Saturday, December 26, 2009

Your Holiday Party Cheat Sheet Posted By : Jason Kozma

Remember that kid in school who scored so well on tests that everyone got a little suspicious? Then one day during a big exam - BAM - the teacher pulled a cheat-sheet out of the kid's pocket. It was game over for that kid and the rest of the class was able to breathe a little easier knowing that those perfect scores weren't real.

A cheat-sheet gives you an unfair advantage - it supplies you with what you need to get ahead.

How would you like a cheat-sheet for getting through holiday parties without putting on a single pound?

What if this cheat-sheet could also help you lose a few pounds before New Year's?

You're in luck, because below I have outlined the 5 shortcuts you need to avoid gaining holiday party pounds.

Your Holiday Party Cheat-Sheet

Short Cut #1: Make sure to eat a sensible, healthy meal before the party - whole grains and high fiber fruits and vegetables. You should always arrive at parties with a full stomach. Yes, this goes against the grain, where most people starve themselves before attending a holiday event, and that's exactly why most people gain weight. Since your stomach will be full, you'll have the clarity to pick and choose the treats that you really want, rather than stuffing yourself with everything in sight.

Short Cut #2: Bring a healthy dish to share. Don't worry if the party that you're going to isn't a potluck - The host will appreciate your thoughtfulness and you'll have a healthy dining option.

Short Cut #3: Never drink calories. Do you realize how quickly calories add up when you're slurping them out of a cup? Alcoholic beverages and sweet holiday drinks are simply packed with calories. These calories don't take up much room in your stomach so you're left wide open for even more calories.

Your best strategy is to avoid these beverages altogether, and stick with water. Aim to drink 2-3 glasses of water at the party.

Short Cut #4: Fill your plate, but only once. I'm certainly not going to tell you that you shouldn't eat anything at the party. By all means, go and fill up your plate. But only once.

That's right, you heard me. No going back for seconds. Since you've already eaten a sensible meal before arriving, this rule is going to be easier to keep than you think.

Short Cut #5: Taste dessert, just a taste. The holidays are all about sweet treats, so go ahead and partake. But just a taste. Desserts should be savored in small bites, not used as something to fill up on.

And since you ate a sensible meal before you came, then you filled up your dinner plate once you're probably going to be pretty full at this point anyway.

That's it - all you need to know to not gain a single pound at holiday parties.

But what about the rest of the year?

Wouldn't you love to make 2010 the year that you transform your body?

Imagine being able to throw out all of your "fat" clothes, once and for all? To look forward to bathing suit season? To be given a clean bill of health from your doctor? And to be showered with compliments by family, friends and that special someone?

It's not just a pipe dream, it can be your reality, but you'll need to take massive action.

A great personal training program is designed to help you get into shape quickly, efficiently and most importantly - healthfully. Do it now before the New Year's rush, you'll be glad you did.

Mr. America Jason Kozma is a professional Los Angeles Personal Trainer in Southern California. Jason and his High Performance Training Team are helping residents all over Southern California lose weight and get in the best shape of their lives. Find out more by visiting his Personal Trainer Los Angeles website.

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