Thursday, October 8, 2009

Penis Skin Problems Posted By : Nick L. Vinson

Any disease or illness can be difficult to deal with but when the problem happens to be in an area such as penis, most people find it more embarrassing than discomforting. However, when faced with penile problems one should not think of it as any embarrassment. It’s important to keep in mind that no problem can be treated without attention and care. So let’s look at the most common penile problems.

Although medically there can be different names for these conditions, but in more general terms some of the most common penis skin problems can be pimples on penis, penis rash, penis wart and penis yeast infection.

Talking first of penis pimples, this is perhaps the single most embarrassing acne problem that any man can face. While the pain might not be excruciating, it is nearly impossible to ‘do’ anything with your penis when you have pimples on it. The good thing about penis pimples though is that like any other form of pimple or acne, their treatment is no different. It’s fairly simple and standard as for pimples in the other parts of your body.

Here are a few important things to keep in mind with penis pimples:

Excessive washing of your penis does not clean it any better than the normal once or twice a day washing, if done properly.

Strictly avoid squeezing the pimples on your penis. You can’t get rid of them like that. All you can do by squeezing the pimples is just spread the infection.

What’s important with penis pimples is to know what is causing them. More often than not, it’s something that you are eating that is causing inflammation and resulting in pimples.

Second most common penis skin problem is rashes on penis. These could be because of a lot of reasons but mostly it’s a hygiene issue. Trying to keep the penis area clean and wearing clean cloths could reduce the chances of penis rashes significantly. Trying penis enlargement exercises without proper lubrication could also lead to rash on penis. While penis rash is not a very severe problem it should still not be taken lightly. You should try to get an expert advice if you are faced with a rash on penis.

Penis yeast infection is another condition that troubles many people. The primary cause of penis yeast infection is again hygiene. Humidity is a big factor too. So you should keep the area cleaned and regularly washed and try to make sure that it gets proper air, at least while you are sleeping. Taking antibiotics is not necessarily a good idea for penis yeast infection as they merely mask the problem for sometime instead of completely curing it. Probiotics such as yogurt and cottage cheese are very effective in controlling yeast infection. Probiotics keep a check on the growth of harmful bacteria that cause yeast formation and increase body’s resistance to fight them.

Penis warts are another common skin problem but the reasons for these aren’t exactly known. While there are a lot of ways to get rid of penis warts the problem with these is that they are kind of recurring in nature which means there are chances of them popping back again. Electrocautery, cryotherapy, excision and laser surgery are few effective ways to get rid of warts on penis.

Information in this article was compiled by researching various different resources. This article was researched, compiled, written and edited by Nick L. Vinson. Please do not use this article without giving credit to the Author. Nick L. Vinson is the owner of which is a true personal review site of Penis Advantage, the penis enlargement program.

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