Thursday, December 17, 2009

How To Remove Age Spots On Hands Naturally Posted By : Dee Smith

If yo want to stay young looking be sure to remove spots on hands immediately. Your hands give away

your age faster than anything. Now you can do it

naturally and easily.

We all seem to focus on how our faces look. We look into the mirror and that's all we see. We fool ourselves into thinking we look all right by ignoring our hands. Yet when we meet someone they can't help to notice

our hands.

Much to your dismay, if you are a gym person who lifts weights, you may see veins popping out on your hands. That's pretty bad, but one can only hope to be

getting into great shape in the meantime. But add to that dryness, and the picture becomes worse than you ever imagined could happen to you.

Plus, most of us neglect to wear gloves when rinsing dishes. Often we recklessly skip using gloves for nasty

cleaning jobs around the house. Ignoring our hands takes its toll, making them look

older than the rest of us while we're still in our


By then, the sun damage you've gotten over time can begin to add up. If you're starting to notice brown spots, here is the motto you have to repeat from now until forever: remove age spots on hands.

A doctor can burn them off by various means and once they heal you may be quite satisfied. However if you go out in the sun, even just doing your average walking around without sun protection, your brown spots will return. You can try bleaching creams that are supposed to remove age spots on hands. Most of them, however, don't seem to do that good a job. They can leave you with irritation, itching and uneven splotches, no better off than before.

Your best choice wold be a chemical free whitening

cream made of natural ingredients. Instead of bleaching agents the cream you choose should contain an ingredient that can reduce the melanin content in your skin by almost half. Find a cream that contains extrapone nutgrass, my favorite ingredient that will remove age spots on hands. Not only will your hands become free of brown spots and become all one color, they will not be dry anymore.

Extrapone nutgrass is an anti irritant so the process of reducing your melanin will happen easily and painlessly. To date it is the easiest, fastest and most comfortable way to remove age spots on hands. There is an added bonus to going this route. Your cream will be loaded with minuscule sized antioxidants that will make you able to stay out in the sun without getting the spots back.

You will actually be able to get rid of sunscreen and still not get any more sun damage. Your skin will become soft and revitalized, all while you actually remove age spots on hands. Who could ask for anything more.

My cosmetology license allows me to gain access to important breakthroughs in the field of anti aging. If you want learn more about how to remove age spots on hands, please visit me at:

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