Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lawsuits Mounting in Zinc Poisoning from Denture Cream Posted By : Legal Tube Contributors

Denture Cream Video Overview

denture cream zinc poisioningLawsuits are mounting as consumers who have been using denture cream for years, or even decades, are being diagnosed with severely debilitating neurological disorders. PoliGrip lawyers have already filed several individual and class action lawsuits against the large drug corporation GlaxoSmithKline, makers of the Super PoliGrip product line. Unfortunately, users of their major competitor Fixodent, from Proctor & Gamble, are being diagnosed with painful diseases and maladies as well. Although the companies have reaffirmed that their products are safe for daily use, some believe that they may lead many people to spend the rest of their lives in constant pain, unable to walk or hold objects in their hands.

Victims of denture cream injury allege that both GlaxoSmithKline and Proctor & Gamble failed consumers in several ways by:

- Not adequately warning customers about potential risks

- Not adequately examining the dangers associated with regular use over time

- Not properly labeling products about the existence of metallic ingredients

Even though they still claim that proper use is not dangerous, both companies have responded to these accusations on their websites, and have agreed to create packaging and labeling that warns users about possible risks associated with what they call “overuse.” They claim that their lines of denture cream adhesive are only dangerous if too much paste is applied to the dentures.

The problem is that many people cannot afford to purchase dental prosthetics that fit properly. Since they have less money to spend on their teeth, they have older, worn dentures that slip or slide around in the mouth when they talk or eat. The cheapest solution to the problem is to use a thicker layer of denture adhesive. Some victims have used up to three tubes of product per week for years, thinking that it was a safe, cheap alternative to an expensive new oral corrective device.

But none of the victims thought for a moment that using their dental bonding agent would eventually lead to a painful denture cream side effect. In fact, The Food and Drug Administration doesn’t even require the companies to label their packaging to warn users that regular use may eventually cause illness.

This is especially troubling since a 2008 study published in the Journal of Neurology positively linked zinc, a major ingredient of the adhesives, to the PoliGrip nerve damage and Fixodent side effects.

Fixodent denture cream, as well as in Super PoliGrip, includes zinc as a major ingredient for two reasons. First, it is a binding agent, so it helps hold dentures in place. But it also contains odor-controlling properties, which is excellent for maintaining fresh breath for users.

The study published in the Journal of Neurology shows that zinc can seep from the paste into the gums, where it is absorbed into the blood stream. It is important to note that the human body needs zinc. However, the amount required is very small and can be obtained readily from a proper diet. This amount, when kept in proper balance, helps keep the immune system operating effectively.

But too much of anything in the body has negative effects, and regular use of the denture creams may allow too much of the metal into the body, causing zinc toxicity. Obvious symptoms include:

- Numbness in extremities, especially legs

- Tingling in extremities, especially legs

- Loss of balance

- Loss of feeling or sensation

- Unexplained pain anywhere in the body

- Decreased or shrunken walking stride

- Increased falling or stumbling

- Loss of strength in legs or feet

Over time, as the substance accumulates in the body, victims start to show signs of a zinc overdose, which includes the neurological problems listed above.

Although it can be effectively treated if caught early, zinc poisoning can be a life-long battle with pain for discomfort. The symptoms vary in severity, with some people saying it feels like they are wearing an invisible glove or sock, while others spend the rest of their lives in wheelchairs, unable to walk.

Either way, if your doctor determines that you are exhibiting the symptoms above, and that they may be the result of using denture cream, contact a lawyer immediately. You may be able to pursue a personal or class action lawsuit against the company that made your dental adhesive.

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