Thursday, October 8, 2009

How to Get Rid of Penis Warts? Posted By : Nick L. Vinson

While any and all medical conditions are different to deal with, when the problem happens to be such that you even find it awkward to discuss it with people then that definitely adds to the difficulty of the situation. Most genital problems can be embarrassing and when you have penis warts, embarrassment sounds an understatement. Just think of a time when you are out having fun with somebody who you’ve really liked for quite some time. Now how would you feel if that person saw your warts on penis? Could there be a bigger confidence breaker? I guess not.

Another problem with penis warts that makes them a subject of little more excruciation (physical and otherwise) is the fact that these are not the most common penile problems and you don’t find people generally discussing penis warts.

Warts on penis can be eliminated but, unfortunately, these are recurring in nature and can come back any time after they are treated.

The first most effective way of eliminating penis warts is by applying topical treatment on them. By doing this a penis wart is burnt off. As most people are reluctant to discuss in open that they have warts on penis, the biggest advantage of burning a penis wart like this is that it does not require any outside assistance.

Keep in mind though that this is only effective on warts around external area; when dealing with penis warts on internal area, you should strictly seek an expert’s opinion. A possible drawback of topical treatment is that since it is essentially done through chemicals, your skin might be allergic to it.

If you couldn’t get topical treatment or it didn’t help for any reason, a penis wart can always be surgically removed. There are different methods in surgical treatment of penis warts.

• Electrocautery: In this method electric current is passed through the wart to burn it.

• Cryotherapy: Warts on penis would be frozen using chemicals (primarily liquid nitrogen) in every two weeks so as to cause a blister. As the skin around the penis wart area heals and sloughs new skin is formed and the wart is removed.

• Excision: This is just like any common surgery where you would be anesthetized and the wart would be cut instrumentally.

• Laser Surgery: The procedure is similar to excision, but laser surgery is generally preferred if the penis wart is on an extremely sensitive area. This is a completely painless solution and is naturally rather expensive.

Information in this article was compiled by researching various different resources. This article was researched, compiled, written and edited by Nick L. Vinson. Please do not use this article without giving credit to the Author. Nick L. Vinson is the owner of which is a true personal review site of Penis Advantage, the penis enlargement program.

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