with pain for discomfort. The symptoms vary in severity, with some people saying it feels like they are wearing an invisible glove or sock, while others spend the rest of their lives in wheelchairs, unable to walk.

Either way, if your doctor determines that you are exhibiting the symptoms above, and that they may be the result of using denture cream, contact a lawyer immediately. You may be able to pursue a personal or class action lawsuit against the company that made your dental adhesive.

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13 Occupations Detrimental to Your Fertility Posted By : jerysmit

xThe Deadly 13 – Thirteen Occupations Detrimental to Your Fertility

Being a stunt man or a cliff diver or an extreme sport professional can be dangerous for life. People in those occupations are aware of the dangers and do it for love.

However there are many other occupations we may do for love or out of necessity which are dangerous to your health without you being aware of this.

Stress is a big contributor to infertility and one could argue that all jobs pose a degree of stress and are as such detrimental to ones fertility. However the difference between positive and negative stress needs to be pointed out. ‘Butterflies in the stomach’ are a symptom of positive stress. Positive stress is also called eustress - a term coined by endocrinologist Hans Selye. This type of excitement is often confused with the negative stress also known as the fight or flight reaction.

As your body is preparing to fight or run away from what it perceives as danger, it needs to quickly divert energy from the systems which will not need it such as the digestive system and the immune system, to the systems that will need it such as your brain and the muscles. Food and viruses are of no importance if you come across a grizzly bear on your leisurely Sunday afternoon walk though the forest. When we canÂ’t digest food properly we canÂ’t absorb the nutrients needed for optimal fertility.

In addition to stress which accompanies many jobs and careers there are certain occupations which expose one to toxic chemicals shown to be detrimental to fertility.

The Deadly 13

1. Agrochemical Industry incl. non-organic farmers

2. Ammunition Manufacturing

3. Clothing Industry

4. Commercial Cleaning Solution Manufacturers

5. Cosmetic Industry

6. Health care professionals working with organic solvents incl. dental workers

7. Laboratory workers

8. Metal workers

9. Ore metal smelting workers

10. Paint and Ink Industry incl. painters and artists

11. Plastic Industry

12. Textile Industry

13. Welders

What do these industries have in common?

They all use chemicals and substances shown to negatively impact fertility. They are also known as Endocrine Disruptors – ED’s. ED’s are substances which interfere and disrupt production, secretion, transportation, action and elimination of the body’s own hormones, leading to dangerous imbalances in the body and infertility.

They are:

- Phthalates

- Bisphenol A

- Organochlorines (OCs) and their metabolites

- Glycol Ether

- Organic solvents

- Heavy Metals


Phthalates are found in toys, perfumes, food packaging, cosmetics, blood storage bags and medications.

They are used as solvents, lubricants and plasticizers, giving plastic its flexible characteristic. People who work in the plastic industry frequently come into contact with phthalates as they can be inhaled, absorbed through the skin and ingested with food and water. Phthalates donÂ’t actually bind to plastic which makes it easy for them to leach out.

Bisphenol A

Bisphenol A is found in the coating of the tins, milk containers, re-usable water bottles, dental material and baby formula bottles. Bisphenol A is an estrogen mimicker but with a stronger effect on the body that the endogenous – ‘home made’ estrogen. Exposure to bisphenol is associated with recurrent miscarriages and increase incidence of autoimmune diseases.

Organochloride Compounds

Organochlorines are found in pesticides (DDT and itÂ’s metabolites, methoxychlor and lindane). They are airborne and mostly consumed with non organic animal products, fruit and vegetables and tap water. Pesticides have been associated with infertility in men and women and miscarriages.

Glycol Ether

Glycol Ether is used in surface coating, printing ink, cleaners, cosmetics, water-based paints and agrochemical industry. Exposure to glycol ether can lead to poor sperm motility – ability to swim forward.

Organic Solvents

Studies show that people working with organic solvents experience increased time to pregnancy, increased risk of miscarriage and a 13-fold risk of major malformations. Workers in the labs, paint, plastic, clothing and textile industries are at the highest risk of being exposed to organic solvents.

Heavy Metals

People working as painters, artists, welders and metal workers have the highest exposure to heavy metals. In men exposure to heavy metals can lead to decreased formation of new sperm (spermatogenesis), testicular damage, and altered testosterone secretion. In women exposure to heavy metals in particular lead can lead to spontaneous abortions and still births. Lead can cross the placenta and damage the foetus. Dental workers are exposed to mercury when working with amalgam. Mercury exposure has been linked to spontaneous abortions and reduced fertility.

What to do if you are working in one of these industries and are experiencing difficulties conceiving or carrying a baby to full term?

- Get yourself tested for heavy metals, bisphenol A, organic solvents and organochloride compounds. If the tests are positive speak to your employer and show them the test results.

- Ask to be given a different role where you wonÂ’t be coming into contact with EDs during chelation therapy and preconception time (pregnancy and breast feeding for women).

- Your employer needs to protect the workers and itÂ’s their OHS (occupational health and safety) duty to comply.

- Raise the issue with your HR and OHS department if your boss wonÂ’t help you. If your company wonÂ’t help you go higher up in the chain and raise the issue with workerÂ’s unions and the press. ItÂ’s likely that you are not the only one affected by this problem and you will find support.

- Tell others; share this information with your family, friends and colleagues at work.

- If you are an artist, go on a sabbatical from painting while you are preparing for your pregnancy, during pregnancy and breastfeeding or look into painting with environmentally and fertility friendly paints.

- And if you canÂ’t make any of the above changes wear a face mask, gloves and eye protection at work or change jobs.

If you would like more information on natural fertility,natural ivf alternative,infertility treatment visit today and start living a healthier life!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fat burners are very essential today Posted By : Joseph Rai

Here's the hint: if you come across weight loss reviews that seem to give you loads of positive reasons to try it and rarely do you get to read any tinge of negatives, you're most probably in need of a good fat burner. Sometimes, its funny how a desperate dieter would jump from one diet program to another believing that this time, things will work to their weight's advantage and even a top fat burner doesnt work but then for a fat burner people can go to any extent. You need to be more careful and try and understand how a fat burner works. But what they hold are just promises and mainly empty promises which have no substantial hold at all. Fat burner reviews are just to help you out get a better hold on these products. Obese people you see will do anything to get back into good shape. And with this desperation many a times you get down to doing wrong things and harsh steps which will only harm yourself in the end. To get a good fat burner you need to do a good research online that can help you out with it.

A fat burner review is to help you judge better and get a clear idea if the product will work or no. Fat burner reviews must declare the truth no matter how bad they may seem to appear to consumers as they have the whole right to know what is good and bad for them. Sometimes, it pays to be honest and it is nothing big that you are loosing. If your fat burner reviews are authentic you qill definitely have more takers over your products. An honest review of a weight loss regime is often the one that gets more followers and curious clients and they will put their trust in you. So even if fat burner reviews would appear to be very straightforward, if it boost sincere evaluation, the consuming public will still find it worth giving it at least a one time try. All fat burner reviews online will help you get an idea of different products and how they function. If a fat burner review helps you out it will be good if you suggest it to a friend too. So in short if it helps more than one your joys are multiplied.

It is said that fat burner reviews must state and introduce both the good and bad side of the product meaning both the boons as well as the ill effects of a top fat burner. Let's all be realistic here we cannot afford to live in a dream world. A weight loss product no matter how effective will always have it's share of boons as well as banes. Nothing's exempt of anything. So the next time you view a fat burner review that talks more about the advantages and benefits, 1 out of 10 that's being said there are probably all nonsense and unless you check out for yourself you will not know. Fat burner reviews have helped people in the past to a great extent and will surely help you make a decision too but then without knowing exactly do not go to try out anything on yourself.

Joseph Rai has been wonderful in regards to a fat burner. His fat burner reviews have helped multiples of people make a good decison. His articles and reviews are available online.

Who Will Benefit From Using Cupping Therapy? Posted By : NW AntiAging Wellness Center

There are many people that use cupping therapy to help them relieve the pain the feel on a daily basis. Cupping therapy provides many benefits for pretty much anyone. If you have a health condition that is causing you pain of some type, then you will definitely benefit from using this therapy. There are many places that offer this therapy, even in Vancouver, WA., and many other places around the world.

Now, before learning about who this therapy can help, it is important that you understand what it is. Cupping is therapy that uses pressurized glass or bamboo cups to provide a gentle vacuum on your skin which will help relieve pain, remove toxins, and many other things. It is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used for many years in the past and is becoming more popular these days.

To help you understand who will really benefit from this therapy, here are some of the different health conditions that it will help with.

1. Headache – Many people feel headaches, but there are some people that experience them a lot. This therapy will help relieve the pain from the headache and prevent you from having so many of them.

2. Back pain – Do you feel pain your lower to middle back? If you do, then you will definitely benefit from this therapy.

3. Joint and muscular pain – Cupping will help to relieve pain from your muscles and help them be more flexible.

4. Rheumatic diseases – There are many people that suffer from this condition that have found this therapy very beneficial for them.

5. Insomnia – If you find yourself not being able to sleep, then this may be the answer to helping you sleep. Many people with insomnia have benefited greatly from this therapy.

6. Asthma – Again, if you are someone that suffers from this condition, then this therapy could be what you have been looking for to help you.

These are just a few of the different conditions that cupping therapy can help with. If you are feeling any type of pain, you definitely want to check into this therapy more for yourself because it does provide many benefits for so many different people. Now that you know who it can help, all that is left is determining if it will help you. Get started researching now to make the most informed decision possible and to help you get help quickly for your pain.

NW AntiAging & Wellness Center is located in the Battle Ground Village in Battle Ground, Washington. It effectively integrates Western and Chinese medicine and acupuncture in an extraordinary approach to primary health care. For more information about NW Antiaging and Wellness Center, visit their blog at

Cystic Fibrosis Useful Informations Posted By : kalebla

Cystic fibrosis has been around since medieval times. Infants in the middle ages who had "salty" skin were considered bewitched because they normally died during infancy. The disease is sometimes fatal, inherited, chronic, and progressive. There is no known cure for this genetic disease. Cystic fibrosis normally affects the digestive and respiratory organs of the body. Thick mucus collects in the passageways and lungs in the respiratory system and blocks the ducts that allow digestive enzymes to reach the small intestine. Children and adults are normally the ones affected by cystic fibrosis. Sweat glands are affected and most of the time the reproductive system is also affected. Cystic fibrosis is a disease that is inherited when both parents are the carrier of a recessive gene. The CFTR gene is a recessive gene caused by mutations in that gene.

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation estimates that over 30,000 American, 3000 Canadians, and 20,000 Europeans have cystic fibrosis. No one can explain why white Caucasians are more at risk than any other ethnic group to have this disease. The risk goes higher if their ancestors came from the Northern part of Europe. Although cystic fibrosis is a mainly Caucasian inherited disease it does and will cross into other ethnic groups. It wasn't until 1989 the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis. Once that gene was discovered the number of babies born with cystic fibrosis started going down. There are nearly twelve million people in the United States that are unaware they are carriers of this mutant gene.

Treatment options vary according to each individual and the severity of the symptoms. The most common areas affected by cystic fibrosis are the respiratory and digestive systems. Symptoms also vary for each individual with cystic fibrosis. Symptoms can include too much salt in sweat. This will cause an upset in the balance of minerals in the blood. A disturbance in the balance of minerals can cause heart arrhythmia problems and shock can be the result.

Thick masses of mucus can build up in the lungs and intestines causing malnutrition, slower than normal growth, chronic infections, problems with breathing and eventually lung damage. The cause of death of most cystic fibrosis patients is lung disease. There are many other medical problems that cystic fibrosis can create. Chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, heart enlargement, chronic cough and pneumothorax are additional severe problems cystic fibrosis can cause. Pneumothorax is caused when lung tissue ruptures and air gets trapped between the chest wall and the lung. Coughing up blood is another severe complication when the disease attacks the lungs.

Complications can occur in the intestinal tract also. A cystic fibrosis patient may experience intense stomach pain, excessive gas, bloating, and diarrhea or bowel obstruction. Other serious complications are rectal prolapse. That occurs when the patient has chronic diarrhea or a bowel obstruction. Gall bladder disease, pancreatic inflammation, liver and diabetes may also be severe complications of this incurable disease. Staying as healthy and fit as possible is one of the best treatments you do for yourself.

This article has been made accessible by the author, Bank Koapit. .Should you require any further information regarding buy garlic oil and buy maca please visit his calcium health resources

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cystic Fibrosis Gene Posted By : kalebla

Do you know if you are a carrier for the cystic fibrosis gene? If you are parents and want to start a family or are planning on having another child and are concerned because there is cystic fibrosis in your family history, consider genetic testing. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease a child could get if both parents carry the recessive gene that contains cystic fibrosis. You could be a carrier without showing signs of the disease and pass it on to your child. If your spouse is not a carrier, there is still a 25 percent chance your child will also be a carrier. You have a higher risk of being a carrier of cystic fibrosis if you are a Caucasian and descendent from a family in Northern Europe. Although other ethnic groups can be affected by cystic fibrosis, they have much less risk than a Caucasian.

The difference in ethnic groups who are carriers of this mutant gene are shown by these statistics: Caucasians have a 1 in 29 chance of carrying the cystic fibrosis gene People of Latino background have a 1 in 46 chance of carrying the gene African-Americans have a 1 in 65 chance for having the mutant gene Asian-Americans have the least risk of being a carrier; the rate for this ethnic group is 1 in 90.

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation estimated about 30,000 adults and children in the United States have cystic fibrosis. This disease severely affects several organs in the body but especially the respiratory and digestive systems. The abnormal gene makes normally thin, watery mucus turn into thick, heavy, and sticky mucus that adheres to the walls of the important passageways to these organs.

The mucus collects in the lungs and passageways and prevents bacteria from being coughed up and expelled from the body. This promotes serious infections that become acute and can cause significant damage to the lungs. These severe infections can potentially be life threatening.

If your doctor determines you and your partner are both carriers of the mutant gene, the unborn child can be tested in utero. The infant cannot be treated for the disease until after the birth but it does give parents a chance to educate themselves about the disease and explore different was of treating CF. Although you can discover if your baby has this inherited disease, it will not tell you the severity of the symptoms or which organ of the body will be the most seriously affected.

There is renewed hope for those who suffer from cystic fibrosis. New methods of treatment, new medications, and new physiotherapy methods are giving the cystic fibrosis patient have a longer life. It can also help improve the quality of life. A person can do much toward staying healthy by eating a healthy diet, staying away from secondhand smoke, and exercising regularly. Self-care is important for a person with cystic fibrosis. A small child or infant may need help to treat their disease.

This article has been made accessible by the author, Bank Koapit. .Should you require any further information regarding tianshi products and banting vegetal essence please visit his tiens resources

Detox foot spa treatment enhances both health and longevity Posted By : Mark bevan

Detox foot spa is an ideal way to rejuvenate your body. The system helps your body rid itself of harmful toxins that get accumulated in your system overtime. The best part of the detox foot spa is that you can use the system in the comfort and privacy of your home with the help of home-use detox foot spa devices such as the Bioenergiser Classic Detox Foot Spa System and the Bioenergiser Professional Detox Foot Spa System.

Your body is blessed with its own natural detoxification system comprising of organs such as the liver, kidney, the digestive tract, lungs and skin. The detoxification process is carried out continuously to help your body get rid of harmful toxins. But this system may not always work so efficiently. Increased amounts of pollutants in the environment do not allow your body’s natural detoxification process to carry on its functioning. In addition, your body’s internal detoxification system may also get affected because of smoking, consuming caffeine, eating processed foods and not eating enough fruits and vegetables.

As a result, toxins are unable to leave your body and thus get accumulated inside your body. Due to a build-up of these toxins inside your body, you may experience lethargy, headache, bad and blemished skin, as well as breath and body odour problems. In addition, your immune system becomes weak so you become prone to various other diseases and conditions. It therefore becomes crucial to carry out detox treatment and help your body function at its best.

About detox foot spa

Detox foot spa is a very simple and novel way of eliminating toxins from your body. Today, there are a large number of detox foot spa treatments available on the market that offers you the convenience to carry out the process at home. You just need to place your feet in the detox foot spa treatment unit for just a few minutes. Using the process of electrolysis, the device helps to re-balance and re-hydrate your body’s cells and help your body get rid of the toxins that build-up over time.

Benefits of detoxification

There are immense benefits of detoxification. Some of the benefits of detoxification have been discussed below:

• Healthier body – Because of fewer toxins, your body’s natural immunity is improved. You therefore suffer from fewer allergies and aches and pains. Besides, the quality of your skin and hair also see an improvement.

• Pure mind – You experience inner calm and mental peace with the elimination of toxins from your body.

• You’ll feel rejuvenated – A body full of toxins tends to have bigger body mass and is overweight. By eliminating the toxins, you feel lighter, healthier and more energetic.

• Living longer – By reducing stress on your body’s natural detoxification system the lifespan of organs such as the liver, kidneys and bowels is increased. In addition, by keeping your body free from toxins you become a lot healthier. These factors enable you to live longer.

Side effects of detox foot spa

There are no known side effects of using the detox foot spa. Advanced detox foot spa unit such as the BioEnergiser Foot Spa are medically tested for their safety and efficacy. However, it’s advised that pregnant women, people who suffer from epilepsy, people with organ implants and people who have had a pacemaker fitted should consult a doctor before using the detox foot spa.

What you get with your Detox foot spa?

Trusted detox foot spas such as the BioEnergiser Foot Spa typically come along with everything you need to carry out the detox foot spa like:

• Foot spa bowl

• Array coil

• Power supply

• Timer

• Control unit

• 30 bowl liners

• Low sodium salt

• Measuring spoon

• Nylon storage bag

• Instructional DVD

Webmaster associated with Migraine related site. This site provides various information on BioEnergiser Professional Detox Foot Spa and Classic Detox Foot Spa. Resources are available on site

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Your Holiday Party Cheat Sheet Posted By : Jason Kozma

Remember that kid in school who scored so well on tests that everyone got a little suspicious? Then one day during a big exam - BAM - the teacher pulled a cheat-sheet out of the kid's pocket. It was game over for that kid and the rest of the class was able to breathe a little easier knowing that those perfect scores weren't real.

A cheat-sheet gives you an unfair advantage - it supplies you with what you need to get ahead.

How would you like a cheat-sheet for getting through holiday parties without putting on a single pound?

What if this cheat-sheet could also help you lose a few pounds before New Year's?

You're in luck, because below I have outlined the 5 shortcuts you need to avoid gaining holiday party pounds.

Your Holiday Party Cheat-Sheet

Short Cut #1: Make sure to eat a sensible, healthy meal before the party - whole grains and high fiber fruits and vegetables. You should always arrive at parties with a full stomach. Yes, this goes against the grain, where most people starve themselves before attending a holiday event, and that's exactly why most people gain weight. Since your stomach will be full, you'll have the clarity to pick and choose the treats that you really want, rather than stuffing yourself with everything in sight.

Short Cut #2: Bring a healthy dish to share. Don't worry if the party that you're going to isn't a potluck - The host will appreciate your thoughtfulness and you'll have a healthy dining option.

Short Cut #3: Never drink calories. Do you realize how quickly calories add up when you're slurping them out of a cup? Alcoholic beverages and sweet holiday drinks are simply packed with calories. These calories don't take up much room in your stomach so you're left wide open for even more calories.

Your best strategy is to avoid these beverages altogether, and stick with water. Aim to drink 2-3 glasses of water at the party.

Short Cut #4: Fill your plate, but only once. I'm certainly not going to tell you that you shouldn't eat anything at the party. By all means, go and fill up your plate. But only once.

That's right, you heard me. No going back for seconds. Since you've already eaten a sensible meal before arriving, this rule is going to be easier to keep than you think.

Short Cut #5: Taste dessert, just a taste. The holidays are all about sweet treats, so go ahead and partake. But just a taste. Desserts should be savored in small bites, not used as something to fill up on.

And since you ate a sensible meal before you came, then you filled up your dinner plate once you're probably going to be pretty full at this point anyway.

That's it - all you need to know to not gain a single pound at holiday parties.

But what about the rest of the year?

Wouldn't you love to make 2010 the year that you transform your body?

Imagine being able to throw out all of your "fat" clothes, once and for all? To look forward to bathing suit season? To be given a clean bill of health from your doctor? And to be showered with compliments by family, friends and that special someone?

It's not just a pipe dream, it can be your reality, but you'll need to take massive action.

A great personal training program is designed to help you get into shape quickly, efficiently and most importantly - healthfully. Do it now before the New Year's rush, you'll be glad you did.

Mr. America Jason Kozma is a professional Los Angeles Personal Trainer in Southern California. Jason and his High Performance Training Team are helping residents all over Southern California lose weight and get in the best shape of their lives. Find out more by visiting his Personal Trainer Los Angeles website.

Tips To Cure Tinnitus Naturally Posted By : Lara Jonathan

Millions of men and women suffer from tinnitus worldwide. It is a condition that causes a lot of troubles for the patient. There is a ringing sound in the ears that drives the person mad. It can occur due to different reasons.

Exposure to loud noises is considered as one of the most significant causes of tinnitus. In addition to the medicinal drugs and surgical procedure, there are home remedies and natural techniques that can help get respite to the patient.

While most doctors will recommend surgical procedure for getting rid of this condition, there are particular natural treatment methods that can offer respite. Breathing exercises can help bring down anxiety which is a major cause of the tinnitus problem.

You should lower your exposure to noisy sites. Loud noise can cause tinnitus and even aggravate it so you have to use ear plugs whenever you have to go to such places. It will lower the ringing sound troubles.

Stress is also considered to be a major reason for the spread of tinnitus. A patient can experience respite once he has his tension under control. It is viable to do so by doing certain breathing and relaxation exercises.

A healthy diet can also go a long way in helping you to get rid of tinnitus. Your diet should have a low amount of carbohydrates, salt and fats. You can also refer your physician to suggest you the right diet.

There are various natural therapies that have been verified to be successful for many men and women. One of the most important therapies is yoga. It has assisted millions of men and women worldwide and it is very popular in India.

Other common therapies are acupressure and hypnosis. Acupressure can help supply respite to tinnitus patients if it is used in the right way. Hypnosis provides respite in different conditions and it can help trim down the suffering.

Thus there are different natural treatment methods for tinnitus that can improve your condition without the surgical operations.

See Natural Home Remedies for Tinnitus. Checkout Tinnitus advice.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Some extra Information about ginko Posted By : upislens

Ginko has usage in different fields like inspector ginko who is a character in italian comic diabolik, showing main character of japanese comic mushishi, ginko name of japanese bank, acting as haiku walk and more. Consumers should know that Ginko is also famous as ginkgo in the market. Ginko has its own importance in human being daily routine requirements. Consumers should know that one of them is a herbal plant which is known as ginko. Consumers should understand that ginko is the genus of non-flowering plants found in nature.

In many scientific and crime cases importance of ginko is seen as per the situation of the cases. Ginko also plays an essential role in memory enhancement and altitude sickness in people. It also has the usage in different premenstrual syndrome and reduciton of chemotherapy. Consumers should know that ginko do have benefits in the treatment of tinnitus in many countries. But not too many medical reports supporting the fact today across the globe. Consumers should use ginko after discussing the usage with the doctor if really one desires to have the its benefits. Several reports are showing the incidents of bleeding after its cosumption espcially in the case of anticoagulant therapy . People should have deep knowledge about ginko to put positive impression about it in the market.

Pregnant women should not consume ginko as it might turn poison for them unless not prescribed by an expert . Today lots of medical reports deny the usage of ginko during breastfeeding and pregnancy of women. So if consumed without expert guidance then consequences could be threatening also. If consumed by mistake then only side effect one will find is signs of bleeding. Several curious people consume ginko leaf as it result minor symptoms such as headache, nausea, and intestinal complaints emerges. Consumers should know that ginko have negative side effects as disturbing the level of insulin and blood sugar level in the human body. Consumers should visit online shops to know more about ginko before consuming it.

Today lots of medical reports deny the usage of ginko during breastfeeding and pregnancy of women. So if consumed without expert guidance then consequences could be threatening also. If consumed by mistake then only side effect one will find is signs of bleeding. Several curious people consume ginko leaf as it result minor symptoms such as headache, nausea, and intestinal complaints emerges. Consumers should know that ginko have negative side effects as disturbing the level of insulin and blood sugar level in the human body. Consumers should visit online shops to know more about ginko before consuming it.Ginko has usage in different fields like inspector ginko who is a character in italian comic diabolik, showing main character of japanese comic mushishi, ginko name of japanese bank, acting as haiku walk and more. Consumers should know that Ginko is also famous as ginkgo in the market. Ginko has its own importance in human being daily routine requirements. Consumers should know that one of them is a herbal plant which is known as ginko. Consumers should understand that ginko is the genus of non-flowering plants found in nature.

Ginko has usage in different fields like inspector ginko who is a character in italian comic diabolik, showing main character of japanese comic mushishi, ginko name of japanese bank, acting as haiku walk and more. Consumers should know that Ginko is also famous as ginkgo in the market. Ginko has its own importance in human being daily routine requirements. Consumers should know that one of them is a herbal plant which is known as ginko. Consumers should understand that ginko is the genus of non-flowering plants found in nature.

To read about ginko and other information, visit the gingko site.

Asia's Fattest Cuts Flab With Some Help From City Doctor Posted By : Mike Smith

Mumbai: No doctor in China wanted to operate on 33-year-old Qin Fang, who weighed a challenging 285 kg. A fortnight after local newspapers carried Qin's weighty problem, authorities at the Nankai Hospital near Beijing called a Mumbai doctor to help the young man.

"We are told he was Asia's heaviest man when we operated on him 10 days ago," announced Dr. Muffazal Lakdawala, relating how he was invited to China to place a gastric band around Qin's stomach. The Chinese man has since lost seven kg, Dr. Lakdawala said at a press conference held in L H Hiranandani Hospital, Powai, on Friday.

The Hiranandani team was first asked to operate on a 25-year-old-woman who weighed 170 kg during the workshop. "The Chinese doctors said that they had so far only operated on 130 kg patients," said the doctor. "After the girl's operation, we were introduced to Qin as the heaviest man in Asia."

Now, the Chinese doctors want to train at Hiranandani Hospital on the nuances of bariatric surgery. Given a recent survey's finding that 25% of Chinese men were obese, this is not surprising. "Batches of four doctors will come in turn to train at hospital early next year," said medical director Dr Sujit Chatterjee.

Bariatric surgery is used to reduced the size of the stomach of a morbidly obese person or one whose body mass index is over 37 (BMI is equal to one's height divided by one's weight). Doctors either place a band around the stomach or a make a bypass between a portion of the stomach to the small intestine to reduce the effective area of the stomach. The logic being that morbidly obese patients will then carve less for more food and start losing weight.

"Even in anaesthesia, the doctors concerned were preparing doses that were too heavy for the patient," said Dr Sunita Goyal who was part of the team that visited Tianjin last fortnight. Chinese anaesthetists, too, are also planning to come down for training to Mumbai.

Dr Muffazal Lakdawala believes the Chinese experience is a pointer that bariatric surgery will boost medical tourism to India. "It proves that we have the knowledge and the infrastructure to carry out such a surgery," he said, adding that he has been invited to Sri Lanka for another workshop.

Moreover, given the fact that obesity surgery costs a fraction of the costs abroad – $7,000 in the city as against $33,000 in the West–India makes economic sense.

Dr. Muffazal Lakdawala the famous bariatric surgeon with years of experience helps you reduce weight and unwanted fat in your body and makes you healthy and fit.

Muffazal Lakdawala, the Founder and Director of CODS created a support centre to battle the cause of obesity. Dr. Muffazal Lakdawala is also the Founder member of IFSO which has increased the visibility of Asian surgical fraternity.

When Mumbai Docs Head Out For The Backwoods Posted By : Mike Smith

Mumbai: Khalid Laheji and his colleague M Parekh have been following the same routine for a decade. On the last Sunday of the month, the two leave their homes at 7 am sharp, get into a car, and drive down into the foothills of the Western Ghats at Karjat. Conditions are usually perfect; the village, located at a height of 636 feet and surrounded by steep, green slopes, is an ideal spot for treks, mountain climbing and river rafting. But Laheji and Parekh never allow themselves the luxury of such an outing.

The duo spend their day in the valley inspecting upto 200 patients from surroundings hamlets, most of them tribals or marginal farmers with small holdings. For Laheji it’s a personal crusade against blindness; the eye specialist who has his practice on tony Turner Road in the heart of Mumbai, sees the initiative as a mode of service to the cataract-afflicted in the remote outback.

“We have been doing it without any help from the government or the district authorities for 10 years now,” says Laheji.

The camp is visited by people who trek miles to get there. By the end of the day, the doctors draw up a list of those in potential need of a surgery. They are then put on a bus and brought to the city where they are admitted to an eye hospital in Juhu and put through a lens implantation procedure free of cost. To date, 9,000 such surgeries have been performed, with help from a few philanthropic organisations.

Laheji and Parekh are not alone. In fact, they belong to a undiminishing breed of physicians in Mumbai who conduct regular tours of the countryside, travelling on weekends to dusty, mofussil towns like Shahpur or the backwoods of Mokhada in Thane’s adivasi belt. Their motto” to serve the underprivileged in areas where the state’s welfare system has all but collapsed.

Surgeon Muffazal Lakdawala is a relatively recent convert to the cause but nevertheless an impassioned proponent for it.

“It gives me an opportunity to give back something to society and I think it’s the best thing about being a doctor, it may be the only thing that’s good about it,” he says Dr. Muffazal Lakdawala is part of a team that travels every year to Sumerpur in Pali district of Rajasthan for a four day camp during which 120-125 endoscopic surgeries are performed on patients with a range of ailments.

A town with a population of 31,000, Sumerpur’s best-known address is Bhagwan Mahavir hospital where the team from Mumbai puts up for four nights, working 15-hour shifts while patients keep streaming in.

“My students and teachers both come along for the trip. I remember a senior telling me once, ‘I never thought anyone could make me do a gall bladder surgery at 2 am.’ That’s the kind of atmosphere that prevails.”

For Muffazal Lakdawala, the most memorable aspect about these annual trips he makes in January is the relationships he forges. Unlike the city where doctor-patient equations tend to be “professional” in nature, the experience in Sumerpur, he says, is moving.

“They come back with their families to meet you, they touch your feet in gratitude,” he exclaims.

Muffazal Lakdawala, the Founder and Director of CODS created a support centre to battle the cause of obesity. Dr. Muffazal Lakdawala is also the Founder member of IFSO which has increased the visibility of Asian surgical fraternity.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Importance of Natural Collagen Posted By : Alexander Bierce

It has now become possible to build collagen naturally without making any expense or painful surgery. It helps in giving young and healthy look to your skin and also boost up your health.

As the age of a person increases, the levels of elastin as well as collagen decreases which causes linings and wrinkles on the skin. These two proteins are very useful in keeping the skin young and firm thereby, giving a youthful appearance.

There is no need to use the collagen cream or pills for maintaining your skin. The molecules of the collagen are very large so they cannot be absorbed by the skin. Its pills are also not recommended to take.

Nowadays, with the help of recent studies, the collagen can be produced naturally and provide necessary nutrients to your skin. By inspiring your body to produce the collagen and elastin naturally, you will be able to have wrinkle-free and healthy skin in your future life. Due to oxidation, there is impulsive aging and disease so the ingredients are required to contain very powerful antioxidants to fight against this and help in maintaining healthy skin. The lacking of hyaluronic acid substance results in the aging of the skin. This substance is very helpful in keeping your skin firm and wrinkle-free. Special ingredients do not contain any harmful chemicals like mineral oil and fragrances. Such chemicals actually cause side effects in the long age of your skin.

Some of the famous ones are Avocado oil, Cynergy TK, Babassu wax, Coenzyme Q10, Manuka honey, Phytessence wakame and natural vitamin E.

To read about collagen and other information, visit the dhea site.

Acquired Flat Foot Posted By : Jonathan Blood-Smyth

Flat footedness is divided into acquired flat foot which is a condition which develops after we have attained maturity and congenital flat foot which is a common condition and often not of pathological significance. Adult flat foot has many potential causes which include dislocation and fractures, foot abnormalities, arthritic changes and neurological conditions. The commonest cause however of this foot problem is a dysfunction of one of the foot tendons, the posterior tibial muscle tendon. The methods by which the tibialis posterior tendon malfunctions are varied and ascribed to degeneration, inflammation or trauma.

Studies of this condition have revealed that it is more common in groups who are obese, diabetic, hypertensive, on steroid medication or had previous trauma or operations to the mid part of the foot. Patients with arthritic conditions, often called spondyloarthropathies, have typically a family history of psoriasis or inflammatory conditions and have a higher incidence of this condition. Older people without specific medical problems are also seen, pointing to a mechanical cause secondary to age related degenerative changes. This tendon problem is moderately commonly seen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

The medial malleolus is the bony prominence inside the ankle and just below and in front of this is an area of compromised blood flow in which the tendon runs, which might contribute to the onset of degenerative changes in the tissues of this region. The tendon of the posterior tibialis muscle adds to the support of the medial longitudinal arch of the foot which is actively and passively supported by structures. The passive, static supporting structures are the longer and shorter plantar ligaments, the plantar fascia and the calcaneonavicular or spring ligament. The ankle bone, also called the talus, is prevented from slipping down and in by the spring ligament.

The most important active or dynamic supporter of the medial arch is the tendon of the tibialis posterior muscle. As the muscle contracts it lifts the inside of the medial foot arch and turns the foot in if it not on the ground. If this muscle function is lost due to damage or rupture of this tendon then the foot loses its major arch support and inward turning action, allowing the outward turning muscles to act without opposition. This results in the foot suffering three main changes to its postural balance: the medial arch flattens; the front of the foot turns out and the rear of the foot turns out also.

All these changes lead to a loss of the ability of the rearfoot and the forefoot to be a rigid and stable platform which changes the patient's pattern of gait, making it less efficient. The tibialis posterior muscle has a powerful function and once this is reduced or lost the gastrocnemius and soleus, the main calf muscles, perform their action further back in the foot than normal. The talus or ankle bone is then moved inwards and down, stretching the spring ligament and gradually allowing the medial foot arch to lower as the joints move into different relationships with each other.

On presentation with acquired flat foot symptoms patients typically report that the inner side of the ankle and foot suffers pain and swelling whilst weight bearing. They may notice a gradual reduction in the arch and observe that they are weight bearing on the inner half of the foot. Push off in walking becomes less easy as strength reduces and a limp may develop, with the soles of the shoes showing evidence of a change in the gait pattern. Physiotherapy assessment of a person with flat foot typically starts with a comparison of both feet and their arches in standing.

If the foot is seen from behind the heel it is typical to be able to see the two outer toes, and seeing more means the forefoot is turned outwards. The physiotherapist will measure the angle made by the lower leg in relation to that of the heel, an angle which is increased as the heel bone turns outwards, a position known as valgus. On going up on tiptoe a normal foot performs a slight inward deviation of the heel as the large calf muscles power up.

Jonathan Blood Smyth, editor of the Physiotherapy Site, writes articles about Physiotherapist, back pain, orthopaedic conditions, neck pain, injury management and physiotherapists in Liverpool. Jonathan is a superintendant physiotherapist at an NHS hospital in the South-West of the UK.

Leucoderma - Chronic Skin Disease Posted By : adrinna smith

Days were gone when people with Leucoderma have been looked up. Today, there are many treatment procedures and medications available in the market for the cure of this skin disorder. But this is a fact about Leucoderma course, since the real causes of Leucoderma is unknown, and so are the solutions. Generally, people take two meanings on the cure of Leucoderma:

- Complete annihilation of Leucoderma

- To return the original color of the skin.

If you have Leucoderma, but do not want to go through any chemical treatments or want to swallow lots of drugs, trying to remedy our medicinal plants. Pigmento is found to be the most effective home remedy for curing Leucoderma. We know your pain and frustration, and so came up with our specially designed Anti Leucoderma product. The Pigmento you were looking for is guaranteed to take your search quick re-pigmentation of Leucoderma without side effects. So if you or any of their loved ones has Leucoderma, get a quick re-pigmentation of affected skin with our local application.

Leucoderma is characterized as a chronic skin disease that causes loss of pigment, resulting in patches of irregular pale skin. The disorders take place when the melanocytes, cells responsible for skin pigmentation, are destroyed or unable to function. The cells that make pigment in the skin, the tissues lining the inside of the mouth, nose, genital and rectal areas and the inner layer of the eye are mostly all areas that may be affected by this distressing disorder. It can also cause hair loss or premature graying of hair.

The exact cause of Leucoderma is not fully known, but there are some theories floating around. They understand that some people develop antibodies that destroy the melanocytes in their bodies, while some people claim that a sunburn or even emotional stress brought on the symptoms of Leucoderma. There is also some evidence to suggest that Leucoderma is caused by a combination of auto-immune, genetic and environmental factors.

The total obliteration of the disease from the body is not a simple matter. The disorder results from some of its shortcomings normal defense mechanisms against infection and the body begins to produce antibodies that destroy pigment producing cells of the skin. You can not cure Leucoderma or interrupt, but you can manage white spots using various treatments.

Leucoderma Treatment may be aimed at returning normal pigment or destroying remaining pigment. To restore the function of the skin and improve the appearance of the individual, Leucoderma is manageable though. Today, there are several ways to change the appearance of Leucoderma without addressing its underlying cause.

In addition, the skin can be grafted or removed and placed in normal areas, the areas of Leucoderma. In the future, pigment cells of the skin can be grown in the laboratory and used to treat those affected. In mild cases, Leucoderma pale marks can be hidden by deceit or other cosmetic camouflage solutions. If the affected person is pale-skinned, the patches may be less visible, avoiding sunlight. However, exposure to sunlight can also cause the melanocytes to regenerate the pigment.

Pigmento is 100% guaranteed and clinically proven permanent cure for Leucoderma, virtiligo, White skin patches, White patches, uneven pigmentation. Since the composition of the Pigmento contains pure herbal ingredients, which have no side effects.

Get more information on Leucoderma Treatment and Virtiligo Home Remedies. And also get more info. about natural skin products treatment.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Eating to Burn: Diets for Body Builders Posted By : Yossarian Fisher

If you want to be huge and mass up muscles, your tendency is to go to the gym, pump up the iron until your last sweat drops and get the muscles you deserve for being such a hard worker. No, it does not happen that easy. Although the exercise part is hard, the harder part of bodybuilding is following the diet regimen that complements your weight training program.

Definitely, nutrition plays a very important role in muscle growth. Thus, exercise represents only half the part of the whole bodybuilding business. The other half is determined by what and how much you eat while under a specific weight training program.

What is body building?

Body building is a process of developing your muscles via a work out or a series of activities. Why do we need to develop our muscles? Muscles are our body’s mechanism that allows us to function like we do. We can walk, run, jump and do many other physical activities because of the muscles in the body. It is good to have these vital body parts in good condition so we can function without problems. Exercising them does the trick of keeping them in their functional mode. Unused muscles tend to shrink and eventually fail to perform its functions.

Today, body building has also become a sport such that exercising is not only to keep the muscles from malfunctioning. The activities at the gym are made for the purpose of growing these muscles beyond its usual size and contouring the whole body with the different proportions of muscle mass in select parts.

The second definition is almost always what comes to the minds of many people when we mention body building. Thus, rather than just a maintenance routine, body building has evolved into something of an art of sculpting the human body to a preconceived human – muscle form. Doing the sculpting requires a lot of things. One important factor is the nutritional support.

The Imperatives of a Body Building diet

A good body building diet complements a good work out and both are very important in achieving your goals of a well – toned body or muscled look. Proteins are very important element in a body building diet. Proteins are the ones that feed the muscle growth. Without protein, it is impossible for a body builder to grow muscles even if he spends all his time in the gym. Thus, for many bodybuilders, a high – protein body building diet is an important component to their whole body building regimen.

Things to Note for a Good Bodybuilding Diet

When deciding on a bodybuilding diet, it is best to seek the advise of a nutrition specialist or a doctor. He or she can guide you through the whole process and help you avoid the usual pitfalls in balancing exercise and nutrient intake.

It is also important to note that with the body building exercises, you burn energy at a rate faster than you usually do. Thus, a good diet must be able to meet the nutritional demands of your highly – active body. More so, you need to be able to provide extra energy and protein to enable your body to mass up muscles. GP

Supplement Centre is one of the UKs leading suppliers of body building supplements such as Whey Protein and Creatine from brands such as Maximuscle and Prolab.

Treating Common Foot Conditions: Shin Pain and Pain In The Heel Posted By : Fred Salomon

Whenever your feet feel fatigued, in pain, and abused, the discomfort can often become excruciating. High-impact activities can place extreme pressure on our feet, and cause issues with our foot ligaments and muscles. Aching sores, heelspurs, and shin splints can cause simple movements like walking to be painful. However, there are some choice options that can help soothe painful feet and heal them when done regularly. Below are 3 ways to make feet recover so you can resume normal activities.

How to Overcome Blisters and Skin Challenges

Blisters are caused by the friction of tight shoes. Blisters are likely to develop on any area of the foot, but the back of the foot is the most affected site. Given that the skin is our barrier to the outside, and accountable for shielding us from harmful organisms, a blister should not be burst on purpose . Podiatrists recommend the use of moleskin as a suitable choice for guarding a blister to avoiding it from popping. If a blister has already popped, it is recommended to scrub the region and apply an antiseptic ointment. Then, keep the area coated with a bandage.

Start Healing Now: Overcoming Shin Splint Pain

Some athletes and runners can experience a more serious condition involving shin pain. This extremely painful condition is caused by excessive use of the lower leg by running, repeated jumping, or brisk walking. The exact origin of the injury is still being researched, but they seem to stem from injury to the front tendon that runs along the shin called the posterior peroneal tendon. Given that this injury also seems to occur in people who experience over-pronation of their feet (this is the tendency of the foot to roll inward), special arch supports in the shoes, known as sports orthotics are especially effective.

Treatment for shin pain may consist of icing the area, giving it a break until it is healed, and encouraging no-impact activities such as using an elliptical or swimming. To avoid re-injuring the area, wear sports orthotics whenever engaging in impact activities.

Plantar Fasciitis Can Mean Major Problems

Plantar fasciitis is one of the many problems that can affect the heel. Plantar fasciitis pain arises when the plantar fascia is stretched excessively and becomes full, tender, and difficult to put pressure on. A suitable means to treat these conditions from the start is with sufficient arch support and padding, which can be provided by using sports orthotics. Other treatment options including icing the area and seeing a physical therapist are also helpful.

When your lower body parts experience pain, your body is trying to send a clear message: it needs help. Sometimes, the mere act of relaxing from stressful activities for a period of time and wearing sports orthotics is enough. But when more critical conditions develop such as shin pain, a medical professional should be consulted in order to appropriately evaluate the problem and provide proper treatment.

Fred Salomon and Foot care experts at Footminders maintain causes of heel pain and heel spurs is extensive walking and standing for long periods. Since day-to-day activities can't be avoided by most people, Footminders biomechanical arch supports were developed by podiatrists to relieve heel pain sufferers around the world.

High Blood Pressure Treatment - Symptoms, Change Diet and Natural Treatment Posted By : Dr. Mital John

Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the arteries. Each time the heart beats (about 50-60 times a minute at rest), it pumps out blood into the arteries. Your blood pressure is at its highest when the heart beats, pumping the blood. This is called systolic pressure. When the heart is at rest, between beats, your blood pressure falls. This is the diastolic pressure.

As the source of High Blood Pressure is generally stressed, the Alternative Treatment of High Blood Pressure teaches the patient a course in meditation. Another positive advantage of alternative treatment of high BP is that the patient gets relief, as s/he begins to increase the hours of meditation.

High blood pressure usually causes no symptoms: -

• Even if high blood pressure does cause symptoms, the symptoms are usually mild and nonspecific (vague or suggesting many different disorders).

• Alcohol addiction

• Blood pressure medication can be stopped when blood pressure is within normal limits.

• Thyroid dysfunction

• Thus, high blood pressure often is labeled "the silent killer."

• People with high blood pressure can take any over the counter medication for cold and flu.

• Coarctation of the aorta - A narrowing of the aorta that you are born with that can cause high blood pressure in your arms

• Use of birth control pills

• People who have high blood pressure typically don't know it until their blood pressure is measured.

• Chronic kidney disease

• Tumors or other diseases of the adrenal gland

Change of Diet: -

• Salt: - Too much salt in the food increases blood pressure, especially in salt-sensitive people.

• Fats and Oils: - Overall fat consumption and fatty acid levels have been found to have only a minimal direct influence on high blood pressure. But hypertension is frequently associated with other risk factors of atherosclerosis, e.g. with increased cholesterol.

Natural Treatment: -

• An advantage of an Alternative Treatment of High Blood Pressure is that the treatment can be undertaken without wasting time on establishing a diagnosis. Even herbal medicines for High Blood Pressure can be administered after a proper diagnosis, verifying the extent of the High Blood Pressure rise. An Alternative Treatment of High Blood Pressure is thus an easier option and can be undertaken in the most primitive conditions.

• Vitamin C have the effect of relieving symptoms of high blood-pressure and helping the body detoxify by removing toxic substances that can cause high blood pressure.

• Keeping fit through regular walking and exercise is a good and natural way of keeping High Blood Pressure in control. The lack of physical activity increases the risk of heart related problems and hence creates High Blood Pressure. Also, quitting and cutting down on smoking, is absolutely essential for High Blood Pressure sufferers.

• Tobacco products are horrible for your blood pressure. One of the natural remedies for high blood pressure includes cessation of smoking. By eliminating smoking from your daily routine, you’ll be doing your entire body a whole lot of good.

Read more on High Blood Pressure and Blood Pressure Medication. Also Read more on Hypertension Treatment

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Are You Addicted to Your Pain Medication Posted By : Mary Cohen

Though some people take prescription pain killer medication to get high, many people take it out of legitimate health issues ranging from car accidents to surgery pain to difficulty coping with an injury from the job. Physical pain qualifies life negatively and makes it hard to enjoy simple pleasures like playing with your kids, sitting in the den and a good night's sleep.

Often it is with reluctance that someone will even speak with a doctor because they think they should just endure the pain. When finally someone does seek medical attention and is given a pain pill relief prescription, one can feel a sense of weakness due to needing a medication. This can come back to slap one in the face even harder when it turns out that one has an addiction to the pain pill medication.

Sadly, certain painkillers are addictive and one may not even know this is happening to them both physically and psychologically. For example vicodin contains hydrocodone and paracetamol and many people rely on this for daily functioning. One can develop an intense craving for this medication and though it relieves the pain, it can also lead to cognitive functioning issues as well as even depression.

A drug detoxification can be very helpful for those that have become dependent on vicodin and this would take place in a drug rehab facility to promote a proper detox of the body. Withdrawal symptoms are not fun to deal with on one's own

and it is helpful to have trained physicians, nurses and mental health counselors to deal with the adjustment. It is both a physical and psychological adjustment. This won't be done cold turkey but will be done with tapering, substitution of other meds as well as often alternative modes of treatment for stress relief.

The earlier that detox is done the better because the negative effects of vicodin on the body can lead to multiple health problems and psychological issues.

Learn more about Vicoden Addiction and read Drug Addiction Stories for motivation.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Health, Fitness Anti Aging Posted By : Robert Buford

As the human lifespan lengthens, we have to think of new ways of aging. We will start to experience new things in our lives, and we will want to start to confide in pros if we feel our relationships with our partners, families and friends start to have barriers. We will want to continue to learn and to develop new interests. We don’t ever want to forget that the heart is also the symbol of what makes life worthwhile, in addition to keeping us going.

The decisions you will make today, and whatever you do this year will possibly halt or even reverse many common signs of aging. By this time next year you have the chance to be in great shape, and have more energy than you did 10 years ago, plus having fewer aches and pains than now. But you need to be aware of what those decisions should be.

We realize now, that there are actually 3 different ages:

Chronological age – The total number of your birthdays.

Biological age – What is the actual age of your body systems? Is your heart that of a young person? Or is stiff and laboring like someone with a lot more birthdays than you? How about your brain? Is it swift and able to rebound quickly? How is your memory? Or is your brain slower than someone half again your years? There numerous things you can possibly do that will help make a big difference biologically. These are the keys to the 'Ageless Aging' that you have probably heard of.

Psychological age – this is the actual age that you feel you have reached? Some people feel like 70 when they’re only 50, while others in their 80’s act and feel like they’re still in their 60’s There are lots of things a person can do to feel years younger than they are. Research now shows that feeling better about your lot in life not only can affect your biological age, but even affects your chronological age.

Something new is now beginning to take place in the world of anti-aging. Doctors, who once considered naturopaths, osteopaths and others who first populated modern anti-aging as “loony”, and whom they often called carnival barkers, are fast becoming anti-aging practitioners and offering patients treatments such as human growth hormone, testosterone, special diet and exercise regimens, antioxidants and hundreds of other supplements, thus hinting at the possibility of the “fountain of youth”, so to speak.

One emergency room physician based in Northern California follows the movement closely by frequently attending anti-aging meetings and talking to friends in the field. He has also taken advantage of some of the techniques himself. He exercises five days a week, follows a strict low-fat diet that with fruits, vegetables and wild salmon but no white flour or red meat. He also uses supplements ranging from thiamin and biotin to DHEA, DMAE, colostrums, argentine, carnitine and omega-3 fatty acids — these amount to over 50 pills daily, and he is 64 but looks to be in his 50’s

In 1994, the annual Las Vegas meeting of the brand new American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine was held in a small hotel in Vegas. It took place in a tent-like structure on the pool patio. In Dec, 2008, at the 15th annual meeting of said organization, roughly 2,000 people, including business owners, anti-aging promoters and hundreds of doctors — from several fields of medicine — filled a huge meeting space inside the Venetian.

There are now patients from around the country buying in. A 57-year-old Charleston, S.C., real estate agent saw an anti-aging doctor for the first in December when she sought help for joint pain, insomnia and lack of energy. She said that she knew something was going on but testing she had received did not show anything. She knew she had symptoms, but doctors kept telling her nothing was wrong but she knew different.

Patients generally see their anti-aging doctors a lot more often than the regular doctors. The reason is, in addition to checking on weight and body fat and general health; the docs are constantly monitoring a large range of sometimes esoteric health indicators with a battery of medical tests, including urinalysis and blood work. Checking levels of everything from testosterone and estrogen to follicle stimulating hormone and a natural steroid known as DHEA. With the results of all these tests, the doctors may then recommend drugs, hormones, supplements and special diets and fitness regimens — and then see the patient again in several weeks or months for follow up.

“I am as mainstream as you can get. I am 59 years old, board certified in ob-gyn, as was my father. If you had come to me five, six years ago and talked about anti-aging, I would have said, ‘Hogwash!’” says Dr. Andrew Jurow, an ob-gyn in Burlingame, Calif, says he is now a devotee also.

The following web site will give you more information to help with making a decision

On your future health and well being. The author says to Live Long and Prosper. The

Address is;

How To Remove Age Spots On Hands Naturally Posted By : Dee Smith

If yo want to stay young looking be sure to remove spots on hands immediately. Your hands give away

your age faster than anything. Now you can do it

naturally and easily.

We all seem to focus on how our faces look. We look into the mirror and that's all we see. We fool ourselves into thinking we look all right by ignoring our hands. Yet when we meet someone they can't help to notice

our hands.

Much to your dismay, if you are a gym person who lifts weights, you may see veins popping out on your hands. That's pretty bad, but one can only hope to be

getting into great shape in the meantime. But add to that dryness, and the picture becomes worse than you ever imagined could happen to you.

Plus, most of us neglect to wear gloves when rinsing dishes. Often we recklessly skip using gloves for nasty

cleaning jobs around the house. Ignoring our hands takes its toll, making them look

older than the rest of us while we're still in our


By then, the sun damage you've gotten over time can begin to add up. If you're starting to notice brown spots, here is the motto you have to repeat from now until forever: remove age spots on hands.

A doctor can burn them off by various means and once they heal you may be quite satisfied. However if you go out in the sun, even just doing your average walking around without sun protection, your brown spots will return. You can try bleaching creams that are supposed to remove age spots on hands. Most of them, however, don't seem to do that good a job. They can leave you with irritation, itching and uneven splotches, no better off than before.

Your best choice wold be a chemical free whitening

cream made of natural ingredients. Instead of bleaching agents the cream you choose should contain an ingredient that can reduce the melanin content in your skin by almost half. Find a cream that contains extrapone nutgrass, my favorite ingredient that will remove age spots on hands. Not only will your hands become free of brown spots and become all one color, they will not be dry anymore.

Extrapone nutgrass is an anti irritant so the process of reducing your melanin will happen easily and painlessly. To date it is the easiest, fastest and most comfortable way to remove age spots on hands. There is an added bonus to going this route. Your cream will be loaded with minuscule sized antioxidants that will make you able to stay out in the sun without getting the spots back.

You will actually be able to get rid of sunscreen and still not get any more sun damage. Your skin will become soft and revitalized, all while you actually remove age spots on hands. Who could ask for anything more.

My cosmetology license allows me to gain access to important breakthroughs in the field of anti aging. If you want learn more about how to remove age spots on hands, please visit me at:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Thoracic Outlet Syndrome - Part Two Posted By : Jonathan Blood-Smyth

Physiotherapy examination starts with the therapist assessing the posture of the patient, often before they have taken any of their clothes off. A rounded or slumped shoulder posture and a poking forward neck and head stretch the neck and shoulder blade muscles and may make this syndrome more likely to occur. Active range of movements of the neck will be examined and any restrictions noted. The neck may be placed in combined positions involving two or more pure movements plus downward pressure in an attempt to bring on symptoms. Range of motion of the shoulders is also assessed.

The vascular and nervous supply to the arm will typically be examined, with particular attention to the muscles and nerves of the lower parts of the brachial plexus, which are most commonly involved. Compression of the venous system can result in the affected arm being swollen and bluer in colour while if the arterial part of the vascular system is compressed the results are different. In this case the arm can be without pulses, cool, and suffer a loss in blood pressure compared to the normal arm of twenty mmHg or more.

Presentation of the neurogenic form of thoracic outlet syndrome is indicated by the small muscles of the hand showing weakness and perhaps wasting. The ulnar nerve supplies the feeling to part of the hand and this can be involved as it gets its nerve supply again from the lower parts of the brachial plexus. In the last type of thoracic outlet syndrome, the non-specific type, the large number of patients present with less well defined pain symptoms in the whole arm and with unclear and equivocal examination findings.

The large number and type of anatomical structures potentially contributing to thoracic outlet syndrome has meant that there is a large number of tests to provoke the symptoms of the typical syndrome. Unfortunately these tests result in high numbers of results which are false-negative and false positive. False-negative results mean that the tests did not show any evidence for the syndrome but it is present anyhow, and false-positives mean that the test shows the presence of the syndrome when in reality it is not present.

Roos stress test is a typical test for thoracic outlet syndrome, the patient is instructed to maintain their arms in a "hands up" posture whilst opening and closing their hands repeatedly. A positive test result occurs if the arms feels tired or heavy or it elicits the typical symptoms. Thoracic outlet syndrome can be caused either by soft tissue or bony anatomical structures. Obstruction or compression can occur from bony parts such as a growth on the collar bone or ribs or with the presence of cervical ribs. Soft tissue abnormalities include tight fibrous bands or overdeveloped muscles in athletes.

Mechanical or traumatic stresses applied to the neck and shoulder region can contribute to thoracic outlet syndrome, perhaps combining with an already abnormal anatomy such as a cervical rib. Acute cases of this syndrome secondary to vascular occlusion need speedy diagnosis and surgical intervention to release the compression and perhaps repair any damage to the vascular structure. Conservative treatment consists of physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory medication and other pain treating modalities such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).

Conservative management is useful in a large group of patients and if the pain does not settle over a considerable period then surgery remains an option. Physiotherapy assessment includes any abnormalities of posture and imbalances in muscles around the shoulder and neck region. The maintenance of static postures for considerable times or repeated return to certain postures may provoke abnormal neck function.

An increase in the local compressive or tension forces can be produced by postural abnormality, causing the nerves to suffer chronic compression. Keeping of muscles in a shortened posture changes their normal length, makes them weaker and means they react with pain when stretched. Muscles can also become lengthened and weakened by being chronically stretched, and along with shortened muscles this forms the idea of muscle imbalance producing symptoms. The longer term changes in posture which are required to make an improvement in this syndrome mean that patient education is a priority.

Jonathan Blood Smyth, editor of the Physiotherapy Site, writes articles about Physiotherapy, back pain, orthopaedic conditions, neck pain, injury management and physiotherapists in halifax. Jonathan is a superintendant physiotherapist at an NHS hospital in the South-West of the UK.

Green Tea and Health Facts Posted By : calvintan

For the millions and millions of people affected by high cholesterol green tea can be that light. You can browse and search the Internet for topics on green tea and cholesterol and would come up with hundred of hits.

Cholesterol, triglycerides, the protein apoB in LDLs, is words dreaded by humans of the modern age. This new century is expect to become the century of medical miracles, the green tea, lowly as it may sound looks markedly promising as many researchers have shown. This might be the decade of green tea and cholesterol.

More good news is it is not just green tea and cholesterol; it is also green tea and cancer. Many studies have shown that the antioxidants are present in green tea. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea came down the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by closely sixty percent. Another analysis done by the University of Purdue researchers currently concluded that a compound in green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells. In another study by the University of Kansas determined that epigallocatechin gallate might clarify why the rate of heart disease among Japanese men is quite low, regardless approximately seventy-five percent are smokers.

It is not just green tea and cholesterol but also green tea and high blood stress. Always drink 5 to 10 cup a day of green tea lowers high blood stress. For more than 4,000 years, the Chinese have known about the medicinal pros of green tea since using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. Therefore, it is not just green tea and cholesterol but also green tea and depression.

Drinking green also is report to be useful with rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, infection, and impaired immune function. Green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, principally epigallocatechin gallate. It is a good anti-cancer element. Polyphenol limits the negative effects of smoking and a fatty diet.

It is not just green tea and cholesterol; it is also green tea and weight loss. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a report that pointed out those men who were giving a fusion of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine. Its bacteria destroying capabilities kill the bacteria that cause dental decay. So it is not just green tea and cholesterol, it is also green tea and bacteria.

Why is it that it is green tea and cholesterol not oolong tea or black tea? There are three types of tea, green, oolong and black. All of these come from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Green tea leaves are steam, which stops the EGCG compound from being oxidize while black and oolong tealeaves are from dried or fermented leaves, which causes loss of epigallocatechin gallate.

We should ought to know green tea and cholesterol lowering the Chinese way. There is more to green tea and cholesterol, search the web and get to know more of the health pros you may get from green tea.

Get the FREE 12 Newsletter from Green 4 Tea to Lose Weight Efficiently through Green Tea Remedy.

Here are some paths to prevent High Blood Pressure Posted By : Jessie Barnes

Hypertension or hypertension is a common problem among people today. The wonderful stories is that you don't have to put up with the pain due to raised blood pressure. Not only can this problem be cured absolutely, you may also make sure that it doesn't crop up in the first place. A couple of these effective high BP prevention tips are given below.

If you want to avoid the issue of blood pressure ; keeping your weight in control is of paramount importance. If you are obese; the body has to exert more pressure to pump blood in order to make it reach various pars of the body. This leads to a rise in the blood pressure. So maintain your weight to stop your blood pressure from rising. For this you can take up some form of physical exercise.An alternate way to lose weight is to limit your food servings and to eat healthy.

As your diet is fundamental to controlling the blood pressure levels of your body, it's a must to paste to a proper and healthy eating plan. Remember the single largest focus of your new diet plan is to be sure that your heart keep healthy. Your heart is to pump blood in your body so a proper blood pressure can only be maintained by a healthy heart. Ensure that you include as many fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet as possible. Cut down on food products that have too much of cholesterol or saturated fats.

Cut back on your salt intake. Again, this is one of the best things that you can do to keep your blood pressure in control. Salt and sodium are known to increase blood pressure so it's vital that you limit their consumption. Experts advise prohibiting your salt intake to 1 teaspoon of salt each day. Try to avoid canned or processed food as these foods contain salt in excess. Also, if you are eating fast foods, go in for food items that contain less of salt.

You also need to give away nasty habits like alcohol and smoking if you would like to keep your blood pressure levels in control. While some suggest moderate drinking of alcohol to stop raised blood pressure, up to date studies state that even moderate consumption of alcohol can elevate blood pressure levels. You want to also give away smoking as this habit strains your heart. Smoking can increase the chance of developing heart illnesses, which in turn leads to a rise in your blood pressure levels as well. Regular physical activity

The difficulty of Blood pressure can be dodged by another way. This way is of regular exercise. If you have not been into an exercise routine for long ; it is a good idea to start slowly. Start with lighter types of exercise continuously moving to more knackering kinds of physical activity.

Just follow these simple tips and you'll be prepared to avoid high blood pressure successfully.

To know more about Blood Pressure Readings and Blood Pressure Kits visit: :

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Breast Lift Surgery Information: Questions from Actual Patients Posted By : Daniel Beasley

State of the art technology has progressed to the point that cosmetic surgery is no longer something to dread or be feared. Thousands upon thousands of women each year choose to undergo breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, using either breast implants, or simple series of incisions. Both methods have their plus and minus balance points, and as a result, many women have a lot of unanswered questions. Here, we address the most frequently asked questions concerning breast lift surgery.

I’m in my thirties and the mother of three children. I noticed after my last child stopped breastfeeding that my breasts were sagging and full of stretch marks. My question is really twofold: First, am I too young for this type of surgery? I hope not because I believe it would really help me. Secondly, will I be able to breastfeed if I have another child?

What well-thought out and very valid questions you’ve presented. First, although young adults are cautioned to reconsider, you are in the age group that benefits most from this cosmetic surgical procedure. Many women who have given birth to multiple children and have breastfed have the same question. The plain and simple truth is that if you were able to breastfeed before the mastopexy, you might be able to breastfeed after the procedure as well, though that will depend on the nature of the surgery. It is important to speak with your cosmetic surgeon about this particular issue so you know for sure.

My girlfriend had a breast lift procedure done about a year ago and it changed her whole attitude it seems. I’m considering it now and I’m just wondering what’s really involved?

Good question! In breast lift surgery, you really have two procedures to choose from. You can choose to have either saline implants or silicone implants inserted just on top of the underlying muscle tissue, or you can choose what’s called “fixation”, using no implants. Both are designed to provide results unique to the individual. While implants do lift the breast, fixation both lifts and firms both the breast and nipple. These choices can be made during candid talks with your physician during your first consultation.

What is the cost of a breast lift, and will insurance cover it?

Thank you for asking! Generally speaking, this is what’s known as an “elective procedure”, and unless it’s part of a reconstructive process, insurance many times does not cover it. The price of a mastopexy varies by locale, but typically starts at about $8,000 and goes from there.

Plastic surgery performed by an experienced professional can be a life-changing experience. Procedures such as breast lift surgery and liposuction can produce dramatic results. Consult a Delaware plastic surgery center for further information about breast augmentation procedures.

The Basics of Restylane Injections - Info on Non-Surgical Aesthetic Enhancements Posted By : Daniel Beasley

Restylane® is a clear gel that is injected into wrinkles and acts as a filler, smoothing out even very deep wrinkles such as those on the forehead or those that run between the nose and the mouth called nasolabial folds. Restylane® can effectively treat even wrinkles that are not helped by Botox or chemical peels. The filler can also be used to give extra fullness or enhanced shape to the lips.

One unique feature of Restylane® is that the results can be removed if a patient is not happy with them. The same cannot be said for all fillers. It is important to seek out a doctor that has a lot of experience working with Restylane. Be sure to look through the doctor’s portfolio of other patients that have had Restylane® injections at his hands.

Because it is not required that a doctor perform this procedure, it is not uncommon for nurses or even “cosmetic technicians” to provide the treatment. Since the quality of the results depend largely on the skill of the person who injects the filler, it is a good idea to request that your procedure be performed by a doctor.

After deciding which areas will be treated, the doctor will decide how many units of Restylane® are needed to treat each of those areas. After cleaning the skin, the doctor will inject the prescribed amount of Restylane and then shape and smooth it with his hands.

Patients can leave the office immediately after the injections and return to normal activities. There may be minimal pain and some swelling that can last up to two days. Full results can be seen within a week. Side effects include headache and pain and discoloration at the site of the injections. Some patients also experience temporary muscle weakness. The results are not permanent and treatments must be repeated every four to six months in order to maintain desired results.

The cost of Restylane® injections depends on the size of the area being treated, the amount of product used and the number of treatments required. The average cost is $300-$750 per syringe of Restylane®.

For Restylane treatments in London or cosmetic dentistry in London, visit

Dr. Mark Hughes.

Most Frequently Asked Questions FAQs about Having a Facelift Posted By : Daniel Beasley

Many people, both male and female, are taking advantage of modern technology and the exponential leaps and bounds made in the field of cosmetic surgery; and they’re asking smart, pointed questions. Many see the advantages in the youthful appearance, the uplifting self-esteem, and the overall feeling of self-improvement that having a facelift brings. If Gene Simmons from the rock group KISS can have a facelift, you know you can too.

On that note, many people have questions concerning the safety of the procedure, what to expect, the healing and recovery time involved as well as the costs. Let’s address some of those frequently asked questions here.

I’m really considering having a rhytidectomy (facelift) and I’m wondering who would be considered a good candidate for this procedure. I’m well into my forties and just don’t heal like I used to.

Thank you for writing! Your question is a good, solid question that many people have. You say you’re in your forties. You’re the perfect age to have this type of cosmetic surgery. A good candidate for this procedure is between ages thirty and seventy, with no significant medical problems. Your state of mind also plays a big part in this because you need to be motivated for change. As with any surgery, there are risks, but here, the risks are minimal. Healing and health go hand-in-hand, so it’s important you be medically fit.

I just had a facelift and I look so much younger that I was actually taken for someone in their thirties yesterday. I love the new me, but I wonder – how long do the final results of a facelift last?

Hi! I am pleased as punch to hear from you. You’re right. A rhytidectomy preformed by a qualified, board certified cosmetic surgeon will do wonders for both your looks and the way you feel about yourself. Many people treat you in a more positive way too I’ll bet. In answer to your question, the results you’ve experienced from your cosmetic procedure will last a lifetime. The results you obtained from the facelift itself is dependent upon how you take care of yourself. The aging process keeps trucking right along whether or not we want it to, so at some point your face will start aging again--but not anytime soon! I know a woman in her 70’s who is constantly mistaken for someone in her 50’s--and her facelift was over 30-year ago!

What types of facelift procedures are available?

Good question! There are many types of cosmetic procedures available today with each one offering a variety of benefits for people with dissimilar cosmetic goals and needs. The range of options allows you to accomplish different objectives, which may have to do with aesthetics, cost, convenience, or a combination of all three issues.

If you are interested in a procedure such as facelift surgery or BOTOX treatment, it’s important to research each treatment. Find out which procedure and technique is right for you by speaking directly with an experienced Wilmington plastic surgeon.