Saturday, October 10, 2009

Care for aging skin: have you been fed with untrue information? Posted By : R Kalpana

How do you care for aging skin? What is it about beautiful skin that makes heads turn? I am sure, like me, you are in awe with people who don't seem to age with passing time.

I would love to get hold of a simple and easy to use magical recipe to have an everlasting skin that is youthful and beautiful. Alas! There is no such recipe. But definitely there are ways to care for aging skin and slow down the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, thinning and drying of skin that appear with time.

I have done a lot of research and realized that care for the aging skin needs to start early, like with everything, prevention is the mantra. So, Why does skin age? Can we fight nature? Where do we start? How do we effectively care for the aging skin? The answer lies in understanding our skin and reasons for signs of aging of the skin.

There are basically two reasons for the signs of aging:

1. Natural (genetic)

2. External.

Natural aging is a continuous process and begins at 20. Aging is noted by decrease in volume and elasticity of skin. There is also decrease in blood flow and production of collagen. Moreover, new ones do not so easily replace the dead cells. The external factors that lead to the signs of aging are pollution, harmful chemicals, UV rays, stress etc.

How do we combat and care for the aging skin? What comes naturally to mind is:

1. Eat healthy - lot of fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts.

2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water, which keeps the cells hydrated, everyday.

3. Exercise - increases the blood supply to the skin bringing with it oxygen and nutrients. Also, it takes away the waste keeping skin cells healthy.

4. Adequate sleep - This is when maximum work is done to replace the dead cells in the skin.

In order to care for the aging skin and prevent the effects of external factors, we need to use a good natural skincare and anti-aging product. The product should help fight the ill effects of pollution, UV rays and harmful chemicals without side effects.

This is where the cosmetic industry has a leading edge. But then, how did I select from the vast ocean of products that claim fantastic results in a few days? This definitely was a tough job. Initially, I picked products randomly based on the brand and their packaging. My skin became worse instead of getting better.

I learnt my lesson the hard way. Now I stick to products, which contain ingredients, which are close to nature. These products offer best skin care without harmful side effects. After all the money, time and effort spent, I would advice you to go for Anti aging skin care products that have main ingredients like CynergyTK, Coenzyme Q10, Phytessence wakame etc.

These natural products present in the skin care creme are easily absorbed by the skin and hence have a long lasting effect. Moreover, these ingredients are known to increase the collagen production and elasticity of the skin.

Believe me. Once you start to apply this knowledge you are going to find some phenomenal results, which will help to return the glow in your skin and effectively care for the aging skin.

Kalpana is an educator by profession and she is also experienced in homeopathy and natural remedies. She strongly advocates Natural Skincare and beauty products to protect your skin, avoid harmful reactions and enhance youthful looks. To get more tips and info on natural skin care products, please visit her website at ==>

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