Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Stop Snoring - The First Crucial Steps Posted By : Dan Martin

As you no doubt already know, there are nowadays several different treatments available for dealing with snoring problems.

Of course, while some are very basic, others are extremely complex. Irrespective of whether you believe in home remedies, herbal treatments, or even the latest pharmaceutical drugs, there are several remedies out there which can help you to stop snoring.

Recommended Stop Snoring Remedy

The most frequently recommended course of action for those with a snoring problem, is for them to try and lose some weight, and also for them to adopt a different sleeping position. This is essentially because sleeping on your back is known to encourage the soft palate in your throat to relax, and this in turn can cause snoring.

Another Option - Self Training

In many cases, if you can successfully manage to train yourself to sleep on your stomach or on your side, you can eliminate your storing problem altogether. Interestingly enough, in years gone by, grandma would have suggested the tennis ball technique.

This technique involves placing a tennis ball inside a sock and then attaching the sock to the back of your pajamas with a safety pin. As you can imagine, having a tennis ball secured to your back makes it impossible for you to sleep on your back in the first place. If this was done frequently enough, you would reach a point where you wouldn't sleep on your back even if the tennis ball wasn't there.

If That Fails - Try This

Another popular home remedy involves raising the head of your bed approximately four to five inches. Of course you can do this either by putting something under the head side of the bed, or even by placing something underneath the mattress. Essentially, this is believed to work because it helps to make breathing easier, in addition to altering the position of your tongue and jaw slightly.

Now What?

As you no doubt already know, there are nowadays several different treatments available for dealing with snoring problems. Of course, while some are very basic, others are extremely complex. Irrespective of whether you believe in home remedies, herbal treatments, or even the latest pharmaceutical drugs, there are several remedies out there which can help you to stop snoring.

Do I Really Have To Stop Eating?

The most frequently recommended course of action for those with a snoring problem, is for them to try and lose some weight, and also for them to adopt a different sleeping position. This is essentially because sleeping on your back is known to encourage the soft palate in your throat to relax, and this in turn can cause snoring.

At Least Kick The Habit

Also, if you're a smoker, then I'm afraid you really do need to kick the habit. At the very least, you'll certainly need to cut down a bit. In fact you should even go as far as consciously trying to avoid secondhand smoke. It's a proven fact that the less smoke you're exposed to, the less likely you are to snore. 

Obviously however, not everyone believes in home remedies, not to mention the fact that some people have a very severe cause for their snoring. Most importantly however, is that your realize there's no such thing as a "one treatment fixes all" when it comes to snoring.

Athletes Do It

Another very popular option for those with a snoring problem are the nasal strips which one can buy. These are especially suitable for people who wish to treat themselves, or for those who have a partner with a snoring problem. Additionally, many of the manufacturers involved with related products also recommend a spray which can be applied to the back of your throat.

If none of these work for you then I'm afraid you may have a more serious problem. In fact you could have a condition known as sleep apnea, in which case you should make an appointment to go and see your doctor.

Bear in mind that sleep apnea is essentially a potentially life threatening condition, and one which you certainly shouldn't take lightly. Above all, you need to realize, and you need to believe that snoring does not necessarily have to interfere with your life, or the life of your partner, providing you're willing to put in a certain amount of effort.

Daniel's brother Greg has spent his career helping people uncover the truth. Visit Greg's latest website that explores stop snoring devices and various snoring chin straps that will make even the loudest snorer let others get a peaceful full night's sleep.

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