Sunday, October 25, 2009

TMJ Ear Pain - What Can You Do? Posted By : Thomas Baker

Shooting pains in the jaw and ear are horrible to live with day in and day out. TMJ ear pain is very common and is most cases very poorly treated. Most of the time your dentist or therapist will blame stress and give you some sort of mouth guard or drug to help your muscles relax and prevent teeth grinding while you sleep. But this won’t work…

So What Fixes TMJ Ear Pain?

It’s not a TMJ mouth guard, it’s not muscles relaxants or pain relief drugs and it’s definitely not TMJ surgery. So what have the dentists and doctors been missing?

TMJ exercises. They are not very well known to the greater medical community, but users have been shocked by the results, some being completely symptom free of TMJ within only 3 days of doing the exercises.

Why Aren’t Doctors and Dentists Recommending These Exercises?

Simply put, a lot of them don’t know about the exercises, but those that do won’t benefit financially from them. Dentists make a huge amount of money by ordering mouth guards for patients and then raising the price up a few hundred dollars and fitting them for the patient. 30% of the population have some TMJ symptoms, this is a huge source of revenue for dentists and therapists alike.

TMJ exercises have and will continue to work very well for TMj ear pain, but they can lose their effectiveness is you let your symptoms go too far. Starting these exercises as soon as possible gives you the best chance to rid yourself completely of TMj symptoms and start living a pain free life.

You can try out the TMJ treatment that relieves TMJ ear pain and start using the exercises below to improve your TMJ.

Click here to start using the exercises: TMJ Treatment Exercises

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