Saturday, October 10, 2009

What Is The London hypnosis? Posted By : John Cvetkovic

The word London hypnosis refers to both a state of mind, techniques that allow the arrival caused this condition, and all the London hypnotherapy techniques that are used with a patient in a state of London hypnosis.

It is an unfortunate tendency to confuse these three meanings. Here we only talk about the first meaning, the state of our mind.

A state of mind

London hypnosis is a state of mind, just as sleep, but different from it. It is therefore a natural phenomenon. This condition can be detected by medical imaging. It is a state in which we find ourselves regularly several times a day at a pace of 90 to 120 min. In this state our brains and minds work differently from the waking state and this allows us to do things impossible to do otherwise. When in this state, we say that we are in a trance or a hypnotic trance.

We sometimes spontaneously enter the hypnotic trance when we watch an interesting movie, when we go jogging, or when we drive on the highway, for example. The hypnotic trance is something completely natural and we know all without knowing anything.

What is NOT London hypnosis

London hypnosis is not sleep. In the light trance used in London hypnotherapy, the subject remains conscious, he hears everything, he understands everything. Even in states deeper than that, the consciousness seems to be there, the unconscious mind is still active, he hears and understands what the therapist says and he can answer and he cannot sleep .

London hypnosis is not relaxation. While the hypnotic state is generally perceived as very pleasant by the one who experiences it is quite possible to enter a trance standing, eyes open, the dentist, or suffering from persistent pain. There is no need to be relaxed or relaxed to enter the trance state, there is nothing common between relaxation and London hypnosis.

The depth of trance

You may consider that there are different levels of "depth" of trance, which can be seen as below:

The light trance in which we remain fully aware of everything that happens. This level of trance is most often used in London hypnotherapy. It is considered that 100% of normal people can enter a light trance.

The medium trance is the one in which our consciousness oscillates between being present and not being there.

The deep trance is where we seem to sleep, but sleep is different. It is considered that about 75% of people can enter a deep trance sometimes after a long apprenticeship.

state.The depth of trance has no significance for therapy. Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to go into deep trance for satisfactory therapeutic work.

Mainly, the trance is experienced as a pleasant moment, a moment of relaxation and rest, and out of trance one feels like after a nap, but it is not obligatory and sometimes the meetings can be stressful and tiring. In general, leaving trance, we need a few minutes to completely return to normal waking

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