Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Are You Using Creams that Contain Pure Collagen? Make Sure You Read This Posted By : R Kalpana

It is common knowledge that collagen protein plays a very important role in keeping your skin young and healthy. This is the reason why you can find a number of collagen based skin care products on the market today. Unfortunately, none of these products can do your skin any good.

That came as quite a shocker, didn't it? Sadly, it is the truth. There is a simple reason why any product which contains 'pure collagen' will not be able to improve your skin condition - your skin is simply not capable of absorbing collagen from such creams and lotions.

The fact that the human skin is not capable of absorbing collagen and elastin from any artificial source is something that has been well documented by a number of clinical studies. Skin care experts around the world say that the human skin need not absorb collagen protein from any source, since it is capable of producing it on its own. However, since a lot of people are not aware of this fact, skin care companies around the world continue to mint money by selling collagen based products which are ineffective to say the least.

What you need to understand is very simple - your skin cannot absorb natural proteins like collagen from any source. It can produce them on its own. So, when your skin is not able to produce enough proteins, you can make it do so by stimulating it, not by applying a product that contains ultra pure collagen. This is where natural skin care products can help you.

There are a number of highly powerful natural substances which can increase the production of collagen and elastin in your skin by stimulating your skin cells effectively. Some of the names that immediately come to my mind include cynergy TK, phytessence wakame, nano-lipobelle H EQ10, and natural vitamin E.

The important thing you need to remember is that these substances, unlike collagen based creams and lotions, do not contain collagen protein. They stimulate your skin cells to produce it. So, you are bound to get good results when you use a good anti aging cream which contains these substances in the right proportions.

The way I see it, you have two choices - you can either use creams and lotions that contain pure collagen and continue to waste your money and time or you can use good anti aging creams that can boost collagen production and make your skin younger. It really does not get any simpler. Make the right decision today and put an end to all your skin problems.

If you're looking for pure collagen products that you can trust, check out Kalpana's website, http://www.naturalbeautyandskincare.com and see how it can change your perception about skin care products.

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