Friday, October 23, 2009

Head Sweating - How to Cure Excessive Head Sweating Without Medicine Posted By : John Barn

Do you want to cure excessive head sweating naturally? With these guidelines, you can stop sweating without ever having to buy or use medicine.

Stop Annoying Head Sweat With Sage

Sage is a very powerful solution that has been proven to help decrease excessive head sweating. Brew 1 tablespoon of sage leaves or stir 1 teaspoon of sage powder into a cup of boiling water. If you do not like the taste of sage alone, you may add a twist of lemon to liven things up. Although sage is a good natural remedy to stop your head sweat, you may want to be cautious when choosing to brew sage leaves. If you over brew sage leaves, not only will they be ineffective, but also toxic. So use discretion when brewing with sage leaves.

Use Wheat Grass To Stop Excessive Head Sweating

Wheat grass is another powerful natural remedy that is aimed at decreasing your overall sweating. Wheat grass is perfect for helping your head sweat because it is loaded with vitamin B. This mineral is crucial if you want to stop sweating, so drink 1-2 glasses of wheat grass daily if you want to change your life. After one week of drinking wheat grass, you should notice a decrease in sweat.

Eat Charcoal And Watch Your Head Sweat Disappear

Although it might seem really bizarre that charcoal can cure your head sweat, but it is actually one of the most effective natural remedies. If you can get pass the taste, eat charcoal on an empty stomach every morning. Maintain the same dosage for a week and within the first couple of days (if you are lucky) you will notice a decrease in sweat.

If you want to stop and cure your excessive head sweating, these 3 natural solutions should be a spring board towards your journey to live a sweat free life. However, if you are desperate to cure your excessive head sweat, I suggest you get a stop sweating guide. A stop sweating guide will walk you through a full list of all natural remedies to quickly and easily cure your head sweating forever. Besides just guiding you through a complete list of natural remedies, it will also teach you how to properly use these natural treatments to guarantee that you stop excessive head sweating.

So if you desperately want put an end to your excessive head sweat, the best option is to get a stop sweating guide . Do not live another day with this burden. Get the full list of natural remedies and permanently cure excessive head sweating today today.

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