Saturday, October 17, 2009

3 How To Build Muscle and Social Dominance At The Same Time Posted By : Jackie Burgmann

You're probably asking yourself at this point, what the heck is social dominance and why does it have anything to do with muscle building? Well for our purposes, social dominance is defined as having the kind of physique and aura about you that makes women swoon and men shrink into the background. You have achieved a strong, classically shaped body, and have acquired the self-assurance to go along with it. That's why when you enter a room, a bar, or anywhere else you may go, heads will turn, great first impressions are created, and you have an edge that others don't in many areas. Let's look at the best ways to both build up to this kind of muscular, classic form as well as make progress in your social status.

For years people who have sought to build the best, most muscular form they could get would use standard weight lifting and bodybuilding methods. What results did they achieve? Well, if they were suited for this type of exercise, meaning their frame could support large, bulky muscles, then they often got, wait for it...large, bulky muscles! The flip side of that coin is that they soon found that the only people this was attractive to were other bodybuilding types and the people at the Big & Tall shop, as they were now unable to fit into clothes off the rack. Also, this kind of bulk was not only difficult to maintain, it required hours and hours of ongoing commitment to keep a look that really wasn't working for them anyhow.

What's more, forget any type of attraction factor. A large, grotesquely developed set of muscles isn’t exactly what women are looking for in a man. Studies show that without a doubt women are far more attracted to a man possessing the classic “V” shape, that is a set of broad shoulders tapering down to a trim waist, with a strong chest and midsection in between. This shape has been revered through the ages, and rendered by artists like Da Vinci and Michelangelo. It is based on what is known as the “Golden Ratio”, which is expressed as 1:1.618 and is used as a measurement of a mans shoulders to his waist, in relation to his height.

If you are discouraged by traditional workouts and would like to see a plan that incorporates a balanced, shape forming system to help you achieve what we've been discussing here, then you should look into a system called The Adonis Index workouts. This plan is designed to help you get that classic type of shape, and help you along the path to social dominance as well. By implementing this sane and well thought out plan you will soon find yourself sporting a new shape that will not only put you in better stead with the women, but help you in your other endeavors too!

For more cool info on this subject, check this out: Fat Burning Furnace Case Study

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