Saturday, October 10, 2009

Does the Anti Aging Cream You Use Contain the Most Potent Natural Collagen Stimulant? Posted By : R Kalpana

Contrary to what most people think, a sudden collagen increase with the help of pills or injections is not the best way to make your skin look younger. While it might give you immediate results, the effect will last only for a short period of time.

If you are serious about fighting skin aging, you should look for skin care products which can increase the amount of collagen in your skin naturally.

Using a good anti aging cream which contains a natural collagen stimulant is a much better option than going for a quick fix like collagen shots for three very important reasons.

1. Collagen shots are expensive. Particularly, if you are planning to get these shots regularly, you will be spending a lot of money eventually. Anti aging creams, on the other hand, is a cost effective option. A good anti aging cream, which you can use for a month or two, will cost you somewhere around $50.

2. The sudden collagen increase caused by a collagen shot hardly lasts for a few weeks. After that, you need to get another shot. After that, another one. This cycle will go on and on. Anti aging creams, conversely, boost collagen production in your skin naturally and gradually and keep your skin young for a long time.

3. There are some side effects involved with collagen shots. They include redness, bruising, lumpiness, skin peeling, and scarring. On the contrary, if you choose to use a good organic anti aging cream, there are no risks of side effects at all. So, irrespective of your skin type, you can use organic skin care creams. The same cannot be said about collagen shots.

Now that you understand that collagen shots or pills are not the answer for skin aging, let me tell you about a natural collagen stimulant which can increase the amount of collagen and elastin in your skin naturally without any side effects whatsoever.

The substance I am talking about is cynergy TK. It is a name that you might not have come across often, as it is very rare and can be found only in a handful of skin care products. It contains functional keratin - a natural substance which is structurally similar to the skin protein found in the human body.

Cynergy TK can do a world of good for your skin - it rejuvenates your skin cells, promotes new cell growth, stimulates your skin cells to produce more collagen and elastin, makes your skin brighter, fights the free radicals which damage your skin cells, reduces redness, inflammation, and other problems usually associated with sensitive skin, and removes wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots effectively. Now, can you name any other collagen stimulant - natural or artificial - which can do all these things?

Since cynergy TK is completely natural, there is no need to worry about allergic reactions or any other side effects for that matter. Moreover, what separates it from other skin care substances is that it does not give a sudden collagen increase. Instead, it induces your skin cells to produce more collagen and elastin naturally - the results of which can be seen on your skin in a few months. If you continue to use it, your skin will remain young, firm, and soft for a long time.

Apart from a powerful natural collagen stimulant like cynergy TK, you can look for natural anti aging substances like wakame, coenzyme Q10, and active manuka honey in anti aging creams. All these substances are very effective at treating and preventing the common signs of aging skin.

A skin care cream which contains all these substances in the right proportions would be an ideal choice for anyone who is looking for a safe and effective way to get younger, healthier skin.

If you're looking for natural collagen stimulant that you can trust, check out Kalpana's website, and see how it can change your perception about skin care products.

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