Thursday, October 22, 2009

Important Information On Bed Wetting Children Adults Posted By : Ingrid Preube

Bed wetting, also known as primary nocturnal enuresis, is a childhood disorder that typically affects somewhere around a third of all children over the age of 5. There are many things that may cause bed wetting, but many doctors believe deep sleep cycles and underdeveloped bladders are typically to blame. Because of these two explanations, it is possible for a parent to take steps to help their child overcome bed wetting. There are many behavioral tactics used by parents to help bedwetting.

The most important thing for a parent to remember when training a child out of Bed Wetting is that the child is not to be yelled at or blamed for their bed wetting. While you may be frustrated or angry, the child is not in control of this situation. When bed wetting occurs, they are asleep. If you take your anger or frustration out on the child, you will actually be slowing the process of their recovery, as stressed children are much harder to behaviorally change.

The front line tool for combating bed wetting is through an alarm that hooks onto your child's clothing. The alarm activates when it detects moisture. When the bed wetting sounds, it will awaken your child and break the deep sleep cycle responsible for not letting the child wake up at the signal from the bladder. Many alarms will come with a wireless receiver that goes into the parent's room. This allows the parents to wake up and help their child recover from wetting the bed just as it occurs. Doing this can help prevent discomfort and complications such as infections.

Depending on the severity of the bed wetting, your doctor may choose to prescribe medications to help with the problem. However, it is important to know that while the medications can mask the symptoms, they do nothing to help the problem. While medication can ease the process, you will still need to use the methods and training of better nightly habits to properly correct the problem.

Bed wetting is considered to be problematic for girls over the age of four, and for boys over the age of five. While there are fluctuations in how quickly children outgrow bed wetting, adults and teenagers should never be wetting the bed. If a teenager or adult is wetting the bed, a doctor should be consulted immediately as this is a symptom of a more severe problem that primary nocturnal enuresis.

Ingrid Preube

Bedwetting is a serious problem, Ingrid Preube has provided a detailed informative article about

Bed Wetting
. Find all the reasons, necessary precautions and helpful tricks to fix this problem.

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